Cheshire Observer from Chester, Cheshire, England (2024)

WANTED YOI7TH, about 16, oast hare kaosrladv of shorthand. has. sr 's, Cbsin CHESTER STEAM LAUNDRY. VICTORIA ROAD (OLONI IT TIM NORTNNATII STATION). 111 the ansegemeats me ea Mr most aspersed modern system foe Washing.

boinail. sad the mssegamest most easiest. W. li. LIPMAN, georehmy 4 Gemmel Marge, (ammo Wawa Iwwwlrs Ow.



Tim Crown Prison of Prussia arrived 1 Victoria Station from Flushing this morning. ENTERIC OUTBREAK. EIGHTY CASES IN NOETHAIIPI serious ostbraskWenteric has occurred at Naandi, Northamptonshire, eighty cams being notified in ten days. THE COLLAPSE OF A RACE STAND. A FATALITY.

Robert MoDowd'. of the Greet Weetent.road, Glasgow. who was among those injured by the collapse of a stand at Paisley last weak, did today. TERRIBLE DEATH. CRUSHED IN A HOIST.

A youth named Wallowa Learmouth met with a shocking death at Glasgow He was riding in hoist, when it is supposed he pulled tha cord too strongly and caused the hoist to rebound. He was crushed So death. TO SOUTH AFRICA. A GOOD SIGN. The War Office intimate that telegrams may now be accepted at mender's risk in authorised codes for the principal towns in the Orange River Colony and the Transvaal.

TO COERCE ENGLAND. A MAD TREZAT. dens, Chicago, Friday. At a meeting last night of the Unitedlrish section, O'Donovan BOW advocated force as the mans of securing Ireland's liberty, such as the of principal English cities. Si.

rernezks way loudly applauded. CHESTER VOLUNTEERS AT CONWAY. INSPECTION OF THE 0011PLE Prams. Tat.aawi.) Conway. Friday.

This moraiag at 10 o'clock the Bearer Co attached to the Cheshire Volunteer Brigade, which is composed of Chester membw of as Zed V.B. Cheshire Regiment. and ie under canal at Conway, was inspected by Cot Duke, principal medical officer of the North- Western District The weather was line. Brigade Surgeon Lieut-CoL King wee in commend, and there were on wade Adjutant Averill, Sorgeon-Capt. Breen, two one sergeant bugler, and4o men.

The Company was put through and stretcher drill by Adjutant Avant and afterwards exercised by the inspector in attending to end removing wounded over hakes ground. These movements were pertained in as admirable manner, and the men were emsplinsented. The hospitaL Rader the6eharge of Sergt. Leithead, was afterwards Wanted, as also was the orderly room, under the charge of Corporal Hignett Bergt-Major Mynalston has been kept bury during the meek, mauling guard, Wenfa*g orderlies, Jesse has been chief stall sergeant The as haws found the slap most enjoyable After the impaction they sere complimented by their adjutant sad ceptaik and gave them hearty cheers. This is the Ant time a separate Bearer Company has been in camp, and tie emperimeet bar been decided emcees.

SPORTING. ROYAL WINDSOR CLOS Vondalo, Heedeheike, 3. Eight ran. WOODLANDS President. Prince Telleyrend.


1 Papola. Sweet Dixie. 3. Nino rut RICIDCAR HANDICAP PLATS. iiieatrle Current, Winking Willie, Model Agnes.

3. Seven run. JOCKEY Gal. Theo- docion, Tuesday, 3. Pour ran.

Leila, Casainier, 3. Eight run. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. COST OF Teri Cower presided yesterday, Paddlogton trier am the general meeting sd the Oust Railway Company. DasGsg with the mar amount, lie rid that in the ow I wise Maw the showed dearer, of WM Jo whom.

awl as revere WM in ff a the 111141011111141 'hewed dareero In sow ma an increase io new at 1J11: dirdeler Mewed theessm VitMs eldl" rd an i wrier in memo et This demise is numbers and SINSID it Man' was wiser iles to the decline way idlest distorms promo's. died, mere se the eimpleiras et the Oisiod Itailesy. Om. far persona Awed an inmeme isu ld.did. ter beim doe le the ostertunate at Mork Up to tbe pressot tints av mob soap in eemarre with that ridol had bens eividabd at the into Ts cella pee mo nn wn woe deolared, leaving ie be ante leed.

against per cent. rod saws (tarried issward led year. THE ROYAL TOUR. ARRIVAL AT DURBAN. At eleven o'clock on argils the Doke and Dockage of Cornwall and Tea landed at ban Nona the Older, and drone le the hark.

whose loyal addresoce were prsolailed. Their Royal Highnesses were afterwards entertained at hires Ity the Mayor, and left fit; Pieternaszi special train at half-past two. Mr. Mama Dastrigh telegvapbs that Larelhodi sad a witssber of caw Bruno chief. pawed Armagh ilkeollestralaa Menday, on their way to talfy whor* they will participate in the empties to the Royal visitors.

The Duke of Cornwall opened a new Tim Hell at Platarearitabure on Wednerdag sad reaelved a mamba" of loyal addreetaa Tam Reports have acme in of reeeptiaa easadsi Pistrawastliameg to the Doke mad imam Comma sad York. The moat issioss O. loyal denvieatretioes was by pilharlakr of meant, native abide Reel Rata sad Zsbaleed, attired in all the jibs, a their war driDa And socoutremeete. THE CHESHIRE OBSERVER. SATURDAY.

AUGUST 17. 1901. AGRICULTURAL SHOW AT MOLD. (Br One own IterrmTWLl There wee big gathering of egriculteriide tram North Wan sad the adjoining petioles of Cheshire et Mold on Thursday, ea the coe.asioa of the lifty.ninth annual show of the Heithighthire find Fliatthire Agricultural Moolety. The outlook is the morning wee Me twee promising, but, foetheately, the weather took turn foe the better, and mole perfect day for the event oould scarcely bane besa imagined.

The result wee that visitors poured into the 01l Mee ia their thousseds, sad the tektites at the gates doubtless resobed a sub'Medial sous. The enemies totalled 1,220 se eigithmt 1,262 at thabige last year, and 1.403 at Ithyl I. 1899. TM cattle seenbered 166, a tall. ing 70 0011Mplieilit with the beabigh show.

wiich achieved record ie this respect, but it was gratifying to Ind that se far as shire sad light horses ere comeraed this show was the best that has been held for some years. Them were 135 Shire hones exhibited against 107 Met year. mod 230 light homes sgauist 210. So mast foss quantity. What about the quality I' Well.

it was the general opinion that here again the agriculturists of the district deserve In take credit to themselves. Nothing bat praise meld be bestowed ems both shorthorn and crossbred cattle. TM Met prase for yeashog shorthorn bulls fell to Mr. U. Lk Lloyd's (ltomett) Vintager, by Lovat Chmepiou, out el Vine 22nd, In.

anima, which bad toe its chief oppomat Mr. W. H. Hobson's (Kelps) Chiefthia, oat of Hammes 24th, by Morrooreft. Mr.

Charles Nucleus' (Wrexham) Miter Cowslip 43, by Moitelklook, out of Cowslip 41, is one of the best seen at this show for some Mem, sad it won easily la its class Mr. ideated Peel. Mr. Freak Lloyd. and Mr.

llama showed some area crossbreds. Welsh cattle were diseppidattally weak, the two classes foe bulls Miaow to secure eves sa inky. Surely there is something wrong whoa Welsh bears cannot exhibit Welsh cattle On one point the aspens were thoroughly unanimous. end that wee as to the uniformly mend character of the homy horses 'FM Shire Horse docilety's silver medal for the best shire we, Illy, or filly foal, was won by Mr. G.

IL Matlock's (Pafford) Poulton Countess, by 2.. out of bitstock. This is massive upstanding animal, which has distinguished Bevil at the Chester Foal Show. and at Birkenhead. Mr.

N. Evans, also of Pulford, carried off the premier award tor yearling lilies with very promising specimen by J.P. out of Star. Mr. Wm.

timpliesd (bealand) gamed wooed prise with smartlooking tool by 1.P., out of flower. which Wield heard of again. Light bones were very favourably commented on. The first prise for roadster stallions went to the Hon. Mrs.

Ward's Yorkshire Amish, which wee brood by Mr. T. Mitchell, by Champion Ganyinede, out of Lady Dudley. Opinions waded se to the of this horse, and many of the onlookers were disposed to favour the claims of Mr. James Eltorrar's Crowther, by Mutes, out of Camille, which was gives the second card.

