Evening Post from Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand (2024)


R. PHARAZYN brought up tho reof the Joint Library Committee, which recommended that free entree be given to cortain person4 resident in Wellington, and moved its adoption. Hon. W. H.

REYNOLDS RAid that ho was informed that in moat public and private houses in Wellington, be those house of good or bad reputo, thore wero to bo during the recons booka, principally works of fiction, belonging to the library of the Goneral Assembly. He had seen books holonging to the library in a publichouse in was a perfoct scandal that anyone should bo ablo to obtain books from the library froo of chargo, to tho dotriment of the Wellington Athenmam, which Was languishing owing to tho wholesale privilege ancorded of taking books out of the library. lie moved cortain amondments having the effect of debarring "literary workers" and atudents of spooial subjects from romoving works from the Parliamentary Library. Hon, Sir G. 9.

WHITMORE supported the amendment, and the debate was adjourned on the motion of the Hon. Captain Baillie. EDUCATIONAL FRANCHIAR BILL. Hon. G.

M'LEAN moved that the follow. ing ordar of the Council, made on tho 25th July, namely, That the Educational Franchino Bill be road a second time this day six months," be read and rescinded, After debate tho motion wAR lost FIRST READINGS. The Publio Health Aot 1886 Amendment Bill waR read a frat time. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Lonvo of absence was given to Hon.

W. Robinson for a wook, and also to Hon. W. Rooves for tho remainder of tho session, in both instances on urgent private business. CHATTELS TRANSFER BILL.

This Bill was committed, and reported without amondment. The third reading was not down for next day. PUBLIC RESERVES ACT AMENDMENT BILL, The Governor's amendmont in this Bill was agrood to. RATING ACT AMENDMENT BILL. Hon.

C. J. STEVENS, in moving the socond reading of this Bill, remarked that ita provisions were to sohools, similar to the Wellington St. Patrick's Collego, from paying rates, and also exempt buildings belonging to friendly societies from local taxation. lIon.

R. PHARAZYN moved as an amendment that tho Bill bo read a seoond time that day six months. The amendment was lost by 12 to 10, and the sooond reading was agrood to on the voices, the committal being sot down for next day. SELECTORS LAND REVALUATION BILL. Hon.

F. C. J. STEVENS moved that the nmendmenta of the House of Representatives in this Bill be agreed to. Hon.

S. E. SHRIMSKI moved, as an amendment, that tho amendments of the House of Reproaontntivea be disagreed with. Hon. H.

J. MILLER aucondod the amend. ment, and characterisod the Bill as being an amondmont to the Land Act. Tho dinnor ndjournmont was takon at 5 p.m. EVENING SITTING.

On tho Counoil resuming at 7 30 p.m., the dobato on the quostion that the amondmonta of the Iouso of in tho Solcotora Land Ro-valuation Bill be agroed to, wns continued. The Council divided on the quostion that tho amondmenta of the House of Roprosentatives bo agreed to, the motion being lost by 19 to 3. NORTIF ISLAND brAIN TRUNK RAILWAY LOAN APPLICATION BILL. Hon. C.

J. STEVENS moved tho gocond reading of this Bill. Hon. Sir G. S.

WHITMORE oxpressed the opinion that it was high time tho Now Plymouth Harbour Board Loan was put a stop to. Hon. Dr POLLEN oxpressed the opinion that the Bill, boing a monoy Bill, the proposed monguro must either be rejected or passed in globo. Ho moved that the adjournmont of the debato in order that Hon, membors might have a furthor opportunity of conaidoring tho provisions of the Bill. Hon.

R. OLIVER asked tho ruling of the Sponkor as to whethor the Bill was a money Bill or not. The SPEAKER ruled that tho Bill was an Appropriation Bill, The motion for the adjournmont to the following day was agreed to. SECOND READINGS. Tho Publio Works Act Amondment Bill, Timaru Harbour Board Bill, Waitohi Riverbed Bill, and the Nelson Foreshore Reserve Bill were read a second time.

The Counoil at 9 30 p.m. adjourned to the following day. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. YESTERDAY'S EVENING SITTING. The afternoon having boon occupied with questions and other matters, until the orders of the day were not reached 7.30 p.m.

A CRISIS. On the motion to go into Committee of Supply, Mr. GRIMMOND moved 08 an amendThat this House regrets that tho Minister of Justice should not have recog. nigod that, in fairness to his late colleague, explanation by himself of his own conduot an in connoctiou with the Christie case was due to the House and the Ho failed to see how Mr. Fergus could escape from censure in this matter, as he had tuken all tho responsibility for Mr.

Hialop's action, and hold that in justice he ought to share the punishment. Mr. HUTCHISON seconded the motion. The PREMIER asked whether the leader of the Opposition was awaro of this motion, An hon. member -Why? The PREMIER -Because upon that would depend what course I shall BALLANCE pursue.

said he felt The Hon. Mr. bound to say he approved of the motion. The PREMIER immediately moved the adjournment of the Houso, and said he would do no more business, but would next day tell the hon. gentleman what the Governmont thought of the motion.

It was nonsense to think they could go on in this way, and it was unconstitutional for the leader of the Opposition to accept a motion of this kind without giving notice to the Government. Mr. BALLANCE complained that evory motion from the Opposition side of the House was accepted by the Government 88 one of no-confidence. The PREMIUR said he did not no accopt it. Mr.

BALLANCE went on to say that the Opposition would insist on whatever expressing the its viows on public quostions consoquences might be. He was not party to tho resolution-(Oh he approved of it, and the Promier could take from that whatever he pleased. Mr. WALKER attacked the notion of the Government. At the suggestion of the Speaker, the Premier's motion was altered to one for the adjournment of the debato till next motion day, so as to avoid superseding both the for supply and tho amendment.

On the motion of tho Minister for Publio Works the adjournment of the debato was agreed to. The PREMIER again moved tho adjournmont of the House. Mr. PERCEVAL thought it would be proferablo at this lato stago of tho session to go on with other business. Mr.

