Albuquerque Journal from Albuquerque, New Mexico (2024)

THE ENTERTAINER ZFor complete TV listings see the Saturday. July 31 Entertainer. Television Albuquerque Journal tit*lwi, August 3, 1999 B4 1 1 1 i I jV -Ta KJL if 'AM 7H I f(IKI TT 'I tT WitT Mli 2 12 2 2 12 MagicBua Magic Bus jpoug 98154 BoHWw BoyWortd (sister, Sis Downy Marie (W) 14feap iSyaood jetatWoa Rangers jfaaojeaan jSydu Man 5 4 4 4 Today 48043 Howie Mendel (R) 33870 Lean (R) 50883 Days of Our Lives 4731 9 Passions 30628 Saaaaet Beat 1608 Jenny Jones 5E131 facM Lake 4777 Mowe 6 5 5 5 Sesame St Barney Arthur 3251 2jTtHubbte Swwt Street 34680 Barney Zoboometoo Readmg OmW ai Day Chart Bo 56680 Itartteanq, jMarfceSna fttglon TlaaiawB Qeaae as SMMy fwj6one 7-7 7 7 7 Good Homing America 44488 Beg KathleLee 36048 Maury 83135 AJ My CWdrcw 94929 Ne 58048 Owe Lite to Uve 67796 General Hospital 41661 Montel WaTaaina 6306 fQpraa 1 111111 11 LJanfctns HeeltrgYou The 700 Oub 75512 God Answers Prayer 40338 A Healthier Yon 696533 tauteiw Quack StadyjjL Booaoa Go fcmul Prayer 12393 Just Pd jn Beijwsaj Jsanss irf 13 13 13 13 13 (3 This Morning (6) 78845 Say Jessy Raphael 991 16 Martha Stenart LMog A the WorW ITurws 544QsThe Price te Bight 67970 In 91628 TwtBohi VoanrjTkiana 307a Guatkno Ugnt 32796 ftaitaniM STwWeggsJtoayawd I 14 4 14 Paid Prog Ufa Today Paid Prog. IPatdProg. Local Programming Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. Bg Vetey Ownu. The Return Qunva. nTedfcaaeWaaaan Hog Fan, loeve Wortd UeGoesi 1910 12 (3 Tiny Toon Hlstertat Pofcemon BoboCop Mamas FamJPeid Prog. Mattock: The Divorce The People's Court Hal House stepStep PiadProg.

tPaadProg. TkeMask Sonac PMry Aiinniici BjOSmcct 23 2 12 6) Crerto Dollar Jonn Haoee Rod Paraley M. Htdcey Copeland Joyce Meyer WtogsEagjeslBgoice GAWGLUe Casey Treat XFtobaoa Benny Haw The 700 Club 50609 JownHagee Boa Parsley Praise tie Lord 673999 22 32 10 63 J.Robison Benny Hinn The 700 Oub 475319 Evangel Ufa Lessons LesFekScfc Worosong Tenallope Joyce Meyer Deeper Ue FroaiWcfpry FawAve ftnrtw.Goa GrVr Grace To Bead Cage OobieGJas MQVtE 15 I 24 iOespterta America! (6) 589135 Maite 54048 Trevesures del Corszon Luz Maria 85357 Paia da tea Muytrea Una Lmea et Caww GowtoFMc Btabnao Cmowa 83664 Pi -i Map. 12 3 50 12 44 ED Jumanjl Mummies Dragon Outdoors Forgive or Forget 41574 Paid Prog. Hogan Hero Cosby Showjiatartywed Dating Mate Gone I Love Lacy fTc Nanny Jerry Springer ffg 47609 SatyJeaay Raphael 7C39C Le House 53 52 8 PtstasBhi Jumanjl DrmoonBaM Casadot Con Tooo al AJma 57884S Aqwnarina 27970 MOVfe Pueblo daMaUrtoa (1992.

Soangri) 743222 Seacac2S9S1 ByBai98370 AaalTaauaa 92574 iOcanioAsi 45 31 27 27 291UC ft Order 803777 Murder, She Wrote 510680 Simon ft Simon 816241 Worthera Exposure 107970Quircy. MX. 183390 The Equalizer 982883 Qutncy, ME. 981154 42 33 36 20 21 Mi MOVIE: The Abominable Dr. PNbes (8:15) 76501512 (1947, Western) 540661 MOVE: Tha McConnel STory ('SPSS Boyacryl S372Z? MO VIE: Angel and the MOVIE: Nanny (6:35) The Eqaafaar 172319 fthufcr.

