The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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expected to find that the top rf tbe Port bad pu forth their rusted port ta tta Borate from bar pentone pwitioa bat instead at that bring the smo through com assuage tetoebaste Kha wteto at tta work foil tta Albamro and Bara Oa flatay aank from dawn a very anxious look oat ww kept at tte Eomaphm for tba disabled ahip white wm at length perceived half down to tba sootb waet Is tow o( tba Karo asd Albatrosa Tba wind btowing exfoeaeaiy bard from the westward aM day taraaiil it wm was that tba Bora bad broken adrift and dial tba reaaai bad eaatad oompletoly round After a time it a earn that tba Boro had relinquished tba trek to the Albacraa whteh bravely paddled away101 all otacaclee and at length raeeeeded is tektac ite veeeri Ma a potetba aateUa the rimmera mrertag buoy wbe aba reroe to anahro to await further deliberation ae to bar ultimata deatuteUote At the particular litas tf bet arrival it a eartataly on ef SM Are days ia tba year when ion with voroeto la the rondo becemM aa iereavaafaal Batttf bet tba opportunity wm good to he toot and attar aeroe delay the trance eatter ranged alougsid Tba formerly eptoodid anip tortrf a tepetore wreak tba lighter mwto and yards had bran teat down and thus spoiled the appearance rf tetr gear aloCL She bonded into the roads under too towage of the Alba tross whose matte daw free evary aredtt for the Bunatf fa whtea tba mmoavr wm earned oat The Borate bad a strong list to oterboard and in coaeeouenoe the people from the rteem cutter mapnged to scramble ea board somehnw and after a few hasty words of eoagratulatwn with the masote oanory took at the vaeeei taid its ova tala of indomitable pmeverenee and oategy Of wm it bums be nad ro toad ttat the ins monoe hall 4U1 feet long by 4d feet beam was entirely deprived of her own power of toiling or oteam propulsion only the lower and top mast were left with not a mg to set while a visit to the engine room showed at ones the state of the mochlMry Netbwirhotaadiag tbie the veml wee so eMBparstivtiy tight tbs one pump was enabled to keep bar free Bbe had engines aad pampa is every dirertwa There wm one oa a Latah way before the forecaasi while oa tta port fore hatchway them were two one oa the upper nr spar deek and anetbte below There was om amidships over the boiler space and store of a simitar type did duty at the after bacebwayo while owe or two verticals were ready to assist The senfrifugal pumps driven by these were up to nine laches in diameter and collectively were equal to discharging sixty tone per minute Although the machinery for working thio immouM Httiag power was oa the upper decks the pipes reacted far away down to tte vessel's fam woere they sacked up every drop of wUr To go beck a little la the history of the casualty it may here be mootioaed that Mr Armit who was seat from Bngtaad wader special order to get the vessel off if possible arrived by the CMopazt and al oner proceeded to the eeeoe of hie taboura where be found two Melbourne diveea tears Bncxsoa and Oto wtei bad with them too aewcutea After discharging cargo bo set about designing a plan far getting the ship off It most be premised tbat at the time thio seheme wm developed the lower hold of the vessel waa full of water and ail tbs divsn operettaas had to be earrtod ea ia total darkoere or nearly aa Under each ciretKU stnnrne it to sotooiohiag to now inspect tbs work accomplished Tbs main bold extends from bafcre the teller space to the foremast and tn thio the piartpel work boo breu done The damage htee was evidently mused by the first eoatart of the ship with the reeks sad bar rabeequeat labouring the sea ebook her ball In tbie compartment the keal to thirty inchco up so much so tbat iameore iron rtaairtfooe are bent at an angle of 43 degrees The interstices between tta frarora in this space are filled in with bags of silt all as carefully stowed as possible end then teamed down tram the daek bosms oa a tem porary Scoring of im planking In thio com partment the injury was also inflicted by tta Government barge which made a rent covering the breadth of two pietoe and bread enough to admit a avalaoebeof water This was stopped by a plantar piece aad further aft beneath the bunkers there were other fractures from contort with the rocks which required still more elaybaga aad still mors struts It must be remembered tbat the amount of sub marine operations were far beyond the taboun of fixing the engines During the wboto tame when tbe vessel was full of water up to the keys at the piano in the mtoen there was a wilt aad detarminetwn shown by every man oa beard from Captain owler down to tba donkey drivers carb labouring la a bote hearted manner so as to anile togethte tor a common purpose The overarer of works before alluded to (Mr Armit) ghee a very lucid dreeripttou of the last few hours of tbe ship on tbe rock It was decided aa Saturday to make a grand attempt asd at ror'ymornhg all tbe dookey men and diven with tbe odteers trimmers and bands were ua the alert ae tbe whole of tba fires nose lighted and the engines put into full py ft wm a strange a ne to note tbe steady clash aad eteag of the gear as it delivered sixty tone per minute and suua the vessel was weterbsena Tbe tasting preecee of riday had shown to what extent tbe clay might be trewtod aad as soon tbe watoe waa towered ia the vessel Che divrrv were eeet down astride and thrust into tbe fractune seaweed aad oakum or in fact any matter of a similar character which by the sooteoa waa taken into the botes and so temporarily stopped them How mnfully wao every hoar's work noted tbo internal water desreuded by ioehee teasing more and more air opem so that at teajb at 1 1 o'clock the ship wm fairly afloat but hung by themiddte' This iadncod the forward oorttaM to bo inemsed so aa so tip the ship a little which davtee wm viasatiy oMoemful tor she gave jost two or three little aad then cease oC Tbo oAort tiwagh expected wm so mtifyfa*g that everybody at onrojotnadin such a ringing sheer Mwoukd have done credit to ship of war and thee set to work again Aa soon the ponderous bull ww reteoMd from ita position oa tbo rocke tbe bottom at tbe point of de mags gave down so much that the ebcrwpMees used to secure the flooring loll away ia all dirsettene hut they could dow bo got at without tbo aid of tbe divers they wore oojb replaced aad made auro oAcient than over There had been an anchor carried eat astern aad by this agoney together with the efforts of the Aloatraea tbo Sorata wm again fairly afloat and was than tab twienhor own length Mtern so to have her in deeper water prior to pawing uadm tbe bottom of a thrummed sail which soon had such aa offset oa the watareontM to pretty nearly step tt for the time being indeed it oalv wanted the laboars of ttewe pomps to keep bee tree Some delay wm oecsoioned in reeevmtag her anchor and taking ia tbe steel wire rope bet she ultimately started and at 4 SO wm well oa tbo return voyage pest Capo Jervto end so eoceeoefnlly was the wmk carried oat tbat at 9 o'stock tbe laboers of tbo pompe had reduced tbe wUor to simply nothing oa board and one eeotrifngal ea easy steam could keep tbo leakage under Tbo night cetin extremely wild aad tbe wind vesevd to tbo westward the tug kept on paddliag away at a slow bat sore rets aad at 11 o'clock she wm met by tbe relief steamer iro 8be weald have been of mrriee if woU loaded down ia the water bet baring a strong broese to ouatond against and being so light that the screw wm barely submerged sbe could not well keep ta position aad at daylight ateaaod on to the aiwborage tearing tbe Albatrum to tbe work Jfa passed Mr Armit remarks that ia Lio career of salvor far tweoty five years his operations have sxtended from tbe North Cope in Norway to Oapo Jvrtia Be baa worked on the ooaeto of Ptetugul Spain Bagiaad rance and tar west tbe Bay ot Pwaca during which service he has taken et LOT vessels ttajngh there "see many mere destined to tbe other fate He ia however deoirone of expreMiag hie astonaimeat st the almoot