Louisiana Review from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

WEEKLY LOUISIANA REVIEW U. M. SANDYS, Tie Yagariea Etiquette. Clark's Iron KonndLry Sullivan Sutcliff CHEMIST MECHANICAL EXGINEEB 122 Magazine N'-w Orleans. Practical and Scientific Knowledge of the anufartureof Sugar.

Sole Agent tor Kobt. Deelev Sugar Machinery, 1. bugar- hnnM and Machinery designed and built. FEED-WATER HEATER.FILTER BOILER CLEANER Limited, OFFICE, 42 DECATUR STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. EEFERENXES Schmidt 4 Ziegler.

Jefferson parish; V. 4 A. Meyer, Cora Plantation; R. H. ale A Home Place; E.

M. Kusha, Iberville parish; Southern Ice New Orleans, waboval. New Orleans; Judge K. Host, St. Charles parish; 11.

A. Lesas9ier, St. Charles parish; A. Booth Packing New Orleans; A. Landry, Ascension parish; J.

J. Rertbelot, Ascension parish; C. Soniat. Iberville. ly Vacnum Pirn.

Pumps. iHmuie ana triple Effects, filter ITesses, Centrifugals, Engines, Boiler Manufactory, Corner Race and Tcboupitoulas streets, New Orleans, La. Manufacturers of sugar-mills, steam engines and boilers, saw-mills, draining machines, cotton presses, furnace mouths, grate bars, brass and iron castings of every description. All kinds of heavy forgings, such as wrought iron shafts, cranks, locomotive and car axles, and all kinds of work lor steamboats, railroads and plantations. Large stock of boilers and grate bars always on hand.

All work promptly attended to. W1VI. E. CLARK PROPRIETOR. Burners, etc sugar agunn iur nir.

estimates promptly furnished. P.O Jlox 247. TO SUGAKMAKE11S. Jolm S. iVI oore.

Julys-y BONNABEL'S Lewis Jletcsser, Sugar and Rice Plantation Machinery, Contracting and Constructing Engineer of Steam Plants and Waterworks, DRAWINGS, PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, Etc. GKAVIEK NEW ORLEANS 34 and 36 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La, USING ONLY 169 1QD mar20--ly 3- CORRESPOXDEKCE SOLICITED. In Sweden if you address the poorest person on Lie street yon must lift your liat. Tbe same courtesy is insisted upon if you pass a lady on the stairway.

To enter a reading-ioom or a bauk with one's hat on is re. garded as a bad breach of manners-To place your hand on the ariu of a lady is a grave and objectionable familiarity. Never touch the person it is sacred, is one of their proverbs. In Holland a lady is expected to retire precipitately if 6he should enter a store or restaurant where men are congregated. She wait9 until they have transacted their business and departed.

Ladies seldom rise in Spain to receive a male visitor and they rarely accompany him to the door. For a Spaniard to give a lady (even his wife) his arm when out walking is looked upon as a decided violation of propriety. If a Spaniard says, when you retire after a visit: "This house is entirely at your dis- HEINE'S SAFETY BOILERS! 1,760 H. P. sold in the I nited states during -L-l-M-E- BOXXABEL- Bienville Street.

P. O. Boz 3197. oct2 Automatic Pressure Recrulator for Sugar- THE GORDON A A WELL PUMPING MACHINERY. Sole owners and of the "Isochronal Self -Governing Principle." luplex and single cylinder pattern, high pressure, compound and condensing, piston, single and double end plunger, pumping engines for waterworks, mines, iron and steel plants and sewerage of all styles and any capacity.

Pumps of all kinds and sixes and for all Cane Mills, IS. Vsed by waterworks, electric light plants, flour mills, steel and iron works, nail mills, tobacco works, hotels, theatres, car shops, blast furnaces, breweries, exposition plants, with all kinds of fuel and all qualities of water. None have ever exploded or caused loss or trouble, A record unequalled. The safest, best and most econom of all different sizes and forms of construction. It INCREASES the EXTRACTION of Juice COMSTOCK Grinding Machines.

from to TEN per cent. It maintains a uniform pressure. It gives an almost complete security against breakage. It graduates the opening of the rolls to the feed. It gives an equally dry ami better fuel.

Early orders are solicited to insure prompt delivery. For further In purposes. oci: ical boiler built. formation and testimonials, address Labor-Saving and Saving of Knives. Something long needed by planter for The Ivens Son OTVTO, P.

