The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

i sitVltDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1968 4 MMkt mmm mim ''timtilli Jr i A to aw BBk. 'VS 1 ssBBBBi "a aWSff II gSaVakV 4 TRIBUNES III, Issued Eve 26 with 14 seconds left. seconds left, Lynn Gregory play with Andress going the wrr-vm Kum Then Andress faded Dack to 'final eight yards around his A a Columbia quarterback Dave gained. yard to the six; with two seconds left, Doug Richard another scoring opportunity. Snyder scored, from the six, but this effort was nullified by a holding penalty.

Dxl wvi Inriinna 1IJ Jt right end. Be also' kicked the pass, found his covered, -ran across midfield Andrew scored one touchdown, kicked four extra points and son then hit Baron Hill at the omm sv .1 extra point with 7:02 left in passed for twn rnnr fix-pomH 016 Second quarter, to his own 30 cut bacK Hipfleid and-fhuuTyunleashed4)omb- Ucohimhus earned storming rr PiMicher Schmidt intercepted a Baron WUa io etxvuu iuusiuuh-vu. t.i.-..rrfti however with THOMAS hark Smith going en to lead the Bun Dogs to 't'J'JT'K "3 the clock Gregorytten stormed into the end tone and Rusty a 34-13 win over Seymour at Columbus Friday night. ai the gun sounded. Andress' kick was good for the final 34-13 margin.

nationally by Inland Ntwa- mrtti associated jaaHrsaalattoa. Sum York. CM- k. imI.uiI la antttlad Andress, son of Columbus ace, Detrbtt. Kansas City, Los tauvas, bjAUSU.

St Loula, duslrs of all local Mwa printed wa ais-m Aaaaiaa.MMir -at wau as Kemmerer kicked the extra point to narrow the Dogs' margin to seven. Columbus scored again with 7:41 left in the third quarter coach Max Andress, gave Seymour fits most of the night, running for 61 yards in 12 car ries and passing for another to from the one left to the game. Andress missed the Pat kick for a 27-7 Columbus lead. Seymour rallied to march yards to 15 plays to score with 2:11 left in the game. Gregory did the honors from the three.

A pass interception with 22 seconds left gave Columbus its final six points on an unbelieve-able effort by Andress. Smith gained 11 yards to the Seymour 191 yards: on a 33-yard pass from Andress to Brian Snyder after taking over on their own 45. Smith "We Just wouldn't tackle anyone," said a dismayed Seymour coach Dick Mace. "We had kids in position to make the tackles. They didn't make a touchdown without having one of our players get a hand on the ball carrier, but we just wouldn't knock him down." Columbus gained a gigantic 518 total yards, adding another mil Tasrm his own 41 later in the period to set up the second Columbus touchdown.

Steve Gonzenbach gained six and 22 yards on two carries and then Randy Smith went off right tackle for Zl yards and a touchdown. Andress" kick was good again with 1:53 left in the half. Seymour then started a march that ended to the end zone as the clock ran out to the half. Schroer returned the kickoff 29 yards to the Seymour 40 and a 41-yard pass from Schroer to Stu Silver put the ball on the Columbus seven with just Summit a got .22 yards on bis first try. Andress booted the extra point 327 yards rushing to Andress passing figure.

Seymour gamed 199 yards on the ground and Another pass Interception at Seymour's 39 gave Columbus 77 in the air for 276 yards, Pulling In The Iloins Seymour's defense, was fair Panthers Rout Spartans the first quarter, coming up to cause three Columbus fumbles in the period. Columbus had taken the open carries. ardson and a pass interception by Perry McCain with one min David Warner scored on FIRST DOWNS IS S3 65 and 1-yard runs to lead East ute left to beat previously undefeated Anderson 13-7. Rushing 17 Panlng 4 Penalty 0 0 Chicago Washington over Ham mond. The victory gave Wash YARDS GAINED S76 SIS No.