Se Wroie The FoaartaWJ p939 AJerj-t 863999 MaOWE Maraatlrrap 85421 fTheEdge Shoawa Ouiuiirwrfl'lgde PoWcs 3999 fWoridVleuj 31 49 14 17 Power Lunch 548203 Seet Signs 535864 Squawt Bo (5) 3362 jMarfcet Watch 545241 9 45 18 30 30 3S rrakBack Uwa 743796 CNN ft Co. Newsday BujuaiPtooliCNN Today 470951 Morrong Newt 504883 59 19 SS Kteia Mnaujy MOWE 1 MOVIE: LoaaT (1982. Comedy) (R) 13154 Soap 79222 fTheCriot Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

Paid Prog. StemMoney Dairy Show DaaySbow VS.S6767 Saaaway Lwe jKjds Ha PBftJ Otter Out otBoa iBearrHouae 37 30 12 18 20 (Si lOuloCBoa PBftJ Otter OK the Wall Pumbaa Winnie Pooh Aladdin Dinosaurs Goof Troop tMadeawa KaaeOrtaat Uiwaaaa (GootToop jPaadaaaj lGrealOujHGrOMiGaMSe7i3 Yoiar House 34 36 14 15 28 (ES Interior Motives 898845 198222 Interior 818609 Start Finish 997715 'Lyrwttc atenoing Design jLyfaElte Jearangs Desigii 8 25 25 33 11 I Tertr du MaurjefCycw.F-arty Rounds 6941 16 Beadi Hochey 565970 Got: CVS Charity SportsCenter(R) 256845 SportsCen1er(R) 643357 Oasaac Day Tap 83685 rUpOoaa) SportaCenter (R) 330406 SportsCenter(R)331135 IhFL Vearbli NR. Tearb rPtaTirS ESPMEWS UHauaaaa 51 tm Gotta Crunch Beach Hockey (R) 76501 351 Auto Racing 7060715 BodyShapingi Ftei Appeal Gotta Sweat BotrfShapinn Flei Appeal Training Denaaa Kras AJaea soace SooKLfc ajj Ptothuauc 35 41 15 17 24 IRS IC8N Edrtion rnte 700 Oub 115311 Ghostbusters The Mask Jerry3 Ptno Babies The WicesPwvhOMse Bofaby Worttf, Joyce MeyerChildren Donkey ft I 52 24 (fU IPicltct Fences 4783680 MASH MASH MASH Fox Sports News 65670861 DcveilyHMts, 90210 MOVtE: Terror Traaa (196a Honor) (R? 8699113 Dawiity HBht, 90210 iWA-Stt WA-Stt yCfPDBhje SalaaLDheoyAaor 6964951 24 30 39 Salsa ECO Noticias 451 8947 ECO Notteias 5968488 jPapa Soaieroj (Chapulin ECO Depor. Humphrey Sofs Home Shopping Mttwoik. En Cspanol 9689951 44 35 41 (KC Stories Icriaaes haaaacaa at War 55101 S4 jltqrtajif FBI: Stories ICrtmes IChHi War Journal 4706972 FBt Tha Real West 3863654 CWil War Journal 241 31 1 3 20th Century Weapons at War 2132338 fyt rUafW fWSWOHf 48 32 28 35 27 (2) 610721 Portraa 392CS3 MOVIE: Between Two Women (1986.