TAYLOR asked for information as to how the Governmont would troat the amendmout. Tho PREMIER twitted the Opposition with being regardless of the business of the country, and only anxious, as Mr. Grimmond had said, of "pulling the Government down one by ono," while their lender was not ashamed to noknowledge himself a portisan. It was a disgrace to the country, and hon. gentlomen ought to be ashamed of such taotics.

Mr. BALLANCE objected that the Premier was speaking to the main question and not the motion for adjournment, and the Speaker ruling that was so, The PREMIER said he would say what he had to say next day. He was, however, determined to put a atop to such tactios, A division was called for on the motion for adjournment, but after the doors had been looked the motion was carried on the voices. The House rose at 7.55 p.m. City Council.

The ordinary meeting of the City Council was held last evening. Present-His Worship tho Mayor, and Councillors Heaton, Harris, Brandon, Moeller, Willeston, Fraser. Williams, Smith, Muir, Brown, and Chapman. The tender of Messra. Marshall and Duff was accopted for effecting ropairs to Normanby-torrace.

Tho report of the Private Streets Committeo was road as follows mittoo beg to stato that they are in communication with the residents of several private streets with the view of getting the same put into proper repair and takon over by the Council, and that they will report thoreon at a futare meting. In the meantime they recommend (1) that King. street be taken over and that the Counoil provide the small amount neocssary to put it in ropair; and (2) that Moir-street be taken over 88 far as the leasohold boundary on the other side of Mr. Boll's J. WILLIAMS, In submitting the report, Councillor Williams remarked that although thore bad at first been a great, optory by owners of private streots concerning what was tormed the apathy shown by tho Council in taking over private thorougbfares, since the appointmont of the committee owners had evinced but little earnestness in their outory, the committee having received but few replies to circulars enclosing petitions which they issued to street owners.

Tho report was adopted. The report of the Reserves Committee stated: -1, The committee beg to report that the person who tendered for the foncing at Cambridge Terrace Avenue did 80 andor a misapprehension as to the meaning of the specifications, and that he was unable to carry out the contract. The committee had overy reason to believe that it was purely A mistake' on his part, and they therofore gave instructions for the next tendor to be accepted, that of Mr. J. E.

Miles, at 17s 11d per tree. 2. That Mra. Watt asks 8200 'as compensation for her 20 feet, frontage, bat the committee do not recommend that she be paid at a higher rate than the-other olaimants. 3.

That Mrs. Boyco be paid the 8100 to which she is entitlod at 25 per foot. 4. That no action be taken with respect to letting Reserve for brickmaking, purposes, tho City Solicitor having advised that this cannot legally be done. 5.

That the sites for the Star Boating Club, Wellington Rowing Club, and Mr. D. Bowie, as marked on accompanying plan, be approved. 6. That the rent to be paid by the Star Boating Club be £12 103 per annum, and by the Wellington Rowing Club £10 per annum.

7. That the terms of settlement THE EVENING POST, FRIDAY' SEPTEMBER 6, 1889. with Mr. W. Spicer an aot out in the correspondenco with Measra Bell, Gully, Izard, ho approved.

C. E. WILLERTON, Chairman. The report was adopted without amendment. 'Tho only amendment made in the report of the Publio Works Committee, which has already been publipbed, was in clause 3, the Council deciding that the cost of fixing the goats provided by Mr.

George Woodward for the Thorndon Esplanade should not exceed £5 5a. Some discussion took place upon the committee's rocommendation for the acceptunce of T. Macdonald Co. for 4alo of the foreshore leases. an amendment being moved by Counoillor Fraser that the lowest tender should he accepted.

The amendment, however, was loat by to 4. Accounts amounting to £476 19g 3d were pagacd for payment. Tho Council then wont into committee. SCOTCH UNIVERSITIES. TO THE EDITOR.

SIR--Many Scotohmen must have boon, liko myself, rather amused while reading your report of Professor Rainy': lecturo Ho da, then, that "the Reformers made the Scottish Nation;" and that "in Scottish History he found only one epoch, and that WAR the Reformation Well, 000 should never be too old to learn, bat it is rather hard, when past middle ago to have to lay asido our 44 Scots wha hao wi' Wallaco bled, Scots whom Bruce has often led," and set up in their place Meagra. Mucklewroth, Kettledrummle Co. It would bo too much to expect, however, that a Presbytorian divine should express any other viow, and I have no doubt the rev. gentleman knew his audience, too, and gave them the "candy they would suok, A few of his remarks at the conferring of degrees on Saturday would indicate that he knew well enough what made the Scot. tish He said the University of Aberdeen vitalised the whole country." Why, that University contained more learning during the century preceding tho Reformation than the whole of Britain for a century after, and it holds its place so well at the presentday that (according to a tablerecently published in your paper) Aberdconshire stands first of any British country or town in the number of eminent men it has turned out during the last 25 years.

It is education that has made the Scottish nation." Her Univorsities have vitalised the whole bocause they have always been open to the whole nation, not to a privileged few. Until the example of Sootland is tollowed and Now Zealand provides free University education for all who have the ability to win it, she will lag behind in the race, and the half million spent annually on State nurserios will be spent in vain. I am, NORTH BRITON. THOSE CHIMES. TO THE EDITOR.

SIR-That too many cooks spoil the broth I am aware, but as a new comer, who has boon hore all through the controversy re the Post Offico clock chimes, I should like to make a suggestion, which, even if not acted upon, will not offend. It is that the chimes shonld be made to go a little faster, and that the hammers, including that of the hour bell, should be faced with something a little softer than they are at presont, so that when they struok the bolls the sound would be a softer and mollower one than the harsh clang that now exists. The carrying power of the bolls would not be appreciably interforod with and if the abovo suggestions were aoted upon -either or both of which could bo cagily accomplishod-I venture to say that they would meet with goneral approval. I am, TEMPOS. TO THE BURGESSES OF THE THORNDON WARD.

LADIES AND tho request of many ratepayers, I have con- sonted to bo nominated as candidate to represent your Ward in the City Council, and trust that you will do me 1 the honour of polling for mo. CHARLES H. IZARD. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF THORNDON WARD. LadIes AND the request of many influential ratepayers, I have consented to become a candidate 1 for the representation of your Ward in the City Council, and trust you will do me the honour of recording your votes in my favour on polling day.

