D-15J -I Wednesday, May i 1S5S4 le Honolulu Advertiser 1 736-Furnlture 5CM-MAN0A-PUNAH0U- 6dO-Sportlng Goods 610-Pets for Sale kS02-KAHALAJ3 520-fieal Estate ACURA UNIVERSITY 2) 760-MlsceDaneous Items 782-Sewmg Needs LIVING ROOM SET $200. Announcements KELVINATOR 20 cu lt, refng 32 end unit, no steps, tw bus A GREAT GUN SHOP CPA PERSIAN KITTEN 93 Integra GS R. 2 dr. top ot DINING room set (5 pc) iou FREEZER $200 Ph: 683012S Security Equipment Corp SWEET. NO FLEAS, UUUU BANYAN TREE Plaza beautiful sideside $275.
Ufc WASi-itH Heavy Outy $175. 671-1583 tnai, awey worn tranic. turi $238,000 Sm today. 7327049 GE Obi door retndge wice A Comm. Consew 145146 vg ACT NOW.
Active duty military tall COAT. $350. 677-0620. zap wlkg toot macn. wtrxe, large 2 bdrm.
(Li Quincy Kaneshiro(R)395J11 Oak Desk wchak $100 Queen water dispenser $650. GE top of the bne washerdryer $200 KENMORE HEAVY DUTY the line wonly 12.0UU mi, Acura alarm, pwr pkg. sunrf, stereo cass, air much more, looks new (FBG447) $16,988 PFLUFGER ACUHA 942 4555 Benetl S90 Tectical Here Now co*ckatiels handled wht face xtraa, eiuuu ldu. i -jo WASHER $150. DRYER 1U0.
or veteran can buy nome wno down payment using VA loan. Call Century Country Really 533-0311 5G2-KAILUA 4) Ifiiwhl face oean SbU Oriental rugs tiuwea. size bed, exd cond si 75. Coffee table $75. 955-8312 USE.
(FS) 11 home on high flr, 262-8226 wht lace taiiow cva pmg, un view, wiihi. Wicker lanai turn set ong cost $3600, NOW $500. 732 5400 New law-last chance to buy semi-auto Rifles, Shotguns-HKs. AR15, MIA, fiugers, Uzl, Pistols etc. HK-BeneTli Dlr 22 5 and 33 fee ON BED W7TEAK DRESSER MAYTAG Washerdryer set 93 Legend 4 dr, low mi.
eqpt Heaity tage, mc. wj-asrag 790-Store Office Eojrt COLLIES Imcorted Puppies, vail) $286,000 $289,000 (L) HOME QUEST, Rltra. 261-1470 $250; ice creem maker so; roe microwave. Excl. cond.
Sable and wmie. uuaranteea TEAK 3 PIECE MIHHUH 4bU ALL, EXCL COND. 486 3176 PUNAHOU cl*tta 905 FEE 22 Self Defense Guns 865-4523 small TV $20. 26M7I5. iftlnhn 61 38" nfass lanai nd Registered.
BROTHER tax mtellitax 9B0M, waU optiona tookadnves per-lect (EWR113) save thousands trom new, only $24,988 PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 table. S30ODO. 4555887 Ftfc ulnihal rwi-iooe rm set 4 pc $950. 2 prkg, 1433 at im 63604; Owned by USG Realty Corp. 942-1661; 524-0580 (H) unopened, plain paper Fax.
$6u07call 672-63227528205 Sa-MNE0Ht-KAHWJU4 ALL DIRECT Bkcase $45. Crib Complete home gym. $1100 or refrigerator ge. side by Rattan living oest offer, 237-7lu5 Ive msg JftVSS funs quiet. $125ofr.
1 Carseat OOBERMAN PUPPIES 3 MIKASA Bone China. 40 pc. $35 24K trim, unused. Cost $790. AVAIL, WKS OLU.
UUJ I A parable. Pohakea Pt. 32 Desks credenzas. bookcases. ALFA ROMEO FFL DEALERS ONLY Mac-10.