Drama) 97431 1 Katie Brown New Attftude Party ot Ftva 744048 Chicago Hope 710628 Eaea 587067 Btea2l224t rxwgwauj Dnijaiia fcoMea Girts Oaria 572135 Road Bute Road Bates BfcaaaCaaaBTHL7gT79 61 57 35 25 33 iKl Hot Zona 91 5393 Suae 378406 Isle of MTV News Link (New Music Dawn Patrol 905222 MTV Jams Countdown fGtobal GrWFAJeahc 36 38 26 36 19 (S Blue's CJueslu*tUa iFrankHn ftaVwUbl Rocko's (Btues Clues: (GuaahlsL Scarry Chtie BrownRugrats lqPPer Teacher R. Scarry 29 49 (EEC! MOVIE: The Famiiy Way (6:50) (1966) 19860999 MOVIE: Empire of the Sun (8:50) (1987. Adventure) (PG) 58426680 M0VTE: The Appiaialcaatay ot Daddy Kraritt 5128319 Goad (135) (1974. Aaont (PG) 2C237154 Oil ShadowsD1i ShaoowsTwt Zone Beyond- Lost in Space 9233609 jSghflngs 2008970 mOVSE; Carver's Gate H99R Soence jaaaO 58 40 -l DSV 2374767 Wonder Woman 2752222 Forever Knight 2753951 33 22 22 6 23 QB) 450609 Little House on the Prairie Little House on the Prairie FSMLiahnSW'S FSrfaVflaai HOaafaatfr PSai AjHtyGrtftrmAndyGrifrrihMBodcThefa MOVC: My Gal 2 (1994 Drama) (PG) 731036 4314 MOVIE: The Hardys Rkte Ugh 5021672 MOVa: Touwg Toaa Edaon MOVIE: Summer Holiday (1948. Musical) 7034390 MOVIE: High Barbaree (1947, Drama) 7668154 MOVSE: Uv Finds Andy Hardy (T938? 644306 hluaatSaaWi 39 34 OB) I Reunion iBaby Story Pappytand Swnnamarinii Wedrjng sceofUe Baby Story Bingo, MoHyUghthouse Big Garage Jet Plana Saaay 1 46 55 31 22 15 OK ThaWaAons tHome StaivAofWoPHR AHce I Real McCoys rCrook ft Chase Dallas (Part lot 2) AJeene's tative Living Country Hits Woman I 1 10 42 29 26 25 (Mi MOVE: Trespass (1992.

Acaon) iFt) 447203 MOVIE: The Client (1 994, Suspense) (PG-13) 31 1 1 54 MOVIE: The Sugartand Express (1974) (PG) 687609 Kuwg Far Tha Ljgend 38 29 (m laboratory jOataajai jCartocai jShajald Dogs Acme Hour 3688777 Cartoon-a-Doodie-Doo Ctwpmuiiks CapL Planet Chtpmunks Scooby Poo 41 37 QS The Petticoat Petticoat Jeenme Rhoda Rhoda Maude 7139135 toaO to Glory 5506067 The Brorn Zoo 5515715 LA. Heal 66.661 jai SV Hentof thelai jOueSowm raMiluaci TtieJesomscooby Dooaovte jAowaHoMrl Caati ana, i 765506 A1 rana Fanwy BaywaScti ysrt 2 ot 2 SaaejaYPrii ftJSAHIgit aeacaaeS) WLtiitu bandfTMO BaaadflaiO fBtoaaaaa IFatllBain I 50 39 33 28 9 SM Truth Boston 441951 Wings. MOWE: True Crime (1996. Suspense) (R) 739628 Fokwoi tliy Soniettilng NedStacey Wot king Wings 25 28 40 37(1 Animaniacs Matlock 967357 947593 478112 Coach fCoach Bat Super BaV Super Andy Griffith Pinky Andy Griffith i 21 15 40 3 iM REAL Sports Gumbel uttle Lulu Babar 811661 MOVIE: KM Cop (1996, Drama) (G) 3630628 MOVE: Cruarman ot toe Board (1045) MOVaE: Whae Waaer Swnaner 588796 MOVfe T1Pwuat Bu of (TO3gCg6 MOVSE: Baddy gXXSO 3 19 37 21 22 JjSi MOVIE (6) mOVIE: Legend of HeM House 5889951 MOVIE: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (9:10) MOVC: Steel (1997) (PG-13) 561066 MOVIE: Cousaa Bette (1235) (1996? fR) 3034225 jalOVsE: rVesaprai p996 H) 911262 MOVsE I 96 20 38 10 18 (SC MOVIE: All About Harry ft Son (815) (1984, Drama) (PG) 3348208 MOVIE: Miracle of Morgan's Creek (10:15) 69767319 MOVE: Tha Htaventy Kid (1965) 434796 taX)VS: The Last Hoaae Raw 9S60680 SC735 93 SK MOVIE: Kayta (6:50) (1998) 62610609 MOVIE: Under the Lighthouse Dancing MOVE: Beetlejuace (1010) (1968. Comedy) (PG) 73657947 MOVafc 'Taght, Mother (11 45) 83542947taTJVS: Mafaunal Ijanpooa's (135) MOunderlJuhBnw Dwcing '3iEr 95 23 QgjMOVIE MOVIE: Wishbone's Dog Days (7 20) MOVIE: Phantom Town (1997) 5496628 mOVE: Fwpping (1035) (1996) (FT) 52260406 mOVE: Qui UiMu (1Z20) 34266680 jlaOVE: ftws Wal Be Boys it 'III 2 12 2 2 12 iLove Cuna.