Taken all tbroagb. the light horses loft little to be desired in of quality. The butter reflected ebe gamiest credit on the district, tbe unsalted classes being particularly good. The ornamental class, however, was not quite up to the mark. There were five dames for chewy.

end the competition was gratifyingly keen. It was distinctly eacouraging to tad the bulk of the prizes going to makers residing oa the Cheshire side. The weak potht in the cheese that did nor get prizes was anOleiliVe I acidity and moisture, the latter donbtlese being due to the hot weather through which we bare passed. The best specimens were shown in the clews for the larger size cheese, sad boor Mr. I Joseph Jones, Dodleston, added to his sway sucmssee by carrying off the premier awards with remarkably nice samples that.

in the words of the judge, were worthy of Ants anywhere. Tins cheese was in colour. appetising in rich is quality, and flaky in texture, while i its general condition was excellent. Mr. Jones also captured Lord Kenyon 'e ton gams challenge bowl, for the best cheese, keeping properties being considered, in the show.

Mr. O. U. Matlock and Mr. W.

H. Hobson were respectively second and third. It was, however, no disgrace to be Metes in this class. An idea I of the level nature of the may be I gathered from the fact that out of nine entries, the Jodie put eight oa one side after his first ersniinatiru, and he had much didiculty in making his Mel selection. The same difficulty was experienced in the other claims, for there was not the differeece of shilling per owl.

between the value of many of the Sheep made strong display, end in this meat the president (Mr. J. Eldon Bathes), Mr. Convey Bell, and Mr. Mead (Northop) were very mach to the Collies were ter sad away the pick of the dogs.

Are, H. Morgan (Prestetyis) deservedly won two amts. end special, with Chester Matchless," an I minted possessing exceptionally good points. la the class for Welsh terriers that bee, Mt I won prize Mr. 'l'.

L. Slone (Kannerion) was second, end Mr. Randall Haddocks (Hold) third, while in the thy other variety Write clam Ir. John Bailey (ilriesulen) was gives the premise seed. First pi wee were taken by i elm.

Welsh, (lithyl). Fame, (Mold). and Mrs. kiaseout (Pridewood). In pigeons Mr.

T. Melee achieved considerthie Among those who had stands on the ground I were Amara Messrs. Mctletue and As. I The ollkon, who were as follows, are to be complimented on the admirable arrangereenterr Patron, bit Watkia Williams Wynn; president for the year, Mr. J.

Nldon Writes vacs president, Mr. J. E. Danes; chsirmin of nuance committee, Mr. P.

P. honor'. ary auctioneer, Mr. J. E.

Davies; bon. emeriti; ary surgeon, Mr. N. P. showyard Maims- W.

H. Come end W. H. hitherto; chairman local committee, Mr. P.

Tattoo vice-chairman local corm: mum Mr. W. H. Itberts; bon. solicitor, Mr.

H. Goodman Roberts; hon. treasurer, Mr. J. Petry Evens; and secretary, Mr.

Thome. Hall; 2, W. Owen, Rhuddlan Heifer, two and under three years, in cad or milk 1 and 2, Chas Wrexham. Heifer. one mid under two years old: 1, G.

D. Lloyd; 2, B. Cbamhen, Rhuddlan. Half or crossbred cow, in calf or in milk: 1. Edmund Peel.

I Kertoe; 2, Ches. Read. llalf or crass-bend heifer, one sad under' two years old: I. Edmund Peel; 2, Fronk Wreikani. Hunt the bull that has bees beet oared for (due consideration being gives for the amount of done): 1, I and Flint and Denbigh Hunt Committee.

Dairy and Cross-bred any breed, one and not exceeding two years: 1, 6.1.0. Lloyd; W. IL Hoban. Bull. calved in 1900: 1, Geo.

Celyn; 2. Mrs. C. Roberta, Pair dairy cows: I. W.

H. Hobson; Job Le" Wrexham. Pair clan, firogerty of tenant fanner within ten MI6. of Mold 1, Job Lea; 2, Herbertl Parry. Wrexham.

Half or crossbred tow. in, calf or in milk: 1, 11. Hobson; 2, Frank Lloyd. Half on crossbred heifer two and under Orr. peas: 1, Frank Bibby.

Ethyl; 2, Heap Demon, Rhuddlea. Half or crowebred heif loyder, one ad under two pars old: Frank 2. Frank Bibby. Pair heifers, rived is IMO 1, 2. W.

P. Jones, Newmarket. Pair heifers, most suitable for feeding pommies: 1, W. H. Roberts, Tyddyu; 2, H.

Rowlands, Maid Pair heifers, calved in 1900: 1. Frank Lloyd; 2, W. P. Jonsa Pat calf, mined is 1901, and fed no Ashworth's calf meal 1. Edmund Peel; 2, 11.

Rowlsoda Cottager's cow: 1. Edward Jones, Northop; 2, Edward Foulkess, Mold. Pair bullocks: 1. W. H.

Roberts; 2, W. P. Jones Webb in calf or Is 1 and 2, Ed Rowlands, Denbigh. Heifer: 1, E. Rowlends; 2, Major Lloyd.

Mold. IIIaITY HORSES. (Judge. Mr. E.

Green, Webhood). Mapes, having regularly travelled in the society districts. season aOll. Wm. Thompson.

Mold; 2, Thos. Roberta, Crew Shire of ram hones: 1, Job Lea; 2, Herbert E. Parry. Cart mare. with feel at foot: 1, Herbert K.

Parry 2, William Dyke, Pulford. Cart gelding or 611 three and not rereading four years: 1, We. Ifunley. Chirk 2, W. Roberta, ierquis.

Cart gelding or filly. two and under three years: 1. C. H. Mullock, Polford; 2 Frank Lloyd.

Cart gelding or 611 y. over ma oaf under two years: 1. Evans. Pulford; 2, Herbert E. Parry.

Cart foal, foaled I. 1901: 1, Herbert E. P.m!: 2, Wm. Shepherd. Cart name.

with foal at feat, reeding within tee mile. of )fold: 1. Tbse. Lloyd, Denbigh; 2, Was Dyke. Cart gelding or Ally.

not exceedimg three years old: 1 and a 11,., medal, G. H. Hulled r. Evans. Cart gelding or Illy, three and under four years old: 1, W.

Roberts, Ne'rquis; 2, White, Mold. Cart gelding or Ally, two and under three veers old: 1, G. H. 2, John ilossett. TIMM of two cart horses: 1, W.

H. Roberta, TYddYn; 2, Johi, Cileen. Single heavy hone. belonging to tradesman, 1, Job Lea; 2, Win Asibm7 Nwlthsti. LIGHT stalbon, society's diotrict, 1901: 1.

the Han. Mrs. Ward. Old Colwyn; 2, James M.R.C.V.S., Chester; W. H.

Roberts; c. Win. Thompson, Mold. Hackneys and mare, with fool at foot: 1, W. H.

Roberts; 2, W. Coowy Bell. Mare, with foal at foot. not exceeding 14 hands. 1, Frank Lloyd; 2, John Jones and Son, Colwyn Bay.

Pony mare. with foal at foot, not exceeding 13 hands: 1. John Jones sad Son; Blackwell, Cileam. Roadster mare or Et, two and under three years: 1, W. H.

Tyddyn; 2, David Jones, Mold. Roadster mare or gelding, two and tinder three years, 1, Thos. 1 Smith, Tyn Rhyl; 2. H. A.

Cope, Holywell. Roadster mare or gelding, one sad under two! years: 1. J. Edwardx. Johnstown; 2, Thor.

Smith. Roadster foal, foaled 1901: 1 and 2, W. H. Roberts. Roadster foal, foaled in 1901 by Hag.

gm: 1 and 2, W. H. Roberts. Roadster foal, foaled 1901, by Leyswood Speculator or Lovely Brown: 1, Thom. and Jno.

Jones, Sandoval Roadster foal, foaled in 1901, by Alamaino: 2, Joseph Blackwell, Cikain. Mountain pony mare or gelding, in the rough, not exceeding 12 hands; 1, John Jones and Son, Colwyn Bay; 2, Daniel Edwards, Cvommao. Horne. or gelding, over 15 hands: 1, Tom Bateman. Nortbop; 2, tie Hon Mrs.

Ward. Mare or inkling, over 15 hands: 1, the Hon, Mrs. Ward; 2, W. Hoghes he, Arthur Jones, Holywell. Mare or gelding.

over 14 hands and not exceeding 15: 1. Conroy Bell; 2, Jay Taylor, Wrexham; r. Frank Bibby. Mare or gelding. over 13 and not exceeding 14 hands: 1, Frank Lloyd; 2.

John Jones and Son. Pony turnout, pony not to exceed 12 hands, and to be dnven by a ladv: 1, John Jones and Son; 8. J. Lloyd, lOymerchion. Tandem team: 1, W.

Comity Bell; 2, W. Hughes, Caerwys. Single turnout mare or gelding, to be shown in harness: 1, I. W. Jones, Northop; 2, Chas.

Party. Nonserch. Tradesman's turnout: 1, E. Angel, Rhyl; 2, Jas. Peters, Buckley; H.

