The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

fWntirtBl Siar. Ftirtay, Rftrmrf 117 11-0 OTWllWllR'r'T 1 1 IMPORT AiltOS MiAits hup mn SAItS HHP WNI'D HAZtL HHP MNI-0 rxmrxvi AT' fcntpioynient Cwra! "TSrriRNAIItlNAL I) WUUI i mm SiU 774 ouor. auto, eJr tuoiiuiwd. Atkma SUM. fnw-e Alum.

hum SiUinc imu us rrupi burs, leun eft l'rw k7l)ll SURREYS tt.4 ft rUy Patkiiye, 4, duel, pftwer sinerme, kawAVAki '77 Aw laicnu iel ror, i i- invesli CaH trnfflMtmltty far tnwmoho on loses oerson tor buoWV mens wear, WlooP Tftl if "fro tvion, Ujht blue, 11217. W7 dawn, Ill eorkeiv jp ha) nme aiiHHi RwuWuit ifKM-cieVHia rwaMii4 cur Mr a lai uMv inMHjtiiu ntiiMxiul Wll kuM SluU, guud Uilklitlun. Lull VW Jim Aarww su uemkMieie rue ww mv.nm wr owyessive owu'itieil pjpie at uur Ainonte MoU ft toem-m Pl muck mECmanii, own kutt, ft ouv week long huui TdOTk" MECHANIC wm.ted" Kio lHtantf iw.el mectinnic tn Irutk inuii'teiiniH mutt huvt turn tools Ph 2W Iftjp IN if NATIONAL iu i.i;v4, EMfiUSH PORR-AnC'T-'' RUNS GclO, fti 3JV7JI I wheel wi. we riuve bit 4 tm at OMittied kw pm Only hjc uw', Reverg. Jwjulj.

AUIO SWESMIN need 1 WhM well dressed, 0 OUIQ MUeMlieff tO SU MW used tort Top nuv gvuw im.ii.oi muioici, ntx mr lute-cl Won Zuwodrki MAKC UADi CHRYSUR PtYMOUlH Nw tJ, Santord 1 simes suwiv, turvmMtston, Ir-ae ufnn Apply Ml iiei yeli AA.Aki Demo ciuirti-tjers, e.tffilei'1 Aiwnte ouvnienls uuv UP uuuiur I'C'u 2'VHa44. Wlufi 71 L-yVit rurotlerv sirt 70 4 wneet In AHwiKnit, itvur Mutltand, fc Dtflflouid or ftnv lkftMt AVON eeeeeeeeeeee ElAt, CAPRt, HONDA. VOLVO, etc drive pickup, 4 weed rieovY duly, me OonwHi vw SUN MAIIY StKVICI II CP '71 Ii 4.4. Wl tletrmg- en- ig wtieeH. reiiv ml Cull JJf 64741 Ueuier SUZUKI EARN rjnOO MONP CHRISTMAS CHELR SPLCIAlSI Y0Y0TA CEia UFIBACIC 78 REALTY WORLD teiienl cund.

2i rni uruimg IV ItCHNItlAN Experienced Only Anr-ty bom i i riK.moNifi, V3II4I Rt UH 1, Tunurei ViNVLINSIai LEU irnnikdwl etwrtng, otxiv pay Scot, muil Oe ewetieiiil, have own truik 4 ui kpn (arMI, ftSJ4l(XI. PARI IMC SILLING WURI.O FAMOUS AVON PMOOIiltV timk, i notr-wre. It't-rWiMoiwer. Sk- RPALTOWS MI2I Air, I speed, lleieo. tfiarJe.

SMrVj Ckneout tmie on all 71 moilell tar detuiis, cull MI-AMU. temuofct IIWIOl LfC W.U tunsMer Kou. Ccitl 4IP0I Cuvnty ure tYJOe eV710l TTMWvriiwded with outiwnt. roM (tin Kjlurv Mt CtWinHttHin, Your Key bStkH POD M4mm riowi wnti rw4 Cor fcAt'PRlfcNCi a must 10CA1 TRAVEL ONLV "Oivt Sauls Ui lilt, ddrlinf." H0NUA CIVIC I Mt 77 tan ml, air, 4 tpeed, lilf HONDA CVCC WAGON 7t lereo cassptte. 4 tueed.

nk WerS FIAJ 124 WAGON 74 trot, nwsl ten phOM ikwom shuwiuom pwe, ormt mis ew DRIVER few covering Ottinbuur tuts floentr tor mon to work mi To Better Earnings TSAItEBHFAVY OUtV moWJ. cte, arm cuirv i kiipe moiwcyciet. lhffnM. IWllHOfr Carlo ft wmetwute 4 tome drlvktg Muil 4 Heed, 3iim mi. meet UPrt ft'Jiiny Si rmiif l'6 ro wsi Ait 234 VAKSF0RSALE WELL QUAllflEO LEADS YAMAHA '71 Y212SE Dirl Me.

HERE Wt CROW AWUW VUV0 164 WAGON 74 Mr, auto, low law ml, tttti CAPRI V6, AIR, 74 ekceiient cpnrtlhun. very dependable un (uii Art Crtndlc'l BJ KM totervtewtng YAMAHA 7 4U1 br Aionostiock Hvh fctwoi ffiudtxiit Call IWJUU IKUI Wid rnumt to MHA Dent. 0 ruasrv slM '74 vt kfce new, dart uMa personnel IP stun pur new Wneel Ranch location. Aukcijrits need no prevluut car EikJurn Street legal. A I SUJtl mi, vinyl ton, iter, 124 Uue, Beauviiie package, kwaea.

rac- Itl WH lores II 'I444I. lumrTunnv tmDiuvtr. ky atr, power tteeringiuiueei. suies experience, but mutt be very YAMAHA "'77 V71JV0 O.rrilfe with tx 100 ft 11 toce' Guud AM'FM ttereo I TIMELY PACKAGE LECniMMI weekly pay FIAT I28SI 73 new tires, sttiee, I lev I CAPRI FASIBACK 73 ai ntevemem oriennnea. av uersun at our Semoran tocution la u.emn eente A tsfa bed.

Pull cut- conoiiion. hny tun K7 44S SOM4kuiiuri, our mn mtn ovr vf Coll Wr McNtimqrg iM rij krni inlet nr ft ixlerier. 11 tan. KUli kUL 1111 jury Mimer wre eemoran YAMAHA 77 V'tOD fine conrj. Auto, stereu I track, sharp i IS rllvd.

Winter Fork SAIEMAN NIE0ED mi, real tost V'V Will 01 gear FREE TRAINING Cltf VY 'r7usk3rnTiedTns(iJeofa out, atr. power steer log 'or ok. LETS BE HONEST Wto UII S3' sldbllthed VototUI County Mutt rmvg ewerieme hi YAMAHA toTdirt, hovt ttrttt gear VIi tverungs. NEEDED Af'PLY IMMf UIATELV Lorrternpoiov tempurory PAV772, WAREHOUSE help'wonlod' Nobunol Wrulcover company kM wiiiehoute neti 40 hi wk. puld benefit i tor ami.

between 151.4720. Otoufteur't kcense, reuaolg antl lurd working, 7V536J IS, 'watchmaker. CkWkmaWI iALAKY Of I N. CALL IUJ. MMPM oHIV AAA EMPLOYMENT mg 6J0 42iern Corruption Won of left) Mr M.

Jonet M9jqo If yeu weren't tanking tor new coreer, you woukm I be reading ens tkjergtuss or tprov on Insulaltc-ft OtPvY Van, 74. cvl. gu. cm BILL BRYAN IMPORTS Viecialifing In Sport' fconomv Car Hwy vi ft Lee Nd. 41-4441 eeeeeeeeeeee FIAT 76 Scorpion, bw ml Hke new mid.

speed, with air, StvDli Jark. tomied In and gwt S42A), eteliel aa. If we werenr ewking ror Iviems. Ekcellenl opudrtunlty tor amunuui person, Ouud benefits. wjmenne te do a lob.

this od would. Cum iHir YAMAHA 72 1C0k TnDURO 1700 Aher Sum. 131 -UWc Prnm th nt In the npiKhhorhood." be here. II you want the (scour- lyOll wuer errs ive Hun. to I funny to earn Three CHEVY CU5TOA VOO Looilid nli b.

itsf Proittr trd. 322 1411, 644VI drcd Oollart 9 week. CaH tott tf YAMAHA l0, 160 P'Kknu lliO Low miieriue, top condiKin isI uu4H MM anvtimt kjr feuxaed SALES REPRESENTATIVE -TAfW 'iff ton 233 TRUCKS, BUSES SALE 225 KVY TRCTRS. Boat Sales $20,000 see to oppiecialr. Phone 471 ii2 Imessuue.