rfid.Fam. 12 Woodstock "99 37932 Earth: Final Contact 9574 )LAPP Stfnpsoos Home Imp. Friends 32 rHMrt was tn Seinfeld 80 LtustShoot 3rd Rock Uust Shoot WM ft Grace 4 5 4 4 4 Rosie NBC NBC 7970 News 9241 28 Tonight Show Laae NgK Conan OTA iea 5 6 5 5 5 Zoom 9357 Arthur 1241 Business NewsHour With Jim Lehrer Black Adder IChartae Rose 50338 Nova 78947 88203 OBI David Attenbovough 7 7 7 7 7 News 3609 lABC News News 5390 IET Dharma fSports NghfYPO BtuefR) 13999 ET Oprah Spin City The View 5) 778933 4 11 ii ii a ProfPraise Amer. Times Has Pace lThe Lesson The 700 Club (R) 1406 God Answers Prayer 35135Berew Hhaa Bobison Something Good Tonight rOub7n Benny Hinn Cope 46636 27655 13 13 13 13 13 (DlNews1777 CBS News US Hours 62203 News 5357 Wheel 82067 Lake Show WH JAG(R) 73319 Jeopardy! MtWm Craig 14 4 14 (D Lite Goes Sweep ShopDrop Highway to Heaven Touched by an Angel Touched by an Angel Diagnosis Murder Father Dowang Mysteries Paid Prog. reaclty: Docuventaiy (R) IStM Trefc Weit Gencittonja Stooges 3 Stooges Stooges 19 10 12 Full House Fresh Prlncw Bat Super Star Trek: Next GenerationBurfy the Vampire Slaver hn People Court (W) PanJProg.

jPantProg. 23 2 12 ffl Praise Lord Monument of Faith 33222 Behind Prarse the Lord 305390 Seven VideolCm njun VicSary Cqweach 399S36 John Hagee 971 883 22 9 32 10 9 Suecliuiw MOVIE: Tulsa (4) (1949, Action) 55067 i i esuwBiMU fonn nagee R.g Hardy rictory 6471 sj Max! Faah Steps to UejFaah Aive brjyce MeyerlTaaiMiopa fivangeT O-l Wordsong 15 8 8 24 CD NotkUcro Predosa 27357 CamHa 20883 Primer Imp: Noticieio 66222 1- a mm nwtttm afftpsCaty piocswiwiii'wOsciero Angela 87113 I (R) 760100 12 3 50 12 44 fS Uttte House NewsRarJo NewsRadk) MASH MASH Moesha(R) Oueiess (R) Macoaii Dclnuji cops 95609 jCops 26628 Jerry Springer 16680 Hard Copy Real TV (R) TV (R) Paid Prog. ffl 53 52 OcurrioAsi Amerfcs TeteNotJciasMira, T.V.O. Comprado MOVTE: Look Who's Tafcinq (1989) (PG-13) 39715 Tres Vecea Softa 35777 Otaarrio AM (R) 738311 45 31 27 27 29 LUJ Simon Law ft Order 967721 Biography 103154 Irrvestigatrve Reports oty CorrBdenrial 493154 Lew ft Order 473390 Sography 483777 twaMagatlaa Beports CConadenaal 426075 Law ft Order 677013 42 33 36 20 21 (BCi MOVIE: Walt Until Dark (4) (1967) 497845 Heaven and HeW: Bible MOVIE: The Bible (1966. Drama) 565883 MOVE: Wat UnM Dark (1967.