1 Bloomington and Jive ing kickoff and had advanced to the Seymour -IS before Randy Smith was jarred loose from the ball and Chuck Barbour recovered for Seymour. Columbus again came back and reached Seymour's one before Dan PoUert fell on an Andress fumble. ington a 44 record. Rushing in SZ7 Passing 77 HI other ranked teams won easily. PASSING Anderson spotted Marion a Passes Attempted IS IB Panel Completed 5 '6 Intercepted by 4 64 edge, but went ahead 74 on Mike McHenry's 65-yard scoring pass to Rod Freeman The third fumble came when By PAUL PETROTTA Associated Press Sports Writer Seventh ranked Indianapolis Shortridge and No.

10 Hammond tumbled and No, 2 Marion had its toughest battle of the season to high school football Friday night. Shortridge had its six-game unbeaten string halted by un-ranked Indianapolis Cathedral 134. Cathedral has won six games and tied once. Hammond bowed to East Chicago Washington 27-13. Hammond's only loss to six previous games was 26-20 to East Chicago Roosevelt Both East Chicago teams had high pre season ratings, but Average Yards 36.0 J7.5 PENALTIES 4 1 Total Yards 40 IS FUMBLES LOST 1-0 S4 SCORE BY QUARTERS: Seymour 7 Columbus I 14 I 1S-34 SCORING: Columbus Dave Andrea.

run. Terry Schmidt couldn't find the handle on a Stan Schroer punt and Rick Mousa fell on the ball for the Owls. Mouse's recovery set up Sey census. Now the bureau proposes a long list of questions to learn a great deal about every house hold, in addition to how many persons live there. According to the executive director of the Federal Statistics Users Conference, adoption of any of the proposed congressional restrictions on census activities "could set the country's whole statistical back into the 19th century." That seems like a narrow point of view.

Private pollsters, after all, thrive on a high degree of accuracy by voluntary methods of questioning. There is much at stake. Who is to say that an irate citizen, faced with a possible jail sentence if he doesnt comply with Census Bureau dictates, will not get even by filling in the questionnaire with erroneous answers? Would the next step in the bureau's march toward statistical progress be an army of investigators to verify the answers? Congress has a right and a duty to consider pulling in the reins on this activity. 'Andreas kick, 7:01 2nd quarter. Columbus Kanay smnn, ai run, mour's first opportunity to It would seem that Congress intends to have something to say about the questions the Census Bureau will ask ostensibly in the name of the decennial census.

Forty bills have been introduced in an attempt to limit the questions the bureau may ask. As lhings are noWr4he Census Bureau can ask anything it wants to on its census questionnaire, and put you in jail if you refuse to answer. Some of the questions the bureau intends using, such as with whom do you share your bathroom, are personal enough. But the tendency oi census takers will likely become ever more all-encompassing without some guidelines by Congress to set up limitations, It seems that the original intent of the census has been lost. As outlined in the United States Constitution, it was to be merely a head count every ten years.

Its purpose was to allow the states' representation in Congress to change periodically with the shift in population. This simple plan was followed almost without change until the 1960 Andrea kick. 1:53 2nd quarter. Bloomington shut out Con-nersville for the fourth straight year, 40-0. pan Grossman scored 14 points for the Panthers and vaulted back into the state scoring lead with 126 points.

No. 3 Indianapolis Chatard beat Indianapolis Marshall 34-6. No. 4 Evansvine Mater Dei pounded winless Evansville Central 794). No.

5 Indianapolis Washington tripped another winless, Ben 344. Sixth-ranked Elkhart, normally a low-scoring team, blasted Mishawaka 42-0. No. 9 Jeffer-sonville rolled behind the six-touchdown effort of sophom*ore MacArthur Lee to a 55-0 trouncing of Martinsville. Vincennes and Ford Branch Seymour Lynn Gregory, 1 run, Rusty Kemmerer kick, 0:00 and quarter.

Columbus Brian Snyder, S3 pas from Andre, Andres kick, 7:41 3rd quarter. score. Taking over on the Columbus 13, Seymour advanced to the five before a goal line stand by the Bull Dogs ended the drive. Columbus Smith, 1 run, 9:29 4th suffered two forfeits because quarter. This time Andress got Colum of a teachers strike.