Lung borty, looaea. weuu. rnu- IOWest pee. Aot ncy-tprmi 1 2211 Lee Rd, WinlmPark A444W0 TMSZtVtWimM CWOERIANS -rTwroM-VArcfiNVf AAA EMPLOYMENT Ad puturnow S'JUU. CALL M7IJ2I YAMAHA ttoiond tarnf frm has an txcep- OONt LET THIS TITLE ftCARI MM to PAaxIS, setrrt, vrinaows, ARROW C.nnt..

TDU TUUI YoW nv, anrwal arnlngf yta ajuuirry. No order toktre. HONDA SALE ACTION HONDA IS iowest fee agengy-tprmj tatt Semoron AltumonU XI 1 0.7(1 EMPlOYMIHT lianal growth isprxtrtuTvitv fo an 09- Rrirad Acceseoriest When Vow Know How They re ftoitt Mi LL. But we ahre auaHtv and Mr. Custom Build to Suit You Campiire Ut ft See toe Best! BAM 422Tw ytvrMrfrlotiyto(olloo IOWESI FEE AOFMCYTf'M vice.

Go aetlere onlv need oduivI rt)i AUTO-TRUCK LIU RFNTALS top nwajsmnnl 01 vonouj bu- tell t. CoHnlol Or, tVtftGE 7H FuM top of the line Cnfiwerltlon Van, Thlt not crv Best Salet opaortunity In town, Leuctt supplied dully. Hot Drtuiifcrtlon ft Insurance, Ouiortunlty tor OfJvancernenl. Earn Kim to t. OO while woiflng tor your poportunify.

Coll Mr. Weise. Mi-mi). NEW 79 PLYMOUTH DISCOUNTING NEW HON See Mary at furWai lO'uest Marine Dealer. BUD BOA left MOtORJ VIJI I.

CjUnlal Of. krrvlew Thuri ft ffl. onlv. rmsas In It Cwtid Fkxida ato. A unti but the price win maee OliE 2 left tliw JtiVit 1 wtt Slfl PUJi PRflGHT TAX ft TITLE.

ALSO SELECTION 01 USED 40 WEST COLONIAI Ortonrto ft4l-03 WE BtJY'jurik or Wreiked Cvilec, CYCLE SALVAGE; 40 Colonial. NeittoYrrnorin477 Man I ARROW PICKUP CAP. UltMANTNo e.oerlerKd vtu think so. It It along thekne at Art Crindie fine auuiity, see rt In the thowiuom, II0.7S0. ptrAeitrrjdrecwdiiiuteiireifyirefi Strang personal imtioltva and the net.ewnv uwn fronujnration.

(itw MAN OR WOMAN TffAILFffl POR RENT Day. Week or Monm Pklts. Vgns iS Tun low And Storage Trailers Outfit Trailer Letuslnf NOW ON DISPLAY EXCLUSIVELY AT: 71. 311, auto, air, power DAS, DRIVE TO SANFORD AND CHOOSE FROM OUR LARGE SELECTION OF 78's at tar, mi w. Ciitonkii mux 6((AIf RYSAlS PfRSCitJ tteatonal Monoot.

tor a Otfeaoo (W.T FtS AGCNry.T(MS iwyutl SwU IU4 limy AAA EWPIOYMSNT Wl) N. KlnimmM me- WKS 4AI AHY TtkMi StJNDAY MONDAY IfgYPtUSOHNt-L IHM311 "manage Mt nt senrarTtHS Orlando, Inc. Lt rt0 van wfltl steering, warranty, fully cutiumirea, ability to plan and work MXpiwn. Can Coiatyn1) beuxalivt tobtta. MARC SLADE fHRVSIER PLYMOUTH bawd rtWHiiotturtr wIN bt o.viil-ing irt)peiidnt otKKlid tocal oeuttr intervMFWt Tht a Caretr cuptolnt cnatr.

ruvi-rrei paeeene. CB Phone- 47I34I1 ee Si instant cash ss ee tuenta. fxre-UTWi Ul ri t7. The Home of the Better Trade' inuuriuntiv wim the mott twectut- For vour Motorcycle RC. HILLS MOTORCYCLES KWNEL.

unoer bo. kit. let us Hwy 1742 Stanford. Hi MO 122-I2J0 bdtKe Mat teater, I2O70 ml. ulr.

AM'FM Itrock ste- reo, power tteeringrbrakes, control, tinted guilt. M7Je-2S9l Salary oxnmtmural with (xparr- oroaniflittor. In our flttd Looking tor kind, tonttt otrion Mrho It wilt ond 79 IN INVENTORY, PRICES START AS LOW AS: 1407 CoOnxjl Or 7W-IIPI AUTO-TRUCKS WANTFD 227 ram, Dtl llalet. Cull VWI'A kCAhTllNfj firmTraTiirnedlato ooporhmilv tor ecented or toon to xt, pka (ornpany car, wpwwei, CYCLE INSURANCE ing to work coHinv on ttabHtned ctirnttl and hjrnl-rttd ttodt. AdoM OCHXE 77 Von Ckkjn, low milw CHEVY TO TO sttort Bed.

Srotl- immediott coveraae'exceiient rgtel be heitted Aieoc Mneet rramng. $3595 aamutrw offw locllniet cash tdole. 3S0 auto, air. Tun power, bsretit*, and growtti pottntial Send twurnt and salary histgcy in (onfi- cant wilt receive fun orooua Vriowrftediit and tralnirg Salet oull, Itteraturt. ol ftetd luHiorl by tx ACTION HONDA AAA CASH tor outot on the Spoil ynir cori'.

Coll stlV OWolNATIW XnoMtr" tTTScl Dflwf 0r IK roud rwiiri. Cut fen Flo. cnouftn trtmt, un hr Call Vjkum MituSE ii) mnnoiw a Inmilv hamt In Wlrrttf Park WuM te la cnA and imnl ivmi. 4VHI10 advance Dkm tor thote who auoiity. AM.

EM. SV0O iwijjOI pfter pni. Old or new, See us first of: (Plot dueler freight ft destination Hwy 17 Santord, 131 1M0, 17)4100 Pti. Ukooh Warner tor asm. IV CHE YY SILVERADO.

71, Crew prrtented ptrtonoet. Car rtoulred. ings, S3 16 tdgewoter, Tvtyjll denot tat cab, duot wheels, trailer pockage, GENTRY MOTORS HONDAS ALL Mnkesors or 1rurktneeded t-or opo con mt. bout. 01 vi-eratort Orktrtdo International 4M topiier, loaded, mutt toailice.

GC eVARNEUt RE ALTO Iha BikS. W. US. 1 on Hwy. 929 CAll: U104.1 before 4 tnynedloiely con tcoavi I I07S Orange Bum Tr.

47 2400 Airport Mot. on Dec Wh between or id pm. and Dec. 17t between rw W7 7S0 12494 tHEW '71 Dual Wheel Pirkw HOLLER HONDA 171 7700 auto, power tteerlng. air.

IS past 1 ready to drive homg, SAVE WITH OAVb Dave Smith Auto Sales 425-1171 OOOGT fir I PLYMOUTH '77, "Is omsenger van. Good cand Inaulr at Roniaaa Inn West 4S4-JJU. DCJOGE rrMesrhon 100 Very good cond, by owner CALL 2V4hu4 TtoBCE- ROYAL" Newi Loaded! Lrt IW76 NovttWs includel Tog, Tax, Freight ft Setuo WARf Mouse WORK tiuerlencdtf Hrs.l0 tut iKii.fn iutnmt CARS WANTED Mf Ttrnpla OotwtR PONY EXPKESS COURIER CORPORATION PO Bon eoatf Jadisenvllto. PL 32704 Camper special, fully Looaeat Centurv Chevrolet 4S4-L172 toknuenon only' jariu). LAY AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS Thevy 'ft Custom ooo mT, MAM f-tam Mfrt7tt'(i.