prohibitive drmaud of from ou to esvea hundred pounds far tawing the Santa from Cape Jerrio to the Roll Buoy And bo nay well feel sack Mtsnishmsak when the UacrpaBy towed vessels to Port Augusta for £1X He tosthtae hto sattaferttaa at tbe eon duct of the master and the ship's company ail of whom base worked night and day with the utmost good feeling and toergy It may bo hm remarked that the Borate ia the largret veewl ever rescued from a similar position and I therefore there io the more praise due to those I who have been mainly tneteuctoatal ia aaeosn I nlisbiag this object Bbe wm jest ton weeks wae eae day cohere at Oepe Jervta sad bar recovery from that place is a triumph of the skin It was aot derided co Bunday wbsre toe weald be ptacod far tbe purpose of temtnrvy repair bat tbe Hartoar Master neomaseato oho be taid aground clone to the Bsmepboes Jetty where there io aa ateoaoe of trial eamat which weald probably interfere with work iag at Basoage There wifi bo no time test ta making her fit for am aad even ta the cegiaw room tbe rirescrv have already asade a shew Meet for tunately a largo gnaatity of ml broke tonft ta ttrto iiitej i nm nt and oe bafianhef tbe bright ports of the engines tbat they have been pern touted in a measure hem oztdmatton aad will require bat little recasonttoa to renew vwt Wtoflter the voanf sm to protmrly repaired bore or nut to a matter which bm yet to ta shewn but lb Is pretty curtain that if seek teips are to to ear meaaa of WMcept sane place etorid to evritatee far thrir nrrptfcm for oeor haul aad create The Borate to a very band eosae vvmoi espeetaHy about the been and br reap isr ansi ta tar pruist sea fl tian tonek to ta rsgislliid though one oaaawl fsQ to be struck with tatome adteisuMon ot Ae IT ISOM sass White has toeght Mairet all te stacies aad eneresafully taken the vmo4 to a ptaee of teohm It to mentally ptamtag to bote tbat Mr Armit with hto long expmtaMB tt divtag meteor mks fsumitely of Mrewa Urick wm sad Oeav aaemri that to bm on better beads ta bto tame gang of a hundred an Tba miaasr carrying ea Ater sub THE SOOTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER MONDAY NOVEMBER 15 1880 marine work wm iixrpsmid by tbe mi jam rendered when the mesri began to float and it wm ueeeeoary to go dwu oetatdo to pay oaknm tote the a duty one am kept at from in the morning until without itsppsgo er oerniag to tbe surf sea SCT'LLING MATCH OR THK THE WORLD AU Amtrelia waits with interne tatermt tta rmolt of tbe rowing taatah white Ute place to day oa the Tbuam ia KngUnd from Putnry to Mertlsba tbe usual tonne fsr tbo Chimp isuiblp of the World between Trickett tta present Chunpiou and Haataa tbo Champion both of Amorim aad England Tne old country has of tete years bad to arknewtedga defeat in several ways at tbs tetris of ter ctMouial ohUdrou aad Amorim alee Em esrried off the palm ia some of tbe trials belonging to tbe various departments ot tbo sporting world Australians will rememtar tbe eiuitetneot which prevailed both ia the eld country and here when BJward Trickett teat Baddlsr but that fmttag of interest wm nothing towhat will ta sxriiod ia tteapprcocb ing contest between tbo Ted's" Indepen dently ef tbo fact that America aad Amtrelia are pittodfsgainot eoeh otter in the persona of their repreeeetotiveu this mak may also be eoasideswd a test trial of tta long sliding and abort sliding systems la view of the interest taken by all true Auotraltam ta the forth imming match tbe fri iewii atatetas of tbs iirco nod performances of tta two will doobtleso ta areepUble I As a mattsr of courtesy we give tbefrirangor KDWABD HANLAN Edward Haalaa wm born at Toronto Ont 3 on July Lt itah His parents were Iriab and during bis yoauh be followed the occupationf a fisherman While bo wm very young hto parenta removed to an island opposite Toronto Hw fatter spewed aa hotel co tbe istata aad the family tes inee eontinoed to resuie there I He to it bj in io height aad bio rowing weight to LU st IS lb He is thickset aad nuseuiar uri from hto early vocation a I fiehermaa has become a most accomplished atri fitisbed scuilsr He rows a long aad powerful stroke pauses slightly on tbe feather nod at one time wm oaid to tevo a rethse stow reoevery but later accounts go to show ttat be tea im proved ta that particular Bis (reared stroke rarely exceeds 31 to the tntaote Ho has a pleaeant and genial countenance and hto unas suming manner secure him great favour wherever be gore His firet appreranew ta a rare wm at tbe age of id when bo formed one of a crew of fistariesa Thia wm in 1 71 In the foiloeriag year he won two sniff races but public attention wm bet turned to him till 1873 wbea at the ago of Is be rowed and won tbe amateur champion ship of Toronto Boy This ww his first ateil race and be defeated Williams aad McKay rom that time forward bis profamnoal earear dates Ia 1974 ta beat Thomas Bouden at Hamilton Canada for tbe Cterapionahip of Bur bsgtun Bay Loodcu not being satisfied challenged Hanlan to row aaottar race over a mile course for i'A) dollars aside In tbesummer of 1873 this 'match came off Hasten wiaaing easily by two lengths la tta same season ta woe in a two mite race at Taranto tbe Gover noc GetHCri medal and ta August of 187ti be won tta Ctampiou Belt of Ontario tasting Kn la tbe (allowing month of tbe Mme year bo startled tbe rowing world by a performance which up to that time had not been equalled but whiet his since been surpassed by Oourtney tbe osea stoa of tbe Phikdripbta taterrettomd Exhibi tion in connortioa with which a regatta wm held on tbe Schuylkill River At this regatta Haulaa iron the profcMioual ecuUers' race defeating some of the finest oarsmen ta America Lather Coulter and and alec Greea of tamtam aad ttan costly disoosiag of Alexander Brayley overs three auto course in 21 mta at that period tta taut tone on record In an outrigger race Haulan wm defeated on Juns 13 1877 at Bitver take by reocby" Johnson and Driscoll bat retrieved this reveres which wm greatly to to anribatod to some injury done to tw ootnggf twrire days afterwards by carrying off first prise oa tbe same water Hanlsa tutored for several event in tbe Bootou 4th July regatta for tta same year and by fouling Ptetoted at the turning staxe wm debarred tram partieipattag in all races at tta under municipal management Sobesqoratly this her wm removed Ou October IS 1877 te woo the Championship ot Canada (t UU dollar five mites with turn st Toronto defeating Wallace Rues Daring tbo early part of 1378 a Toronto Club was formed with tta design of taking charge of all matehre during the year Is teat year an attempt wm made srrnge fora meeting with Edward Triekett who had won the CtampioDsbip of the World ia 1978 According to rowiag etiquette Hanlon ta order to wreei tbe Championship from the Parrsmetta River man meet have visited Australia bat many gagemetto have hitherto prevented him from doing so At last however a mated for £4uU a ide has been satisfactorily arranged fur be tween three two cracks On May 15 1878 Hasten best red A Plaisted for 2 '00 dollars ta Toronto Bay two mites straight away On Jane 2l be defeated Evan Morris for tbe Cbampteabip of Ammica and LUUU dollars a aide st Hui too Pa the distance being five miles Thio race Was woo by a length aad a half in 37 min Oa July 1 1878 at Brook villa Ont Haalaa woo tta first 3uU opea to all bat Ooartuey four mites with torn Oa this occasion ta defeated red Plaisted Riley Kennedy Ted Kyrie MeKoe tather aad ostar nosed yrotinaiouale Dn July ta woo tta first price of BY) dollars ta an open regatta at Capo Viaesat NY four mites with a turn On July 31 be beat Walteee Rose at St Joha ta a five mite race om turn for 2JX dollar Row tapsizing after rowtag a mBa Tta time ot tbie race wm mta 68 sec Ou Angwtt 12 187 Henios won tta first prise ta aa open regatta at Barriomt This wm attended by some of tta fore most scalier America rilaco Rosa Hosmer Tlaisted Morris Coulter Lather and otter It wm held in Kenpenfeldt Bay aad Hanlan carried off the first prise tta race being tour mites with a tarn Then fallowed on Otober 3 at Laehine on tta St Lawrence