Suspense) (PG) 100932 IhawwawdlwJbrMae MOVE: TlaeBaae 793029 I 31 49 14 17 (ED Business Center 554512 Upfront Hardball Chris Matthews Rivera Live 866086 News WUh Brian Wttliams Hardbaa Otris afattlicws Rivera Live 865357 News Wah Brian wTBanaa Bwaaw-sa Uwont Paid Prog. Paid Prog. I 9 45 18 30 30 dB MoneyHne News Hour Crossfire CNN Late Edition 723932 Larry King Live 563654 Tha World Today 268262 Sports Moneyrie Larry King Live 913195 ChWLata. Edhioa 4408 Sports Moneytane paawtoat Croaatwa 59 19 (BS MOVIE: Young Einstein (4) (1988) 86390 VS. 40086 Gallagher Saturday NigWUve 15951 Dairy Show stew FVp ConacsjConiedy Dafy Show Steaa aloneypiaa lij laLnw 762568; 37 30 12 18' 20 (Bi Aladdin Going Wildl Ready Not Growing Forward Growing Brotherty Cleopatra in Concert MOVE: Beetleyace (1988) (PG) 5525357 1 MOVE: Stnl ItotOune Huaaan (104(7) Muaac Video Zornjfg7297wa Disney Present 34 36 14 15 28(Ki'Fbi-ttLlne jlncredible Journeys 262393The Real LAPP 118086 Detectives: Science The FBI Fees 408066 The Real LAPP 488222 Detectives: Science The FBI Fses 899574 aaw.Tnr JUaiaiys43i907MIwr.

Paid prog. 8 25 25 33 11 SportsCenter 536116 Bodybuilding 314661 Road Rash" BiHiards 831390 Datba Tonight 857338 SportsCaraer 837574 Bawbal sOGreaaat SportsCeraer 257574 SportaCenter 986487 jGoff Pq856891 SI Auto Racing RPM2Nlght NFL2Nlgrrt NFLYearb'k NFLYearb'k NFL Yearb'kjNFL YearbTr, NtYearbTi Skating Road Rash in Concert NFL2twght Saorg Beach Hockey 7671628 Soccer Drag Racing (R) 1618891 iRPil aftghtj 35 41 15 17 24 co*ckroares Camp Candy Jerry ft 3 Was Alien Add.Fant Partridge Partridge Show Me Show Me Lite, CameraLae, Cameri MOVE: Dareroas Waters (1999. Susperce) 2845 ShowMe STMe 52 24 (B) NYPD Blue Lhring Color Living Color" Beverty Beverty Hilts, 90210 irASH hrASTI WYPP 1375512 phe X-Faes 1385999 DtcWPaMta FoodFaaaT Thai Show 641094 The H-Faes 2127094 1 24 30 39 SB Salud Alguna Vez Temfremos Maria Mercedes 4713222 Muerte a Catabozo Bands Max 5493319 LaTocada 412525 Oscaraa Peto Cncewdadoa Juntos ECO Depor. EatKfJNoaxMro 44 35 41 BSD HighHistory 20th Century Burled Secrets: DNA Military Blunders 2256845 U.S. Mans: Money ChriWar Journal 2285357 Burled Secrets: PNA Mwtary thMnderi 2133067 OS.

Mawa: Money Ova War Jonrwaa 365CS6' 48 32 28 35 27 Of) Golden GirrsMOVIE: Morr ot Truth: CaugM in me Crossf MOVIE: Other Mother A Moment of Truth Movie New ArBludejGolden Girts Golden GirtsUnaovtd Mysteries 35568CThe CLiaaniiili 635951 PaidProg. Paid Prog. PwdProg. 61 44 35 25 33 (BB TRL (4) 761749 Karaoke I MTV Jams Countdown IsteotMTV New Music News Link iMafctngWdT Fight for Your Rights Real World Real Wortd Real World Doajiduww luiafcsaaed Loveane 85371 KanwGarne 36 38 26 36 19(16 Hey Arnold! Hey Arnold! Hey Amoid! The Dark? Brady Bunch AJ That CatDog Doug 612654 Rugrets ThornberrysSkeeter I Love Lacy I Love Lacy ILovaLacy I Love Lacy I Love Lacy I Love Lacy fwiCRPCaici Lawiw. 29 49 BB MOVIE: Shadow (3:45) MOVIE: BorrJerilne (50) (1980) 70148951 MOVIE: tehtar (7:10) (1967, Comedy) (PG-13) 38234715 MOVE: EngtUhman Who Went Up a MOVE: Ijncwe ot the Sun (1040) (1967.