(S) apanlnot ki ovr Mofkemta lro. torn prfrh rnl ouvi'om. Wl 'vVANTfcU. ir ight nlftuilmne poo-fto only la (to weahont work. No HOME SIU0Y SALES RIPS cnargesi ACTION HONDA Hwy 17 97, Santocd I3U6AO HONDA 71" 4 dr, coconut brown finish.

4 speed, amfm radio, frnforv air, Umy side molding, only 1 mi, remainder of new car worronty, onlv S44VS JOHN LAMB HONDA "Where Lomb Chapt fh Pricet'" Tool Cofcniol W445II HI3NOA 77 Cvcc wagon, auto, air, rcicko, heoter, rool rack, terrihr pjinomv special Vilpjl. Norman rtecwndabie work truck, runt ilk hTi AVAILABLE- S10 will hold National Khaol hat aoenlnt ki Or- any bike under 200. till thrill- new. iirvs. wnotetoier 47-viw CHEVY" '7f TV ton, king bo, i cyf.

kjfkio area. Leaai Aud vieuol Equal Opportunity Employer MP and il am. kw-xii. AftrTOiT WMtmSTvr MORE per year? We have an out ttondtna fokn position In rht aent-rd Orkndo oea, tor on inoHviduol reony to rtw above the crowd. No limttt on tormngt.

or turure tor our witet oenonntl. The Individual wtertod will etaii on a wfcly draw, -w-rvtng Mtabiished cuitomtrt. Get in htgnett commmioni tn our industry, ptut a fin tuH 0rou0 Of most wuma Gou annuiM A onom mc Vikn Toon, comak-te trainlna. CoH SAitS local a mutt. HHv wiiga 4 Umub rut stick, new crutch, Inspected, good shoae.

SUM. Norttwale Tire ft WE MEAN IT! We win buy your car, alvl or lake covn, mike povofls anywhere in tn USA. It vou have a nk cor, pwase tee Dick Welch If vou wont the most money tor your car. Simoson Motors. 1020 N.

Ofanae Ave. 42JI71 w. weurk. ti rrri Commercial Trortre Irtifffule mlMO. Extriienl workino cono fkxn, CoH ak tor Ann mapailne.

Honest, rekobie, seit-Puner. No Man pressure. PH U4-6IA0 leave mine ft phone numuer. Compare Usl Detroll Auto. 427 DOoGE "TfT ton 'MoT window Van High bock seafl, rear teat, air, complelelv reworked Inside, custom console, CB antenna IM) air HONDA OF ORANGE COUNTY 4414 Colonial Or.

Orlando Khone. 2 'ens I CYCLE INSURANCE Wn Rf RtoN- VeTl vervd ft enperienced In electronic Reklre ud. I. C. etc.

txcelient SALES Pf RSONNfcL To sell wtl- Auto. 7W1W0 Pays, I7A1I4S eves CheW -ft i shrxt bar, wide wheehvttres. 307 VI speed, 11411. Southwest Motors 42JO1J0 tHf.VVU von body wim gate, side door, I47BD. Jack Prosser r7n.

6444VI6 or 272 I4II oleule natural vitamin, miner on ft ft'CASH rtTktr'your Cor or TruckT wiry ft commtttlon. Contact Jim hertjs, 351-1773 I rnne Deiwms. rti win ofovme a OBNvoftQiued Irainlno period ond toiiciw uo, trven oivt vou the aooor- Nan, mm to Sum, eNe-isii WHf tiLS PEALS MM W. Colonial. 2VV-711T AftT CKINfHFS INCT have on imme4lo1 Olttnlna tor kiimni orwi tor Ookridoa kVnMI NotKn, no taptitt nauor.

Camad Ratoh Yiitthi at our Wnoron UKaiton I6ia Vmaron Blvl. )i 'ctrv nr" inarrrT rvonrisliom lor a ftoaration AVAILABLE AT- HILLS KAWASAKI SAIES REP INSURANCE shocks, new heavy oury irorti shocks, new broke, Tronic tran. mission, new ttarter, new heavy duty radiator, AM'FM radio, I truck ttereo 4 speakers, dark glatt an around, custom rock ft ttoruge TIX pay" Through Th6 nosTI Co, car. Eaiense acct Local area. DaTsCiN 71 mckuo, 4 tpeedTrciciio, t-or vour lotc moaei cman car, Cheapest Inturance Polet In Town tunrry to mott a tuctnt or vourtelf You will need om mecrt-arxfjt obtltry.

For Interview coll 0. i Bolter, Sua after PM a) 44 1117 er, wrince is. jnu car Auto pom ew, imnieawte opening. IIUAU Call HI Hwy Ltcvntad Aatntt naidfif to 0ort work in Joa Need to tarn mii Mil w.LotonwlTJrlanoa, WHtlvi contoct King Motor Center, Brad Gosser or Dove Boardman, I5S- Bios Datsun 65441UJ HONDA ACCORD 765 spwd HOLLERHONDA 471 27O0 HONDA 76 HATCHBACK HOLLER HONDA, 471-7700 HONDA" 76 'CIVIC" HATCHBACK Coral in color with matching interior, lociorv air, radio, 4 speed, big gas saver, only S26VS JOHN LAMB HONDA "Wherg Lomb Chop trw Prtceti" Center, I0S0 N. MlM t6-7741 mum or uu imikw utau wppih Dirrtir tin.

preferred, toiory 1406 Bee Un EPwyl52A OOnoE 'Tluttom ISO, Jit Vt, SNELLINC) It SNt.LLINvf SALESCAREER box with a Siwo value, tzicetient llret, dual ekhoutt with 0oit pocks, WW engine pverhoul phit much doity ttom pMpto wno nuv JE Quol Ctpportiirtty fmptoytf power tteerlng, tooper. 7VO one owner mi.U G-T, Motors 422-2400 Central Fiorlao'i Leading Ofrlcg jimtc Cars PRICfcS-TOP SFRVICE 1W-74S1 or 4THT724 wrmtn owg about our ntw okm. act. Oov wrk. LitnrMd more All service butt with von so 9 WANTED PUCKEn'S 78-12 SALE 'NEW FXE lTflorc ENGINES Eurnrrure LP.

hue rare travel Horn Every Night No can you con tee what fiat been done ft when. Reason tor tetllna needed a rxxxiiT'Tf I'J ten, tuck extrd clean, only VUW Art Grind apporttinitv tor 0 coreer minded TOP l74 andoi3i Intkto Ptiont toitt ptrton wttft venvsg or tmiernnu. Krimo b'ger van. 14200 with rock. IM00 vi- rBordwart ttort.

tumtMir or duii rrvxtel used cart and truck John 3 PL "king of Hiway" LOADED 3B)i e. co*kmol 194511 person to train in outside soles. Many company including car aUowanc. Salary during training. Saws erpenence pretered.