Marion used a second-period Seymour Gregory, 1 run, tn quarter. Columbus Snyder, 36 pas from Andrea. Andrea kick, 0:00 4th fliitrfcf bus untracked and the Bull Dogs marched 95 yards in 14 touchdown run by Larry Rich- also reached the 70-point mark. Braves Nip Edinburg and. Freeman's extra point kick; Richardson's 35 yard touchdown run put the Giants to front and McCain's interception on a fourthdown play on the Indian 25-yard line preserved the victory.

The loss left Anderson 5-1-1. Grossman scored two touchdowns, kicked two extra points and threw two scoring passes. The shutout was the Panthers' sixth to seven unbeaten games. Five players scored two touchdowns each to Mater Dei's romp over Evansville Central. Guard Ron Oliver recovered a fumble in the end zone and ran 10 yards for a touchdown with another fumble.

Elkhart hiked its record to 74 and five shutouts, the best the Blazers have done since 1941. Bob Herrick scored three touchdowns for the winners. Richmond's Sam scored 36 points on five touchdowns and six extra points in a 54-7 lacing of Muncie Central. Dick Van Sickle scored 31 points to Delphi's 47-13 victory over Twin Lakes. John Means, the state scoring leader before the game, made only seven points in White-land's 27-7 loss to Greenwood.

Vincennes slammed Wash-inirton 73-7, with six touch dominated the game, rolling up downs by sophom*ore Larry Speth, and Fort Branch blanked 17 first downs to five for Edin Cannelton 73-0. burg. Brownstown managed 252 yards rushing and 44 yards passing while Edinburg got 111 on the ground and 10 in the Brownstown's Braves scored the first time they got their bands on the football Friday night but then had numerous drives stopped by mistakes to nudge Edinburg 7-0 at Browns-town Friday night John Spray carried the ball Don Elser, Gary Mann's coach for 24 years, suffered a fatal heart attack shortly after his team lost to Hobart 194. Elser, 55, had taken an injured player to the hospital Dave Gaston and bis Braves. Three times to the second quarter, the Braves managed to get inside the Edinburg 20 yard line, only to fumble, have a pass intercepted or get set back by penalties.

"We had two clipping penalties, four holding penalties, an offsides and a delay of game penalty," Gaston moaned. The Braves fumbled twice and lost both of them while air. Catch The Thieves John Reid was the leading baD carrier for Brownstown, Raining 117 yards to 26 carries. for treatment to from his own eight yard line after Brownstown forced an Edinburg punt and took over Cathedral scored the go-ahead touchdown with 2:17 left after Spray carried 15 times for 68 on its own 43. Spray did most of the running on the first its defense had bottled up Sbortr larger sums go down the drain as a result of malingering on the job, falsification of labor vouchers, improper disposition of scrap and damaged material.

All these losses are finally reflected in higher price tags on everything recovering three Edinburg series. yarda. Brownstown, now with a 5-2 record, will return to mid-Southern Conference play next Friday night at Salem. ridge and high scoring Wayne Cur ley. The Blue Devils finished with only 113 yards rushing, Including Curley's 31 to 14 From then on, it was a nightmare for Brownstown coach fumbles.

Edinburg also picked off two Brownstown passes. Statistically, the Braves SUMMARY From the standpoint of helping The head of a firm specializing in management engineering and investigation states, "Crime in the streets is being overshadowed by white collar thieves in business, not just in dollars and cents, but in the number of participants It is pointed out that white-collar employees steal more than $5 million in cash and merchandise alone from their employers every working day more than a billion dollars a year. Many of these "thieves" can be found within the ranks of supervisory and executives personnel. In addition to outright theft, this authority on employee ethics states that eamora Leaps 29 Feet FIRST DOWNS 17 Rushing 13 Passing 2 Penalty 2 YARDS GAINED 296 Rushing 2S2 Passing 44 PASSING Passes Attempted 6 Passes Completed 4 Intercepted by 0 PUNTS 3 Average Yards 1M PENALTIES Total Yard 73 FUMBLES LOST 3-3 strengthen the moral standards of our society, not to mention the cost of the things we buy, everyone of us has a stake in helping in whatever way we can to halt the rising tide of thievery in the nation's business enterprises. Beamon appeared on the vic the most outstanding record in track and field history.