GEORGE ANDERSON. (By permission tho Colonial Secretary). VALUABLE OIL PAINT TIN KAIKOURA," by JOHN GIBB. 130 TICKETS, at 10s. To be had from Mr.

Jno. Watt, Stationer, or from Mr. G. Denton, Iron- monger, Willis-street, at whose warehouse the picture is now on view. A THE in bost the shops SPECIAL for GIRLS' CASH AND LINES.

BOYS' SCHOOL BOOTS 7 to 9, 59 6d; 10 to 13, 68 6d. Sent to any of the country districts by adding Is for postage. LAMETON-QUAY, CUBA-STREET, PETONE. NOTICE. THE public THORNDON are STEAM requested dO COACH try the FACTORY, For Traps, Sulkies, Buggies, Waggonettes, Photone, For Agricultural Implementa, made and repaired For and Contraotora' Ironwork Cabinetmakers' and Carpentors' Turning For Painting, in all its branches W.

MITCHELL, Proprietor, Opposite Government Railway Station. MURDER! WHO IS THE MAN? STARTLING REVELATIONS! WHO DID IT? MURDER WILL OUT; OR THE MYSTERY OF KAIWARRA." TN the Press. whole Will story be published in a Kaiwarra few daya, tho Crime, ontitled- Profusely Illustrated. Twenty full-page pictures. Of all Booksollers.


110 prevent Typhoid Fever and other discasos, see that your drains are properly Trapped and Ventilated with the improved Buchan Trap and Ventilator. Note -After many attempts to improve the drainage at the Wellington Hospital, which was infested with frightfully bad smells, these Traps were supplied by us and used under the supervision of Dr. King, and completely remedied the evil. These traps are now usod in all large cities in England with the greatest success, and can be obtained from PETER HUTSON Waring Taylor-street, Wellington, The Sola Agents. P.S.-We have on sale evory description of Sanitary goods, also lime, cement, bricks, We are algo Licensed by City Counoil to make Connections with Publio Drains and Sewers.

Pipes supplied from 3 inches up to 24 inches. All Orders will receive prompt attention. P. H. CO.

Telephone, No. 100. CEYLON TEA. CEYLON TEA. have jaat received a small WE signmont of PURE CEYLON TEA.

The Only Genuine Artiolo in the Market. One trial requested. Samples to oustomers, HUME SON, Tea Importers, Wine and Spirit Merchants, 63 and Willis street. Telephone, No, 225, CITY FOUNDRY, Eva-street, off Taranaki-place. W.

CRABTREE SONS, Millwrights Engineers, and General Smiths, makers of every desoription of Steam Engines and Boilers, Sawmill Machinery, Builders' and Contractors' Ironwork, Iron Gates, Fencing Standards and Ornamental Fencing. WIVES and daughters can make your Trousers and Vest if we out them to measuro, Whole suit length from 128 6d. J. DALTON 43, Cuba-street. THURSDAY, 12th SEPTEMBER.


D. C. Tennent's Auotion Rooms, BARNS has been instructed ALBERT by the Proprietor to sell, as aboveACRES OF EXCELLENT 6525 BUSH LAND, Being part of OTAIRI BLOCK, No. 1E, AND KNOWN AS CHURTON'S BLOCK. Tho land has been surveyed and subdivided into goven allotments, containing respectively 744, 1007, 872, 731, 858, 870, and 1443 acres.

Each allotment will be offered separately. The land is well watered and approacbable by road, and about 10 miles from Hunterville. Terms exceptionally liberal. For further particulars and inspection of plans apply to the undersigned, or to Mr. D.

C. Tennent, Marton. ALBERT BARNS, Auctioneer, Wanganui. SHORTT REID, THE CITY AUCTION ROOMS, 54 56, Willis-street, Wellington, AVE FOR PRIVATE SALE -Fruit, Produce Grocory DepartmentPotatoes, Wheat, Oats, Maize. Barley, Bran, Pollard, Flour, Oatmeal, Crushed Oats, Beans, Pens, Chaff, Baled Hay, Baled Straw, Black Oats, Hama, Bacon, Cheese, Salt Butter, Bananas, Apples, Soap, Candles, Kerosene, Clothes LinoR, Twine, Paper Bags, Woodfield's celebrated Stout, Vat Seod Oate, Seed Potatoos, and our now well known BOX TEAS BOX TEAS Furnituro and Anotion Department-Tron Bedsteads, Spring Childs' Cots, Dinner Services, Plates, Dishes, E.P.

Ware, Coal Vasea, Rugs. Mats, Whatnots, Chairs, Tablon, Meat Safes, Pianos, Lasy Chairs, Pictures, Shop Countors, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Bicycles, Cheffoniers, Clooks, Knives and Forks, Shoo Brushes, HARCOURT cO, AND, ESTATE, AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS AUCTIONEERS, SHAREBROKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Stock and Station on Agency Bueinoss of every doscription attended to. Auction Sales conducted in town or country. Lonna Nogotiated and all Financial Business undertaken.

Sale or Purchase of Businesses conducted on moderate terms. Shipping and Insuranco Business transacted. 0 8 A By order of the Executors in the Estate of the late John Johnston, THE "BRANDON HALL" STATION. This well-known property, containing about 9000 aores, is situate in the Rangitikei District, and adjoins the townahip of Bulla. It has now depasturing upon it about 1000 head of cattle and 2000 sheen.

It is seouroly fended and divided into suitable paddocks. The Homestead and Station Buildings are convenient, and the whole is in good working ordor. A fine Bush of some 200 aoros, fronting the main road, baa been preserved, and about 700 to 1000 acres of good flax grows conveniently noar to it and to the Tutaonui stream, which flows through the property. Recently there has beon erooted upon the bank of this stream most complete flaxmill, and the is now turning ont six tons of dressed fibre per week at a minimum of cost. For prioo and further particulars apply to JOHNSTON CO.