Rogert used Lort. Lou 2VSI7W tH'ineu It Wllloo Medirart MWlf meritv Eiceittnt comminn pod dmty. Bonutev and aotxxtunrty tor wnhout rock. JuS-TVWJ standard. tro tUno moteriol yard InVrte tale ex prrrtftted.

by a growing twikWna 10 New EJr suuergiiaet tbave I DEMO FXE Supergiide Ufl clean, small down payment, we'll HONDA Civic, 73, really good sh. aoe. Jl MPG. a good buy tor 512)50 Coll: 14 1 4025 advarKcrntnt. tor Ptrionoi tnwvt- but not essential, only career motoriat wnolevjker MHiing to lumoervardt.

vou Hkt customer Semoran wheel Hnncn, eri mo CU5TOM 100 PiCtcuP Blue ft white, VI, power steering broke, air, radio, UW! CentralFla, Auto Brokers. 4 DCKX.6 stake body, VI. excellent tires, Uv7i Jack Prosser Ford, ph. 444- coM Jkn Thompson Autviatod 1 '45 CUSTOM I7UUCC IISVI I 74 XLH Sportster S159S Parts, Sale, ServicB finance 2nd Lor tenter, lass MlUS, PAV774I rrvnaed people should apply. Can Arthur Young, phont contact work, hovt a aenuint JAGUAR '71 XJ-67Tmos old wlttl Doctor! Haoflh ft Lilt, Mt.

detirt to help tumbtr deat- am eo ii om im eo 1 1 om. eD0CErORDCHEVY VANS eri. hove good ohont personality i klAlrnAN E0E0 CUSTOM ENGINE WORK TOP PRICES Por Your Clean Used Cor Sag or Coll PAT LONG REED FWIORS 4S N. Gorlond. M)-747t 7500 save 13500 Brown, kwded.

under warranty. Phone64772D JAf.lJAl 77 XJ6f, silver wltli red Brand New. All Types, SAVFM and a dewrt to work tor mt bett PuH er porttime evening hourt. ftwgthtU), manv fr.i btrwntt. tnuol Ocqortunltv bmptovvr Hr on coil Mr Doftfihw i otfc tirArTPrspA fVcw or- htMiiand a writ wtw art Woking if extra income 1 of w.

Aaxox. 4 hri, ptr ngftf, Only rev KtrKibi, dMWrMlubt (Mrftont aocHy. in am en duty. Cat. Mr.

Robtrtt 2SflW "THF C'0OlfnrV6k! tnwt)Kie ouvnlng for on ostitonf monaur trauwt Mul be honoow GQgtiv, ortd wiiieng to work wrktnfli and tvnras Food wr-vtu tD. hmtAfl CaN tv-is4 tor on ourt. Tut. Itvu Fri. twtwtwl frwn-ij noon, aHl rtAN5 WUPlP wtTna Omwndcnt ctilUrtn navrJcd In rtdrtHt ftnigrorn a torhjge pnrni ler to 10 chtidrtn.

Oav tl 4 Oavi tlOJUO pf cuuo pad vocation, tniur cirMt and rptirmflt pton, Ftortda UntJ rWmtmnt CMUrn' Horn. Detroit Auto Brokers, 4W-6W, CALL 2HI 1 Oronge Bkiltom Tr HI II WI6 or J22-14I! rxMGErri Ciuo Cab, I stick, Spe-cnl SIM Bin Vane Autos, 200) S. Two lutes per week naao per. building mcrttriai wnotttaier tn t-w. contoct Ut Now.

Hours Moa thru watfter interior, 74uw mi, onrv xi built! Priced well below market value! Winter Pork Motors, Hwy CODC.rMAXTVANS- Brand New! VI. Full Power, Extra, trrvS up. Frl- s-5. Prom sharing, bonus, stea iceme PneVt-iXue-iMmtor lemil year. Complete framing program, apoortunitv tor pxtvoricernenl.

Call UeUil (3 te PM) Auttwrlied Oottun-AMC Oeoler Troll, 4ZJ-731 Mopeds dy work ond above avtrog oov. Detroit Auto. 42M794 Guaranteed Ikwed howita! polltiet. 17 72 44161 hy apof Phone jonn rret. DODGE 72 100 PiAup FOP.D 'W Ford Cuttomued Vaa SAlTlFLtLLPARrTME LAND ft HOME SALESMEN.

De- limber prooum. naiu with an the extras. tiiAOO Jock II IK, Call 30S432I. 7000 minis Maroon with ton tooth M0PEO.74. GorelH, low ml Excellent cond, S22S 29S 12 14 kind Area, Real ftloie Urerne TRUCKS Prosser Ford, 3721441, ou-itvie CITRUS PROCESSING PIANT "doBcVE- State Badv "Dump, '70, 'real reaulred, eia oreferred.

lalary Wrecked, Kink or needing work P0R0VAN 71- VVotr. cuslpmljed, Auto accessory distributor hat tuK and port Hme openings to service retoH deportment and drugstore chains. In Orlando and surrounding counties, wtwievile or retail eoerl- ajmnMHlon. bonuses, olul other good cond, Inspected, everything er sears. Wkdavt Evet ft wtendt 7I7--72I6, Leesburo KARMANN GHlA'47iniv 69JDn0 PURCHASING COORDINATOR WE PAY CASH! S6M131 lorao corporate beneltH.

fur oopl worts, gooa nres. sjaki, w-oj cruise, tilt wheel, loaded, under warranty. cue; wtiw euoo Mr (men iginat miles, must sell auickl 15uo RMi Phone 67ISM7 El CAMINO '7eCiosslc5S, tilt, cruise, FM tape 4SS. Big Oronge FljRD 7 EI00 Von, customlied, Largo Control Fta. Purchasing Cooperative it seeking tndlvrdual to caordtnott Procurement of Ooerat- 84 USED CARS 237 IMPORT AUTOS ence hetoml.

but not necessary. Phrase tend resume to Motor Dis- .144, IJkJj li.M. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE AM-FM. excel Witt condition, flrtl Si, rm CnH tarrv XN77. no doolies tor ttverot memrjer MokjrS, 17 72 ft Lk Mary 37' 110.

EL LOADED EXTRA CLEAN Buy Clean Used Cartl rvm I Setl Yours tor Lessl CnK Mnndnv Miami, PL UOIl Attn: Don Gqgnon MAZDA '72, excellent body. Interior, tret. Engine wont ttort. 137S, 294-7141 days 30y5lves, MAffiA 'jrwogon, aulb 'dir. low Citrus Processing Firms.

Initial PoBTJ'TrSijPESAAN. 1 owner 4 rTAANAGrMENT-TRAlNFr" Come See us tor the Very Best! cvcilnder, ttick. 442X70 mllet, 11200. TTiTOI OK CORRAL 42-l27 BMW 17 1701- air, tunroof, block area of cnrKerttrortlon will bt power ttemsAotors, B-ar- SALE urrukluriiPi at year okl iHnonal company, ev rkftirinl orariuctk. local terrrtorv.

Ireernotlona firm need! 4 men ft Phone 1944547 See pr Call Hon uesko t'-iuuu exterior, super sharp, Cormodv fOfiOJlFiSOT ton iTvon body, 4 speed, power steering, air, women. Salary pkil ixceHent ml. Great cona V50. ivw simco. excellent cond Soil).

Coll I34-34Z3 Motors Ph. 273-1140 ings, Bemng, cnain, prockers urn. er areas may trtctode Ingredients, Semoron, Winierar WtTBUY" Late modeL sports, etc, FtiROVAN. '70. cuttomued.

174 ton. 4 cvl, with '73 engine, new tlret. hmh cnmmlsion vt Odraw, LtoijuO ooninet, Lonp hourt. en the Iraeiina' Contort Jim UlOfrtS BMW 75, 1ASIA, 4 dr sedan, air, Jock Prosser Ford ph. 322 1441 or 444JNI6 Fusts.

CrttrrHcor Packaging. Joo MAZOA-G LC. It vour best buy. ALLAN PIERSON MAZOA SALES poieritiai. can uwck uimtieaa ew See in first, top dollar given, winter AM'FM lap deck, roof mount, healer Seer 2W 242I or 1SI 3071 win De primarily In office with some lPtamna stereo, power winoowt, auto, sunroof, very clean.

Pork Motors, 4 ill FORft Courier 't LsOO ml. excel- An eaual opportunity employer mt tin Whokieaie ptumotna euppty ivwrnber to tvwmber travel reautred. A rrr ad rve benefH pro FORD '47 ECONOLINE VAN MERCEDES 76. 4SO-SEL. beautttUl leat cond.

NO EQUITY. Take over WRECKEDABANDONED or JUNK Cars 6239 Orange Biossnm rrali MAZBA'TtlC '79' tun root; olr, sti reo, wheels, auto, 19.700 (Hit 1I0AO0I SALES P05ITIONS oabinet monukacturere i Heovy duty, rebuilt 4 cvl engine, medium metallic green, tunroof. payments S114 mo. MUST SELL. gram.