J. Roberts, Mold. (Judp, Mr. A. Tanner, Shrewsbury.) Shropshire Down ram: 1 and 2 and special: John Eldon Northop.

Shearling ram: 1. J. Eldon Snakes; 2, Colonel Sandbank. Abergele. Ram lamb: 1 and 2.

J. Eldon Ranker. Pen of three ewes that hare reared lambs this season: 1. W. H.

Tyddyn 2, J. C. Read, Northop. Pen of three shearling ewes: 1, Colonel Sandbach 2, J. Eldon Pen of three ewe lambs: 1 and 2, J.

Eldon.Bankes. 7 1, W. Coney Bell; 2. Was. Loathes, Ruthin.

Shearling ram: 1, W. Donley Bell; 2, W. Leath's. Ram lamb: 1 and 2. W.

Loathes. Pen of three ewes that have reared lambs this season: 1 and 2, W. Coowy Belt Pen of three sasearling mires: 1, J. GI. and J.

N. Grafton, Abergebt; 2, W. Coney Bell. Pen of three ewe lambs: 1, J. G.

and J. N. Oration; 2. W. Coney Bell.

Any other Distinct 1, J. C. Read; 2, W. Leather. Ram lamb: 1.

J. C. Read. Pen of three ewes that have reared lambs this mown: 1, W. P.

Jones, Newmarket; 2, T. R. Probert, Chester. Three ewe lambs that have reared lambs this season 1, J. C.

Read; 2, W. Leather. Crossbred shearling kieg wool: 1, J. G. and J.

N. Gratton; 2, W. H. Roberts. Crossbred lambs: 1, J.

G. sod J. N. Oration 2. Ed.

Rowlands, Denbigh. Rue and ewes, any mountain breed; the first pries is ths gift of Messrs Crone and Taylor, Button Oak. fit. Helens, Lancashire, and the second is the gift of their agent. Mr.

John Williams, 'Jeweling Hall: 1 and 2, Ed. Rowlands. (Judge. Mr. TV Clemente, Chester.) Crock or tub of butter, slightly salted.

not less than 201 b. weight I. T. Welsby, Rhyl; 2, H. W.

Buddicome, Nannerch; 3, Mrs. Lloyd, Den. high. Four half.pounds of butler, slightly salted: 1. H.

W. Buddiconre; 2, J. Eldon Bankes; 3, P. T. Cooke, Mold.

Four half.pounds of butter, free from salt: 1, 11. W. Buddicome: 2, E. Meredith, Mold; 3, P. T.

Davies. Cooke. Three pounds of butter. slightly salted (open to tenant farmers depending on farming): F. Bibby.

Rhyl: 2, Inane Vs ynne, Llandyroog; 3, Tho Mas Griffiths. Mold. Best exhibit of fancy butter: 1, Miss S. Owen, Denbigh; 2, Mies E. Price, Rhosesmor; 3.

Mrs. Williams. Llanferees BREAD AND PRODUCE. Judge. Mrs.

T. Welsby.) White bread 1 and 2, J. D. Rowlends, Mold; 3, Denies and Sons. Mold.

Bret. bread: 1, Mrs. J. J. Jones, Mold; 2, T.

G. Wynne, Mold; 3. Mn. F. Marsh, Abergele.

Barley bread: 1. H. and J. Thomas. Abergele: 2, C.

R. Jones, Rhyl; 3, Mn. J. J. Jones, Mold.

White bread 1. Mrs. E. Price, Northop; 2. Mn.

F. Marsh, Abergele; 3, Mn. Anne Jones, Northop. Dressed 1. Mn.

Peake, Nannerch; Margaret Inman, Llanfynydd 3, Elizabeth Roberts, Denbigh. Dressed ducklings: 1, Mn. Peake; 2. Elizabeth Roberts: 3, William B. Sadler, Holt.

Collection of dairy and farmyard produce: 1, Wm. )l Sadler, Holt 2. W. Roberts, Serguis. White hen eggs: I.

E. Meredith, Mold; 2, Mn Welsby, Rhyl; 3. Joe. Forrester Northop. Brown Fen eggs: 1.

Mn. Welsby; 2. Mn. Peake; 3. Evan Jones.

St. Asaph. Honey in comb: John Bering. Llanrwst 2, R. David Hughes.

Denbigh; 3, J. F. Ptah and Sons, Mold. Run or extracted honey: 1. Isaac Jones, Mold; 2, E.

G. Morris, Pontblyddyn 3. P. Doody. Bodfari.

ANNCAL MEETING AND LUNCHEON. MR. ELDON BANKES'S ADVICE. The annual meeting was held at noon. when the chair we.

taken by Mr. J. Eldon Hankie, K.C., the president. The attendance included Messrs. P.

P. Petulant (St. Aeph), Captain Cole (Denbigh). Colonel Heaton (Denbigh), J. E.

Dario, (Mold), P. H. Dames-Cooke (Mold), T. J. Rouse (Ruthin), W.

Lloyd (Town Clerk of Ruthin), W. Carstairs Jones E. T. Owen (Ruthin), T. Williams (Ruthin), W.

LeathesAlluthin), J. Parry Evans (Mold), W. H. Cooke (Mold), P. E.

Storey (Denbigh), J. Kellett (Ruthin), and T. Webby (secretary). It we. decided, on the proposition of Mr.

W. Lloyd, seconded by Mr. Roue, to accept the cordial in. vitation of the Ruthin Town Council to hold next year's show at Robin. Mr.

W. Lloyd also pro. posed, Mr. Kellett seconded. and Mr.

Pennant supported motion that Mn. Naylor. Leyland be as to become president for the ensuing year, as diet lady had given agriculture much support in the district, and it was felt that her acceptance of the position would give next year's would be the diamond jubilee allow of the special impulse. The pro. position was heartily carried.

Mr. Leaden was elected At the public luncheon Mr. J. Eldon Bankes prnaided. After the loyal toasts had been cordially pledged the President submitted the toast of "Success to the Denbighshire and Flintshire Agricultural Society." He believed the success elf the society meant increased opportunities for every agneulturist in the district served by the society to improve his oonditioo.

He said that for this reason. He was satisfied that the time had gone by when men could make money by slipshod farming. If man was to make a living now he must pay the closest attention to ovary W. Balleford. The Ladies' Tailor.

If you require branch of the industry, and there was no branc nice. smart fitting Tailormade Costume, to of the industry that would pay for looking after go 8.3,00,,d, 67. pr00k.4,,,,,,c. better than the rearing of good stock. Everyone knew that it was better to have good 'CTION L.

N.W.. RAlnt Court, WAT an al than a bad one; everyone knew that (1 a Northwich Cou goZ animal did not eatre than bad one, before his Honour Jades Bowen Rowlands and everyone knew that a gOod animal averaged an action was heard in which the more at auction than bad one. There were Dairy and Doroestic Salt Company. Middledistricts in the area of the society where farmer, wish, claimed £25 from the London end did not get the opportunity he should like them North-Western Railway Company for damage to have of harms access to good animals. and detention of two opening the Immense good bad been done by the gentleman forthenla'stiff Mr.

Pletcher captained whose wise forethought had started the hunt bola in the district and he hoped they would do that with regard to VIM 4. dam in May, even more good in the future. 1900, defendants bad paid 2 into court. thus Mr. Pennant.

in proposing the health of the admitting liability. and leaving the point for President, aid he had known that society as long decision simply one of amount. The repairs probably as income present. He remembered the war 6 6s. and he thought be wait entitled show held at Mold nearly forty year.

ago, when to something for clemnreage, for tbedetrntion the late Mr. Gladstone was president. Since of the trucks would not ham Wee necessary then the society had made steady progress. He thoeght that much of the success of the Mow des. the work.

As that day was due to the energy to van eo. the railway denied liability. the president and Mr. J. Davies (the They alleged that In beget last there vice-pmaident).

He had the greatest was a terrific typhoon which blew off the van in asking them to drink the health of a roof. Witnesses were called to prove the gentleman who, slung with his father before him, damage the property and foe the it had done so much to promote the welfare of the The toast was supported by Mr. P. B. wail time one truck wan injared throngla a long train being drawn up whoa the buffers Davies.

Cooke, who said be sa never better arranged showyard. The show at day was an and what tended also to the mounted three of another track. Ilse maim, however, could have been effected for in Tall OLD is the eldest I admirable one. of mimes of the affair was the charming weather the other instanceit was sheen that while ellsrpunin still at hie work in the Chinch After the President had returned thanks the travelling banana Matehlav and easid.n Mi iam For the the Earl Devon, tor.t of The proposed ad suitably (Loudest) on the night of August 6th, 1900Pinhening of Kteter. who he heat rector prevailed, whew.