R. C. SHEARMAN 00., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS AND SHAREBROKERS, STAR CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON, YONDUCT tho sale, purchase, or letting proporties; agencies of evory doscription; tho negotiation of loans, arbitrations, and valuations; Customs, shipping, forwarding, stock and station agencies; the purchaso and salo of share iu public companiea, goods of every description for gottlors storekeopers, and others in country districts. Moderate chargos and punctuality strictly observed. Several blocks of Flax Land for sale or lease.


WOODGER, SEEDSMAN AND FLORIST Opposito Parliament Buildings, MOLESWORTH STREET, WELLINGTON. Garden Pottery on hand. ALL KINDS OF TREES AND SHRUBS TO ORDER. Agent tor H. Budden's Nelson Seeds.


J. B. Cameron is a distant relative of yours? Mr. Cameron-Yos. Counsel- What relation is ho? Mr.

Cameron- -My brother? Counsel -But you just told us he was a distant relative? Mr. Cameron- So he is. At present he is in England (selecting tho very best makes and weights of cricket and tennis goods). Counsel -I apply for an adjournment of this case for a fortnight, pending the arrival of Coptio with other cases, when an inspection of this fine selection of cricket and tenDis materials will be made by the full Court, to be holdon at the Warehouse of M. P.

CAMERON Lambton-quay. A LINDSAY'S) EN'S French Calf Lorne SPECIAL Bals, pegged, at 6d, are not to CASH be surpassed by LINES. any other maker. Sent to any of the country distriots by adding 1s for postage. LAMBTON- QUAY, CUBA-STREET, PETONE.

DOBERT DONALDSON, BALLANCE-STREET, WELLINGTON. I have always in stock, and to arrive, large shipments of Brooks, Shoobridge Co's unrivalled chor brand Portland Cemeut Andrew and James Stewart's Tubes and Fittings, black and galvanised, for gae and water Soott, Cathbertson superior Londonmade Paperhangings I am also SOpr NEW ZEALAND AGENT D. Y. Stewart Pipe Leach, Flowor Tin-plate rer8 The Company of Sootland, makers all kinds of Steel The Isca Foundry Railway and General Engineers J. Petrie, Wool-washing and Drying Machine makor Geo.

Shand London and Melbourno, dealers in all kinds of new and second. hand machiuery out measure Ladies' and Masher Tweed Jacketa to WE supply for 68 Gd. DALTON. 43, Cuba-street, WELLINGION AND MANAWATU RAILWAY COMPANY (LIMITED) Nog 2 AND 3 DRAINAGE CONTRACTS. tenders for the above contracts will be received at the office of this Company, Lambton-quay, Welling.

ton, up to 2 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, 10th September, 1889. Piany and specifications may be seen and formy of tender obtained on and after Tues. day, the 27th instant, at the Company's office, Wellington; Albion Hotel, Shannon; or at the Post Office, Palmeraton North. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

Intending tenderers will please take notice that tenders are required for two contracts, Nos. 2 and 3. JAMES WALLACE, Secretary. Wellington, 22nd August, 1889. TO BUILDERS.

00 TENDERS are invited, 11th to close noon for of Wednesday, the September, erection of Brick Buildings in Victoriastreet and Old Customhouse-street. Tenders to be deposited, and plans and specifications seen at the ON office of WM. C. CHATFIELD, Architect. TO BUILDERS.

TENDERS are invited on for the the corner Erection of Mar- of Dwellingbouse joribanks and Lipman streets, for Mrs. J. T. Steele. Plans, to be seen at our office, where tenders will be received on or before Tuesday at noon, 10th September.

The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JACOBSEN Architects. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of a Hall, for the Wellington Woollen Company, Petone. Plans, to be seen at Company's office, Petone, and at our office, where tendora will be received on or before Wednesday, 11th September, at noon, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

JACOBSEN Architects. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of a Dwellinghouse at Featherston for Mr. T. F.

Bennett. Plans, to be seen at our office, and at Mr. Toogood's store, Feathorston. Tenders to be gent to our office on or before Saturday, 7th September, at noon. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.

JACOBSEN Architects. TO BUILDERS. MENDERS are invited until noon of Tuesday, the 10th of September next, for the Erection of Additions to a Rosidence on The Terrace. Plans and specifications at my office. THOMAS TURNBULL, Architect.

Customhouse-quay, 30th August, 1880 TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited until 4 p.m. on Thursday, the 12th instant, tor the orection of a brick cellarage in Murphy. street. Plans and specifications at my offico.

THOS. TURNBULL, Architect. aro invited for the Purchaso of that piece of Lensehold Property on part of Town Acre 914, situated in Adelaiderond, with two Cottages erected thereon. Tenders to close on Monday, 9th Soptember, at 8 p.m. The highest or any tender not necosearily acceptod.

Apply to JOHN SMY THE, Opposito Scotch Church, Adolaide-road. PRAco*ck'S JAMS CAN BE OBTAINED OF ALL GROCERS 6 Under the Special Patronago of His Excellency Sir W. F. D. Jervois, K.G.C.M.G.

THE Proprietors the WANGANUI MEAT DEPOT, CURA- STREET NORTH, respectfully intimate that they still continue to supply PRIMER LONGBORNSLAUGHTERED BEEF, MUTTON, LAMB, VEAL, at prices which must be appreciated by the Wellington public The higheat testimonials ng to the excellence of the Longburn Meat have been received by us; copies and our price-list may be had on application. Familieg in all parts of the city waited upon for orders. Monthly ac counts rendored. A trial earnestly solicited POLLOCK STIDOLPH, Wanganui Moat Cuba-strect. N.B.-The fact that se several Wellington Butchers, of both ancient and estab.

lishments, have withdrawn from competition will in no way influence our liboral prices.P. 8. EMPIRE STEAM SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, BOULCOTT -STREET (Four doors above Albort Hotel), ANDREW COMPTON, PROPRIETOR. A. COMPTON, oustomers in thanking friends his for numerous past favours, has much pleasure in informing them that he has made exteneive additions to his Factory and Plant, and is now in position to till all orders at the shortest notice, and at the lowest prices.