Salary comrntrauratt with PART TIME ft FULL TIME ojtured morbte vonlttn ft bath Top Cosh Pold, 422-4441; I43-7WS ttereo. sold new bv us. AVal RFCORDFO MESSAGE 3rrV323-4276 otter epm. samora. FOfib FJSoTtonTVO tpee-.

abHrrv ft txo. N. Lake woiet viritv itv Stnd rnumi to R. Cooks- MERCEDES- 72. 7H0-S6.

45. blue Pertect. IU96I-I477 Tampa Mf RCf6 71 J40-T5T "Artie new orakes, moster roaiaior, voltage regutalor, generator ft aurm tvttem. S7S0 Coll 134-1140 tube. Commission.

Reply St. Auau' tk Morale to. PA. Ban 124, It with while top. power winaowt, tond, PO.

Box Wawly, FL power tteerlna rur, S41S0. Jack fcn, Ha. r.mi. OPEN ROAD Van 74 Chew. ConV Heme inferior, aula., cruise. Stereo. Like New! Coll 855-41X5 SALESMAN Wanted- Ta represent Wot marwforfurer of auaHtv home improvement product Hoe. Company In business 20 years In Orlan 'rosier Eord. 444V16, J2-1441 autorf air, beauttful car.

MERCEDES 67 230SL, a Hit, ARTHUR MURRAY IS A FAST GROWING INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, tve Aeed vaung, attrsrtivi, career Men ft Women, tf yau wjaltty, we wet tram vou tree tor mt of tne most eeiirmg, HiMy paid prateuonft ottered todav. It vou ore welt oiaomed. enloy working with tNkiple and are tonkirw tor rewor-rjna career wntt rapid odvance pitnl certy In perton only 2 to A pm- or Hi 9 pm. Mon tfirauflrl Frt VopiOlid Av. rtyi PART TIME iVH Hf IP WANTED PHtery t-autpped, tieep toner Good witti "rtolmet PHONE MERCEDE5 '7T 240D (7) modeL 4 speed, ttereo tape, tnow cond.

owner desperate, iw-ieei. 440. complete ft ready to go ID do, fc keener pay, many omer benefttt. Room tor advancement. eork Cal 2VlS.

white, tow mc Must see, BMW 77. 1201 1 dr. light blue, PROS VOLKSWAGEN '49 Von new engine, olr, new ttret. Runt greutl ilWO Coll 4234S after Span EMPLOYMENT WANTED 208 Leudt furnished, Apoiv person: sie-ed. stereo, tape, olr, low milet.

dual tanks. Outo. oir, power, SSnOO'ml. Mercedrt 77 300O ond '77 240O, Owl J4M 749J, broker, 74, rcmO speed, tv 000 or bett offer. Phone tmCii'4) ME 4I N.

Orange Blossom Troll, SCiROCCO '71 4 speed, oif, tliro, SAVE llOOO'tl! See our custom See Clements. told new by us. W4 Tviotort 42JOO20 FORS F'OO 'Rcuiger-! ton. CAll ME NOW SPORTS CARS NEEDED Tap donor paid en tie tpotl See Don Mowery at: BILL BRYAN "The Sports Car Nut" Hwy 172 ft Lee Rd 421-4341 Jimmy Bryan Toyota wonts to buy your car erltl pay more than any dealer in Central Florida tor top auaHtv, clean Toyotas. We'll pay top prices tor any Import or compact We II pay afr balance due If any and give vou toe difference kt cash on agreed prlc.

See pr call H.C. Hornsby, Used Car Dept. Jimmy Bryan Toyota phone 47ft 1234 TFNirriALEs- vans first, all tlzet ft prices! The Ortondo Wheel Ranch, 14 1 7954 CATALANO MOTORS, Int I Evcelierit working ronnntons and DAYS WOPK-i days svk, Ortondo ic air, AM-FM ttereo, leather, tow power brakes ft steering, aunmoric tfiift, rodio, air, trailer hitch with CallCollect I frmge benefns. EitntHisned notional area, exp, own irortsporiaftoft, can re, woods, base ki Atlanta, intensive travel, AAAA Co, salary S70-2SK, ekcerlent producl. Fee pd.

Coll Chic rm. immocuiore, pn. ete'oyt Mf RCEbttS "BENf'TJ-" BMW 71 Borviro 4 dr. 4 speed, air i company. Naam tiru year.

kovoi aoorrsman an in- Valued of: 13 MO Socrikce S2J00. sukiled ft panelled with curtolnt ft I fee framing. 0 RUMMER sings tood ft backup Lentury corkers inc 235 60000 excellent conrttttan. 1525. Om 62071J or 674015; Call 9U4-4II7-2V4S bunks.

Excellent cond. JJV-7264 aH types of music, wonts full nmg TELEPHONE SALES PjR677 Ranger pickup, 1 speed. work Drums A PA. WTO, BEGIN A NEW CAREER IN SUNNY FT. MWCEOtS BENZ flSO wk sotorv eommHslon.

radio, vi, long bed, f5. ifMoui or CALCUWT0R OPERATORS Comptometer Operators J6S-JV deuktr CHEVY 77 CAMAR0 rttory, putMK: relations A mturanca NOTICE Pokf nespnai ft surgical insurancn One week aid vacation oner A mo. tmckgrauna wrm 10 yrs experitnca. Uaht metallic btu, white vlnyt too, AME RICAN-HONDA-WORLD'S I HONDA OF 0RLAND0e RMnxed worklna comtltlont DUrt FORfiTl 100 Custom, good cr ruimon, long bed. radio, J02 4-Md.

SI JIB S4V3S Mererences. tzivui, ivflftU LAUDERDALE GUI (305) 447-4660 John Walters am I om A-l com), full power, atr, mony more berients. Cak BMoa FARM-6Rk wTiNTEuT- Mwcette of North America FORD 76 RANCHER0 SQUIRE 228 AUTO-SERVICES REPAIRS FORO 1970 Pickup, Heovy duty, TRUCK SALESMEN Experienced co*kem S2M7i 1101 Erjgewoter Or. 141641 SINCE DEPENDABLE'' artrouixes pnc inaeas eHectiva White, red vinyl Interior, auto, olr, 302, vi, 1 weed, good condition. OH COMPUTING SERVICES MfTROPOLITAN NEWSPAPe SVUEMS.

INC. W95. Phone 2yrKs power steering ft brakes, verv OmrJman art ntrw ovoitoblt ee hktotech (ascp) ee clean. Only 1415 OBorarKB Sale an 78 s-10 down FRUEHAUFefrlgeroled waller rBrAtATATeiiATc'sT tperienctd. aeartsstvt truck tiettvnen at one of Central vr eperlence.

Would kk 10 rem 74 Slider suspension, bud wheels. itONDA 74 CIVIC HATCHBACK "DECEMBER 1978." (Present ktvantory Not Atfefted) TAKE ADVANTAGE NOW! CMHiTR Part time. OJay'l LAY AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS Fktaat lfeiJrng hian-voiuin fran- EAfERItNttO OR BtljINNI-R Vvtoiii Park Offlce. A.t,lu00 rebuilt unit. sv.

jvbstao. ain? in unonao area, utn juuv Moklson (4041 176704 Mon-Erl rrniran. Ak tor Mr. Brand. Ph.

Blue, 4 speed, ntct cond, radio, Jock eft. gloves, r-tirorne, radios, etc. TARA RFALTY INC- REALTORS I J0-S JO or (404) 3MM7241 otter 4 om H79S GMC '77 HhSksrra Pickup Truck fullv eaulPDed. L. O.

Gatelev Vo rtoawr, rricea or onry SEll YOUR MOTORCYCLE NOW! ChKt ot)ierntps- wt oner an ex Lertt oov plan, oemo, benefits, tic. Sea Jock Suiitvan at: Don Reid Ford, Mwy )i Martkjnd, e44-71U TltFAL fstaTe associates HOUSE.CLEANINC-rast, Efflerlent. TOYOTA 74 PICKUP '71 240-0 Colorado betae'Domrioo lkswagen, iuio Lee eta, References. Own rronspanatipn CHEVY ENGINES REBUILT Compkri and short blocks loll sues). ft up 90 doy worronty Pertormarice Rebulldert, Coll Dave Manor 2W4402 (ilCHIES REBUILTVW ENGlTiiEi Prom 1125 Parts 644e04 or M22 Free owing TUNt Broke tob Special S.