Sell $400OBO. 625-1018 RATTAN Loveseat $300. Bed bJu-34l pgr 504-MAUI Whirlpool thin twin stacked IBM typewriters, chairs a plan $1000. Legal Transfer Or Base $75. Cottee laoie iuu.
To place an ad on these pages, call our sales representativeon your island. cabinets. Call 8396986 mouse ecou.uw iw. clacuiar ocean view. Call Manfred! (H) 948-4320 ENGLISH co*cker Spaniel Potted Samoan, etc.
coconuts ALFA ROMEO CLASSIC Trade For Uzi. 1-322 2278 wasneroryer, 22UV, neavy au-ty Like newl $500. 5330043 Like New. 23-JB2 pupa, championship lines, (15) 7 high $20 ea; Lau ai gal. MAUI-OCEANFRONT (ECS468) $2899 Ear-Rmg Racks FuH Size PRO SfcHVb HtALIT GOLF SUMMER SALE wks, 3 at $650 ea.
262-7284 Rattan 5 pc Living Rm Set. size (13U1 ea ao-oji. Whirlpool Washer Heavy Duty ULH. WW COMPANY LIQUIDATION SALE New. used.
A classic clubs HAWAII Hoisting base, tooa oono, Both SI 00 845-5507 Anutmsnu Gerdens. $190,000 REFRIG 21' $50. Used sliding FREE KITTENS. Adorable. 5 wks $700Offer, Kretss Dining Table.
$500Ofter. 3960433 3.2UU. Hoipomi wasner rvu $175. Good cond. 671-1583 for beginners, proa, collec glass door uueen oo AUDI Carta or Jeff 395-3505.
tors-Hind. Calloway, layior- OOINO OUT OF BUSINESS. (FS) Jonette Kaanui-mgn: (RA) CENTURY 21 Kailua beach Realty 263S0Q0 Leilani Whittle, Consultant Full Price $70,000 Corporation must sell 35 luxury condos. RECUNER wdual elec. mas- spring 2U.
made. Cobra, Cleveland, Clothing inventory, store fix 2 4000, RUNS GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY Remote control cars 4wd: Cat, Tommy Armour, Wilson, eic. 8ager, lite brwn, like new. $200obo. 625-1018.
722-Auctlons PUU ALU 22, split level wca- ture, epqt, cesn regisiw, eiu. Make oflerl John 944-9696 NO BOOT DAMue. MALE, 7 WKS OLO. 3oU. MOlHtHS DAY SftLlAL- Optima Mid, Yokomo.
buu oboall. 957-1594. 846 2599 Far below market value 24Hours 1-665-0750 FAX 1-669-1228 674-073 91850OHO. PH. 73-2UU thedral ceilings, wonoenui ia- Giaphite Calloway irons.
RECUNER $50, 2 DAY BEDS nal. 2 prkg. $205,000 (L-F A) Find Bargains Galore at the MINOLTA COPIER wcab. Re ea $0 Loaded. Nice Car, HAND TAMED, MOON GOLD 1500 Steel Bldg 30 x40', 17' High, $125 EA.
622-0452 Barbara Dor Prop. 235-1 Goodwill Industries As Is Auction. P.O. BOX 838 Pepeekeo, HI 96783 Ph. 964-1042 (FAX) 964-1003 MAUI Sandra Sillapere MACAW WCAGE PEHUrt.
knmec. red (CWE082) M.ouu Hawaiian Gold Properties Ltd. duceenlarge. Exd. cond.
$700. 737 uuy, aen, iraoe. ROOTS RELICS 333-D Queen St. 538-3311 Sitting uoors, uauge. Unused $6000060.
259-9240 21.5 aerene and private in 500. 395)430 dir. 833416, 223-3403 Bid on electronics, appliances. Rosewood Dining Table w10 Handled co*ckatiels (3) $65 ea. furniture, cars much more.