the match ta which antes wreeted tbo Chaaplonahip ot Amertet from Courtney This race created an immento excitement at the time over SOonO jwople janrmbling to wituees tbe contest The stake wm HIM) dallaro and the title of Champion of Azneriea togethm with a prisa of flgJUl) dollar edited by tta rrtizresof Montreal Courtney bad won over 90 nose sad tad dose tta foatest 3mila with a torn time oa 30 min 4 sre Tta belttag wm even unil a tew day before tta rare when soddeniy took a decided tarn ta Hasten' fovoor Thio tothr with the resell laid Courtney under a cloud of snspteton which enter quest evonU have not tended to iliesipste Hasten beat Ctowtoey on that orsMies ta 3B min 22 sea On May 5 1879 be wm pitted agataa John Hswion a young and praauatag seuller of Deivoi Neweaetta Beslan simply played with Bowdon letting tta tetter eowM up level with him aad then draw tag sway abend with tta greatest one Ho actually stopped rowtag at one time sponged tta water out ot hto bust sod ttas settling quietly to work again drew away with ease and tbie to did two er three times winning eventually by five lengths Hie nazt lent wm to teat William Elliott foe tbo flpurtsnaa Oop and Champimiobip of England on tbo same oourea upon which ta tad defeated Hswdon 3 miles Sd3 yards os tbe Tyto This second rietory wm meat eompteSa Hasten vrinatag by no Ism than twelve lengths ta 21 min 1 sec On August 18 1879 again appeared in an opro regal to at Pam Outorie On this orcnslos he rowed a dead beat with Riley I for tbe first prixo of 500 doilara tta distance I being under 4 mile with a turn After tta beet Hasten who ws not in condition declined to row over again sod the prize wm I swarded to Riley A matrh wm again arranged between Haskm asd Cum rosy and wm to have Iwen rowed an Octobre Ifl 1879 at Chautauqua Lak NY bet it will be rrnituibired that tbi trial never came off Coortncy's boat wm found on tta mentag of tbe race to bare bees sawn in two and great disgust and hubbub resulted from thto taawtont Hasten rowed ever tbo coarse and wm dertered tbe winner of tbe prise bet tta itonors ndused to pay over tta award uLtil be taid actually defeated his competitor Hooten afterwards teat Oosrfrwy for tta doUar puree five miles with turn at Washington taM mta 464 see Oe May Ata teat hie former rival Riley at Waaiungton for a 2JJU0 dollar perse five mates with a Urnn Jud 17 1880 Hasten wm defeated by Wallace Ims a eoaspetitar whom ta tad root on sevel previous occaaioos This wm at the Prwvidewoa (Btedo Iriawd) Begins tte eontast tetrg one far tta first prtw ot 3U00 dollar dwtanee five nails sales stopped rowing through Blneea Tbe remit ef hw most im portant eewtoot ttal with Trfctatt on tta L5th now awaited with impatient expectancy KDWABD TRICKKZT Kdwmd Trickett tta Otamrofm Os reons ot tbe World ta all ef ear renter are ase a native of New Baath Watee He ww been an the rartumatta River at Greenwash Although in ramtoon with tta attar BOtotar ot tax family be totavwed tte occwpouen of a qaaiij man the praaitofty tf bto resadenee to tte watat soon toads him an adept at naattoal pasUmsa aad more ttaa aa average rower Hto first appraranae al any pahta total of rowing skill ww made al tbe early learteea year bet te then naeoctmefuL But to what te teaiore developed bulb Auotralta aad tbe whole world kaewe Edward TitahaM hw been brfate dierefted ia throe wileman aad I oar former demriptaea ii may set be mis te reproduce the foHewtag Htetatopsrste babitauotooa than hto skill have doobttem largely aoatoibeted to bto sawwmio Be bwno4 tbe appearance of a maacf eoduraoce NatoruUy pale expesrw a tee vm bto akia aallow appearance and bto lean spare farm matae ana use far wtara tte pewero same from till a glance to taken at tte brood shoulders fail etaet aad mneoatar arms when the aeorot ex pl toed Hw advantageo in rowing are hi marselMB rearh rapid ityef saraha and simply perfect msni polatfon ef tte slide He stand 6IL3 inland weighs wtan trained 13 st 8 lb He hw frequently teen timed striking the water twenty two ttawe in thirty seoomK itk a strong unwavering eteobe like blow frm a flail rowing bto fim uule ia 6 mta 9 sec and the wbole river eoww in 22 mta 25 are His uwnnre pieming aod uaaaraaMag nod te to one of tbe few inetaaow of a man not spoilt by soc erm Tbe sobyeot of oar uostee made his dtodr at tta Ante vereory Regsrea 166 ort Jack ses in a rare for yoniha under fourteen aad agate in a race far toys under sixteen in both of winch he suffered defeat Two yuan afterward ta scored bis maiden win ia a pair oar rare for yoaths under eighteen then in a private tandi oap aealtoro'omsA ta defeated Smith McNeal Maaaiag aad Buluvaaa La a private matte te defeated MsCtoer ia light skiffs Un Decern tar 27 lM9al tta Wooiluseanoleu Boy Regalte he wm defeated by Hickey the then cbam piea ia outrigger Trickett with hie eider taoltet competed eoeemsfully at tta Aanirer aary teegetta to a psiroar tana yoatta aador twenty ooe year Buteeqaeotiy tbe pair defeated Bute aad Ootoo ia a ml awbA Edward ww then detested by Coion in a private match on tta Parramatta River At Balmain Regatta tta Brothen Tri krtt won the dooUworuiis match and at tta ewte regatta te tte toltewiBg year the tune pair were defeated by MeOlrar aad Lyons throuub ttair boat swamping At th Anniversary Regatta 1874 Tnekett rowed fa tta winning wtaloboat race At tta Kai main Regatta JS74 ta woo tta all amateur acullse' match fa tight skiff and in private matetev to tte same year ta twieo defeated Plena round Ito two tolaade in Port Jsrksoo to heavy boat Ou tta Lmi ooca ioe Pierce tad choice of boats At tta Clarence River Champion Outrigger Rare October 1874 Tricksdt mitered tor too prim tta moot ittjjMrtant eoaceet in which he had taken port all tbe crack rowers ia tta ecteny CMtpetug This event wm initiated by that ontbuaiasua iover ef tte aewaeo Michael Keek Ranh wta nad beid tte cbampiouBhip from Hickey won Trfatatt a good second Layeoek third Hickey ez eLanipioa fourth Green wt had tte memo rable encounter with the abampfaa ot tte Thamre fifth and Newby lari At tta Pa1 main Rasa tta 1874 Tnebett defeated Layeoek and Mulhall for tbe culling ctampiousbip fiuatad ia frost cf Lang fa light skiffs ami rowed a winning oar in tte wbateboat rare oa tte same day At tta Aaaivttuary Begatta 1875 Trickett woo the hmdicap atat'h beattag Setoeooee aod Layeeek aad won tte four oared gig race with bis brother aad tte brother Lynch On 8ep temter 18 1875 ta a private match oucriggreo XAMl snide Parramatta River to defeated tayroek tnsily At the Balmain gitta 175 ta again beat Layco*ck aad Green in outrigger At the Anniversary Regatta 187 in an tri be defeated Green easily Juno 27 1876 wm the crowning point of this great seuller career ef triumph Mr James Panch an eld oarsman himrelf taemning convinced that ia Tnckett AuMrnlia pomeeoed good a staa could be found ta Ito world induced him to aooompaay him to Kcglaad where aa to well kiwwa to wrested tbe blue ribbon of atter Thames from tta then champion (J Sadler and brought tack to bi native land tte maob coeeted haeoor ot of tte World" Tte tima oa that ooommo wm 24 min 36 sec Hi eatbusiactie reeeptfaa oa hi return to Sydney will long te reatembered A Mbecrip twn was started which realized a substantial sum Triekett then opened a pablic bouae end afterward removed into a splendid new hotel at tbe eomer of Pitt and Ktag treet Svdrey After hto return tta Clarence ctaiuptou Mietad Kuh challenged Trickett's ability to maintain the tta title to tad obtained in England aod a match arrurged for £34) aoide which off oa June 3) 1877 over tte etamptou war Parramatta River and ww won with ridknloua care by tbe etampian by eight beat lengths tbe time tetrg Stein 35 ere Hto nett appear aore wm at tte Anniversary Regatta Port Jack on January 26 1879 be waa easily beaten by Layco*ck for tta ehampiou sculto or that event ta wm altogether oat ot condition not being afao to iri oprriv ror ne eoeust on account ot hie extensive boetaees Tte eooerqu are of this detest vw that a match was arranged between Trickett and Layeoek tor £3X) side aod th Championship of tte World Layeork