Hie fewderbant since 1877. and was born on July Appended le list of the (Bank Holiday), a aerologists 111.1wn nth, 1811, that honour reeeetly air seed.l PRINCIPAL by all roof of the van war AWARDS. Honour gave verdict for the plaintiffs 49 6s 6cl HL eseiority is. however, contented try the CATTLE. with casts in the first instance, and for the C.

B. Lowe rector of Tydd St. Mary, (Judge. Mr. C.

W. Hereford.) ts the second 'ha damage not beioff who Wailed his sinetseth year ou 2ad Ball, calved in 11100: 1. (.1 D. to mak sad is, therefore, by a feetnight the elder Lloyd Roseett W. H.

Hoboes. Mafipes. a UIIOnnLLAII Ri-oovsiumesd insurtewsto equal it. patriarchal pie the two you. and over: Charles Murton.

V. ham. Frank Bibb. lth Bell be aew. Wee' or Gesit'e with the weed 11 Ehg sestet of Tydd St Mary re.

on "'eh two ld, 2 tr: 'Fj under Silk 316 wea and at all prime tri la' be Mahes. Cow. Beady, sad also reads the fume in rag of in milk: 1, John cam. Read, Northop foneanlwaizalk Mason. (Judge, Mr.

J. Nieman, Derby.l Cheese made in 1901, each cheese to weigh over 501 1 and special, Joseph Jones, Dodleston; 2. G. H. Poulton: 3, W.

H. Hobson, Mahn, Cheese made in 1901, each cheese to weigh 201 b. and not to exceed 5016: 1. C. Millington, Rossett 2.

Thomas Blake, 3, W. H. Hobson. Cheese made in 1901, each cheese to weigh over 501 2, Jos. Jones: 3.

Richard Booth, Crewe. Cheese made in 1901, 20Ib. and not exceeding 501 1, Peter Dutton, 2, B. Bonnell, Audlem: 3, Thorns, Motterdmad, Wen, Cheese made in 1901, 20Ib. and over, to be exhibited by a maker who has never won a first prise at Any show: 1.

Thomas Blake, Jun: 2, J. F. Heath, Wrexham: 3, Miss E. Parry, Cromokin. ELECTRIC TRAMCAR ACCIDENTS An alarming accident happened la Liverpool an Sandny evening in coanectiort with the electric tram systole.

As a benvilrledes ear was peening along Nile-street the running wife snapped with a load vaploaion. A panic took plane among the outside two of whoa, is jumping over the side, received ewriowe Wiwi's. The coodsetor of the cis came into ecralset with the wire, and received a wrens cheek. A eseions accident occurred on Saturday night at Margate. In turning from King-street into Port-read ear capsized sad fell into draper's wham, crushing in the front.

A Miss (or Mrs.) Smith, of St Albans. was seriously Imitated on her heed and face. and two other ladies also nostaitmd Internal injuriss. Several passengers clambered from the roof of the car into the sitting-roses wisdom' of the draper's shop. umber of medical moo and members of Me Ambulance Corps were quietly in Can hare previously gone off the line at this spot, but fortunately without injury to possessors Two 'Metres ran belonging to the Devosport and District Eleetric Tramway Company came' into collision William-street Dmonport.

on I Saturday. The smidgen was due to one of the vehicles rimming over the points whir going down a hill. Several parmagers were injured. 1 and were treated at the Soya Albert Hospital. THE PENBHYN TROUBLE.

MASS MEETING OF MEN: MILITARY WITHDRAWN. ()a Saturday many of the soldiers stationed at Bethesda and Bangor were withdrawn. report last week to bars bus the quietest in the history of the strike. Many of the workmen who had returned to Bethesda from South Wales and elsewhere hare also gone bask and the remainder. together with many others.

left their hoses Priterday (Tuesday). At the quarries work peer seeds quietly, and the ire or as hundred ma employed have not bean farther molested, and it so stated that their rooks have been increased WE men during the week. The remainde strikers, however, seem more deter min ed than ever 000 of the striking incidents of week was the issue on behalf of Lord Posrisys of writ kr alleged libel against W. J. Parry, J.P., the riliarrnsan of the men's Relief Committee.

Parry has taken a very prominent part in dispute from the outset. Meters. D. George and George are the solicitors for ths fence, and Messrs. Lloyd, Carter, Viscose.

end Douglas Jones will act for Lord Penrhys. A public meeting of the striker, was bold al the Market Hall on Saturday, Me. Ng. Janes preeiding. Ile said that after the eiteetisig thig would have protester is berm at thaw fellows who had not 1,111,1111111 Satitli Wales.

Mr. Michael Hughes, savanna. impressed upon the Meeting the importance of lighting to the bitter end. Let them foster a spirit of lode. among the.

younger generation. Mr. John Roberts, Mynydd, said he was there for holiday. Ile neve knew what it meant before he left Bethesda Quarries they were in want let them leave the district for South Wales, where there was plenty of work and itd pay, and where the men were respected by management. fleverid ether woritinew awoke, and were fol.

lowed Mr. W. D. Vidheana who in an s.4Tomb urged the rem whe left horn, to Ikarer geed ebaftww i pod work for mast" mad remember dist their mission wee he le le ethers as they waited he ho done by. The ef Feetlairm bow wealmeek We tamales We.

Me loseerwa Weeeoe Feetielog, hop to wpm ow Wigwag disapproval of dm was et red We wereleseee et Carearmashire elpiouo eiwesee to Ibe Gewenewel sake IWO 111 see be wet Seibeets.oodebe et We webs of the Clewswolot Wwolstely with the annual bane eircamellaresa tat Mothania. fer se Mind that soldiers are net maired there. re to upon war warmest sad alniminall appreciation of the work done Mr. 11111111 am Jones. M.P., is calling the attentiow of Padhasst is tide' THE BLENHEIM GATHERING.

SOME IMPRESSIONS. a Coates .1 An invitation to lunch with the Duke and duch*ess of Marlborough. to go over his beautiful palace and park at Blenheim and to hear speeches from two of the principal members of tM Government was a treat not to be neglected. It was, therefore, not surprising that your cone. spoodent who had this privilege should not have Imitated to avail himself of it.

Last Saturday, then, in common with a vast number of others, including a respectable contingent from Chester, he took the early train from Oxford for Wood. slob, made famous by the first Duke of Malborough and by Sir Walter Scott. The quaint end old world village was shy, with visitors to the historic mansion, who attracted the interacted and curious gaze of the villagers, who themselves were DOI slow to sake use of the opportunity of earning au honest penny by the sale of descriptive guides to the palace and pbotogrephs of the place. Arrived at the gates of one of the wings of the greet house, we were shortly admitted, and eras. the courtyard, then the "Oval" in front of the mansion where the tpeaking was to take place, we entered by one of the side entrances and ware at once in the long library, filled with booltemee containing beautifully.

bound books, and with many objects of beauty. lien, were two object. which at once struck the eye, magnificent four manual organ, from which the Dukes organist discoursed music during the morning, sod a grand nimble statue of Queen Anne, through whose patronage and support the first Duke of Marlborough was able to plish such great deeds. Then we went through the other rooms, the third State room, second State room, first State room, saloon, dining-room, billiard room, small drawing-room, grand cabinet, and the duch*ess' boudoir. In all them rooms, and indeed everywhere, were stewards at band to answer enquiries, and who most courteously gave every assistance to make the visit a successful one.

The above rooms are all beautifully furnished and adorned with splendid paintings and many objects of interest, including beautiful tapestries illustrating the principal events of she first Dukes campaigns. These rooms all had beautiful risen of the park, and, we were told, were daily in use by the noble owners when at home. What struck some of us was the homeliness and comfort that appeared everywhere, which is sometimes abesot in large houses. The earlier comers had been told that there was no necessity to hurry through the rooms, so that there was leisure to examine and admire the many beautiful things at hand. By and bye the Duke and duch*ess took their stand in the saloon, and the later comers had the pleasure of being pecionally welcomed by them, and nothing could eared the cordiality with which they greeted and shook hands with large number of their visitors.

In front of your COMsprindent were scone delegates from Lancashire. "Where do you come from?" said the Duke "From Oldham," was the reply in true Lancashire dialect. "That's right," said the Duke; "let us have some good Lancashire cheers today And they got them Later on. After going through the house we wandered in the park, and were struck by its extent and by the vast numbers of grand old trees which adorn it, many of then, elms three or four hundred feet high, veritable giants with huge trunks such as are seldom seen elsewhere. "Warwickshire weeds" they are called, from the prolific growth they make.

Then at twelve o'clock, in large tent in the grand front of the house, a recherche luncheon was ready, at which everything needed was provided in right royal style. Thom who had finished luncheon made way for others and went outside, where we saw the duch*ess and other ladies, with Mr. Balfour, coming from the house and going to the luncheon tent. As soon as they were recognised they were greeted with tumultuous cheers by those in the grounds, and then by those in the tent aa the warty passed through. Shortly afterwards vociferous cheers were again beard, and a large number of people were seen running to the house, this time to meet Mr.