O. Box 1219. SS. 2VIo3D03rKT-AJLiI, Or, 42 DECATLR ST OllLE VNS, V. S.

A rinding ail kinds of circular Knives ana aplO 1 steel discs and rolling cutters for plows. R. H. CHAFFE, Dealer in and Reboiler of LOUISIANA MOLASSES. MACHINE COMPANY, stubble shavers, will sharpen the dullest knife, disc, in ten minutes.

Conundrum wheel runs in water and will not take Alfred A. Mims a temper out. Can be operated by common Office and Salesroom: 69 Gravier street. Re- ENGINES, "Fan glnoor, Maori 1 ni at, Erasa JLs Iron farm band and leave the Kniie or disc perfectly true. boiling Establishment: 17 Tcboupitoulas.

B-arlS-ly NEW ORLEANS, LA. roiinaor, rtnllnrm nlr rT, 33tO-, Dosal whenever tou may please to Orders for the above Grinding or Machines will be promptly filled by ad BOILERS, DRAINAGE PUMPS, COTTON PRESSES, dressing Nos. 296 to 312 Peters Street, Corner Erato. NEW ORLEANS. LA.

a favor it," he wishes ycu to know that he regards you as one of the fam A. F. SLANGERUP, AGENT. M. J.

Taylor, COPPER. TIN SHEET-IRON Irrigating Machinery and Cast and Wrought iron orx oi All inscriptions. For adrv and Works: Salesroom: Iel9 43 Carondelet New Orleans ily uno de nosotro (one of us) as they express it. If the words are not TELEPHONE NO. 1100.

IMarine Work a Specialty my8 New Decatur, Ala. 96 and ae St. Peter et, oetIO New Orleans. spoken yon can conclude that you are W. HA NAG RIFF, WORKER, not welcome to call again.

In Per JOHN WARD, Manufacturer of Steamboat Cook Stoves, 129 Sixth Street, New Orleans, Steam Tablet and Tinware. Construction of Sugarliouses STEAM BOILER MANU sia, among the aristocracy, a visitor sends notice an hour or two before calling, and gives a day's notice if the visit is one of great importance, lie Alto, Steam and Iron Pipe Fitting. 15 Front Fulton Street, X. 0. Burners for bagasse, sawdust, Setting FACTURER, Sugar Kettles, Boilers, smokestacks.

Fur naces, Draining heels. Building bagasse chimnevs, setting and burning Bricks, and every kind of work in which the economy of 260, 262, 264, 266, 268 and 270 South Pe ters and 29 and 31 Calliope streets, is met by servants betore he reaches the house, and other considerations are shown him according to relative JAMES KELLY, J. L. O'CONNOR, Architectural Iron Works Plain, Ornamental and Builders' Iron Work, Store Front, Iron Fences, Balcony and Cemetery Railing, Columns, Ventilators, Roof Crestings, loses, Chairs, Stable Fittings and Wire Work in all its Branches. Sole Agent for the Champion Iron Fence Company.

103, 105 and 107 JULIA STREET, NEW ORLEANS, LA. fmy8 -y luci ib a ucBiucmuiu. P.O. Box 1854. New Orleans.

104 St. Joseph St 104 ALL WORK DONE ON BTRICTLT SCIEN Low pressure, locomotive, fined and cylin TIFIC PRINCIPLES. NEW ORLEANS. der boilers, juice boxes, filters, made rank. The left, and not the right, is considered the position of honor.

No Turk will enter a sitting-room with and repaired. JulySl Particular Attention Given to Repairs. Copper, Brass Sheet Iron mvi--y E. J. O'ROURKE, dirty shoes.

The upper classes wear tight-fitting shoes, with goloshes Manufacturer of Improved Steam Trains READ QUARTERS STEAM BOILER MANUFACTURERS, for Making Sugar. Plantation and Steamboat Work promptly attended to. sep4 over them. The latter, which re 183 and 185 Fulton, SIS and 15 South Peter, FOR MACHINERY ceive all the dirt and dust, are left between juna ana tn. Joseph streets, New Orleans, La.

Centrifugal Pumps. CAPACITYI 00 to 40,000 Gallons Per Minute. Complete Pumping Outfits for Irrigating and Draining furnished with Engines dlreetlv connected, avoiding belts, pulleys, etc. John H. Murphy, Worthinsrton steam Pumps outside the door.