aspiring to tbat high title Tte race took place on Angnst 29 V79 on tbe Parra matta River tte intense bring three tnilm 3mi yard Suoa after hi return from EugUnd Trickett had been unfortunate enough through an accident to lose tte third finger of tte left band (rem tte second joint It wm feared that this would interfere with his rowing but tte champion himself spoke ot hto mutilated baud with composed indiiferenew aod tte result of his contest with Layeock stowed ttai ta bad not overrated hto condition Trickett rowed alow easy ptfoke and witboot appureu effort won by twelve boat lengths In 22 min 35 ere This wm bis last public performanee op to tte tiase of bis going to England to give Hatdon a etanes to wrest from him tte ours led titto ef Ubamptou of tte World THI PROBABILITIES Of course there to great exeitemeal amongst rowing circles at boot ia respect of tte coming event Hsian bolds the tide of Champion of Kaglsad and up to tte laasot dates hw bees a warm favourite bat Australians will reakem tar tta neuter to which tta porting entire were sold in thrir estimate ot tte protabilitieo ef tbe race between Layco*ck aod Blackman re cently they may not attach very much rains to or bscosns dismayed to eonesqMnee ot ite pre dictions of the would be propbeta Still Banian is a man net to te uademted aad a hto opinion to oadrabtodly worth something it may ta Mated that te himeelf ipeata Trickett being a although be to confident ef access Ifenise upon hi arrival ia Eagfand proceeded to New astfe apon Tyne and im mediately ordered a new Wanting boat from the firm of Ifrearv Swaddle Wlwhip Hating boon ssMick on tte voyage from America aod oosasiqatutly out ot ecoditioa aod low in weight te decided not to go into trafatog im mediaU Iy but waited for sume dap ta order to recover hto health aad iuerraos hto weight Sioee then ta tee catered into full practise aad to said to have tardned fate capital ao dittos aad to be showing capital rowing farm Trickett is described by tae sporting papers to be hard as uaiL Not only ta ta lately been traiatag on tta watre to a aonsi durable extent but from hto first arrival te tae taken huge doses of pedestrian exercise which make people ta England star sgbsoS st hto perfcr maaeea Rising at talf pMt 5 te ia eerepany with Layooek would take a of tear or five miles before breakfsst another short after breakfast and then embark for a pull or tta meat part the rowing Triekett has done tae been ot a leisurely etarseter but owe or two sharp ipins he bM taken proem that te has aot lost aaything rf ba old euaaiag After dinner and after tee also will ta taka hto Haulaa a week or two tank wm ruaning at about 3 to 2 upon him being aa oe penally hot favourite with his awe urenlijmeebo do not regard tta defeat of ttair champion so being at all oa tte cards Jack Thompooa feoio iwmiiieta of tta eaeeem aad tas taken 6 4) to 4uG steal it A psruatl ot tta sporting papers would lead oat to tta ametasMa tLat Triekett doe not allow hi beet perfor mance to ta seen by tta sporting toata tel tlst be will turn out to te a dark tats oa thio oreasioa Auetraltawo ewe and all pta ttair colour to Trickett ami are "Hit that Haataa will be defrated Amreieaoe are be will racreed Tte latest ra dit to that Joe Ttemiwoa has received a telegram from hto brother Jack tring that Triekett' victory a However that may be all patriotic A astral ions will De glad te hrar that lb betting tae entirely changed aod to now 5 to 4 on tte Aueualtaa gtaat THE AUSTRALIAN SCULLERS IN ENGLAND LAYco*ck'S VICTORT OVER BLACKMAN rem swr Sporting Oorreaponitaai tauten Ootetar I The welcome aew will long eioco reacted tbe AuMrataa Qeteaim that tte first ef th twu hapcrirot mutate swtered fate by tte eclsaial mull sis new in Vg1 1 tae terrefaated fa a right gallant victory The interest eviaoad tn Rugland ever tte oeatmt wm very great alttaagh hing tike what may be expected tte great Ge endian exponent of tta art has to mraeure slretas with Trictotk Btooe tayeock's arrival to Ragland ta tax lived at tte Balta etoy with Tnckett aad both huvo been on tte beet of terms trafai together aad doing evorytiriag teip ossa utter ihreugti that trying urueal Bota has been ably meoeded by Mr John Ttempeoo of Victsria wto tea hardly tail them Ire aa tour and tae looked after ttair iaiertwt every fwmible way Now tta first match is ever ft hardly wretb wtata to my mash about tajemb teaming although it would te well to remark tbat aettuer Leyceck aor Trickett tave been a day unwell beyond a very alight cold erorettay landed Tta fiud deposit wm made good at Harry tease on rida eight where there wm a largo ameroblaga it wm kaawa that Triekett and Hateea would both te there Layeork did not venture oat wm so near th day tte night wm but Ulsehmso pat ta aa spgmrsnne aud looked very fit but rattar fine drawn Mr John Tbompeoa pat down tta hslaoee of tta money far layeork aad Mr loom a well known Bnglish supporter of aquatics did the needful for Blackman There wore load shouts of applause when Tncaett aad Haatoa were salted fur aad they advanced to the centra ot the roomnd ebook hands Mr Tobm offered to 4 oe Blackman but tbe offer wm not eoceptod 6 to 4 bates esked for Tte Kuuor ot tte yjruaea (tta Chairman then etood up and said te was commiMteaed by a Sydney gsattamen to take 1AU0 to 25u that the Austrsliauo won the I doable event Layco*ck and Trickett On tote 1 aanoaneement there wm eome eoaealtatioM uneap tte teukmaksre preoeot hut they docliMd to lay tbe odds but offered LjXKl 3UX Thie wm not closed with They offered to lay freely 6 to 4 ou for his match but I that ww a aeeeptad 1 toould be tare mn ticned tbat Hat lob lo ked wooderfully well He ta a little mao tot very comport aad well pat tugetter He wao not nearly so forward in eooditMu ae tte New Booth Wales etamptou taviigouly arrived from his are voyage ame tea day age bat bta clear skta aad bright eye betokened tta beet of health As Trickett towered above him it seessed ettaage indicd tiiat be should be able to hope for snooess wbea ofpmed to tte reach of the Sydney man but tbe Ecglith people seem imbued wita tta idea that marvelloas skill with th oar will more than counterbalance tbe advantage hie opponent pesaMom ta height length aiul strength and So firm'y beliavo the Canadian fovinuiblo It will te seen that very tittle speculation took place at tte test deposit and tte At tralians present who stood out tor longer adds tefase tacking Layco*ck were reach discus tsfi to find that co the day of tbe race the odds wore the otter way and ttat tte Sydney mu actually at last started a strong favourite i Tte alteration came ia lbw Oa tte day preceding the Blackmaa tayeock race contest came eff over the same course between two wtll sculler named 0uDOU and Thomas Ttauns ta been staying at tte Bells at Putney whilst Cannon ba duos his work fa rempiiiy with Blackman When it became krnron tbat Ttauaas tad woo his from Oannoa eerily (m indeed te very caailv) the opinion gained ground ttat a similar mistake might tev been made with the Blach man trial which tad been reported a a very high one Tboesaa and layeock on tte otter hand although never anything like tried together ted eftee rowed together at exraeise and it wm felt tbat Layco*ck much ta sepericr man The day of the race wm a fearfully stormy cm sad Che race itoeli took plsee with the raie eoniing down fast our steamer accompanied tte boo one ter the rees one far each ot th men and one tor tta umpire The umpire's teal was tta beat occupied end ot hslf guiMc bead must have Hl a decent stake to be divided between tta men There wm a good deal of Utting on tte atenmer 6 to 4 tau laid many tuuee on Layco*ck Tte fact ttat tta latter tad made wo mere matches ttat morning and tad got hi opponante to stake half tbeic money before te showed hi form tended to show tbat at least Mi Thompson end Trickett had greet confidence ia bi power sod tote to a very great extant wm tte cease cf tte public an porting him with own Arrived st tte starting point Layco*ck wm th first to get stripped wten to was ran to be fa fine condition not too tarii werked some thought him big