AdvenSjrgj (PG) 3729970 MOVE 58 40 Quantum Star Trek 6120048 Sliders 2004154 Highlander 4023311 Friday the 13th 20231 31 star Trek 8623375 ISfcders 5473852 Haghteider 9214574 Friday the 13th 2749758 PaidProg. PanlProg. 33 22 22 6 23 QK) Fam. Matters Baseball: Atlanta Braves at Pittsburgh Pirates 765067 MOVE: Rumpie in the Brora (1995. Acton) (R) 44022 MOVE: The Big Brawl (1990.

Msrfcal arts) fR) 30796 MOVE: Cleopatra Jones (1973. Ac9or) rPG) 3-14 MQWE: Strery( (4) (1940) 62653 MOVE: Barabbas (1962, Itetoncal rjrama) 8258970 MOVE: The Secret of Santa YWprie (1969. Comedy) rPG) 8246135 ImOVE: Shoes of the 39 34 SB Home Again 48 Hours 431222 Trauma: Life In the ER Martial Artist Bruce Lee The Fat Gene 537970 Trauma: Lite In the EH Martial Arttst Bruce Lee The Fat Gene 30008 Up Hours 756029 PaidProg. Paid Prog. 46 46 31 22 15 (Ml Alice The Waltons Ufe of Gene Autry Prime Time Oxxitry Gary The George Jones Show panas (Part 1 of 2) Dukes of Hazrard Praaa Toae Coantry Gary The torwe Jones Show C4tfte AW 10 42 29 26 25 QgD0ue Soutn ER: Faith 439864 MOVIE: Jaws 3 (1983, Horror) (PG) 8642845 MOVE: Jaws 2 (8:15) (1978.

Horror) (PG) 992834 MOVE: Wes Craven's lew Mghtwaare (1045) 637967? MOVE: Jaws 2 (115) 329 QSafJ Acme Hour Sailor Moon ReBoot Dragon BaH Jonny Quest Batman Animaniacs Scooby-Ooo Urjoratory John Bravo Chicken Bogs. Daffy Torn ft Jerry Scooby DoolraiiUajwes pohn Bravo Chacken Bawaaw DragonBait 1 37 (Ig)Adam-12 Dragnet HoganHero Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Maude Matade Maude Monde "mi fi 50 39 33 28 9 QSB Hercules Xena: Warr-r (Part 1 of 2) Walker, Texas Ranger MOVIE: Uonrteert (1990, Action) (R) 433932 New York Undercover SStaaMngs313311 Renegade 439116 MOVE: Uonhanrt (1990. Acaon) (R) 674891 37 "HHoU aVatteFanr. aer- S-jfrfy fre VaarCTfiaaTat Stayear Feicitry F1 t5J661 News606609 MacGyver 686845 In the Heatof aV Nk)ht Mattock (W) 968086 PaadPron, jPaidProti. PanlProq, j3rJiGanw 21 15 40 3 3 QMJjMOVlE M0VIE: U.S.

Marshals (1998) (PG-13) 3875965 MOVIE: Andre (7:15) (1994. Pocudrama) (PG) 33870593 REAL Sports Gumbel MOVE: Why Do Foots Fal ai Love (1998) (R) 115864SesOy Arttg 2721 MOVE: UAMtaahaM 3 19 37 21 22 SSjMOVIE: Overnight (4) MOVIE: Richie Rich (1994) (PG) 2935116 MOVIE: Gattaca (7:10) (1997) (PG-13) 70884703 mOVE: Her Akbl (1989. Romance-owwedy) (PG) 111908 MOVE: Mo Strings Attached (1045) 11 mOVE: Event Horfaoa 96 20 38 10 18(5fljjM0VlE MOVIE: Beat Street (1984, Musical) (PG) 719226 MOVIE: Miami Blues (1990) (R) 3435574MOVE: ShadowHurner (8 35) 41 64628 MOVtE: Mew (10:15) (1997. Drama) (R) 566621 Bordeao Women MOVE: Last Road 988471 93 (PSiMOVIE MOVIE: Kayla (4:45) (1998) 90199574 MOVIE: Beetlejulce (625) (1968) 73675593 MOVE: Dlnnor and Drrring 1129777 MOVfE: Gx jane (ft40) (1997. Drama) (R) 99615203 MOVE: WTShoat a Map (11 50- 3486338 MOVE 95 23 QiCi'MOVIE mOVIE: Wishbone's Dog Days of West mOVE: rrremities (6 35) (1986) 30196951 MOVIE: Out of the Dark (1150) 8496135 MOVTE LISTING CHANGES Cable One customers in Rio Rancho receive HBO, HBO-2, Cinemax, and Cinemax-2 programs one hour earlier than listed Dynamic and buoyant dancers rock Santa.