Doors, Sasnes, Architraves, Skirting, Mouldings, Brackets, Turned Work, Packing Cases, of evory description. Planing and Sawing done for the trade at reasonable rates. All orders punctually attended to. Telephone No. 208.

HUDSON'S SOLUBLE COCOA BROOKS, SHOOBRIDGE CEMENT Received the HIGHEST AWARD, Gold Medal, Melbourne Exhibition, 1889, proving its superiority to the competing cements of Knight, Bevan Sturge, White Gillingham Gostling and several others. R. DONALDSON, SOLE AGENT FOR NEW ZEALAND, Ballance-street, Wellin 8 LUKE SONS, EN AND BRASS BOILERMAKERS, AND IRON SHIPBUILDERS. MAKERS OF THE EXCELSIOR COOKING RANGE. This Range is acknowledged to be the best introduced into this market.

Why householders should not be without one, These are four reasons why 1st-Because we believe they are more economical in fuel than any other range in the colony, or out of it (we have a long list of testimonials to this effect.) 2nd-They are more strongly made. Fireplaces made of cast iron, not tiles. 3rd-The ovens and boilors are portable, which enable them to be thoroughly cleaned occasionally, and can also be removed easily to effect repairs, without disturbing range or mantel fixtures; all parts are made to 8 standard size, and can bo renewed without trouble and with little expense. 4th-Last, but most important reason, they are said to cook in very much less time, with very much less trouble than any othe rango known. An idea of the success of our ranges may be gathored from the fact that last rear sent out OVER 500 of different sizes.

We are supposed to be the lurgest makers in the colony, and make botween 40 and 50 different sizes and designs, which is by far the largest variety made to our knowledge. Inspection to our showrooms, Manners. street, Wellington, invited. An illustrated catalogue will be sent on application. FRANK GRADY, OPTICAL GOODS HIGH -CLASS ARTISTIC WATCHES, CLOCKS JEWELLERT JEWELLER, AND NOVELTIES IN ELECTRO-PLATED GOODS IMPORTER, SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS.

WILLIS-STREET. CHOICE SELECTION OF FANCY GOODS. Repairs a Speciality TWEEDS by loss the than yard at cost DALTON': English price. 48, Cuba-street. STABLE MANURE Stables in can be quantity bad at gratis tha Tramway any A AL TEA ERIO BLENDED TEAS.

THE EMPIRE Pack the following standard DRAGON," CRESCENT," and the ALSO, THE HOUDAH," and These latter are PURE INDIAN TEAS and purity of flavour, especially intended for TEA COMPANY brands of Choice ToRs, viz, ELEPHANT," EMPIRE," "MIKADO," CELEBRATED "KANGRA VALLEY," of robust growth, possessing great strength connoisseurs. SODE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED I I I TEAS (ALPHA ESTATE). W. G. TURNBULL PROPRIETORS.

AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS 1 AND MACHINERY. F. W. MILLS LIMITED, HAVE JUST LANDED THEIR SEASON'S STOCK OF P'LOUGHS, c. HORNSBY'S and HOWARD'S" Swing, 1 and 2-wheel Ploughs; Hill-side Ploughs Zig-zag and Chain Harrow; Swingletrees, for 1, 2, and 3 horses Plough Fittings; IMPROVED HILL-SIDE, OR SWIVEL PLOUGHS, for Ploughing on hill gidog as well Plough Shares; all kinds of Disc Harrows as on level land.

The turning and pulverizing qualities of these Plough are unexcelled Planet Jupiter Combined Seed Drills, Wheel Hoes and Cultivators, Garden Ploughs, Horse Hoeg and Cultivators CHAFF CUTTERS for hand, horse, and steam-power; Black Annealed Iron and Steel Foveing Wire, Galvanised and Barbed Wire, Portland Cement, Corrugated Iron, Roofing Felt, Sheet Lead and Zine, Boiled and Raw Oil, Turpoutine TO ARRIVE FOR COMING HARVEST SEASON" BUCKEYE" Improved Lowdown Reapers and Binders BUCKEYE" 2-horse Alowing Machinos and Combined Reapers and Mowers HORNSBY'S" Combined Reapers and Mowers and 2-horse Mowing Machines Horee Hay Rakes, Winnowing Machines for soparating and cloning all kinds of grain and grass seeds BEST BINDER TWINE, Manilla and Flax D. W. MILLS LIMITED, IRONMONGERS, IRON MERCHANTS, AND SHIP CHANDLERS, WELLINGTON. HE EMPIRE HOTEL. Corner of JACKSON AND RICHMOND STREETS.

ET ONE. E. E. BATTERSBY PROPRIETOR. This most comfortable Hotel, which is now open to the public, offers every facility for rendering the visits of families from Wellington or the country distriota thoroughly enjoyable.

Suites of Rooms, Bathroom, The best accommodation possible will be provided for Permanent Boarders. None but the best quality of Wines, Spirits, and Ales will be kept in stock. Billiard-room, Livery Stables, and Paddocks. A Cab will meet trains as they reach the Petone Station. The Empire Hotel will be found to afford all the necessaries which combine to make a hostelry attractive to families, permanent boarders, and the travelling public.

Terms exceedingly moderate. CITY HOTEL Corner Majoribanks-street and Clyde-quay. QUILL NASA Proprietors. THE Proprietors beg to announce that they have taken possession of the above Hotel, and hope by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage. The Dining-room is extensive and lofty, and fitted with all the latest modern improvements.

The bedrooms are large, wellventilated, and furnished in a superior style. The Ladies' and Gentlemen's Sitting-rooms are beautifully laid out and replete, containing registered grates and every requisite to ensure comfort. Wines, Ales, and Spirits, are of the best brands. Good accommodation for Boarders. One of Alcook's best Billiard Tables on the promises.

PIER HOTEL, OPPOSITE QUEEN'S WHARF. R. TOWNSEND, Willis-street, late bogs of to Ship informs Hotel, his numerous friends, old customers, and travelling public, that he has taken possession of the above Hotel, and assures those who favour with call will meet with civility and attention. Wines, Ales, and Spirits, are of the best procurable. Staples' celebrated XXX Ales on draught.