Veteran Ralph Boston was third. 27.9 SO 34 And Evans, from San Jose, of its greatest days in Olympic competition Friday. Beamon, a rail-thin student at the University of Texas, El Paso, soared to an incredible 29 feet, 2 inches, breaking the world record by almost two feet and establishing possibly By Bob Green Associated Press Sports Writer MEXICO CITY (AP)-Bob Beamon and Lee Evans picked up the fallen banner of their banned blade brothers and led the United States' powerful track and field forces to one tory stand in black socks, with his sweat pants rolled up to bring attention to them. Boston appeared barefoot Both gestures have been used before as sight of racial protest, but neither would comment on that matter. SOCRES BY QUARTERS: Brownstown 7 I 7 Edinburg 666 SCORING: Urownstown John Spray, run.

swept to a world record 43.8 to leading a United States sweep of the medals in the 400 meters. Larry James, White Plains, N. was second and Ron Freeman, Fony Plah kick, :1 1st quarter. AU of the black athletes re Prep Football Scores Public's Response To Polls Can Be Confusing fused to say if they had been cautioned by the USOC to avoid demonstrations or comment. Wayne Luers 6 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Beamon, 22, got off his fantas Elizabeth, N.

waa third. All had their words to say, their gestures to make, to protest of the expulsion from the Olympic Village of sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos. The record-shattering performances Friday came after a morning of chaos that Micbigan City 22, La Porte Milan 40, North Dearborn 7 Morresville 20, Cascades 0 Nappanee 19, Warsaw 13 New Catle 8, Anderson Madi tic leap on his first Jump hi legs spread and outstretched Angola 48, East Noble 6 Attica 59, Turkey Run 0 Avon 33, Westfield 18 Bedford 53, Ctorksville 6 Bellmont 14, Fort Wayne Con Franklin 13, Shelbyville 7 Freemont 25, West Noble 12 Gary Wirt 29, MerrOlvOle 13 Greensburg 14, Rushville 12 Greenwood 27, Whiteland 7 Griffith 26, Gary West 6 Hagerstown 20, Knightstown son Heights 6 cordia 13 and bis arms between them. He bounded three times, then went on his knees and kissed the ground as Boston and other competitors crowded around him to excited congratulation. New Haven 14, Fort Wayne brought the threat of a boycott Benton.

Central 45, Wheat- Snider 14, tie field? Hamilton Heights 32, Thorn- Bloomington 40, Connersvule "I kissed the ground to thank town 14. 0 NoblesviDe 39, Sheridan 7 North Central (Marion) 19, KokomolS North Central (Sullivan) 19, Hammond Clark 13, Hammond the man up there to let me hit the ground right here," he said. fi 0 Hammond Gavit 6, Hammond Bloomington. University 21, Culver Military 20 Brownstown 7, Edinburg 0 Cambridge City 14, Union City 13 The old record was 27-4, Morton 6, tie North Judson 34, DeMotte 7 North Knox 44, Huntingburg downhill and reached the lowest level of his career at the very moment of the Dallas horror a decline that dated over the full span from the Bay of Pigs. Yet President Kennedy's popularity rating soared in the first week after after the Bay of Pigs.

He never reached, before or after, the high rating be hit in the period of that Incredible fiasco. In the 1962 "eyeball to eyeball" confrontation with Khrushchev during the Cuban crisis, usually written about as a victory, the late President's popularity rating hardly turned up and was much lower. President Johnson showed an Immense lead over candidate Barry Goldwater that mounted steadily throughout the 1964 campaign. Mr. Goldwater's statements became hard to foDow but the parallel between what he urged, what candidate Johnson Ignored, what be said, what Mr.

Johnson denied, and what Mr. Johnson did. after he was elected is positively devastating. Yet this did not affect the President's poll rating for a long, longtime; held Jointly by Boston and Igor Hammond Noll 13, Gary Roo By HENRY J.TAYLOR Third-party candidate George C. Wallace is getting the good kind of treatment in the polls that Cinderella dreamed about before her coach changed into a pumpkin.