Lobar ft valve lob EttANK HATHAWAY INC, realtor iwemot IWIC 7S iurburan 2S) Tfirjdto, olr, New heue finish, auto, om-fm sfireo pnone ptt with tope, low mi, S'w. power, outo. Trailer pulling pock- TRUCK LEASE SALESMAN "HAVE AN ACTION WfATtSTATE SALESr.perTenc 'MALf Al6f. private duty. 1 vr.

aoe. Exrellent M29V jjv-ieos not worrtecMtcensed or toon to ACTION HONDA exp nursing care te aourrs et Ftfiwienreri truck lens tolesmon. GMfT '75, 5 ton, "tVrit-ied, new" engine. kfMtsMt Excel ent trainlna. derly, no rjpubkt nnance cnorge, HONDA CHRISTMAS!" exeilent onoortunlfv tor auolltied 72 Lhevv 2 12 ton.

fcxeenem cona HIU-TOP REALTORS INC 11-0010 Hwy 17-93 Santord, 131-160 32MI00 pavment onlv. 42wo person, complete benefit pockage, Experienced CENTURY 21 Cdll U4-27W1 2 ton. VI. outo. olrTefcTT 17S Labor ft motor overhaul sus.

Joe wv Repair. Opening Dec. In ok clerical areavsoutnuo only. send resume to: Hill Truck Rentals DATSufTTT TJ- 2V6" hiue'riao? REAL ESTATE 5AL new fires. A oamt, reony Available now.

Mow, -J749 llih. lvi Kentucky Ave. 642vi7. Sanctofwood Coodot. keen Shoro! 29 JOS! or (OO-lilj, dealer sedan, fodory olr, AM'FM, 13,150.

$5 Wtti VOD ANY HONDA FOR CHRISTMAS LAY A WAY! is TS UPHOLSTERY Work wanled. Rebuilt Volkswagen Engine rtyjutred. Salary ptut commission, Ph. RS702V or 62HJ1J. GmC Grove rohbock.

machinerv PO Box Id, Orlando, Fid. J7IS4 or Furniture, boot seat, etc. Or fjv) Inttalled. Guaranteed with reCxilkMMe exchange. Call Ul'3731 hnullna truck '71.

427 oat, air an Morton Hmmei. 7211 cond, 1 CoM 4l-07OS and ask tor Mory, confroct wore, prion jrxetc TBOR WVSmSXan Tnkrr'ter Research Comrjonv. weekend ft Mduvi only Krii'tir. fhone HI. jut, Eauot CeWrtuntltJtrrftoyej.

Ifrelall'twpermarket Permanent part lime posrlion. Re nhie mdlyiduol wonted. Prefer L4Jermorket exp. rjot win traet Sua ft sever at evenmas. Oatttn IOA SupermorkeltSie3 Mr Clark.

NURSES lum-lpm. Mature. Ciw MUW "TeiC" ufa txp'd, sun otiernoon ft same eves. CaH Horvey Pltt Eord. oUo LAVRCCMAnendentirt "hme, mormrvv.

tuevf-rl. Apply el person Colonlol sAi Ei. port lime tor Thristmai nummum I7i per week. tmtiZTKgT." Port WTynl'nl ss i'ts required. Mature and relubkt, 1 3u.m CaN W27IL erne.

1. 1 5r- brakes, 1000x70 tires. Excellent. owner, auto, olr. Must sell S4JI00 or 20 vr.

old student, needs any type of REBUILTVWENGINES- Complete tn-soixn Vr. 1st tit VI VI 2W-480 or 162 534S moke otter. 3512597 or 35 MUM RS0TTsTaT6 saTTS overhouHnslolled. full guarantee. f*ck netoHt an Pie phone.

week-end lob, Dodo von ovaliaoie It helptul. 64S-4I04 CSMVTW'Plck-up rww recortdltioned OAfSUN 74, 610 wagon, 4 speed, Santa Claus Sale! with exclw-ior-sm ph. 6J lil. CnH Bill Orlando. J05-M141II LEE RD OFFICE Tn J40-O Classic white blue 79 740-0 Light Ivory -tobacco '79 240-D Medium blue-blue 79 740O Dark blue porr hmenf '79 240-D Pasiel giev.hlue '79 24ilO Maple veliow'tabacco 7J fflo-D Pusiel grev.oiacx '71 300-O Light ivory-tcioacco '71 50OD Colorado beige'bambon 7B30IVD Caktonio green.

parchment 79 3liD TopaiUowniporchment 79 3U0-D AAopel velipw' tooncco '78 Coidonia green' mos1, 71 luO-CO Light Ivorvlbamboo 79 JjJCD Classic whitebamlxio 79 30U-CD Light Ivorv'bamboo '79 JCIO-SD Coldonio greenbamtxio '78 2BOE Caidoniaoreen.parrhrrw'nt 79 tiont Ivory toboc Co TdZBO-C Milan brownbamboo 71 2HOCE Astral sllver'bkKk 78 THOSE Pastel blueblue '79 45U-5EL Maple veimwtaoacco 79 450-SL Blockibamboo Prices Will Never Bo Lower Contemporary Cars 571 MarcyDr. 299-2100 enaine. two new tires, aood oorrerv. air, new paint, clean, see ft drivel SALETeCNSuCTANT? of new insoernon, good boav. II29S.

1 49S dealer Pnckig soles people it our anfy Can IW 1644 womd kk la bobvsrt in my home near Navy Base. Phone 27S-II1I Our totes nuciatat art too butyl 2dr, sod. rodiott. radio, good point interior, GMC 61 iabover. VlJ, tingle axle.

f)f)Q AUTO PARTS 4tA7 AffF550RIES Duskiest. COII PV6-4771. trmir-r runs aood, 6 nwv LADY-14 yrt. eip. wrlti VA, would like to care tor elderly day or night, new dutch, pn.

We need otd ore or ntwtv Hcenjea Ottooote. EetcMtent trowtina. top comrnituont. CoM ioy Am mon ASSOCIATE, Monooer tortderm aluminum troller $2300 tor snn. Minmum i vr local tx- DAT5uN "3- ijOO, 2 dr.

4 speed own fronsportatlon. 42SS904 7 Honda ZSOT S4I995 7 Honda XL75 1S99 95 '79 Honda XRtYJ S549.9S '7 ATC70 1 5395 71 Hondo CT70 S5J995 7 Honda CB12St SSI49S 79 Honda XLI25S S939.9S Add 44 Salet Tax Tag ond Title Ee ONLY PERIENCE, Unlimited earning. radio, good condition, 112)00. Call PC or iiKB for trailer only. Price firm.

07S ACRES AUTO PARTS Late Model Solvoge Wanled Nf ERNATIONAL Model (800, '74 OAYl VVoRK WANTED Refer-enoe meded. Can 122421. Rhonda. 0epETJDASL, DATSUN7J 510, 4 tperd, with olr, Send resume to P.O. Bon i7, suv-er Spring Snares.

Oco*kjJFla. 12670. WANTEOTXary-SaiesmenTccu lamed to High etondord at Hvlng. LARRY ROBERTS INC REALTOR 628-1313 rkimo truck. Gat.

Sx4 Iransmistkin, Acres, Used Parts, 277-OW1 2 dr. coupe, excellent cond. beauti ful bodv, I7V5. Norfhoate lire Far toterview come I AJ ALLM0DELS0NSALE power tteerlng, 12-14 yd body with cemvat. good tires.

LUV 71 Pickup 42700 miles, camper Auto, days, eves voung tody 2S, teekl emplovmeril at retail mgr trainee or admin, astlstant. Fashion Institute of Te- CaR ft Wheels ii ea when Kid bv the 100 Car transmission SI eo when told bv the 100. Cor air compressor pumps S8 ea. when Orange Ave. Suit SOI, Orlanug 10 BaTSi'N '7 wrjuon.

4 speed, radi CENTURY 21 AM. Sfwrp. lop, lost like newt Lfrtury cnev COMPLETE ACaSSORY LINE ois, new inspection, new brokes NEED 2 mature men who Itilnk i roiet 6.S6-3J23 chnology. Reference Coll 44I-24V2 'AriTiSTl. Coikw Graduate sold bv the loo car converter! tuneup.