The Turk never washes in dirtv water. Water is BOILER REPAIRING PROMPTLY AT TENDED TO. Corrugated and crimped roofing Iron. 1S1 Ntrcet, Corner Girod, NEW ORLEANS. poured over his hands, so that when Will contract for boilers, with Fronts and Sturtevant blowers, pipe, fitting and valves, all sizes to IS feet In stock.

Bkt end hoop Irums, and all Fixtures. polluted it runs away. In Syria the Steam Engines, Steam Pumps, Steam COPPER, BRASS SHEET IRON Boilers, iron, pulleys, bangers, boxes and shaftings, belting, hose, packing, etc If you want a good and cheap outfit write Sew and Second-hand Boilers Always OF EVERY FORM A SPECIALTY. or apply to nana. Planters and Merchants Tespectfullv in M.

SCHWARTZ, people never take off their caps- or turbans when entering the house or visiting a friend, but they always leave their shoes at the door. There are no mats or scrapers outside and Delbert Engineering 21 Union Street vited to examine work and prices. All work done at this establishment will be guaranteed wjual in point of workmanship 39 and 41 Magazine street. ffeb20--lvl ana material to any in tne city or elsewhere. Manufacturer of SUGAR MACHINERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.

Clarlflers, Evaporators, Steam Trains, Defecators, Juice Tanks, Oil Tanks, Chimneys, Sugar Wagons, Coolers, Vacuum and Strike Pans, Elevators and Conveyors, Iron Pipe, Valves, Fittings and Mill Supplies and Builder of Double and Triple Effects. Estimates and plans furnished on application. mar27--y Junel-y the floors inside are cowed with ex pensive rugs, kept very clean in Mos BARB Sugar Planters! lem houses and used to kneel upon LOUIS SCHWARTZ, while 6ying prayers. In China grief All kinds of HEAVY MACHINERY handled. BRADY is associated with a white dress, in Bucliel Machine Works, MANUFACTURERS AND DESIGNERS OF ALL KINDS OF FINE SPECIAL MACHINERY (Mechanical and Elfctrical.) Patterns, Models and Experimental Work a specialty.

Incandescent Plants of -l Caa die-power Lamps capacity, suitable for illuminating stores, workshops, offices and dwell ings. Electric Motors from one-eighth to one and a half horse-power, suited to any circuit, AGENT FOE Ethiopia with brown, in Turkey with Chimneys painted, put np or taken down. Nos. 4C3 and 4G5 St. Charles Ave Refer to Edwards A Hauttman, J.

H. Mur- STURTEVANT BLOWERS violet, in with yellow. Eti quette requires, in Chinese con versa jy and others. tion, that each should compliment the nue, Xew Orleans. COPPER, TIN AND Sheet Iron Worker.

J. C. GREEGOR, other and depreciate himself and all AND FORGES, The Deane Steam Pump Co. OFFICE AVORKS 101 103 COXTI N. o.

his belonsinsrs. It is affirmed that 3. Correspondence Solicited. febJO-ly 35 Delta New Orleans. jane5 the following is not an exasreation Also, dealer in Railway, Machinists', Mill an! 2 epai-ring on Slate and "What is your honorable name? bugar House loo Is and supplies, ar.

Hoop, Sheet and oiler Iron. Spikes 18 Sugar-House Supplies ire Clay, Fire Tiles. Axle Grease, Cement, 'My insignificant spallation Blvets, Nuts and Washers, Machine, arriage and Tire olts. Anvils, Vises, ellows and aortnble Forces, hains. Anchors, Wooden Chang.

4 Where is your magnifi oaKum, lainncatinguus, i.ime, tar, nurn- cialty. CHARLES PIKE, Southern Iron Fence Works 194 STREET, NEW ORLEANS. nd Iron Kloc-ks, ubiier Belting, Hose and ackine, Steel and Wooden heelbarrows. lngOil-, Plaster, Pitch, bulpliur, Brick, Rosin, Acids.Paint, Paint Eils, etc Flue Brushes and Scrapers, asting Brushes Injectors, Kjectors and Inspirators, ig Lead Crucible Paint for Sugar Wagons ttaouit Meiat, ooiuer, Mao tnc, ingot opper i PATENT AUTOMATIC RAINWATER CUT-OFF. Sa?" PATENT RIGHTS FOR SALE, niarft Steam and Water Pipe.