STEEL Structures 12 x21 Chairs $231)0, txmon ruton $175. 263-2525; 5996700. 504-MOANALUA AREA 1) Golf Wilson Staff irons 3-PW BMuy Fancy white face rjocKatiets $1995 18 X21L $Z4SK. un Yacht Club Terrace. ceramic tile throughtout.
Ocean view 269.900(FS) VI Furlong (R) 261 2252 ERA HAWAII PROP, 254-1511 letthand R-shaft, like new Saturday, May 7, 1994. (2) $1 25 ea. 235-5322 SCAN DESIGN teak queen used OBO. 949-B2U1 CHEEPEE, no dn. assume 8 $250.
Ph: 262-6890 65 No. Church Wailuku 96793 Preview at 9am. Auction begins at Jasper bed $650. 10 Mexican Handled Gotfin co*ckatoo. 3Vi STEREO system $1500; silver HAWAII'S BEST GUN SHOP tan palms ea p4a-ow For more information can yra old, female, tame attec- loan, race 1 bdrm.
aare, view, prkg. 6 Regents Realty Executives Aloha 488-0185. candelabra, i trays, tea seis Ph. 244-OWZ (FAX) 244-5170 3210 KOAPAKA STHttf tionate. viouutiu.
djqj Sofa bed. like new $350. Pair $1000811. 942 5928 5QZ-MIULANI TOWN (9) GUN WORLD 833-5357. Ph: 836-0313 blk lacquer lighted cuno cabi HIMALAYAN CATS 1 yr.
Old Sunscreens tan accelerators. Remodeled 11 crnr, mtn view EXCHANGE SPECIALIST. nets wdrs. 35 s2-ruju HOYT COMPOUND BOW Bargain ot the year. Nob Hill brothers, neutered, wextras, ONLY LICENSED 1155.000 (FS).
Jane Le HA aloe gels. SPt- 4-25. uuu. Free Consultation. Ira uoroon O.D.
6t80 LBS. 30- DHAW Z1 Vf S1W.UUU IT 31 Jonn nig $425 pairObo, 732-5947 247-7582 Barbara O'Dor Prop SOFA WCHAIR. Dining oz. bottles cocounut pika- (R). ALOHA HOMES 94mni MOTOR VEHICLE BROKER WCASE.
$400. 737-9015 gins Real tslale 023-033 Conference laDie, oeciionai ke. $9000. 1(206) 432-H174 726-Bulldlng Supplies LABRADORGERMAN SHEP- FOR an exciting real estate Sola. Call 836986 DRASTIC PRICE Unused AHO 1 sm.
dudows 1 mo old. HUGE Mirrors VACUUMS reconditioned, all 504-MOLOKAI ASH PLANK FLOORING PRE (12) $110ea $200. Ph. 677-9986 48x100x14, career, can your local CENTURY 21 office REDUCTION TO $135,000 TV $100, 3 pc brassglass brands. $29.50 up.
Vac ctr. (12) $155ea. Can 72x100x1, CONDO at WavecreBt. 1 bdrm, endcoffee tBbie set tiuu, 1120 s. King at.
s-2sju MINIATURE PINSCHER 10 IN HAWAII SELLS or LEASES ALL NEW CARS AND TRUCKS Rock bottom price lor grnd. ft. unit 2 bdrm. in MilHani Terrace. FINISHED WHIlt WAoH ECONOMY PRIONG $3 69.
Sanders 1211 Kona. 696-2303 I. 1-(800) 4734)619 install. glass lamps $80, 6B3Q125 Molokai. For sale by owner.
6' chain knk fence wposts, WKS OLD, SHOTS, PAPERS, MALE. $700. 672-3201 HAVE A NICE DAY! Fairway Realty, 946-9091 CaU 1-325 HM4U Oho wnew carpets rust MARCY EM-1 PRO. WEIGHT root insulation, 7' marble vani CABINETS locallv stocked. painted.