Chamberlain, who, hat in hand, monocle in his eye, and the inevitable orchid in his coat, was men following the party surrounded by large number of delegates, who almost hurried him along to the tent, where be was welcomed with the greatest enthusiasm. The wise portion of the vast crowd now went to secure seats in the "Oval," where the meeting was to be held. It was fortunate that the sky was cloudy, and that the sun shone only at inter. vale or it would have been well nigh intolerable to have had to wait in the broiling turrhines During the waiting of nearly two boors before the time of the meeting the crowd was gradually increased both by delegates and the general public. and there could not have been ler then 5,030 or 6,003 people present.

By and bye the large front doors opened and the house party, Mr. Balfour leading the duch*ess, took their seats amid tumultuous cheering. The Duke welcomed the delegates, and introduced the principal speaker. in a few well-chosen words. He was well received, and his speech roods distinct impression as coming from one well able to express himself in vigorous and appropriate language.

He has all the elements of a good speaker, and the fact that be had personally made all the uningements for the day thews that In is good organiser, in that we may expect that he will be able to reader his country good service in the future. Then Mr. Balfour stood up to speak, and was welcomed with ringing cheers and "For he's a jolly good fellow." Your readers have of cause read his speech, bat they cannot have any idea of the enthusiawn with which bin various points were received, especially when be said the country would never accept an unpatriotic party, nor b.Pelewq divided party; and when he spoke of diminishing the power of the Irish party to torment, worry and annoy the British House of Commons. MR. GRIFFITH-BOSCAWEN'S ELECTION.

BNQUZL Arising oat of the lent General Election an action for libel mamma against Ur. D. J. Hut, Art al Dimity. Tour Welk by We Mari Me Mewl Cosy.

of Abby. likammillriire. Afar Iwo gt of aralbs Ilr. rsolicitors. Noma Loth sod lmis.

taw erm' of illesseiimass ea Me Va. Loft masa Ise so 1- 0 .1. TIM sior Anil bus ant alb bi. by t. Wadid is as.

parsalag daSeusais Is nab. I. nal ma Ant emir be stateesseat Ar year slime WWI bursa vadat SW piss criadds. sat of sbesbbis tsrl No imailsa Ur bas iSesa selidadisa ta Obi divides. sal Taabelles Walla die los.

lll is mob ssismat. rr. Cosy ass aessisa eilldbleseasesa by over 2000 "stall IN PARLIAMENT. (am slat pep 3.) THY CHILDREN'S BILL THIRD lULADING PIU3BED. The Bal.

of benwitatias Liquors to Bill, as aareded by the Greed Oamiaitten was considesed ia the Her et Cheerier oa Wednesday night, sad, an the am ism of Mr. Tally. cruse was added piing that wary ia tM Avt should pester the employment by horsed pram ot member et Ms family, or his servant, or sprrentim as marargair to deliver interim tu Ys to amand the word cruse se as to permit the boas Ade messenger of parent, guardian, or employer to be served botern noon and rd between 6.30 sod 130. This was defeated without division. A proposal by Br Jo.

Yergusson to limit the probibron to ardent spirits was likewise lived in simile tsebioa Mr. thM Nothing is the Bill ehosld prevent sweat far assidiss a child with writhes This Mr. Heal obeisetweled as ea abominable, degrading and amendemmt, but waa called to order by the Speaker, and is deferenes to the Chair the hoe. member withdrew the ewer Soo. The earandsmat wee negatived without diviaioe, and the Bill wee read third time.

NAVAL WORKS BILL. In the House of Commons, on Wednesday, the second reading of the Neva Works Bill was moved by Mr. Pretyman, who made general I statement as to its objects. He said that the present Bill asked for 27i millions as the total estinutted increase of 3,800,000 is the total liabilities. He asked for six million.

to be voted on amount, of which ire millions was expenditure to which the hom*o was already committed. The remaining million was on count of new works that the House was asked to authorise. He pointed out that if the appliances mentioned io the Bill were not provided, the enormous expenditure incurred upon Aire end men would be of no elect. Mr. Robinson complained that Bill of such magnitude should be submitted three days before the prorogation.

Mr. Cahoon Bowler criticised the policy of the Government. expressing the view that whetever.the report of the committee on the works at Gibraltar was they were decided on their own scheme. Sir Charles Dilke thought that nothing bad been mid that would lead the House to reject the Bill. The House divided, and the second reeding was puled by 178 to 82.

Lord Stanley moved the second reading of the Military Works Bill. He said the whole of the money asked for was for the defence of those statioos which, in the opinion of the Army and Nary, it was Navy, our interest to defend. Nothing whatever was taken for the defence of the country. Mr. Lough moved the rejection of the Bill, but the amend moot was defeated by 1141 to 83, and the Bill was road a sesond time.

CITY POLKA COURT. Dr. Iltoltsefoth (chairman), Dr. Roberts, Mr. J.

J. Cunnah. and Mr. J. M.

Frost. LICENSING APPLICATION. the application of Mr. E. S.

Gikaa, temporary authority was granted to Petrick Victory to mil at the Loyal Oak, HoegMon. Ur. lkolterfoth (in the chair), and Mr. Boger Imbrium. DRUNK AND blamer, of an lied abode, was charged witli being drunk mad disorderly in Noe litigate street an netarday.

P.C. DOW.OII gave evidence in import et the charge, and stated that the drunk, and by shouting caused a erd to appear. The deputy dark (Mr. Daytime): What have yen dose with' the mane, you had PrISOMdf Spent it, sir. Mr.

Davison: Toe had 62 at twelve o'clock. Whig haw. you done with tt Priermose i Spent M. en. Mr.

Davison Yon deism meth foe year foolish was lag and eerie, with the usual alternative. CRESFEB CABMAN IN Mary who appeared in the mammas bur with a blank eye, ehariged her husband. George ralteman. of Loser Bridge-street, with B. Sweep.

who appeared ea siompiaimines behail, stated that tee facts of the came were very simple. On Tuesday. the 7th Asignet, defendant came home about flee o'clock with three companions, two from Birkenhead. sad ordered ter His wife refused, as be arid his oocapamione were drunk, whereupon the defendant committed the assault aoseplained of. He butted her in the face, giving her a black eye, knocked her about, threw her down, and otherwise illtreated her.

He had previously behaved very badly towards ber, and she could not hire with him any Elisabeth Woods gave evidsuice am to the of the bruises Pais dereadaat's case, for whom Mr. Carteinght appeared, was a complete denial to the charge. I tie and his were quite Bober, sad as two of them had not to have Clabber instil Kies o'clock I. asked them to have some tea with him. His wife was drunk and serfesed, and struck him two or three Bases.

He lauded off the blows, and in attempting to strike him again shoe fell over the mat on her back. the table catching her eye iu the fall. The bruise. and black eye were sustained by the fall. and be himself never touched her.

lie had to get his tea ready himself. She wee very often drunk, her favourite beverage beteg brandy. He beard nothing of the assault until two days afterwards, hem his wife told kin that she had been to see Mr ilniesey. Uit had nut been for her solicitor, who advised her to take out the sinamione, totkieg world have been beard of the assault. Aspey, one of the cabmen who was with him at the time.

way called fur the defence, and stated that they had two drinks oily. and the defendant war quite was bound over to keep the peace for three months, himself in ES, and a surety for 1,5. Mr. John Thomps on st Mr. Roger Jecksoo.

A WELL.KNOWN CHARM Moore, Deward. Castle-entry, failed to appear the court in answer to two charges against her. ono of being drunk and disorderly, and the other of committing damage to a table and number of articles, the of Annieposed ha see lm creating a disturbance in Ha: arden Castle-entry, and Annie Holmes said tire annul did damage to her property to the amount of 10s. Chief Constable said this was defendant 43rd magistrates ordered defeadant to pay 10e. for the damage, sod feed her 10..

and coma for being drunk sod disorderly, or in default of payment one month's iroprisocusent. YESTERDAY (FILIDAYL ri Before Mr. John Thon aad Mr. et Jackson. NOT A HAPPY E.

Braggy appeared foe Elisabeth Hopley, who alleged that her hasbaad, Samuel deploy, a farm labourer at Pandas, had sot provided her with proper naintenage. Mr. T. Moog Dutton Mr. Braany's stagnant it appeared that the parties were myriad about area years ego, and lived for souse time THE WAR.

7.) SEVERE FIGHTING WITH COMMANDANT ERASMUS CAPTURED. Mootaa'a Bream WW1111144107. co*ked Ilanftge asigard Commulthwfin hammer. Pyper, aad Car.bat yukaiday war Ilboyambarg. The Were were badly medal Is the fighting.