I and lice Tanks. J. Watts Kearny, bteam ana ater iltinfn Iron Fences, Offices, Pedestals, Veran.lahs, Galleries, Stairs, Banks Shutter Doors A Fastenings, Vases, Kuof Crestings, Settees, Stable Fittings, Railings for Balconies, Cemeteries, Garden Chairs, Weather Vanes, 98, 100 and 102 Magazine corner 73 and 75 Gravier New Orleans, La, P. O. Box 410.

ang7 cent palace?" "My contemptible hut is at Luchan." "How many are your illustrious children?" "My vile, worthless brats are five." "How is the health of your distinguished spouse?" "My mean, good-for-nothing old woman is well." The salutations of a people to some extent indicate their national character. "May God strengthen your morning," brings out the Arab's faith in destiny. The oriental "May thy shadow never grow less," shows J0ILX J. M00XEY, Cobbbt, Til ana Iron Lafayette, Sew Orleans, La. fap3 Ijl Wm.

Trowbridge, Manufacturer of tbe Improved TILE CE-DE-YE OSCILLATING AXD ALL SOBTS OF ORXAXEXTAL WORK. Estimates Furnished on all Descriptions of Builders' Iron PIKE'S IMPROVED WROUGHT IRON FENCING cheap as wood. Parties who contemplate erecting a wood fence will find it to their Interest to send for our Prices on Iron Fencing before closing their contracts. -A postal card will meet with prompt attention. feb6 ly Furnaco Grato WORKER, 134 Camp Street Especially improved for the requirements of New Orleans Cistern Sugar-House tiring.

13-1 We guarantee one-sixth saving in coal or no sale unsatiHiactory. Tin Roofing, Guttering, Ventilatois a specialty. Spoutiiz, Etc jt-19 II. S. PULANEY TP XI And all kinds of beer tnd liquor Faucets.

Brass and Zinc Works. Aij. Kinds of Machixert Repaired. Sole Agents, Baltimore, Md. CHAS.


1M6 Gravier street, rew urieans. jvicb the honor placed in obesity. The French ELo do you carry yourself indicates regard for forms, the German's habit of generalization in "How goes it?" and the Englishman's practical mind in "How are yOU?" London Wit and Wisdom. $10 $10 FINE COOKING STOVE! Complete, With S.M'feiul Kitchen rtrnsila. Guaranteed to Bake and Cook ad Good as Any tove Made.

Call and Examine. EUG. F. BUIILER, 438 440 Dryadeg Street, Sear Kaufman St Isaacs. COPPER.


KEON. All Kinds of Brass Wokk Doxe to Urder. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. $10 sio $10 $10 610 $10 $10 Sio $10 $10 $10 $10 F. KROX TchonpitouLis Street 10S (Successors to Frank Walker A Co.) julyl7 New Orleans.

All orders ntrnsted to ns promptly and reliably attended to. We make a speciiilty of and solicit Country patronage. 223 Tcboupitoulas Street, Kew Orleans. aue7 Louisiana SCALE Works, John Blackadder, 1 C2 Tclumpitovlas N. 0., La.

Pneeial attention paid to country orders. $10 $10 ENGINEER Scales repaired and adjusted. rmarl3 ly r-econd-band scales always on hand. Plumbing, Gas and Mtam Fitting, sepll-- W. WILSON, Copper, Brass Yellow fever is reported from Ilio Janeiro.

The warm weather has caused its early appearance. It is believed in naval circles that the construction often new war vessels will be authorized during the present session of The Alabama Farmers' Alliance and Knights of Labor have consolidated. They represent a strong political power in the State. JIACIIIXIST, And dealer in new and second-hand Machin WIRE G00BS! STOVES! ery. Engines, Boilers and Pumps a specialty.

Hardware 306 Tcbonpitonlas Street, II. Oeetling, J. Muir, J. Kloppenbcrg, President. Vice-President.

Secretary and Treasurer. II. Oertling Hardware Limited, Dealers in Hardieare, Cutlery. Builders' Hard ca re, Paints, Oils, Varnishes Glass, Home Furnishing Goods, Stoves, Etc. CARPENTER'S TOOLS A SPECIALTY.

sepl8 199 POYDUAS STIiEET, Corner Carroll, New Orleans, La. We sell barbed wire, staples, plain wire, wire sept KEW ORLEANS, LA. mats, seives, stoves and cooking utensils, Jackscrews, patent bame fasteners, lock hook and hasp, and many other articles of hardware. We sell at manufacturers' prices. Tkos.