1 owner. 11000 293-r49, REAL ESTATE aSsScTXTeT opaortunrtv to earn Its or more FOR THE MOTORCYCLIST. T0Y0fA7 Pickup Truck ea, when tola py me uw. i- Faiirjoed with air ft radio. L.

D. Port lime Ok super Hay flan Michael H. Bar ties. Broker desiret new career. Experienced at electrical ft architectural draftswo- per wk no passed mem py, s-er me show vou a new way to reach Gatelev VW, IOS0 Lee Rd 444,272 CHEVELLE-TT New 4 tpeed, this rjoal.

Background In soles help "Hitch Up Your Reindeer T6YOTA 'TfPlckuo. 4 speed, radi rrvm, interest ki horficuiture, city manning, tondscaping. 162-1773 windshield. VJU0. needs motor ful but not reaulred.

Coll 671-lW by JO 0UELLET owater, air, reol bargain. fwv9. Phone jw0i. tRLAi ESTATE ASSOCIATES New or experienced. Hcented ossoclafei looking tor career' hove CHAMPION UNLIMITED NEED Interesting Job- Salaried.

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Norman Bros Datsun tstveooo rjort-tlme. suooiement to new Social CHEVROLET PARTS fOYOTA'ft-new paint, brokes, Par 9 enfhuslasttc Soles people. then Drive-A-Little And Sove-A-Lot!" security. Monogeriai, orooocasnng. Dove Manor IJMI2W-I402 tires, olr, radio 4 speed, 4i Aoohr In person at- Art Gnndle ENGINE REBUILT 127 engine, mies.

si Phone 7i 2614 Apooka Wneet Ranch, 700 South public relations, dispatching, earring. Have RE licente. College man. top ptiracol shone; Con P7M296. autrjmatlc transmission US0.

Phone tondo, girl Friday tor medical ssjuprnent rept Need pood orgonli. Ht skarter. Same tVPina, tsjokkreptng, thorltMnd. Good Ray lor rlont person. Resume to Trore Pt Pto.

lite 0 So. 1)223 A. Of. tondo. Fks.

itRVlttTTTAflON ATTr'NbAnlt Ta Work en Weekends. 1000 Colonial wACt' BArT'Arferioenlwt time, weekends, cmv persnn pnrtwood Lone West Colonial SruDENfr- Earn UO-ilO per wk, odu suoervition. Can ofler WM mtm. tCLEPHONrfTcriCTreRsTSorTt at name, neiatue hours, good commission, CaH; 21W leave nreiorapnore number Voung lody iseecwTtor 3 hours a any to riee) an etderly lady. Call tSM Full time tUS part time Internmcnol Company needs I mrr, women.

896-131 Tarn S4 to hr. servicino our cuv tomen, from home on your phone. Choose your own hours. 171-280. Oronae Bism Tr Aoopkd HOW TO rLAY: All the words Imted bulow appejr in the puzzie-horaontally.

diaRorully. even tudewards. Find them and CIRCLE TUKIR LETTERS, The leftover letters spell the Woirord. EASTART sales ironing program krwiemenfed kilo a fun real estate soles academy Free classes oeairt-ning each week. FuH time froning eistructor ft modern In office clasv room facility await your inspection.

Coll 423-1212 tor confkjenttoi intervl- IKrWfjJ VW 76 Bus Super Clean! SKTItFR HONDA. 471 7700 TamPA'BisTR I BuTGR, expanding TCyraoTjTRrw; door. 111 with ACTION HONDA tosio soirs nrce, neeat pnona -vw" extra block. Sell oil or ports Bucket toiesmen. Mutt have exp tosten- Hwy I7J oftford.

37M10O, HMMO SeatsUnder vo.bwui7 oner -m ert ond electronic component sales, 215 AVIATION AH Priced to sen" CARMOOY MOTORS. 773-1140 tainrv olut commission, aood HARLEY OAVIDSON- Sporttter, A MATTER OF TASTE Solution: 10 Ictteri Steeimorvlnc REALTOR ERA MEMBER BROKER PONTIAC 75 Astra Motor Need tome work S100 M0 bniefitt. Send resume to ss 6 manv extras, not altered, 42X70 ml, -WRECKER- 74 Ford F3 with Hoknet 410 Wrecker SALESMAN needed. yrs. exp.

ALTATEMiarwoer positloni vnmocuKjte cond, S2AOO "haRlEy" DidsorTn Weeks Eauipment, Phone 425-2414 BELLANCA VIKING-MO A-t cond. "TTBE5 (2)- ronneviii super wide reaured. Preferably auto port 190 FORD 2 ton ttoked body. no. around Own transoortotidn.

'47, tow4im. chrome engine. I R. 40 -f chrome wheel u. Hemingion milet.

priced at 1250. rnone 77SCI521 rww motor, runt tine. tauo. Ph. 16- Strlclty commission.

Send return eaukwed ft flown. Slt.vOO. 44S4404. F7011 chrome wheel. 20.

i hoiiv corburetor 4781 spore parts Siu, to powertrpn inc. low lo ummg CESSNA. 7. new PTO iTtGHETinsi'P Supersport. 4350 4133 gnvhme- CHFVRdLET Pickup Truck wont- Tr.

Or mono. Fks. 3280V Rochester auodra let caroureror, CESSNA, 71, 110 hrt. TTAB, s4 with progressive Real Estate Co. Openings tor gooettert, people orl-errted persons in monapemenl and administration Can vou manage IS ortlvo Are vou interested, then don't mlsl ttwt apporfuriltv to thore kM that could bener your posrlkm.

Call tor corrfioennol Interview. J. B. Sleet- mu mutt ted. tluull Phong Tim Ward I62-I527 or 42ft2323.

All excellent cond. MUlil JOfNTHE FASTEST GROWINO SZi.MXl ed- will trode icecream treeier cksplav case ri" long, sliding too, Piw VMi 1A77 UFfiA '71 Waaon Needl molor. COMPUTER COMPANY In 1h CESSNA, '47, JtlW hr TTAE, M0 HON6A tf.iSAf. Fofnna. rack.

body aood condition. SI7S Phone hrt. SMUH. t-K. 11000 Industry ond Brow with us Prim Oimputer now hot openlrig tor 9AUI brPA TRA1.FR '6 CESSNA, '71, 2044 hr TTAE.

0 hrt, IrYHCH. ETa CFTll5 ftrVHTEX Highwov Trailer. Nose mount The- smoh, new annual, run tl6 KLALIUK lill Marketing Posltlont in Florida, Track record required. CaH ISSOlMO perfect conn mon. AJD0 milet.

I1A0O. Phone 29 3790 S6 "Super Sport. Excel lent condition, odiustobkt boefcretf. IISO Phone 473-llel or lv73 Can lor detoiit, vip Aviation, inc MAGS SO4f70 Series llret Pl'ONL tnr mvuntment. rma King rprrigeraior unrr, c-oa rirt-ber ft condition.

1790. Contoct Richard Appell. Barnefl Bank of 4S4443I tauv and sell atrcrrjft rAWTASTlt! oPpORTUNiTV, Soon ttwiina new toarhon in Malttand "HONDA TnSO- Cuttomued Cocoa 3r-6J-34ll. ONRMPMAINTENANCtr FIEXIBIE HOURS Utoktng tor port time now that et. dren are grown, tarn while learn-Ina, AW conditioning ports wholesaler needs someone to cak on eelnblished orcounft.

Wages Plus bpnvrs. tperlenced person wet corned tyv Morto Ford IVe-34So EARN $100 A MONTH" 2-3 fiOuT, a week of your spewtirr AftP Mechanic ovailoble tor main- Chopoer. Beautiful Mat I mile, SIJ00. Coll BO-7V25 REAL. ESTATE SALE I Park Pkxe.

one of Central Piortdo urgetl real estate flrmt It seeking tut time tale Associate, experienced or newly tcensea. otter i t. Professional training school torance ft hr Call 471491 nnn TRUCKS-BUSES 33 FORSAJJ iWvy5poa with expanded sates tore. FuH benefits, demo plan and draw Satet txo, not necessary, but ambition and desirt art a must' Ask for Ted or Jim a Ortondo Wheel Ranch, Pipe ft cHt ROKc PA-21-140 IS. USED TRUCK BUYS P1CXt-TrWOR5-4x4'S SUPERIOR GMC TRUCKS NAV-COM.