Mr. Wallace can win the Presidency only by winning outright 270 electoral votes. This means he must carry California, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey and Ohio, at leastan obvious impossibility. But to millions his poll rating is like a challenging ghost wailing over the hills. If there is any mystery in it, however, able Elmo Roper who is a philosopher as well as a pollster long ago blew the whistle on the chief reasons that people reply to polls as they do.

Roper found that feelings, not thoughts, dominate the replies. He cited case after case in which voters' approval or disapproval of a candidate for President Is clearly the result of emotional reasons, psychological reasons, reasons of personal sympathy or loyalty, and other responses totafly unconnected with sober thought "Tha nn thing thf nnn Ter-Ovanesyan of Russia. The and the possibility that the entire United States team would be pulled out of these 19th Games. Evans, who said before the race, "If two athletes had to go home, then the whole team may go borne," waited until the last minute before deckling to run. Evans, James and Freeman raised clenched fists as they mounted the podium and wore black berets at the award ceremony.

Asked if their bead gear was a sign of protest, Evans said, "It waa raining." sevelt 0 record in this event usually is North Liberty 14, LaVUle 13 North. Newton 20, North White Cass 20, Northwestern Howard raised by fractions of inches. Highland 19, Calumet 14 Hobart 19, Gary Mann 0 Indpls. Arlington 12, Camel 14. 13.

Beamon exceeded the mark by CentervlUe 20, New Palestine 1 foot, 9 inches. 0 7 Evans, who has a pending Attucks 25, Indpls. Indpls. Chesterton 33, Lake Central Wood 2 world mark of 44 flat, ran an unusual race. He's noted for his strong finishes, but he led 7 Clinton 16, Georgetown, HL 7 Oak Hill 62, Southwood 0 Oakland City Wood 33, Dale Penn 14, St Joseph, Mich.

Portland 39, Winchester 13 Prairie Heights 26, Hamilton IrJiustQnJLEQonyjlleJ Indpls. Broad Ripple 35, Indpls. Manual 7 Indpls. Cathedral 13, Indpls. Shortridge 6 Indpls.

Chatard 34, Indpls. Clinton Central 49, Carroll 13 all the way and almost was caught at the end by James. AH three broke the listed world Providence Columbus 34, Seymour 13 Concord 12, Northfleld 12, tie Corydonl977aoirar Then, in only the first twft ttcoxAUafJiXJamca wm toned MarshaSt- Rensselaer 19, Knox 7 to 43.9 and Freeman to 44.4. Wins Cross Indpls. Howe 7, Indpls.

North Covington 12, North Vermtt- west 0 Richmond 54, Muncie Central River Forest 27, Hanover Cen lionO Danville 13, Center Grove 0 not, and I repeat not, inspired by is a thoughtful evaluation." The highest approval of Presidential action ever given in the Gallup poll (17 per cent) went to a President during his first week to the White House before be 1966, President Johnson's poll rating suddenly fell from 73 per cent to about 60 per cent and baa declined steadily ever since. It had a brief turnup Immediately after the President'! meeting with Soviet Premier Aleksle N. Kosygin at Glattboro Country Moot Providence scored an amaz An additional gold medal by Suer Gosslck to the women's three-meter dive The only swimming and diving final of the day pushed the United Statei back to front to the med- Decatur Central 25, Franklin tralis Rochester 0, Bremen tie RockvQle 12, Frountain Cen ing 36 points to win the team on June 23, 1967, which was another purely had had time to do anything at aO. This Central 0 DeKalb 38, Garrett 7 Delphi 47, Twin Lakes 13 championship, jn the tectlonal tral I an at the moment he Mr. -Johnson himself 4arsfeeth-4sub-Tne-4 cross country meet held at the c-ovcr.

from JDR. InddentaHy. the Seegtt 30, New Market 0 adniitteo thaLihe ineetlng.wu OteT Creelrk-Cmeit "T1McagoashIngtrJ7; South Adams 13, Bluff ton 7 Hammond 13 Columbus Friday. South Bend Jackson South East Gary 6, Crown Point The team placed Bend Clay 0 4 runners in the top 10 to over of them-gokLzJtussia had 21, six gold. Mist Gosalck, blonde from Tartana, Cfllifwon tt on her last" dive, finishing with 150.67 points and leading 14 United Keala South Bend Washington 12, Eastern Howard 39, Fair- Indpls.

