EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (2024)

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (1) https://doi.org/10.2118/100063-ms · EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (2) Full text

Journal: All Days, 2006

Publisher: SPE

Authors: E. J. Manrique, V. E. Muci, M. E. Gurfinkel


AbstractA considerable portion of the world's hydrocarbon endowment, and even more so if resources from the Middle East are excluded, are in carbonate reservoirs. Carbonate reservoirs usually exhibit low porosity and may be fractured. These two characteristics in addition to oil-to-mixed wet rock properties usually results in low recovery. When enhanced oil recovery (EOR) strategies are pursued, the injected fluids will likely flow is through the fracture network, bypassing oil in the rock matrix. The high permeability in the fracture network and its low equivalent porous volume result in early breakthrough of the injected fluids. Infill drilling programs and well conformance strategies, mostly gas and water shutoff, have been effectively used to mitigate the early breakthrough and increase oil recovery. However, in most cases, 40 to 50% of the original oil in place (OOIP) is not produced.A large number of EOR field projects in carbonate reservoirs have been reported in the literature since the early 70's. The field projects showed the technological capability to increase oil recovery and estimated long run costs for their operation. This increase in oil recovery would directly result in additional reserves extending the productive life of the different assets. However, the technical results were not matched by their economic viability given the price environment of the time. In some cases high upfront investments created insurmountable barriers for the technology's application despite the promise of higher returns. In other cases, the high marginal costs eliminated all benefits from the increased recovery. The latter was especially true for EOR processes based on chemical and thermal methods. Over the last three decades, many improvements have reduced the cost per incremental barrel as will be seen below. Carbon dioxide flooding (continuous or alternating with water-WAG) is the dominant EOR process in the United States, mostly due to the availability of appropriate CO2. CO2 EOR is also the stepping stone towards sequestering carbon which could become a future business opportunity if carbon trading ever is implemented.This paper presents an overview of EOR field experiences in carbonate reservoirs in the United States, an analysis of recent efforts and discusses briefly on new opportunities for novel chemical methods. The main EOR experiences reviewed are CO2 injection, polymer flooding, steam injection and in-situ combustion (air injection).

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Acrylamide-Acrylic Acid as Copolymer Gel for Water Shut-Off at High Pressure and Temperature Conditions

Samira Heidari, Feridun Esmaeilzadeh, Dariush Mowla, Habib Jokar, Farid B. Cortés, Nashaat N. Nassar, Camilo Andrés Franco Ariza

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (98) https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4127813

2022, SSRN Electronic Journal

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AASP flooding as a Substitute of ASP Flooding for Chemical EOR in Carbonate Reservoirs

S. A. Kalwar, K. A. Elraies, G.. Abbas, S.. Kumar, K.. Farouque

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (99) https://doi.org/10.2118/185313-ms

2016, All Days

Crossref citations:2

The Effect of Fractures' Geometrical Properties on the Recovery Mechanism of the Top-down In Situ Combustion Process

S. Mobeen Fatemi, R. Kharrat

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (100) https://doi.org/10.1080/10916461003773062

2012, Petroleum Science and Technology, №2, p.147-158



Crossref citations:2

Tracer monitoring of enhanced oil recovery projects

Ø. Dugstad, S. Viig, B. Krognes, R. Kleven, O. Huseby

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (101) https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/20135002002 · EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (102) Full text

2013, EPJ Web of Conferences, p.02002


Crossref citations:11

On the evaluation of Alkaline‐Surfactant‐Polymer flooding in a field scale: Screening, modelling, and optimization

Arash Azamifard, Gholamreza Bashiri, Shahab Gerami, Abdolhossein Hemmati‐Sarapardeh

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (103) https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.22834

2017, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, №8, p.1615-1625



Crossref citations:11

Challenges of Producing Middle East Oilfields During the Maturation Stage—A Paradigm Shift

Faisal Al Mahroos, Hisham Zubari

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (104) https://doi.org/10.2118/120214-ms

2009, All Days

Crossref citations:2

Effect of Sodium Oleate Surfactant Concentration Grafted onto SiO<sub>2</sub>Nanoparticles in Polymer Flooding Processes

Sebastián Llanos, Lady J. Giraldo, Oveimar Santamaria, Camilo A. Franco, Farid B. Cortés

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (105) https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.8b02944 · EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (106) Full text

2018, ACS Omega, №12, p.18673-18684



Crossref citations:37

New Insight on Carbonate Heavy Oil Recovery: Pore Scale Mechanisms of Solvent Alternating CO2 Foam/Polymer Enhanced Foam Flooding

Ali Telmadarreie, Japan Trivedi

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (107) https://doi.org/10.2118/174510-ms

2015, All Days

Crossref citations:11

EOR Potential in the Middle East: Current and Future Trends

Saad M. Al-Mutairi, Sunil L. Kokal

EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (108) https://doi.org/10.2118/143287-ms

2011, All Days

Crossref citations:26

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EOR Field Experiences in Carbonate Reservoirs in the United States (2024)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.