ADF. marker beacon. S300. Coll TT7C75 ELT, transponder. Aug.

onrruol. Call 29V0157. HONDA 7S many extrav BUVlec PO4104, Mecnonlcolty 411 n. oronge imm ir. wfTftAlSrA prSOrTiwOT 1 rtrnorefienslve odverHslna pro Princeton.

Fokvilla TRI PAceR wcellent cond. S4 nerfect Great tor Church transpor. Cotl otter 6PM. 5W407J. tves ki vortabtHtv, who Is not afraid SlNlOl lTCELESTECSE llliiHil UlliHii A I i 11 1 -1111111111 A1H1 A 11 A 111111111-1 1 1111111111111 1 A 1111111111111 1 I.

s1ee1l1cd gram tsee our Sunday tuk pagf Mww m-enr home conversion. Ptione Ml 3600 hr tine ma lor, orwayt tvongered. at hard work, ana wno tKPtcrt to W5NDA- T97 ttflSE eikv Call Jock Chapman 29S9492 or 29S- 160D Lakeland i446-ir be txrnpertsated accordingly To the I cond. Asking IttO. Can n4494 aft- HAJtfJEtt'SPAcTFOR PTNT IkM odxnfrrtserrsentt INationat referral program A Four area office 1 Complete broker ft monoot rjerian who ouotmet.

we oner I er epm. ah tervk-et ovaiiobte, eoty occett. ptrmontrtt ond VvJept4tdont good rrhon. CHrvlOLET '77 Crew Cob 3 4 ton, kxidrd Phone Co santord: SUmt binlnets carter within the merit assistance to mo you I priceo to ten Phone ttj vi'S pctor LET US WASH ft Wax vour frarnewont of our nattonal ET 76- I '2 ton, custom dtrcroft. Atpntntv rote available.

I pm. "Ron BaTC dekix, ttep-siae picx up, kostorr i Kraft leaning. 444404 on I a 490 S400. Phong 139-4704 after rnrl-o. asr.

low ml. 29S4SM. PROVEN PRODUCERS Herndon Airport. tuccesshH. Ot -e ffatwtotuwBtsttl jall WW tueiMiui Riiei ww winter Pom otttc 64SS4ug Longwood Office 3I0 lOuth Orlando Office IV4I400 rValfiond Ofnr 424-1 TOO '71 Luv Truck power KENWORTH TRUCKS Sales Parts Service AT Superior GMC P-inceton Fairviiia Ptione HI 300 Mutt aTaw frost of prevtout ling speea, air, ir-wi DONATE PLASMA tntercooTtot Plasma Cnr V44 South Oronge Ave i Ptwne BU-I77J Cent tor Aovt.

AD WORTH EXTRA For New TARN EXTRA CASH NOW PAYING $22 00 $12 first, Stxond Por First 1 Ptosma rjnatlonf OTHER (XJNAIiONS 110 9n rron BONUS you cherk tre 3pm PIUL TIME PHYiCUN AVwFrl, 7 30 to I OOfM came to S7SijQ0. bumper, wjou e-x-ru-M B2S, A reol ekMtlc Phone 4474S16 ImprovtyittrrMeeciaiized. Largest Tr-ievV 'hi rio lonorred. 4 HEAVY EQUIP. TRACTORS 225 flcTOAOA''Hoiiria' XT.

tttrk, power, AM'eivi, napei- Company In the SE. -Qualified oprarKmtriti let by tor at ottic. 4 PARK PLACE eERA MEMBER BROKER candilian. lot iit. JMD ft up.

uw 47117 Yamaha Yamaha YZI25E Suruki TS250. Phone 4S5071 HONOACB 550" 1974 classic 4 "cel. i O0O to. iff, hard CLARK Porkiflt hire model, exhaust model like new, 7400 miles. lot.

CaN Dovtono inciudet 2 odutt ft 1 youth helmets. Hir2 7MI Eirm. pnane wn-llM I FORD TRACTfjHHDET Four Wrieel Drives HCWTjAS'TftlKElFW: I btock, ttorter, ckrfrh, point rob. I knea not blade Trotter Included. B1A2ER 74 Chalet RV package WILL SACRIFICE, lleuOl HUNTER, 434J055 Co 77HCOJ or I77 te SS CASH SS FOR YOUR WRECKED JUNK OR UNLOVED CAR! Ws Tow ot $10 Bonus you E-ifsg SI AUTO 561 2131 Hflno mi.

tilt, cruise, stereo, air. TORO Wf 'Hltrti'. outo. S'dlsl Art Gnndle Semoron KAWASAKI pto, new engine. UAOO.

Phone 29S- Wneel Ranch. 47! 2626 R.C Hill's Kawasaki Ml, CMEVROl.ET 734 Ton, 4 wheel drive, stoke body, electric dump. I JOHN DEER End toorter '71 Good BUY FROM THE BIGGEST! Low mi. Best orrer. ovvi lainlmon, bucket ft rocirtnnd rack, 7 to OPtAhlVO PLAVAA CORP.

84' SUB HBP Vt'AKTfD AuiclBMAik'H)iv'Aqinis CHEVY 'Tl Srottsdol; lincluded Ho collect fu4.t.lftoj BUY FROM THE IfAMEDIATE OPENING BODY SHOP MANAGER Exp. In running a large volume body shop a must. If you are interested and have exp- contact Mr. F.W. Thurston for an appt.

at: DOM REID FORD INC. 644-7111 74 LONG- SN1 Tractor, loader. VI, auto, power steering ft broke, air, white, 17995. Russell Pontioc brxkhoe xxl otndttion. wooo.

Call Wrrto Bmck Your Mikt Alternative OUT lt tnesHi Tft Swtoiki Architecture; Bold. Books. Blue. Buds. Cake.

Cars, Choice, Class, Clothes. Colors. Caol. Dates, Decor, Design, Diets Discreet, Dress: Fashions, Figs, Flashv, Flavors, Food, Furniture: Houses. Individual; Jams! Look; Material: Palate, lrk.

Recipes, Reds-, Salad, Selections, Shows. Sober, Sour. Spices. Style. Suits; Tall.

Toys. Travel, Type. YesUrdiy'i Answer: INVESTMENTS orier Wrwf cellfftie petltlt mt hi4lif, Vtetft- li tPr, f-0. Let Akfele. MCi-a IIJEH IV2J7I1 472151 $9.95 HokK Any Bt T8 Christmas.

I MASSE FERGUSON, 40 Front I end leader, wrrh bm btode. fully Eoy-rjwoy Motorcvkes I Accessotirs DOOGrfTjJkt PiB Trick ft trailer 440cnln. wedge. VJhp, NtPA StorvJords. OSklng llOfflXI 2'7 5935 anomanc, deisel, InJOO.

27J CASH For Junk Cars We Pick Up Free Towing A 1 Used Auto Parts 299-4060 I PEFRiGLRATPO 40' trtrter, lM Sole On 78 Mrxjets. ALL AVAILABLE AT I Amencon, exreitent condition, le. fORD 78 BRONCO Lnoded ak the way. T71U70 Ut FVV9N- jmn one ot tne len ew twnt In tne US, Our agrntt ore the tfcarwst ptn et tote Urt-errwwvi, trrm. airlftv lendi.

brntnedmte rmtnosternent opnor-tunev lra. Cm the Wmnerl 42a er Peyton 7ii 3407 W. Coloniol Dr. Orlrjnd 779 9191 RjCSALtr SI 4frTfalvr.liire oS "Work Von Air. 4 speed I Trwter Thermo king refrtgrrriin 991 E.

Semoron Blvd. Cctsterberry overdrive, lSflOO miles. AM'FM lung For tntormotion coil Fiao-K U4-1442 rudo, CB. Prlvalg 4525l, 15000 IBank, AHce Smith lift 23 It ext. Tit,.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.