The Billiard-room has been extensively renovated, and for comfort, elegance, and privacy, is unsurpassed in the vity. R. TOWNSEND, Proprietor, THISTLE INN, OPPOSITE GO GOVERNMENT RAILWAY STATION. Coast, REYNOLDS, of the Kumara, above hotel, West can take in permanent boarders and the travelling publio. Wines and Spirits of the beat Brands.

DUNEDIN BEER ON TAP. CLUB HOTEL MASTERTON, WAIRARAPA ALFRED ELKINS. PROPRIETOR, THIS Hotel offers Superior Accommodation to sottlors, travellors, and private amilies, BATHS. SAMPLE ROOKS. Stables and well-grassed Paddock CENTRAL HOTEL.

PETONE. THOS. H. WRIGLEY, PROPRIETOR, THE above Hotel is now open for the accommodation of the travelling public and pormanent boarders. Private Apartments for Families.

None but the choicest brands of wines and spirits can be found on the premises. MACARTHY'S CELEBRATED XXXX ALWAYS ON TAP. LAN D'S HOTEL, GREY-STRHET, JADES CATTLE Proprietor, Wines, Ales, and Spirits of the very best quality. AIL WAY THORNDON-QUAY. HOTE DANIEL DEALY PROPRIETOR.

D. late licensee of the Cricketers' Arms, having purohased the above-named Family Hotel, begs to inform his numerous friends, old customers, and the travelling public that ho has refurnished the house right through, and intends to leave nothing undone on his part to promote the comfort of his patrons. As this hotel is within two minutes' walk of both railway stations, it affords all the comfort that travellers by rail need require. Gueats' luggage delivered to and from both stations free of charge. Free Stabling for country farmers.

Passengers called in time to have breakfast before first train leaves in the morning. Hot, cold, and shower Bathe. All Ales, Wines, and Spirits of the choicest brands only kept. Staples' XXX Beer always on tap. One of Alco*ck's Billiard Tables.

Night porter in attendance, Travellers to Napier, Wanganui, New Plymouth can receive all information in regard to coach and rail fares, and time of departure by applying at the above hotel. D. DEALY, Proprietor. AN HO TE MANNERS-STREET. MISSES DINNAN OSBORNE have purchased the lease of the above hostelry, and will be pleased to receive a visit from their friends and the public generally.

The accommodation for boardera and families is unsurpassed. Luncheon from 1 to 2 daily. Hot, Cold, and Shower Bathe, Liquors of the best brands. Good Stabling LADIES' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL. the Pupils highly educated by trained Teachers.

Boarders taken at very reasonable rates, according to age and requiremente. AIRS. M'PONNELL, Brougham House, Wellington. THE School is beautifully situated, and ASK YOUR GROCER FOR MOATE A The Cop EXTRACTS Best Teas ILS ON N.2. ded The who to is 1 by and 'lending INDUSTRIAL Taster Mr.

has is of had Nelson entirely great GAZETTE himself, experi attenence, special training in the art." IN THE TIMARU HERALD. This 6rm deserves the sup. WORLD as port the superior of all article to purchasers they anything offer of Tea we is TRADE have seen in PRE88. this Colony." UNRIVALLED RECISTERED MARK. Mr.

fessional Blender." Nelson Taster is a pro- and PRICES: COPIED AWARDED BY ALL NE CO CHEM! per lb. PURE BLENDED TEAS, AUCKLAND, WELLINGTON, CHRISTCHUSCH, DUNEDIN. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. TRY THE BABIES' FRIEND! NEWS for the Babies! My advico to them is not to walk, as I am selling Rubber Wheel Perambulators from £2 78 6d upwards; Iron Wheel, from £2 upwards; all Reversible Hoods. Can be had on the Hire System, if required.

Invalid Carriages made to order, at different prices, with or without rubber wheels. Lent out on hire by the day, or week, or month. Chairs, Tables, Dress Stands, Cradles, Pionio and other Baskets, inoluding Butobers, Bakers, Grocers, with patent handles, EDWIN AKNOLD, 90, Willis-street, Wellington. WILKINS FIELD, THE BEST HOUSE FOR EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CARPENTERS' TOOLS C- GARDENING TOOLS AND ENGINEERS' TOOLS DATENT SPANNER PIPE DOGS, 28 9d onch. By the aid of this littlo tool any ordinary spanner or screw key sorves the purpose of the best pipe dog procurablo.



your earliest convenience. In all command, We remain, Sir, Obediently yours, JONES, ASHDOWN, (Late Hurley Co.) some twelve months since, purchased above business from Mr. Huxley (in whose employment we have been for upwards of five years, we would respectfully solicit a continuance of your esteemed lavoure. Being large purchasers for cash, employing 88 we do the best talent in our Cutting Department, and devoting our entire personal attention to the business, we are in a position to offer to our patrona exceptional value, combined with excellence of style, fit, and workmanship. We are now opening up our large and varied shipments for the Autumn and Winter Seasons, comprising Coatings and Tweeds in Colonial, Scotch, and English We would draw special attention to Celebrated Suits at £3 108 and £4 thoroughly shrunk, and invite inspection WIVES make your them husbands surprise good of tempered by giving a a pair of Trousers.

We will cat them for you. Trouser length of good tweed from 6B 6d. DALTON, 43, Cuba street. INSURANCE COMPANY, FOR LIFE ASSURANCE UNDER THE INDUSTRIAL AND MEDICAL SYSTEM. Registered under Companica Act, in complianco with "The Lifo Assurance Act, 08 A Company having socured Assets in New Zealand.

Chiof Offices--Triangle, Dunedin. Drectors-A. Bathgate, Esq (Chairman); C. F. Greenglade, Erg.

J. Horsburg, Dr. W. S. Roberts.

Christchurch -H. Thomson, J.P.; S. Manning, Esq. Wellington Branch -1, Grey-street. Medical Referee -Dr.

W. Fell. Resident Agent -W. J. Newton.

Applications invited for Agencies. W. M. KIRKCALDY, Superintendent. PHENIX FIRE OFFICE.