Colossi Crabber hotly pureed Kruitsinger's embank which lied after the fight with co*ked earring. palarday. Commandant liaassua awl capered. ball vaa sot mortal, inuadad as arigladly 'mammal lON'S EFFECT. 'TENDENCY TO BE The "Morning Pod' war eoerespadeat at Pedals.

oa Weireday, says The resedemy erplesed eldeb the weer isswfwg So asangled as Met Ibpreelnetatiea wit have a good deal Ceplas et the pledematina Mee Mn parts Ma Nora wad Miami Melle. einewpinind by drew Lead Kitsbeer. Some Mem who 111111111 engaged is weeskieg a tress ea Ow itatensbeseg Nee were bp as arweeend Wain. awl tea et lbw are Wed. We bad to era wooded.

sad a Bees prisoner was Is tie kale was killed. DEATH OP PRETORIIIB. Quid Yewlosiao. who wu shot thzou the oyes sous weeks ago. hos aims trys hr assoosiod Illyborgh.

who boo hem killed. Loot week alsoftwa Isom won osplwood is the YI'TCHENER TO SEE IT THROUGH. Is the Howe of Commons ea Tharmlay Me Chamberlain emphaticadialed the reports that Goa Kiteheass Is ore South arias la the middle of sent swath. He will, on the ooatrary, remain in ootitrol of the vocations until the Boor resisteace is dually repressed. THE VLAKFONTEIN MURDERS.

Orsteral Dison's despatch ou his at was issued ow Thursday as Parlismeatery It is covered by merge hoar Lord who observes that there seems to be no doubt that Are or six CONS of the warder of British did duriag the progress of the battle. MR. KRUGER'S "INFORMATION." The Brussels correspondent of the Morning Post" Kruger declares that he has received very (avowable news from South Africa. He is informed that "the rebellion in Cape Colony ad Natal" is increasing, and that a Boer commando of four thousand men rooratly occupied Middleburg to Konsti Pooet LOCAL CASUALTY. Private J.

Price, Ind Cheshire Regiment, wag on Thursday reported to be dangerously ill from tubercle of the hip at Johannesburg. MRS. BOTHA'S MISSION. TO RUE FOR PEACE. I have tisiofait's7o7reepondent of Timin" a visit fret a Frenchman wbo is Harm where he ben been in with the Boer leaden.

He has man Mr. Lager and Mr. Leads, and remained to hare smerel serious ccennatione en the present situatiOn is South Africa. He went Hiller with met el the illusions of a French pro. Derr, he has mow Mien ro optimtstic siLt residsist ef the Oammittee for Boer lode.

ip Semler Pathan whin iw the of an with miegentefive at the "Eclair," that England wald never triumph in South Africa. My friend wend le esseult with the Boer party Holland fee reams which he has Dot felt called upon to toll gm and shout which I Wye not asked him. But he has relerned in quite a diligent of mind to that in which he west He tto Mager itelines, bhp H. Paulin, is the pearibililp of renval of privateering, width would dare Britten comet rem from the arm Her asigtioal, even. as le the utility of the therms Paris enamittee celled "The Sou of -theleas," whit is WA brownwor, eallseling psi meth as the far the wens' and that rep in imps.

His upset is autism sod sad I give it as tar as pemible, is bis emu wore, as being at real im. perbimi 7 fermi the Bose representatives in general," he NA 'tie a Male of profound disommegenseut. Aid ler aMai tiz I amid not nucte maim out why. WM inq me when I malted to be promoted to His, Dees. My requiem was Wham as the steam was of no importame, and as if itirseriew would be the simplest thing the I therefore waited quietly for my (needs aarsimm the meeting.

Meanwhile Inu Dr. Leyds ea mime than one occasion, and met Mr. Lyme Wine Having only just read M. Henri 41110 Bore's interview in the Matto," I was praptord to find Mr. Kruger as courageous mil hopeful as ever, and I must say that I was not His energy and confidence are de net hesitate to use the sublime Se pieetrated is he with his own tire that his has not even yet noticed the defections of his ossasellors and intimate friends.

Yet the mike Bose circle in Holland is absolutely dn. couraged, and when I ventured to propose once more that I should meet Mrs. Botha, my corn. melon retorted, almost bluntly: 'There is no need for joss to see her. She would only discourage you.

I learned thou that it was true that she had come to Europe on direct minion from the Boer chiefs in South Africa, and, notably, from her husband, to tell Mr. Kruger that they were utterly tired of the war and could hold out no longer. ad to entreat him to make up his mind to the inevitable, as they were resolved to sue for peace. Mr. Kruger heard her, but in his sublime nee refused to admit the possibility of soliciting pesos from England.

The other Boers present went so far so to take her side, but Mr. Kruger remained indomitable, quoting Scripture and in. yoking the Almighty. Even Mr. Leyth shared the cetera' discouragement.

Hire habitual state of mind now is one of wrath at the journalists wbo formerly supported the Boer cause so assiduously. sad now appear to him to be becoming strangely indifferent. He is not by any means satisfied with the Paris journals at present, and it would not surprise me if he were eventually to take bitter renege. But as regards the utility of their deft. or se regards the efforts of the Boers he is no longer under the slightest Minim.

The arrival of Mrs. Botha was surprise to him, and her menage was, if not tine, yet hard fact that could not be gainsaid, and which, indeed, he does net attempt to deny. Mn BMW, however, has been given the strictest onion to keep her information to herself. To tell you the tro she is almost in sequestration. She Is surrounded by friends who keep the closest watch over her.

I did at Intl see her, but only in roomful of people, when nothing that had anything to do with the war could he broached. fn word, the Bona now at The Hague, Mr. Kruger excepted, have already made up their minds to the inevitable. And those of them fighting in South Africa are, according to Mn Botha, at the end of their courage and resources. I am afraid that my friends in Paris.

to whom I shall certainly tell the truth. will not confess it publicly my more than do the Boers at The Hague- But in the present state of affairs I see no good in cherishing any more illusion. They are profoundly die. outraged. amid, in my opinion, Mr.

Kruger's attitude ta doing them daily, eves hourly, untold LADIES ASTRIDE. SENSATION AT A DEVON MIXT. Three ladies cord quite duster of uninewest at the upraise woes of tin Down end Shinewet slog Meads es Wednesday. They appeared sitting their ham s. bat with keg seals es shish talked to die saki'.

By this one might imagine dist riding astride is eesaine We fashion. Theo West id Wass, Isrewrisr. ism the idea 4 ems 4 the Man of misty imireptiog se "mew belles. Weise time ego Lady fleessee Dads IWWWIIIea she impale learn" fee the wring 4 sating dam es heesehicii. Ohs sr sangsl oast is the Wish.

whisk ewer doses ladiss gemiset stark hut. their snow Ming at the lot seesansh windy hut die ergasieur howslf turned Tip. have herd 4 limo rid Ilesdairent habit nshor is early to repolnlierni.lo "beg desk their cestosse wow weds is it regard to pomade assideste is the Molise Geld, es bag con coming the hp would OMB 11111 sway ruin se the erdissey misty habit. An dosiliabsowes has always lees end to look her but es hersehasik eideeaddle inhies. sad she is hardly Idol, to adept owigaimey as to resniek.

The labs llngsen at Austria used ids is this roam wins is ustreirsented pHs. I see sway American ladies lawns the divided shut on Bet his taws Ind Euglods donors ell wan the idea." A WARRIOR NATION. Me E. F. Knight, in letter from church, New Zealand.

to the "Morning Poet," speaks of that ram of people, once cannibals. nowNof such high intelligence and oiviliution that they take a prominent pert as statesmen in guiding the slain of the coney Maoris of New Zealand. The Maori ram says, is well reprimanted in tho Now Zealand Parliament, and one distinguished mum, Mr. Carroll. whom statesmanly qualities are acksowlodged by all.

is the Native Minithor is the Now Zonated Govenment. The Mourn are fight period of Mr. Carroll, who, by the may. was oleined member of Perfimment. ant IP his ewe Masan, hot by a patsy whits lonslilossay.

Massiages between Ikatishmen of Meth ma benne ad well-bred Maori girls are sin Iniesqnsal book and some of the moat Mamie, women fa Now Zealand society are of this satire Clue of the principal ehintsinimea in the limn, Oirioi Tesoro, for se the wife of the gloated breeder of harem sod thesm in the North lawn Donnelly'. tribe, whose territory is osi Bay, took a prominest part to the day'. ceremony, and the who was sitting by the was able to 'spina to her Horn Highness the ignifronas of much of the per formance. It is a good feature in the character of lb. Maori that, unlike the mem of thine native MOM he does not, whom he becomes civilised and adopts European clothing, deeMse the noble barbarism boos which he months.