Fe Stages REVIEW Paul Taylor Company presents a wide range of creative work reveal glimpses of pale thighs, reveled in the delights of seduction, conquest, and sensuality. The men, bare-chested except for vests, are martin but never violent. The male duets made frequent use of a double cartwheel motif evoking Socrates' explanation for human sexual attraction. He described two lovers as once being a single creature, joined head to toe, who rolled Eke a wheeL When separated, each would seek to join with another once By Jennifer Noyer For the Journal 'ou almost have to know bow to fly in order to JL dance in the Paul Taylor Company. Friday burdens for male partners.

Tiazzola Caldrera," Piazzola's cauldron, was one of the selections in the Academy Award-txainmated documentary called The Dancemaker," a film on the life of Paul Taylor. The cauldron in the dance was a smoky cabaret space where the dancers presented Taylor's observations on human eroticism Designed in four sections, the ballet opened with Sol Soeno," danced to tango rhythms. Male and female groups challenged each other, and then invaded the other's space In explore a pure delight in sensual teasing. The dance was cast with more men than women to present a fuller range of human rmntinnal and sexual attraction. Taylor is not interested in prtadimg, be an observer here.

Sensual beauty is exjnibined smh a jJraigfctor-rani ackoowledgement that this a fun, and exciting part of being hnman. men's formations like a breath of spring. The second section, "Larghetto," was a soft, lyrical quartet with two couples moving in a courtly romance. Heather Berest's solo in the "Largo" took the high reaching and circling themes from the "Allegro," and restated them more deeply with long, contracted i thrusts of the arms and upper body which then retracted to high, backward arches in arabesque. The "Presto" was a celebration of male vitality with five men leaping and turning in the air while arching their backs and lifting their crossed feet behind.

Rachel Berman and Patrick (Sorbin created symmetrical mirroring patterns in space for the "Andante" secrJoa. The full cast returned for the final "Presto" that threatened to take the walls down. Everything moved at a gallop, with extremely fast turning lifts that spiraled in and out of the floor. It was almost scary. "A Field of Grass," choreographed to five songs by Harry Nilison, opened with a solo figure seated at center stage, blissfully smoking a cigarette.

Taylor takes a good-humored look at the dreamy, spaced-out lifestyle of an earlier generation. The six dancers moved toward a groggy chaos of movement, and ended finally with a smooth, relaxed ragtime shuffle. The flattened, archaic shapes in "Profiles" moved horizontally on stage like figures in an ancient Greek frieze. Moments of frozen stillness alternated with gymnastic partnering that twisted the dancers' bodies into action sculptures. Martha Graham's kept coaxing to inind.

There were several shaky motnenti during the most difficult lifts, surprising such a superb company, but the heavy, grounded quality of the movement eliminated the little jumped preparations that ease physical highly contrasting dances. The opening 'Cascade," choreographed to six movements from three of J.S. Bach's concertos for piano and orchestra, and the closing Tiazzola Caldera," to music by Astor Piazzola, were the real meat of the program. They sandwiched "A Field of Grass," a humorous commentary on a spaced -out generation, and Taylor's purposely two-dimensional "Profiles." "Cascade," choreographed in 1999, filled the intricate formal structure of Bach's music with an equally intriguing development of movement themes. The opening "Allegro" section of the musk was mirrored by the soaring energy and speed of the dancers who presented, repeated, and developed variations on the dominant movement motifs.

Brilliantly costumed like Renaissance figures by Santo Loquasto, the women resembled -Botticelli's "La Primavera" as they leaped and whirled through the i t'- A 1 a a evening's performance opened the compauy i o-day stay in Santa Fe with Santa Fe Stages, offering a wide range of Taylor's creative work performed by an amazingly strong and buoyant group of dancers. Their artistically sensitive athleticism rocked the theater with almost electric dynamism. The stage of the Greer Garsoa Theatre was really too small to accommodate the large and expansive moves of this company. It was exciting to hear that Santa Fc Stages is in the process of building a new theater. TJie concert presented (our 3 The vocdco, costnoied in Bowktg dressts, and black stockmg pat.

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Article information

Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Views: 6227

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.