Ritter 34, Indpls. Pike 20. Indpls. Washington 34, Ben Davis 6 Jasper 13, Castle 0 'JeffersonvSDe 65, Martinsville Jhntowa 20, New Prairie 14 Ladoga 13, Coal Creek 6 Lafayette 20, Kokorno Ha worth 0 Lafayette Catholic 26, West Lafayette? Lakeland Howe Military 0 Lawrence' Central 20, Warren Centralis- Lebanon JO, Indpls. Chartrand Linton 12, Dugger 12, tit Logansport 7, Frankfort ls 20, Portage Maconaquah 49, North.

Miami South Bend Adams 12, tie come Columbus which had the top two finishers to Don Molr mount is. South Central S3, Glenn 14 South Newton Wert Central wit It time' of 10:08, and Walt East Tipp 31, Clinton Prairie pieper; ts, fiouthnort 12. Indrds. Tech 7 ploratory." But the only marked turnup came when President Johnson bowed out altogether on last March 81. His fating loomed on President Johnson's promise to leave, as President Truman's had before' be had had a chance to do anything.

The public's responses to polls can be as confusing as a magician vanishing in the smoke of his own illusion. The responses are often very todicaiive, but in a way they often make a mockery of the democratic process, which is based on conscious choice on rational grounds. George C. Wallace may not be to the country lighthouse on a rock but the polls have teen this kind of thing before, Ne Albairi twai sr; thirl Elkhart 42, Mlshawaki 0 Elwoodl3.Peru7 Honolulu, was third with 14S.2S. Lt Mlckl King, Pon-tlas, leading going into followed, by Charlestown, Jen South Spencer SI, Owensvilie same President, with what was probably equal thoughtlessness, also received the lowest Gallup rating ever given: 23 per The polls' approval of President Eisen- bower shot skyward, straight up like the Eiffel after the disastrous 1960 Paris eummit with Nlklta Khrushchev, for no conceivable reason other than our public's natural resentment against Khnishcbev'a brutal defiance of a President of the United States and of Candidate John P.

Kennedy was well ahead of Vice-President Richard M. Nixon unta the final week of the fall campaign. Then he lost his scuttled hi koi ant nearly blew jthe elecuoiii During Prcskleji Kennedy's last seven months In office-, his Gallup popuUrltyjtfid ateadily Evansville. Bosse Evans nlnga Switzerland County and Seymour with 183 Southwestern Tippecanoe 28, viDe Memorial tie Evansville Mater Dei 79, Evansville Central 0 points. Sullivan S3, Greencastle 6 the day't final 'three dives, fluUcd heir" last dive and finished fourth, Tamara Pogozb-eva bf Russia waa second.

The only other Russian med-ala of the day were picked up by' Grifory- Hosykn, a 'gold to 'Mark Emket finished eifihth for "Seymour with a time of Floyd Central 22, Perry Cen- Tell aty 'Mount Vernoa 10:31 while Charles Fok was loth with a 10 33 clocking. Fort Branch 73, Cannelton 0 Terre Haute Schulte SI, Terre many times, to responses that were gems Madison 20, Salem 13 OiherHSeymour Tunners were Fort Wiynr Central 41, Fort Haute Wiley Tfree'pistol shooting; -Yan Talui 1 Manchester 2Q Plymouth 6, L. Wayne Elmhurst 7 ICopvrlghtrttCS, by Ui toiLMexandria jmuuio ewuvcr, iciuua pauiic, lUll-Kramerand' Jim Martin. Marion 1 niiddleJjfijiYyweUIhJLL-. weight lifting.

Forf Wayne Dwengef Fort Syndicate, Inc.) Valparaiso 14, Ua.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.