The cultivated Maori ever lovm his tribe, proud of It, and keep. ia touch with it. There were professional meo who, disearding for the nonce the sulk hat and frock coat of nviloation, took part in the Game war dance of their particular tribes on this acoasios. Maori it rightly not of his lighting ILDCOMOM and it is no woodsy that be is so much respected by the white men of the island. Our troops have never met braver or more chivalrous in war than these.

They so dearly loved fair fight that, on me occasion at least, when our men ran short of ailliMloltlol3 in a stubbornly fought anion sad comed Ling. the Maori chieftain sent them a qoantity of cartridge. under a gag of truce to enable them to continue the battle; and another ehief on being asked why be had not cut of the sambas of one of our columns, as he could bath douse, laughed at the foolish man who put this question. "How could the British go oo lighting us," he thclainsed in wonder, if prevent them from getting The British and the Moore. fought bog and well together amid these beautiful New Zealand Mlle, and now that they are living at pram together each rem is proud of the other.


Mr. Herbert Is young lady is the tweeting, who dearly loves goals of golf, has brightened She Hen craned. old Tory bone of her Whet with Weeny and feeeisleir grace The nee, fit her engagement snit Mr. la pee. eon Tines was a little MS party the Tenses el the Hoene of Connate aftmairee, and Alfred Lyttolber was acting as beet.

Nis Pack ern of the coons. "Who le that nes over there she inquired of Mr. Lyttettoe. Kb, that is Mr. lierbert Oledismas." we.

the Wad. "1 eW istraisee "Oh. please do! Haeliert wee Introduced. joined the party. sad before the ladies bad left the House the couple lied iglus heed over ears is lore with earl other.

A WKDDIN OIFT. The impale, Maid Oppoatioa Wlds has received his but Patiimeentary waddles gift. As mos as Mr. Hashert Gladatom's escrow-hiss marriage with Mei Paget as. aanonneed the Ministerial Whips tout counsel together.

sad the member for West Leeds was presented as Mods, with Mime cigarette ben. It Mere is facsimile the Misstates of the down Sir William Waived. Yr. Anstrather, Viscount VaMidis, Mr. Allele, Bellow.

Mr. Hayes Fisher. Mr. Victor Cavesdirk, wed Mir A. Leland-Hood.

RISS WAISTS VICTORY. "Comm very bow atter WI. It sea in the very midst of a approaching something like party the dying days of a session, with their long beers sad the heat and .11 the reek are always had sae Is the midst et Gene a the owl tied that Mr Herbert WaiMese' walked the tete et Mee How of Commas. The Irlbms were mewl. ial at Mr.

balkier sad Mr. V.avis wee hurling so epithet of defiance the young Tory bloods who were replying in kind. and Mr. Swift McNeill was is a condition of almost terrifying all of euddes it them rose from part at the Ilome a ringing obwr. It was the 14 st every member to a colleague at an looniest in his lite.

TM Usioaists arm was happier a Is. attoroarde for la the very drat thvisioa obice took place Mr. Gladstem west into their lobby. It ass the drat victory ot the young lady Mat le to Mr. Glevistom's batter halt; toe she has beat comisteat Pnwese dams all bar days.

TU PP ENCL" alesame writer says Olsilstese been popular fammuito The ma oho are today bi. Parisatoentery colharels, sad who far the most part are his pohltiest egproseele. number him with election whim he mad they were schoolboys at Eton. His Mammas. by the limy.

was illustrious What hed joie added twopence to the 111031110; sad Naar them I daressy. he is called by Mut old ate mime. This popularity a eel dob 1 Need scarcely my, to his greet don't cam, a brass (artistic her the et their fellows; are rather iodised to mob dad ditllla the sons of great men. It or dee to Horemp mess liners of msobelas. high seam of short, to manliness.

CROUOHTON. TEA Tagodsy afternoon the children residing at the Ashton estate were entertained to tea and 11111111 by Colludes' Scarborough. Yr. A. Emmy.

eimpitted by local friends, did their beet to swum the children. The taa was thoroughly enjoyed. STOA K. TEL attending the Beady school haA their wad treat at the vicarage ea Thursday afternoon. The woatisse was lain fortanately.

The Vicar and Mn. Prichard are to be pained for the kindly way they attend to the inhale of the little men. at Yutaka. Compaatiaat attoriards cams to Then Mr' Chamberlain obt 'Y' chairman'. Chatter to look after her mother who was not command to speak, and no sooner had lio got up than the whole audience and stood waving ho was a le rd at their hats and vociferously cheen for some Parndoo, visited bar shoat every fortnight sad minutes.

There is nodi Morn rhe fact that and to pay his wife something like Se. a week Mr. Balfour was wekoard as wholarly to keep hermit and the three children, and FARNDON. and refined representative of the party, and oar from about the middle of July bed BAND OF HOPE FESTIVAL-On Bator- Mr'who has hi. bb intry; it bb.

let his wife and family at the house of his day b. a ch. Road 0 Hops bold Mr (I front hi. ersori lit hi. mother-in law, mad had hardly contributed a th i assail festival Rash carrying a small work as Colonial i from the vituperation with which lei is constantly and Per" brass farthing." Defendant had written Sec they marched to the Parish Church where smiled.

appealed most to the people. He spa. a letter to Mr. Brumley, which his wife alleged a short service was held by the Rector. About in a quiet, masterly style, and without any appar- we stating that Complainant went 14 70 deudeers bad tea in the wheolroom.

and rot straining delivered a most effective speeds. Chester and bad broksa up comfortable home, sia ainsm a to th Re tory garden where No doubt to hear him at bin best is when he is besides putting him to oomiderablis expense in tivy wore amused with cricket and other games replying to attacks upon his policy, or wheel removing furniture backwards and forwards. i (lobate Parry i tra cas to manage goarled to defend himself from outrageous la this letter defendant said be bad also agreed .8.2 wee Rand of and holds frequent msetiugs calumniations. But how the people cheered when he spoked rho a i ininai wobbiooc of leader 1 i to mpi pz ed vide he is to wi it i t. a b.

pr apte.rhhaaotoLfiutgatibudof the Opposition; of the Little Englander marsh fre the child during the winter months, At di o'clock the reredos Read played dame int whic the Liberal party had sunk: at the fan Mr. Dutton contended that defendant had done mace until dark. A large comma, snail' he mark of the "bracketed when I everything possibly could to maintain his the pportunity afforded id br referred to the "steadfast endurance of the wife sad chairman. Mr. John 'imolai on an imminent grass laws.

great democracy of the people, and its generous Thompson, said they bad agreed to adjourn the i treatment of it. leaden" when he spoke a case for a month, and he strongly advised the copper hoods who would stop the war at any A deficit of EllO is the essardal town of Ma to come to some amicable ismangemeat and when be poured worn on the "intolerable 1 pa rties i p.c. or ough Musical Festival. folly of the statesman who finds excuses for the i in the imnn time atrocities of those who shoot our wounded soldiers THE E. Dummy applied Cilium's' Ihrtairces AT Row.

of ila ho has no words of sympathy for our behalf of J. Bold-square, Charter, the most late eratitig ta tiLen a ta i. th i it ers or our restive fellowsubacts who have proprietor ciao Cheater Pierroar, for a licence Resting Club glared in the I for singing. As the magistrates would perhaps the Chester Swimming flak liatarday, was a livs.saviou eshibities by ranalutiou of thanks to the weaken and row be aware, Mr. Cross had been contenting see hens of the by Ruh staging sutertainnyents at the side of the river inareeted by Mr.

Wm. atlas TV sad seconded by Mr. Winston Churchill. i.o,h and he was ono ou to Naa was composed of lleures. it.

nen i ion ben pr peopf by Ch lid Constable suggmeed Dutton. Idesethill. nad J. Miller. sad 0.7 "sou i i a thanks Duke i that the Mime I ho made nett heartily wad th kry thj speciaellers bd.

enlastlid homitalitr. whirl. the Dole with his Wednesday, ic "log In i 7 4. 5 a LoTtaa team Pram body consort hr his ride almost shrinking from suggestion was agreed to, such publicity. gracefully acknowledged; and then HER 41rr APPEARANCE.

Elizabeth i Liverpool. the Chaster nninwt ne the singing 0( the National Anthem brought the Hinswa of so fired abode. muds her 41st amoral of their irsttaaat. sad to a close. and "Blenheim." appearance no the charge of behaving is a inferior to the me, who woo by friar Wm.

a given. country had .111 to a irreat TIO 410 suanmr late the previous to Illii. Several swillim" took conimander. had in its turn rendered a signal sec was sent to pi icon for month. part is other contests.

vice to its party acid it. country. lead boar brd ride Jar aural aterrpt at their reergarsetir ea whim ear part is arra pearrid by the Zeitheir Os. at that rase. maims sr of the six A pal i ated.

piehmesse berg pined rent ea the lid was eagerly rod or eigerelly as the Air' Ore as Polehtlo who wall petMakald roodbras fuer Leeerhire aed Crain. Carler prerties rider the earecterabip tif lei erribtely inseght irehed dirge la their art it ealy ragers the orrisart et rise of the elder irtrearete by err errs le impure the tar Mee Or it der their charm le corpstitive rola will Mesita be eir mpriried. HINWALL. WILL OF Ita.11: Sant illookor, of Motley Soak, eieblesida. rod el Liverpool.

wbo end ea Joao 15. sea et Mr. Darrel Marluer. toremorip Y.P. for lierises.