tat covered with good herd muscle aod a healthy glow on hi ski a Biacknian to took off hi jersey hardly pleased so well be looked ovvr trataed if anything and somewhat haggard still tte museles on hti ctaet and arms were well developed aad both tnea were grsetod with ebeer by ttair partisans they toot up their positions for the raca Tta start wm by mutual consent aad although they tach dipped ttair cars almost rimul taiteoualy Blackman got much tte better of tta start for Layco*ck sesoed to dwell if ta tad tall mibd dm to make it a start but they went to work with a wilL putting fa some good cum at forty oue a minute Blsckmau'ssaceees fa getting away aad the fact ttat for the firs few strokes te seemed to te bolding tta Aue trsliea although not rowing more than thirty three to tte minute aad that ta wm sliding reach tooferand palling a longer stoke causal for a rocDect tta odds to veer round and much two to one wao actually offered no Blackman This etoto of tbfa*g did hot last long for on looking carefully at Layco*ck it wm seen ttat ta wm rowing well within himself and although still io tta rear stowed not tte least sign ot flurry or funk If any fault whatever scold ta fonnd with tils Sydney style it wm ttat tbe stroke ww somewhat start tat it wm wander ally steady and tbe swing ot his body rego ler pendulum wbilM no time was foot in tbe air es be gt forward with great rapidity end wm evideatly putting mrefnsr tot ot power isto his work 8till Blackman dMted ahea i putting in all te knew and for tta first quart at a mile held and ia fact tom ini id his toad bat even Shus set ly it was seen ttat ta wm rowing wildly and a gtanee wm swengb te show that barring aeei ceote the victory would rest with tbe Ai tralfan Wtan about half a mito tad been rowed Trickett wto wm directing Layco*ck from fae bow at an eightoar etiled upon him for an effort and he nothing toth put on about twenty very effeotivu strokes which put him nearly possible en terms with hi oppo nent Tie men tad now gone stoat a mile and Laycoek el though te tad stowed dews was putting enonaens power into bis work aad soon hie boat's nose appeared fa freak By this tires Blackman wm completely baked bis right arm seemed quite uerlses and te rolled aD over tte teat fa a meet paiidul wav till be straggled hard against nature and one seer put on a opart the bridge wm passed Layco*ck having forged nearly two Uwte shred Ona through tta bridge rough water was met with tbe wind causing tte river te te very lumpy Thie wm all tgiitist ttat by this time well beaten men and to add to bis otter dtAcnMee Inyeock crossed ever and gave bhu hie wash Haro Mr Inure wte wm shewing Blackman up called upon him for last spurt ta tte bop cf making a fcaL bok tte effort mad was a short one far after three good strokes poor Blackman stopped rowing and leaned forward with hi bead down utterly and bopetasely done Seeing thfo Triekett luckily asked Mr Ireland tta referee what te should do and tte reply waa on with your man" Thio wm done and Layeoek pulling a nic level stroke throughout rowed on end eomnloted tta dto i tasce 'ackman gave up wten they tad rowed nearly anything two mitesrd a furlong or jnvt about balfety Vp to thru th time bed teen vary fret About a Quarter of aa boor after Lareock passed THE RAINALL The following are the quantities of rain regis tered at tte uutenMntMned stations for the hour ended Saturday 13 at 9 turn Adelatoe 0190 Mfalatou OHO Pine Creek Yorketowa A arina 0040 Waroeta 0V70 Brltana 004' Wet Berni 002S lilinrean 040 Rivortaa 0010 001 Kapuuda 0 C3D Wilretogtim 0 0k) Tanumda 0060 Law 0040 Gwler ff 160 Ctetowi OtifiQ Measure S4JBU Jamreton 0060 Mh Pleasant 0 23O Bedhill frOBO Gamma tta MW Keorfa*ga OlttS Mount Torrens 0350 Clare 0 03U Salfotary 0 170 Auburn frOlO Clarendon 1X770 Hoyleton Mowt Bwtar 0 140 Balakbv (KBO Btrathalbya Poet Wakfatid 00(0 Wiling Kvgs Wallace (H)M Normanvdfo 0 030 Port (HfaJ owisr 0i39 Maitland (MflO PrtKHtot IKfa) tte winning post Blackman came pad Uiag up and datanl tta race on tta groands tbat Lay co*ck's cutter tad passed him dsrii tte raaa the artietos tetir may eeeompcDy suet ream but meet keep tahtod tta sSsrnsaosian Mr Ireland's reply wm to th parpen Layeeek wiaa" Hs afterwards told Btoekmea ta wm surprised that to should lodge such on objection and ttat te would net stand umpire far him agate Tte ranlt of tte raro ww a peat surprise to Me fattens teeter tor ttey bredly brifoved after bto trial tba te mold te beaten He rowed a gMM race altonogh te stopped but te ww a mateh for oneh a sturdy good tones dasbteg sraUsr re laywk Tte tetter testeen bitei a boOssr reaa than te wm beliswed to te far wtthens stewing aay wonderful skill te kept as tte even tenor ot hto wy and rowed with itoemitehls pluck ibrnnghnT putting great power into his work It wre mast kind of Triekett to ritow him cp river te did aad tte etempfaa steered him capitally aad also tent him hto aew boat built by Jewitt to sow fa Tbe tiatoo maid wws first utile 5 sain see end Hammermaith Bridge esin 4 esc Thfo to acuUsat time between toe bridgm 81111111 Anr pa Lsarum ta eew tepiisa is tbs honey at fcwae highiy ni ad tesri a pscottsr aei most iihWi tagreasa It ssmbtos tbe nrtass of sates the ptepaam ot a taadketfaM yirttn vtah edapuc to tally are ia ths both which osmresad it to siairal wa In th ack to this fieligktfxl pwfnme tb pros tevtiaabte fortpamtag qatittire wfll tetat the itnuybii adtere tbs bred testa seehe atevfreah Um rente patirat ata revive hl droeptag reiralii Pbtltp toate A Oa Agents Mum Ceuuaua oars tataraf tifoya hmeuoa UArecev Layco*ck hre been mulcted sgaiuet Hawdoaef DofovaL ata aa iusrfai named Hosmer of Ixsiss both rare foe £100 a side tta latter event ana off Nneomtar i and tte former Noves bw 13 Tbe sosy vtetovy ot teyenfa tae ted tte of oe8 ot making Triekett reach more ot a favourite for hi nntcb against Hanlon aad but wry stigta odds will te lata on Ite Uumdiaa on tte day at tte neo if tbe New BaaU Wofoo rpr seen tive keep weO BANQUET TO THE AUSTRALIAN CBJCKKT TRAM AT THS MANslJN HUl'SK (rom tte Jfaw Yew Ou tte evening of Octsfor 4 tte Lord Mayor at Lenten Mr raaete WTrweot)enhsrtofoed th Aoesrattea Outater st the mn Heuee when among Stare peseete many ot whom represented Bugtreb orietet elute wsre eu tte ngM ef tte Leta Mayw Mr Murdoch Lord Harris Mr 8 Mr Dowell the Bon oresw Mr lignite th Aitermaa Ms I Tterere Dokio Mr Boaaor Mr Aitarmaa Bn flit Mr MfaM Mr Atorenter McArthur Mr A Jervis Sir Albert Woute Bu I Jute Menfatoa Mr 0 Thsretoa Mr BL Triton Mr Aldreman eta Startfl ooter MB Mr teal loose Mr 1 orties Mr Mark Oat ttey Mr Cnaitff Mr fl eeeren Major flargeod i aod Mr Nirhnlss aad on tte Mr Aiexahder Mr Julie Vogel (XMA3 Mr Blsckhnm Sir Arthur Blvth MG Mr I Boyte Sir Utertee booth Mr Greube Mr Aldermaa Nottage Mr i Balmer Mr Aldermaa Hatwoo Mr I Menfo Mr Sheriff Waterloo Mr 'A Baaoor maaMr Artbar Walter Mr Mretefa Mr Wilkinevu OoL Shadwell Clarke Mr Draatotoaa Wood Mr 0 Afoeek Mr loll Mr A Webbs aud otter Mr Trusrott Mr Trussott Mr 1 Truscott Mr Uuder 8brifl Ifaabory Mr Uader Btenff Larten and Mr flMisby Tbe usual teyti toasts having boon drunk with much Btahwiesm I Tbe an Mavun said te tad now to peepee the tees ef tte evening hi teeoorta gres a I The Australian Tram of Cruketen" wtott be i desired to give on behalf ot tta City ot London i a warm and most cordial wefesrea (Lond cteera) ertagn tte weleom might tave been given to them on ttair arrival in tbe motter eonafry but te thought it tree much tetter that after ttair career ot greet snooas and at metal bee oar they eteafo te invited to moot fa ttat place to receive a cordial welcome ere they bad I farewell to them an theto departure tor tte land i which ttey tad for a time adopted He ototad most heartily to eoopretoiato them upon tta I meets which they tad won ata which they had so richly dsosrvvd end ta ventared to eU I them a bstad of tte BuglMb people ttat i if anything could gratify ttare more than tte suecee of their own crkxeSces it wre theeaseass at tta sone of (Nd Buglaad (Lend cheer Tte Bbglith people recognised among them tte mow qualities wbicb tad wen