Killeen, Sheet Iron Worker, Manufacturer of Improved steam trains for making sugar, strike pans, evaporators, elariners. Juice tanks and copper coils, chimneys, breechings.fi re-beds and oil tanks, brewery and distillery work, turpentine stills, iron pipes and fittings, plantation, steamship and steamboat work promptly attended to. Worka i 1S9 and 171 Trhoupltonliui KU, New Orleans. Junl2-y st-FOUNDRY Write Before Purchasing Else A. C.



JulySl-y NEW ORLEANS LA. Manufactures Every Variety of Blacksmith, Jobbing and Wrought Iron Work of all kinds promptly attended ta. DENTIST: GAMP STREET Ornamental and machinery castings, store 146, 148, 150, 152 South Peters and 42, 44, 46: 48, 50 Notre Dame If A. F. SLANGERUP, CONSULTING AND CONTRACTING 259 rronts, columns, aasn weigtit*, grate bars, railings, ventilators and all other articles in the CANE CARRIER AND PITCH CHAD A SPECIALTY.

JulyVI-y foundry line. NEW ORLEANS. fJanSu-lTl SOUTHERN B.D.WOOD SON Machinery of all kinds repaired Ly 33 -w a. Gsoliuind, Dealer in all kinds of New and Second Hand Machinery TOR ALL KINDS OF SUGAR MACHINERY. JJM JSTlVaZEIUTrS.

ily Br. J. A. Thurber, THE GAUNT SYSTEM B. E.

H. SIITH, PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED DENTIST, PROMPTLY. OF- NATCHEZ. HO C151L STEEET, Office 43 Carondelet JTaar Ci mi Street, JTew Oris I. ForelrB moaey to loan on plantations la Long time.

lasuwippi ana ixawiana. Pay 113 Common St. 113 menta to suit. aui Perfonrs the best and most satisfactory dental crarattons. In xtraction of teeth and treatment of diseased teeth and gums NEW ORLEANS.

febl-lyj and of all diaeaaea of the mouth. Iong ex perience and remaraahie ancceaa. unargea Evaporators for Juice- Single, Double, Triple aid Quadruple Effects, arranged 6r4itta a Lerel, Equipped witi GAUHTS KEUX SEPARATOR, Which prevents any loss of aaecharine. Pare distilled waters from the vapora ef aka last effect. Feed rerulated automatically, and any desired Beauma density obtained aA wlH.

The only system in which both vapor and liquor stdse of tubea eaa be easily and e.aJkhy cleaned. Juice In sight from the time it enters until it leave the apparatus. Caa be la- L. J. Barthelemy, moderate.

aepli The Farmers' Land AND LOAN COMPANY, (Limited), OF LOUISIANA. 229 Valence Ftreet New Orleans. -AND AJU, LCDWIG, D. D. a.

Da. D. UIDIM DRS. LUDWIG, Loans made on Approved Cotton and Sugar General Agent to America for THE FREXCH SEAMLESS CElfTEI FUGAL TTIRE CLOTH, lanoa. ir monfi security re quired.

Terms reasonable. creased from 1000 to 10,000 gallons per hoar without ehaujms; the original plaat, atker tkaa by adding extra sections. A much larger percentage an id lighter eolor otataed ewlaa aa- w. are prepared to furnish Families, Plant The Finest Made. Gwinp Increased Yield action ew the haaaaag saw rapid evaporation ana circulation, ne nuaniag ana aconring aei DENTISTS 672 Street, N.

O. face prevaata any deposit on the exterior or Interior of the tub Five Ver Cent. Debentures sold. Atlantic Trust Saw York, Trustee. Office, NO.

6 MEYER BD'G NEW ORLEANS. Bend for blank applications. Applicants are requested to answer each question tolly, aaa thus enable prompt action. ra, Foundries, 6teamsbtpa, Steam-boat and all eonsomera of COAL OB OOUC at Taea by Got. H.

C. Warmo.h, Mr. Daniel Thompson. Mr. Geo.

F. Aaderton. Mr. Joha RATES. THOMAS GAUNT, M.

E.f ml -y Boreel 11 Braiwaj, RW TOU, HOTTEST Ad. Meyer, Preat. K. J. Jokmsoa, Bee.

B. Dymond and others. Write for prices and OoUaetua can paaa tha offloa both way. MARKET apia-ly jine, D.yt- iium vmp. a Oft panieuiara.


Louisiana Review from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 6151

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.