(L) MLS 59093 Roland ties. 79 Lincoln, body rusty, Proven female BLUE ROSELLA MACHINE. $500FIRM. 638-9471 rt. Kurooa (n; i LAS VEGAS trans purrs 254-25bo 504-NORTH SHORE 6) Marble a cereme tne.
uranue 741Caraoe Lanai i3KS solid surface countara. (11 rair nuar BMW, TOYOTA, CADILLAC, Kurnsi Realty, tnc 4eowr i NORDIC mach. wattach. Free BOURKES $250. 235-2608 PHOPEH fltS l-UN SALE Ctyde Abe Realty 524-2742 Dealer direct BEST BUY in area $92,500 weights, 600 lbs 4- much EARLY EARLY OCCUPANCYI MERCEDES.
LEXUS, QUALITY Toy Poodle Pups, more. All $1500otr. 841-4455 76 1 -Miscellaneous Items bd nr beacn-terma te. CABINETS 60 OFF PLUS KAILUA 4 Owner linancingl For free list Chocolate mate 'uu. uei ACURA.
MAZDA, BUICK, 1 Amara mQ, I Hawn. Prop. teo-i Black female $600. 247-0051 Wanted NORDIC Track Achiever, com of properties, Brian Kleinoerg (R) American Homes Many styles Dir. 254-3510.
MOVING: Living, dining, bdrm, CHEVY, CHRYSLER, FORD, plete wtape. Excl. cona. RED Foot Tortoise. Dair $400.
504-PACIFIC $450. 593 3222 wkdays 8-4 Electrical Panel 3 Phase, tun camping eqpi, onico iwn, video, stereo eqpt, lanai turn. PART TIME AA BEDS, DRESSERS Bookcases. Rattan etc. GMC, HONDA, JAGUAR, FAIHWAY VILLAljfc 95-015 HOKUIWA ST.
83 3 Bdrm 2 to Bath Garage A Buy $264,000 (FS) CLIFFSIDE VILLAGE 94-108 MUI PLACE 204 It's Pertect-2 Bdrm 2 Bath New Price $214,000 (FS) SELANDER REALTY Hmw Dtitv 250 amp wBreak- Lge Jackson unameieon (oi wanted $15 ea. Pgr 851-4717 NORDIC TRACK SEQUOIA Evervthina aoes. Sate starts PUNCHBOWL 1) Organized, professional divi ers. good cond $500 845-5507 Paradise Furniture 235-8056 801 Automotive Announcements 60S Autos for Sale 806 Autos Wanted 808 Autos for Lease 810 Auto Accessories Parts ant) Services 811 Hotrods 820 Pickups, Trucks and Buses 821 -4-Wheel Drive 823 Classics 825 -Campers, Trailers and Vans 827 GaragesParking 830 Motorcycle Sales and Services 835 Motor Scooters 836 Moped Sales and SsrviCBS 840 Aviation Sales and Services 845 Car PoolsRides Pre-payment required Tuesday. 53 until all sold, 9-6 performance track recorder, SHAR-PEI pure bred male.
sion for part time real estate agents. CENTURY 21 Kahala excl. cond. $400. 836-2742 Punchbowl quiet, gdn setting.
AA MOVING or DON'T NEED daily. 881 Akumu PI. Gypeum board unused 1 yr ota, no papers. Moving. Free to good home.
685-5457 2 xw xl approx hw pes. Hale, Inc. Call Jan 735-7BBB REMINGTON 700 BDL .223 11 see B-o aairy 1617 Miller 9. CRC 531-1621 IT? Call ROSS for Free pickup. Rattan, koa, $3.50 ea.