for Kngfata tte gtsas puitM ate occupied io tte wurld and they wvre proud to rerogntoe ttat fa tta Aoetraltau I rotocls th old onnly game cf srieket wm not only reoeetauHy pusrtMod tat ttat tta colonial cricketers ted come over and beaten the old stegers wMn thrir owe weapon (Ctawe) He 1 most cordially welcomed each ata all of them and they were greedy gratified to give ttair reloBil gosete tbe meta ef pram which was their due aad hyae fatal rinses (ratiteattoe to invite them fa the midst of tte old (Xrpora ttan of Loodoa (Ctessu) Tbs eld OorporMfoa wre I delighted to honour merit wherever it ww to be found aid they were gfod on that re on otter oreaaioM to reciprocate tte wotoome which Kngllriimn favariably reerived on visiting tte cotociic They were desirous of sesunng their reloofal friends of thrir earnest dwiro to bid them a cordial welueui aud ia parting with them ttey wished ttare with all their hrts a prosperous voyage aad every stows ia tte future (Protooged eteer) Mr Mranuca (Coptaia of tte Aus tralian tears) who was received with mosh epplauee said ttat now that tbe team tad gosto through ttair tour they wwe ahto to say that it tad teen a plrasaul see aad tte pleasure bod ten greatly enhanced by tta honour tte Lord Mayor tad done ttare in invittog them on tta of their departure to dine st bis lieepitabfo board at tta Manrion Howe ef Landau (Chews) I was aa bonow ttey al) greatly prized aad it was an honour which would be frit eta epproriatta by every person in Australia (Chacra) It would he regarded there re a kindly wifrinw to the whole Aretrahen Oolouiee nad te begged to thank tte Lord Mayor vrv heartily Indeed for bis kind nprereum of goodwill towards there and for hie imd wiatae far thrir futwu No old Australia svoald have dreamt wbea btepbetnem went out with hi team tbat two of Australian erkketet would have so sunn come to Knrland aod be ewaertetaed at th Manrioo House by the Lord Mayor Bat since Btepheosea's viett England ted sent Mt ester tesms to tte colouito they tad taught ths colonfote ho to play tte game Portage the had beou pretty apt pupils and if ttey tad been eneeanf the English teams ubo taught there tad only Ibetu selvee to thank (Cheer) He etenld like te my thst when th Australian team ar rived in England ttare a Utile cfoud in tte distance which they somewhat felt caused as te thought by Irttie want ef judgment oa tte part ot a colonial captain but te wss happy to say thus tta match at tta Oval dpeled the cloud and ta wished to say ttat tte team aad all tta reepecOable partjt the cummauity ia Australia had to thank Lord Harris for having Lreht abent that nath wbi that poble moa played in tta moot houeorabio epint i Loud cheer It was through bis efforts otueity tbat tte match at tta Oval wm arranged aad tf it had aot teen arranged be was afraid that the AuotraHaa team would bare left England with different feeling those with which they would no depwt fOhtara) He ww happy to aj ttat tta reconciliation waa effected at tte Oval and brought tte wteto snbjeet to a satudoetory eooelueiau and ta hoped it waaid be forgotten far over (Utesr) Mr Murdoch then made reference in term of high praiw of tta skill and high personal qualitiw at tte lato Mr Itiraeo and concluded by again eordiaily thanking the Lord Mayor foe tta taoeu tetad dme tta Australian team ttat sight Tte Lons Maxon in proporing the tanltb ef Cricketers of England" explained to bis Australian go rats that owing to tte laasooes of tte staeon many of oar legislator and otter were dow rekig health and raoh orafied rest abroad er in tta eountry and were therefore unable to be present on tius oooasiau After referring to tbe great lot mkketm tad seen fas by tte death of Mr Groan be spoke in terms of warm approval of tte excellent influence which tte practice ef cricket emorieed upon those who followed the noble game and pointed out te much tte town istoaial matshra tad done in bringing about a closer union between tte ssotber eonntry aud its cefenfoa Lord Hz unit with whor* name tte toast was coupled ia acknowledging tbe compliment began by thanking Mr Murdoch (or hi very kind Il'jsioa to a matter it was unnrrewnary thereto dilate upon Ttai book was dosed ter ever (Ctaer) Turning to tta oecaafoe of tte evening meeting te said ttat fa tta aonal of cricket do more memorable event tbau this eotortaioreewt tad ever token plaau Te tbe world to gcosro) it might seem otrnnge tbat tbe Ixwd Mayor ot tiirf shoal thus teaoar wtat to tbe world in gensral appeared to be but a game tat reieketore would duly appro cists tta honour sbown to cricket It was true tbat Um wm not tbe fast time ttatttasMndiog earned for itself by tbe Dbitothfotie world bad bran reecuTOed by tte Lmd Mayer of London (Heer tear Ttair aquatie brethren tad boon teuowed as they tad been hoe nor sd ttat eight and ta took it that His Lordship aud his pre deeraaor tad alite wished to recegoMe the fact that tte athletic school which bad advooewd ith such rapid strideo during this eeetiwy was a Mwcsaity in tte present day and more tbat it ww no dfocrudit to tte age we lived fa (Hear) Bores would doubtless think that far too reach wm meds of cricket ttat too mneb tires wm given to it and ttat after aU tt ww het a game Ttey erred through ignorance It wm more than a game it wm a school of itoetf and a grand ectaol (Hear far it eMoonged tta good and discouraged tte tad qualities of human nature It wm a game wbieh one ot its many admwere tad said Iff ving health vigour and energy to tte frame bad also a good eoond moral wndenry It demands the exercise both id physical and inteUectaal powers requiring at oose a eoot bead a otindy band and a etarp rre well sound judgment What tbe cuitivatod brain will to te done tta trained arm must strive as rxerute Ae te te short braid ci al Io a double sense conferring oe tte boly health and on tte mind that oalm doiltareto judgment ohkb te so admirable a preparation toe tbe sterner dutiee at Hfa" not writer might too easily tars shown tew it onenurtged ctf drnfal and how abhorrent jealousy srioshnees rroelrv or eppreestou were to it Two stares trrtetios peculiar to mi bet te wirod to te allowed just to aotma Tte first ww its purity tte satire aberwee in He pursuit of aay iadaoe ment bert honour Ttare were It ore trua ea the river and eleewtare isolated casre ot honour being the sole reward bot ttase tremnsre wet ror tta matches at eruket stare a prize ww given to tte winners Be dH not tewevre my ate teuour ef wincing tbe race wm not tta todooereentaa tte river er ea the reaaiagpefa er that the prim ww not raenodary to th tatwur la tbo Olympia gas the wiawsr ww rewardsd with a laurel wreath but tta only thing in tta abape at raa a laurel wreath the cricketer reraived ww tte cvpbre that rewarded tbe naoeeorerfuL (Loaghtor) The second remertibl shares krwtM it nod remain wd for to lard Mayor to ssengafoa and tte ww tte tact ttat tta gamp ot erictas ted Bone ease to draw tbe mother eouatty and tte eofotaoe ot A astro! la together than yon ot braid sil hgwfatira could tave dona aastM from general aspect ot tie game Lord Harris next irprswsd tta ploaoure it nave fate to meet ate Australian Criclretaws on tiis oneastoo aad hie adnfautfon of ttair perfarmoMoa dwing tte fast few Boutte Kuglirii crifaetere tad been strafe with tte mpid propwa made fa tte gu by tiie colonists rinse 1878 Hv iagriure than expseMWood ae Auetraliaa wreraw twins tte IrLgth of tte gloomy eeraea which stiJ went by tte anew fa te judged that this diffsseew la climate ot Itself qailew wnUeafoulntod to pradTOgoederiehotee all ear experweM and ta felt sore that a area equal to tte bwt Bngiaad coaM pre doo urr ia a few year earn bar from A as tral fa Having dips aa tod any jealous fooMag shonM thM te tte rase he would jest say fa MMitom that tf ta tta newt visit of ttair )nilnl i frweds they tad a littto regard lor i tte feliitt of ttaos who bad tta ttwnhta of usarefa*g tta matetas they would have no reason to nswr11 ot th mattare they would tavotoplay ia eonclMtoaHx Lordship wutad them a safe and pteoant voyage tame Tte Loan Maroa next prupoecd Colo nial twisnsoa" white