MEL kia braise Cloorlso Roam, i Hossoli, Chester, rd Arlene itaratrey. ot Liverpool, to bo She aessaisos ot kis will of flogessabor 12, ten Ilabhist rbe gille MOO sad kir I waiters derreslis eliseek oarrispos. to ble Nomad. Cberloate Nattiver, left an Ns report, ore truss ler pap too moons thudbe bee toe isfei sad tbra ea opal soaves Is, Us eldbirea. TM yaks of saols i blea p.q.rei is £31.575 3..

U. awl el lie 9,00613.. MM. JULPAS. CHOUt weed letp et the Welt members et tie with theta Ghee tea piste es 111leedey, whet tee patty jetenteeml le where they tyro askosh*t piety wee by Mr.

N. irs 4 4. ice 1 woad dna Int daemon tb can a t. 1L isiNag awn amo at Grentwor Smondosmatia Meadowenen. SUNDAY Smoky dehdion who Wm Sehool.

leaninr intit lip maims ben woo is eprir ammo! torn nit year nand mak sad wan is whelks badly not lb. lennwo esidi bales 1 0 4 ir air tram ask than 60.60.1;16, sad Mr. amears Imo pipialki Ne. Jars rod ohm aorta. Imo mei Wray wet ora.

GRESFORD. FRAUD ON A BIRD FANCIER. -At Wrezaan. es Wallawisg. knit.

Blare. Ream aged IA Era Mang 10111 Loodoo. was chimed radar waning wag by false pealasoss asastisa thi value of El Ilk, Jams Fuller. of AWNS dug he say ao atherlisansat "yesthwal Vide! boTify E.ToPm a.m., et or ird eddies se sewed marries wield be eressel is Its dr eihreetire wee es rd the address wee see et Labia- After cessimeratiese bed essed be ferireeded dr sod des sesed a trier see td wee eiet sell iv Ae die a UM edreetiemest mew Net esek be ewer sue or diree be! bit Stets view IVai7msCarriag i col aorta Or a le i ls rt rawarl was (new WREXHAM. scamsr Fk Via et the firrirty the Teem me Mid is Dales (Mr.

C. Neese) esparted eardirehle dowser to the emir asses et fewer as compeer ear the peeress mar. this. beteg mg 30 eras at aseilleble diner es empared with hit ler mar. The sassitat et to is the Weeder Merest her schwa dories the meth fr.

33 is 3L 11.111 fierstectioa was expressed at this imperil star train. WATERWORKS Tardy the forty-Stet war essidag the rare. holders of the Wearer Waterware Corpse, was held at Wrestler, seder the preideacy Mr. W. J.

thircr the trainer et the italicises. TM rigor el the Master sired this the err titer beds et Peek addle were Mired. sad sespertel ereares. The frier deep bode( et Tarn tree berg reread eaphiliy perihr she they looked teraterd Mae any implores at this laretter weak. purr et the policy at tries eery rep he arsgred the parity of re empair's id supply, the directors had pereirseil the snip harm vismiatert above the Cr Lleyd leativele.

dad the astir ouster at the cattivated land tow straw sow eared le the pry. The asperthrire ere atarstesmalati AM.406 2.. lg. is swarths with the works malliseed, rid to the pirdree of the farm The reaps. ems revere smear for the yew shred as bream at £39, as cosipored with the year.

Dude' the year weber had re 11idei 46 herr arlisig tad of fir err Chairman nerd the repass at the report awl reemeat seseselr sad an mord UM a divider at the rate 7 pprr re be dearer epee the reek. sad £4 ism. per per the orrery 11. T. Barr err" d.

sad ass agreed I. maniasseely. MOLD. HAPPY No deaths have bow tared to the Hoed Ur lest fortataht. THY LATE EMPROM FIULDVAICH Mame the week th.

Voiaw Jack nonnottautte the pan.ll thumb tower haws at Wilmot out ti te.p.,t to the memory of th. late En TABLF.T.- A brass tablet hear nor the following onecuptmat Ma been ended sr tittle to the nseomy of Pntrate Chas. late of the South Afnean Constabulary: hums memory of Edward Kelly, tlurd ma of Me late Thomas Kelly aad Margaret Agnes Kelly. of Bryn co*ck. near Mat who deed at Klariodorp.

Mouth Atom April Irt. 1101, aged 1111 pram other, to Thy iteriowe Iterperic ham we now Thy senant sleepiasi." 11U AL the earmameaa heW Muter is Jody to cannectios site the Conn. of limit thruizails of Ethel of Glesdnee pie. meted. and pared eaccemiully.

K. K. Thorn Psalm Hill. Nee Nellie Jams. Valettaterrace.

and Him C. Williams, Brewed Him Thomas gained let clam in the junior obtaining le marks out of poluilde while on the le alam eletneutan amain NNI Jams gained PI and Witham. 90 out of 100 awes. ADJOCRNED QUARTER adjourned Quarter 8....... for Flintalare teem held at the County Hall us Monday, Mr.

P. P. Pennant weeding. Mr. loess Taylor.

al Wmhill Cottage. Phut, quailed se justice el ohs paver for the Cherma cougratulated Mr. Taylor ages YU eirestion to the Reach. and hoped that foe )ears he would be able to Nadu wetaims to that Richard Ressaley of the Nagel coagratalated Mr. Maybe.

why sokatiekdged the kids gestierate aspiiimed wards ems ammusited that the amt. Quarter flamione seated I. held es Weirsday, the ligh of October. I)NI FUR THE striking instance of the grit ammemed by the British Volunteer was aforded on Saturday. At the arms of the Ind Volunteer Battalion R.W.P en was Mesa, and the several cum Pmts.

for their nnipective beorlipierters The mem nof the Mold aft. tedsous and wearisome railway journes, found themselves late to the aftemom smarted amid the liulightful environment of Hope Junctton without of pursuing their journey by conveyance. Though tirretuand hungry, the Iwo accepted the position with the waled. musamity and the march of sit or memo mina to Mold wee Moulted oath mug and lest LATEST MARKETS AND FAIRS. LIVIIIIPOOI.

0... gait trade at id. to Id. seder Tasodny No. 1 Northers.

U. 9d. to U. 91.1. rod iabr aim.

5.. dd. to 5.. Weeters tester old. se.

Sd. to W. 83d. Ikons, Sandi. 29..

6d. to 29.. 9d. 5. 61.

Oate qaW4 sew white, te. 7d. quiet trade at Meat sew mimed. 4a. lld.

to ea 1114. Mbar awboor.d. COMIC T. Wheat sad finer quiet sad easy. Oaro and barley steady.

Malss riutioniiirtter srtiale. quotable ete g4. CgwTss CATTLE. TICISADA A lupe fair ai.d good of berms. but trade gory rive Priam ewatieeed Mak Oki.

to wine extent. being tie sass of tba gold worket. A show red better Wadies of sheep. bat Dot eaflVirat to vied a ellarsain. Price.

owe. El. to L2l: £l3 to £l9; Weiler, SS to fit: barrow. 9 to SU; dirks. Sd to Lii sad SI 10.

to Li de CNeaTaa 110181. As avenge horse fair. awl so worouty of Impure dm good Le weal, however. those formed roan of lbws se ear. and sen seless sad all aim aaiinale were sot mesh embed for this.

was ozerodiaey quiet sod prova irregular. Prieto Bait dray hewer. 5.60 to 75 irood east berm, CIS SW 1 trap boron, SIS to sad mows DI MATO or HMV or Mow Henry et Orleans ow sa May attermom at Sages. Calais Cbiaa. teen aysistsey.

The Moak who woo is his 341 i per. was tam slant is. the Dar as Matra bora ma Hem Ham. agar lishimati. H.

had Mislaid seam aiseisselso as a sad osplorer. lost toss' Paris oirmsposAvet that tM ezpkmotims ware tatme so a mesas to a psifteeal of leatisssiss his Wench, as a Rayslist Pylr tea bed palwishol d. sad am Mail 40 tb; Metes Ilvett.o. llollll lll Ototion. Woad by Mal Mill ALL.

lbw Citmertnt Priayttalyer.l6 lb- 4 A Nowt OWL.

Cheshire Observer from Chester, Cheshire, England (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.