ESTABLISHED 1782. THE FIRE OFFICE during the 107 years of its existence has paid in satisfnotion of CLAIMS FOR LOSSES over SIXTEEN MILLIONS STERLING. This Office gives to all its aseurod full and perfect accurity against lose, and absolute freedom from all liability. By a Special Act of the New Zealand Par. liament (No.

2 of 1887, passed 23rd November, 1857) this Company can sue and be sued in the colony. G. S. GRAHAM, Superintendent. FRED.

THOMPSON, Distriot Manager. Offices GREY-STREET. THE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (LIMITED). ESTABLISHED 1836. Suboribed Capitai £1,000,000.

Reserve Fund £450,000. Marine Risks of every description accopted at VERY Low RATES OF PREMIUM, FRED. G. THOMPSON, Attorney and Agent. Offices: Grey-street.

IMPERIAL ESTABLISHED FIRE COMPANY, INSURANU 1803, London. Subsoribed Capital £1,200,000 Total Invested Funds over £1,600,000 NEW ZEALAND BRANCH OFFICE, LOCAL DIRECTOR: A. J. M' 'Tavish, Esq. BANKERS: Union Bank of Australia (Limitod).

SOLICITORS: Messrs. Bell, Gully Izard. AUDITOR: 0. P. Powles, Esq.

The distinguishing charaoteristios of this OLD and WEALTHY COMPANY are UNDOUBTED SECURITY, and PROMPT LIBERAL settlement of Claims. FIRE RISKS accopted at lowest current rates, and Fire Logos adjuated and settled at the Wellington Branch Office (National Mutual Buildings), where all business connected with the Company will in future be transacted, FRANCIS H. PICKERING, Rosidout Manager. Wellington, let July, 1889. THE PERTY, BRITISH FINANCE, AND COLONIAL ASSURANCE PRO.

COMPANY (LIMITED). CAPITAL £500,000 Head Office, 45, Markot-stroot, Melbourne. DIRECTORS: Hon. James Williamson (Chairman) W. A.

M'Intosh, Esq. Jas. M'Dougall, Esq. Sydnoy Burdekin, M.P. W.

Trotter, Esq. Hon. James Inglis NEW ZEALAND BRANCH. Prineipal Offico, 5, Dunedin. LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Wm.

Brown, M.D., Dunedin Edward Pettit, Dunedin John H. Morrison, Manager Mosgiel Woollen Company F. LUDLOW VOLLER, Rosident Manager. Fire, Marine, and A Accident Risks of every desorption accepted at lowest ourrent ratos. Branches and Agenoies throughout Australasia and London.

Losses promptly settled on the spot. J. D. BAIRD, Distriots Agont, Wellington, Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, and Marlborough Provincial Districts. THE STANDARD FIRE MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW A ZEALAND.

£1,000,000 With Unlimited Liability of Shareholdors. WELLINGTON BRANCH: National Mutual Life Association Buildings, Customhonse-quay. effeoted on all descriptions of property at lowest ourrent rates. MARINE. -Wocl insured from sheep's books, or woolehed, to London.

Open Poli0108 issued to over shipments to and from Great Britains America, India, China, AuBtralian Colonies, and New Zealand ports. hief! UNION Buthe hasn't stolen Then: he has got then for next to nothing at PEARCE'S Cuba St. 8. R. JOHNSON, TIMBER ROAD, PETONE.

MERCHANT, All kinds of Builders' Materials in stock. Agent forEvening Post Union Insurance Company, N.B.-Copies of Evening Post can be obtained nt Mr. Hill's Store, opposite (late S. R. Johnson).

PEAco*ck'S JAMS A RE THE BEST IN THE MARKET, THE WESTPORT COAL COMPANY 'LInTED). COALBROOKDALE COAL COAL Consumers and the publio are notified that this SUPERIOR COAL can always be obtained wholesale from the agent, or retail from any of the dealers, or at the yard and offoe, corner of Featherston and Ballance streets, J. H. WILLIAMS, THE GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY (LIMITED). and Victori near Cuba-stroet, (Inoludes Wallsend, Coalpit Heath and Brunner Colleriea), Having taken over the Brunner Coal Company's business on shore and afloat it will be our constant aim not only to maintain, but also to largely extend the said business.

The possession of these three celebrated colleries enables n8 to do 80 moat tageously for our customers. There will also be a large supply of the hart, Coalbrookdale and Newcastle coal on hand for all who prefer them, separately or mixed with our own coal. Sales from the combined mines last year was 160,000 tons. GREY VALLEY COAL COMPANY, (LIMITED.) W. GANQUOINE, Local Manager.

CHEAP PAPERHANGINGS. COTT, CUTHBERTSON Prize Medal Paperbangings. Large assortment in stock. Fifteen bales to arrive per Invercargill. These latter are a consignment from this eminent firm of their newest and best dosigna.

Prices and patterns dofy competition. R. DONALDSON, Agent, Ballance-atreet MITH VULCAN FOUNDRI having secured a large assortment of designa of Ornamental Caatings for verandahs, balconies, fonces, wish to inform architects, bailders, and the publio that we are prepaid to supply all orders at prices that will compare favourably with the imported artiale. We still continue to execute orders for all sorts of cast and wrought iron work. Illustrated catalogues can be had on application.

W. EADES 20, CUBA-STREET, Opposite Te Aro House, UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL FURNISHERS. Hearse, kept on Premises. Funerals conduoted to suit all olasaes, with every requisite. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS.


ESTABLISHED 1875, The oldest and most reliable office in Wellington for IMMEDIATE ADVANCES On Bills of Sale, Doposit of Deode, Shares, Bond Warrants, CASH ADVANCED On Pergonal Security, repayable by weokly, monthly, or quarterly instalments. SPECIALITY. BILLS DISCOUNTED DAILY AT CURRENT RATES, All Transactions Entertained. Address--THE MANAGER. G.

THOMPSON LAND, ESTATE, FINANCIAL, AND GENERAL AGENT. Loans Nogotiated from £50 TO £20,000. Money always available. AGENT PHONIX FIRE OFFICE. next NationalBank.