ww acknowledged by Bu A BlytbbM Julias VegaL usd tte Um kuntvc o4 tte euuoiedtag Mate The Lady May" ww proposed kf Lord Harns I SOOTH ARICA I By th arrival of the Orient steamer Laritaaia I on Nooratar 13 bare been plared in pcwsemioa of inteDigswce fro tbo Capo to uctotar THE BABUTO WAR rom the Cape paper 1 Hred qtortsea 0 Mafotoot October 19 This mcruiag tta oolunm toft Masmywrt arm ot 4 o'ctoch Tte tot Tiemsury formed tte ad ranee guard and supports the Bud Yeo manry farmed tas wteto of ite left flank lag drtach meats aud portion ot tte right ta (fap Moentod Rifles psifiswfa*g tte root of the some doty Tte 3rd Tsoreaury had it station to the mam eetamu ta tta rear cf the wagons Tte City Rifle (Graham' Town) rioae I Guard (Port KHsateta) and th Mehalto Hook raatingvot marched on tte left ot th oofewu aud tta Duh of Edinburgh a Own Vetaatoer I Rifle (fap Towe) at the right Tte Kimberley 1 Hosre humid the sear guard About a auto ami a ball after mwriag tbe I Bordar the eowwp opened a dropping fir from 1 tbe ridges to tta left of tbe line st advance but with Uttie stfset Inrys bodtoe of men wwtU coming down from tbe bill beyond but they wm stacked by stall aod too eover fobitri tte ridgra from which they krpt up lively fire at long rang During tte obole time eoutiausd to advanee atowiy Hitterto tta rood had been fairly open aad tte lo4 rang prevented tte fire from befog very destructive to esther eid About five mile tram tte Boeder stanta rugged kopje caltod tta Katotaai aad Ate rood raw to th right of it It we fully expected tht a stand would be made here aad just before reaching it tte (fape Mono ted Kiflee a "id on gen were detached to take posewswu ef a ridge about a hunfltsd yards to th ngM ot tte road This ndgu tree found to te enarouptod by tte eermy tat en tbe left of tbe road hot ween tv and six hundred yards distent tte rebels krpt up a galiing fire from tte tup of a grassy aeiivity atoptag upwards from the road Th Grabwa'e Town (B) Kowfo (E East Undo (0) troops of tta 1st Tiimtry were obea this print woe erected out skir mishing eu the left directing amt of ttete fir to this point the Infantry on the left at the criema being fa support alsagrido of tte road at about NY) yard from tta treat base of th Kalabaai HilL Baddesdy taking ow me wholly by surprise a body of mounted Bmuim several hundred strong starged he Ouraafts from behind tbe uaunutaie carting eff the akir mister from behind and taxing with oar men Tte infantry could do nothing to save the skirmishes cf wtetn about thirty wm assegaied before tte 2nd Yetnnry could be brought up to th rertm Tte Eaeetoe baring affected ttair object thee mad away at full speed ovw the rwe from tte top ef wbicb ttey tep up arety fir The whole affafr np to this stage had aot tosted fiv mtautea Tte Bad Yeomanry and a portion of tbe lt Regiment briig brought op they charged tta hill aud a somrt sagoreeut eosned tbs enemy being eventually dnrea off and a village invisible frosa tte read art on fire It tsted though I tave no means of verifytng tte report ttat in this ouoenater about seventy Baiutos were killed Msanwhife a body ef rebel wm holdup tte right of tte mountain aod firing on tte right advance taepsag it up until they wm dnreo off by tte gUD About 300 Bssutoo esotyed a charge agaieeta detachmsatof tte (top Mounted Kt ti aud three eampaniee at tbs Dok ci Kdta burghs Vwn Tte ibtaatry gaickly formed square and tte enemy wm driven ff to men being wounded en our side while scvcti Bmuio mddlse wrre emptied About an hoar wo ooeopfod la tokiag op tta dead end wounded aod tta odeum then moved forward spun Although the enemy remained viaibto ta recsidarabto Mtobrn they hardly apfuoeahed within range tai eoettatod ttare selves with tong shots st the advance and toft dank A boat a mile Item Mateteag a lance body of Basotos wm seen about 2U0 yards oa Sererai sheila re fired st item when ttey dis persed No further opporitfoo wm offered sod just tafore reach tag Mafetrag Uaptaia Star vingtoo with two troops of tte Oje Mounted Ku come tram Diptaring to greet tte re lieving colamn Tte actum tasted altogether about "three tours aad tbe number of Ifosatos eogagvfl ia estimated variously at from five to eight tbon mod In tbe eocMoafui starpe made on tte let Yewmatry tte BMUtos earned eff th tore of the killsd and wounded man and stop thrir araw and boadritera Wtat tte total lure of tte enemy wm it is didteell testate Omputetfons rM from IQhto 3O Tta foltowteg report ot tte action st Maf ti ng ba teen received from the Brigadier General Cnannifiny tte form Mafetang October 1 under say eomaaad namliwiug 101 officers 1415 Europeans and 73 natives at otter rank moved from thrir camp at arm near tte Boeder at a quarter to 5 mb wraeiag aad wmsdeil without reneh opposition to far tte Kalatani Hill small height on tte road whfah wm taken possemtau of by the Cape Moon ted Rifle Tbu eoabtod tae wagons to para tta poort between RetaJwsaTs village sad KalabanL Tta etewy at this time appeared fa oom fares to tte narthwwd tat were driven berk by few well directed rounds from tta siren psmiisu Nofafa*g st this time cppeoriLg on our left I directed tte moih body of the 1st Yeorewy wto wm te immediate advance of tte wagons te mor to tta toft cf tta fangs at Katabani to feri ter tbe eueay in an easterly duectioa Captain Dalgetv th Adjutant wm ta command ColoDel Brabant beitg at the time ia charge of the advance Tte am ted not procetded far from tta main tody wbea they wm charged by a targe body at Besots who com de wu full aprad owe ta riae A baud te taad fight eeoned ta which the Bseutoo belt armed with assegais sureredad fa twroty four of tta 1st Yeoreaory Tte Sod Yeomanry wm sent to their Mototooee and the enemy wm driven tack with I am fatarmed coariderebto torn Tta enemy appeared ta large bodies afterwards on both finks That en tte left wm driven be by artillery fire and ttat on the right never came inteaetton Tte Mutter of oattre stent to arttmatod at from seven to right thoumefi tel tta greater portion mv come uadre fire at sfl At th time the wgM wm wMtmg near Kalataoal for tta killed and wounded ef tta 1st Yeomanry to be brought ia a charge wm mode eu tta right front by a party of three to four hundred Basuto at full apwe white wm etarked by wril diresOed valley from two rompaaiee it tte EOVR Tta etarg co tta 1M Yeomanry ww ted by a ere ef Letor eultofl quote tatoe and tta force wm ooeeprised of Nqueos aad Borage me som tta prtooom taken I tooru that tte following rhiefs aad thrir men wm engaged Swung Mama Josiah Mogela aud that Hareugt era tod tte charge on tbe Yeomanry Total casualties Thirty ue killed on died of wontas tea wounded" THE ATTACK ON LBBOTHQDl Msfetrag Oetotar A form composed tbe (tope Monoted Knto undr UentaMoMtelcae Oarrtagtea Duke ef I Edinburgh Own Volute Rifles Prime Alfred Votaatm Guard aad Native Oootin brUltontiy etarged task tod Quite 800 ef tbo enemy fi4 fa fodgre and sovrenl hundreds wm tb ire was thoa opened from tbe totoh field gun and rifle from white ttaeffaced vmiy aod wm driven Grewsnl to prserace ef th criama thanked tte vduBtom Gape Mounted Rifle and Kirebretoy Horae far ttair brillfoal eoadeet during the day I Is also ttauked Usptata Bborvtagtou aod Major Low far tta manner ta white ttey led tta storming parties ato Ootoeri Omiagtea Tta eotxmatad number ef tbe eneoiy wa tram eucv to Kijjco sad ttair fore mret Mouatod Bxfiea Dube al Edinburgh OeB riuatiur Eiflra and Native Ooutume hradta by tte QremL Assistant AdjstaAt GoaetuLaad targm Low' charged afoag tte platean late tte sttuagtald' sad Jtliougb tte eamy at first fired ttey wm usable to withstood tte etarg fled Tb villagv vm captured tte first ma oatiw tetog tte Asatottnt AdjotsaHhaernL Tte tillage ww then burnt and tte ateaaam deetroyvA Tte enemy wm thoroughly routed tenant Oortann for the vticirat way te white tte ordnance ww narked dmi great amine Tbe strength tf our attack irg foree wtth tta Kimtaetoy Her ww stout 8uu Tte figbu eemmsneed at 53P a and raetiuned till I pre Tte reeuaHire are Ltouteaaart Me Mullen MJL wounded acvmly Weliry CMB lightly Wlto PEOVk alightiy Gainer 1VQligbtly (fatnp A severely A Bperrell MVj evrawly: Pbrsew DEO VR etighUy Nwr OV JU diugiionily Sarita AV dangmnaly A psttri at atom KO mo go out to morrow A TBTHKB NATIVE OUTBREAK King Will lam's luwu (jetotor JR Vmhtonhio bw mta oat aad kilted three Baroptaa eActato sad aesapted Qureba Tony ere rardling roirnitcore at Vmtsto Grave fors re owtmatoMl ef ester teitfs taUewtM tte rumpto at Vmhfoahta Tte frifawm stotomoot rotative to tta mnrdcr at tte Bnropeoa Magistrate he bore made Bf tte Bov "I reside at Butackswa a nitatan etstion Dsar the greet ptam of Tta earop (Mr Huwe'c) ww pitt ted tbe mala road beteeoa Urob I toahtoe place aad the mimfoa ototien Isof I WedtMly morning Ttay wre writ tin fsr I'mhlnahis to gvt bto roan topsStar Tte soont re collected on Thursday and riday 1 wm la tte snrop Wadaoaday and Tboeeday When I ww ing to tte earop on riday about midday 1 wm told that all the roe tad oat teen rollrrted 1 went on and mebed tta mmp ttat nigh irtesy) Urohtoabto aad Ma coaoriUora kept tte earop Tsstordsy smtM Umhtoohtos roan terted to the ramp About It I torted lev the earop I row two roe wte bsrbaort to roe As sooa I go to ttero they threw on el my hwe Uns roaa threatened to rtrtbe with kerrie but ww provi ntsd from doing so by tiw otter man who told me ttat Mr Dope ww killed sad two Eurepram with him Hassid that Mr Davis ww a bwt Dot killed T1 two Eoropraii kiitod with Mr Hope wm fem Lretoto (Houma and Wsrrvs) When I got borne ton ot my stattoarea arrived aud said tte same tatag About Mr Hop aod tte two Euroueuis bring kilted When they taft tte eamp Mr Hope's poltae were being pursued Ttai sfttod tbat tte guae aod sromoattina had not baoo distributed bat wre takra from tbe wagons Ttey also said that Vrebtoubto's men bagaa a dance wbfoh ww oupptnrt I be toyai tbe Magistral aad Ito two Kuroe uw terttog an i They was daoeit ia a evaleircte to thrir custom The wanim of th tnb made feint ef stobbing and ea one of tta aasmi ire Mr Hop aad tbe Europeeae wore kilted bbortly afti I Ueibtouhto's moa taking my settle and sheep My wife aad abtfarea tagod tf me to take a barer and make ay eeoapa I rut a refai tote tbe bora' month aad redo sway 1 ww not pursued by tte aativro who wm rwab iDg into tbe mMaioa Uoe man eenompaated tne te Mr Webb's and toU blia wtat bad hap pened Hearted me teeems ea ter I beard that rmdffohwa aud hie people nare goiag to Qotuta on Thursday to meet Umhtouhto Ttwy rrturaed on hearing ttat Verttouhto waa at the iroloa Vtudttahwa then eabt six men to tbe comp Aerardfa*g to report Vrohtoobto nnt weed to Vmqaikote ttat if Vmauikrte would fight against Gonimret ba would do co also 1 am tf opium ttat dlttfwe will fight ton My wife and children were toft at the mtoaioa euttoa sad I flout krw wtat treatment they are roeefriag Mr i Welsh thought at flefradiar tbe gwai at Teste" (fay Town Octotor fifi I Th news from rasatofaad to very serious I UMrtaat CetoMlCarriBgtoewhMbsstegod I by tte eamy at Majenty tas boa rnlteeod but art witteat serious Im on tte pert of tl eotoaioJ forces thirty five of lb leet Yeomanry being fciUed aad erven wounded Tbto notion took Piooe oa October 19 and tte Bad a earo mtfnl attort ww mod ae Lreottadto vilfogu which ww destroyed aad a enthartf tta entry wm kilted flevasoi tf th (fapetow votouwara were wounded tius aaganeroeat an at atom tee etaee dten The Pandemias tave broken oat aad tave murdered ttair Mfoftotreta aad two tf bis officer The Government tav salted out AIM) berphm and ar ate roarnttiag paid lorore Tta Legteteuv Council of Natal te teen opened by Mr Ctoltey Tb revenue foe tte ensuing year to tl rooted at E41AW0 and the erponditaro at 418761 It to reported ttat th Dntenre Bay Railway to to te eommeaeed at soon LAW AND CIHMINAL COURTS RVPRKMK DOUBTBefore Hto fimmr Mr Justice Bousaat and Juris) TruroaT Nuvnansa Ifl WiUiaros KImMo I Jiroore Jaiatid Ouano Oocunay Umitod Hroitb flymen Nvaylon Nvay Kingston Bsfim Hm Haw Mr Jostioa Boucaat Wei SDatT Novattree 17 Bena Mitrtetl etor Twrasotr Nutassaa 8 Hill Etarida Jacobs laoett KtMstCMU nrDsT Nnvawmre if Homburg floffrichfae and Another Nesbit Rtartden (agaut for IfacagwoMtb lynn Pater INSOLVENCY OOUET A mu mt bitt Menns Movmbm IA Ad joened inal Hearing fiamwl De Tonne tf Pert ideiato rowitmi Tvnabxt Nvvxama 18 inal Hearten Bebret Priddy tf Two Well baker and sturrtrepor Michael Oruoa Ntwth i dote lie lateerer Job Bonney tf Goodwood labourer Wiliiaro Henry Trotter tf aiuotow gardener ifataet (took tf Hind marah farmer James taw lAUghtmtf Ado tetdo nmmmmial tosvnlter Adjourned inal Thomae El win offien tf Briton Hosrod vfotmltor Arabi bold Morgaa Adelaide taw Ser Job fry of Adriwd erUm Geera (SuUirsn rf Port Adetetd mihuatar (Jtarro Dara rf Adelaide reUriter tret George William Bold rf Btadmarsh rtemfot Jeba Wyatt ef Balak lava farwire gent with tta fielAgu aud two maraarMted from enrop re 4 tftiock this roorui to ttw Lerottedi's stronghold and reacted th village at dawn A mH from tte fort of the monatein leading to tta atrengbrid part of tte Gape Mounted RM nadre Btervingtoa and by the I'uke tf Ediatargb'e Vwa Volunteer Bifira eptonfiMly eterged and took pmaa tf tta village iron Irotety at the loot rf tte teigbti toe firid gun teUowvl and wm almost inetantiy into pool tisa aad opened fir on th enemy from whom a vr fire wm rioalved from bobiad tte auro with wnirt tte top rf tte mouteta vw iiaed D'Arcy and Sberviagtaa to frat aad Cbtetogeat en tte left shea goD Isatiy stormed tte bright under a fimefira aod earned the pmitfoa fa ahoat twenty cutout Tbe late iesroediately pneted up the tolghtiand the Caps Mounted Rifim would then have enmeded ta taking th etrengteld but wm eedered te retfr to awrft the wrivoi rf sepperte tte enemy wm flecking ia on every side and ta freak strength te tte toft A wvU diracted aud heavy to fueeod thm te retire with fam The gw aad mortore wm thru placed In position and staUe wm thrown tato tte vilfa*g Tte reeroy wm mw evowd iog down from tte right and ooeayytag two toamo end atoe tfatag tte dec ramtag down fw tte right About 9 30 a memage wm root to tte eamp to send ent 200 mor ma aad tte Ktebcriey Hone arrived at 10JM) at wbicb time ttere wm teary firm from tte village fa treatad from todgv on tae right At abort 1 1 30 am Ifapttta Bterritoa aod witbtwoequadrenstf iboOegeMamtod BMro eappwtod by Prine Alfred' Vetauteer Guard were eent oat to dcafodge tte enemy trom tte lodge aad alahs fa tte forth rf a heavy fir They chargod out to Um ledge rf sort and advanced in kfrtnihicg rotfer betere fcreed to teke shafts and remaretatiOMry as tte enemy wm toe strong Abottaf sing if Prtaso Alfred Vetantosr Guard wm seat to retaforre bat tad wm Audit roting Morris rf Adelaida oramirotao agist 1 tael Dividend Arthur Hretoa rf Bcmartowa bfacksmitit LOCAL covets Pitot Admaim! Traooir Ncnxm Id uwrroD JCiu xHcn a in tnanabMa Mirtelmm Wtito aranunh coraan righlsM liuemU Jvlly athe Bunn Harper HoiL OOUKT3 Amiaim tfaTranaT Mwavana 13 BcIks Braera TuukwaoD Stylss Jstrf ieter ITrficr and Chuloth It'alkn atari gtaato were flood 10a oart far draakanMw Jfo'tv BoaridM' charge rf to amply with a roataseaanea oedor tor tte sap port rf ta wtfa wm ordered to pay tta arrmra £4 and costs la LhuO wm fined fl foe tarot hi teterfoor Vtate the matter with (Mka an AmroicM paper Maay btad heartod people will regret to know tout thm to eurorthtae tte i matter with ear eid friend Jnpftar Jnpe bro Ibra ailing far sorer time He to mw wwkiag 1 bto way towards Lta ecu which to very i fertanete far the maroivi planet at thfo meson Irftteyrer feet tte tooutao to a spot stat mros ea tte enrfore rf ttel tdauet about a year age and til art Mt TLfa hm aamlte Juptoer'o family pbyrirfou awSto now wrong the gravest aauoty to bto trtonds This DtUe spot to only flufno mitos la dfaroetor and to red ta ootoor Early btotary angtosm to etoto whether Jupitse ev bad tbo momIm er net Thm to a steng ootabtiiy that tb roay to tte ptootf'e fret rrporisoiw wish tte dirom tie mmsI rf its age sod aiso it my go hard with oar vrterotaim friend.

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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.