MONEY. MONEY TO LEND, freehold, at leasehold, lowest or ourrent other rates, approved on seourities, in sums from £50 upwards. M'TAVISH, TATUM 31, Lambton-quay. TO on Freehold rity (town). Address, Canton, Evening Port.

MONEY £400, £1000, and £8000, in £200, sums of £250 and upwards, on first-class securitics. HARCOURT Grey-street. PIANOS PIANOS! PIANO8! TE HE PIANOS, largost ANS, HARMONIUMS, stook of and ALL KINDS MUSICAL INSTRU MENTS in the Colony. Sole Agents for Bell American Organs Carlo Eoke, Lipp and Sohn, C. Silvani Brass Instruments Pianos by Brinemead, Schwechten, Collard and Collard, Kapa, and Spangenberg, Esdaile, Bord, Lipp, Rosener, Feller, Spaothe, Haake, Martini, Clementi Hot.

man, from £26. Pianos on hire for concerte, Harmoniums by Fontin Frees, Pirie Baner, from £10. Any of the above supplied to responsible persons upon our DEFERRED PAYMENT SYSTEM. Violin Strings and Fittings in great variety, Brass and Wood Band Instruments, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Musical Boxes, English and German Concertinas, Accordions, Pianos tuned and repaired on the shortest notice. HOFFMAN SONS, WILLIS-STREET, WELLINGTON.

Branches at Navior and Auck and. PEAco*ck'S JAMS CAN BEOBTAINED OF ALL GROCERS COBB COACHES. EKETAHUNA-WOODVILLE LINE. firat Eketahuna from daily, on Wellington, arrival also of Eketahuna and Woodville, 78 6d; EketaWoodville each day in time to catch the Wellington train at Eketahuna. a Fareshuna and Pahiatna, 58.


leaves every the Tuesday Booking and Office Friday, returning on every Wednesday and Satar. day. Booking Office -Prince of Wales' Livery and Bait Stables. Waggonettes, draga, buggies, and first-class backe always on hire. A 'Bus mecta every train at the Railway Station.

WILLIAM NEILL. Proprietor DONE parcel ming of Tweeds your at chance DALTON'S to secure Sale. 8 He will cat them to measure for nothing. 43, Cuba-street. GUARANTEE.

Fidelity of persons in situations of trust guaranteed. Rates of Premium and all other information may be obtained on application to the undersigned. WILLIAM EVANS, Manager. LONDON SURANCE AND COMPANY. LANCASHIRE IN.

FIRE BRANCH. CAPITAL £1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE: LIVERPOOL. Insurance againat loss by fire on every degorintion of 1 property, affected at ourrent rates. JOHNSTON Agents. NATIONAL NEW INSURANCE ZEALAND.

COMPANY FIRE AND MARINE. CAPITAL (full subsoribed) £2,000,000 Paid-up and reserves upward 269,000 Losses paid in 14 years 1,148,984 Distinctive Features. Undoubted Security. Lowest Current Rates of Premium. Prompt and Liberal Settlement of Claime.

Otices: Featheraton-street, Wellington, ANDREW CAMPBELL, Managor, THE UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND. (FIRE AND MARINE.) Capital, fully subscribed £2,000,000 Capital paid up £100,000 Reserve Fund £50,000 HEAD OFFICE: Hereford street, Christchurch. DIRECTORS: Hon. J. T.

Peaco*ck, M.L.C. (Chairman) 9. G. Stead, Esq. (Deputy Chairman); J.

Anderson, P. Cunningham, Joseph Palmer, Hon. W. Reeves, M.L.C.; H. R.

Webb, Esq. BANKERS: Union Bank of Australia (Limited). GENERAL MANAGER: W. Devenish Moares. THE SPECIAL FEATURES that mend this Company that it to notice of intending insurors aro: is a local institation: and that claims will be fairly and equitably dealt with, the names of the Direotors being a sufficient guarantee on this point.

Rates charged are the lowest current. Wellington AgentsJOHNSTON Agents. Agent. IVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1836.

Invested Funds £6,673,204 Claims Paid 19,616,178 Fire Reserve Fund 1,500,000 This Company offers toinsurers the security of invested funds amounting to over SIX MILLION POUNDS STERLING, BESIDES THE UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF A VEKY WEALTHY PROPRIETARY. By a Special Act of the Now Zealand Legislature, the Company is in a position to sue or be sued in this colony. This Company has ever been noted for its promptitudo and liberality in settling claims. Lowest current rates for all olasses of Fire Insurance. EDWARD PEARCE, Agent.

HUDSON'S BREAKFAST COCOA Big has given univerCares la sal satisfaction in the 1 TO 5 DATS. cure of and cause Guaranteed pot 10 Glect. I prescribeitand 018 Frans urd saly Cincinnati, Chemical by the Co. Ing feel A. it J.

safe to in all STONER, recommend- sufferers. M.D., Onto. Decatur, U1. PRICE, Trade Sold by Druggists. Price, 5s por bottle.

TURNER Agents, Manners streets. SUFFERER from Nerrous and Wast A ing Debility, Loss of Vigor, was restored to health in anch a REMARKABLE MANNER, after all else had FAILED, that he will on receipt of a self-addressed, stamped envelope, send the mode of cure FREE to all fellow sufferers, Address, A Miner, G.P.O., Sydney. TERVOUSNES8, LOBS of ENERGY and gentleman having tried in vain every advertised remedy and discovered 8 simple means of cure, will be happy to forward particalars to sufferers on receipt of stamped directed envelope. Address-" Confidential," Box 462, G.P.O.. Sydney.

HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND VIGOUR. TREE by post for six New Zealand penny stamps, Medical Treatise by Bri eminent French Hospital Physician, 30 years a Parisian Specialist (now ret zed) showing sufferers how they may- cure themselves of Nervous Debility, Lost Manhood, without consulting a medical man. Address PARISIAN, P.O., Box 766, Sydney. A boon to all deeiring Medical Review. Printed and published daily by the pro prietora, JOHN BLUNDELL, HENRY BLUN DELL, and BLUNDELL, at their registered Friday.

fice. September Willia-street. Wellington 6.

Evening Post from Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.