Wholesale, ooi-joii KANEOHE-KAHALUU 4) Varmint $525. BURRIS 12x 623-3288 533-7008 UKC Purple Ribbon Pitbull NISSAN, VOLVO WE TAKE TRADES 522-6363 MICHAEL CUTTER President olc. living room 841-7336 PRE-FINISHED oak RICHARD CHOCK (B) 537-3233 TERRAZZA 1 bdrm. co-op, target scope $199. 3961074 duds, reo nose, papers 1 si Fliar urjoer.
onlv $139,000. 21 HIGH TECH SALE. Electronics WANTED fire resistant tile flooring. pacitic shots. 289-6260 pgr.
676 6864 prkg, pool $105,000 (Li. Motivated seller, mla 64199. REMINGTON 700 POLICE American Lumber 845-8700 hsehold stuff. 57, frspm. IL-t-A).
(nge niga inj. p.uii urn cabinet, sate, waveski, kayak, wet bar. $350 for all. 734-3304 SNIPER 26 IN. BBL 7U0.
Royal Hawaiian Properties 47-682 9 Hui Kelu. 2392352 Clara Yokoyama(R) 591-8878 Realty oBa-4. SLATE 12X12- (GREEN) JEFF 637-6927 Sales rentals. 941-0111 IANIKUHANA 2 bdrm, 1 bath Mexican saitnto tile 61 2-Pet Sendees Supplies Stationary bike $150obo. MANOA-PUNAHOU- $1 988-3342.
254-32DI 504-PEARL CITY (12) wlott FEE. $203,000. BORDNER REALTY 946773 WE PAY CASH for mortgages, 763-Muslcal Instruments HARRISON LUKE TONY GREENE Vice President Sales Manager jane t-onaa siepoeraerorjic CUSTOM Jackson Chameleon UNIVERSITY 2 WOOD never used 1x8 notes, TD As, anywnere. video $40obo B45 bo2U cage, 60x30xzu. sta.
BY APPOINTMENT CFNTURY PARK PLAZA cedar, 8', 14', 16', 18'. Lpe. Assoc. 4tja-jjay Acoustic Dreadnought Guitar, Multl-Fam. Hseholdtools Quantity.
Dig pgr: oo-iao D-18 copybuzuki, son case, MOVING BEST BUY NEW LISTING HOKUALA HALE $239,000 (FS) 1802 A 1 bdrm. $139,900 3202A 2 bdrm. $205,000 $230OBO. 254 5342 685-Water Sports sportsclothesjewerly a more Saf bun 8-4, 3378 Oahu Ave. PETS DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE 531-WousesSBIdgs.
ALL PIANOS KEYBOARDS 729-Conectlbles 2102B 1 bdrm. 1060 Kam Hwy. Fee 8lmple 94 BMW 5401, white, 7K 3 bedrooms 2 12 baths, 1 CASH FOR DIVING GEAR 801 -Auto Announcements on sale (at least 25 otti) May 3 bdrm. 1 bath house, must M0ANALUA I Hawaii's first discount warehouse 12-15 only taay iwusic llsednaw Buvsell Waikiki 419 BASEBALL Card Collection. move now.
Kapahulu 707 Pa rjenter for net suoolies food with ev miles, loaded wBMW phone. $39,800. Nahua St. Planet Surf 9262060 covered and 1 open parking Stan. Parquet and carpet covered floors.
Cool, well kept, ouiet an excellent end unit at tent Ave. SZ5U0. U4b-yoz Value $buuu or oner. Huoe Sale: ApdIs. lum.
Fair: unite in Pearl City wswim-ming pool, tennis courts security. Most units have BALDWIN Piano Organ Ctr 689 4921 eves or wkenos eryday low prices, mi your pet free Daiioons, Moon txnjnca CASH FOR SURFBOARD Rent a Baldwin fiano-wm aoectacular views, ocean, Sat. 8-4. 3375 Salt Lake uivd needs unaer i gigantic roon COMIC Cards Sportscards 1-879-7927 apply to purchase 946-6500 the tar-end ol a cul-de-sac. A good buy it you're looking for mtn or both.
Next to Power 550-lncomelnvestProp. pvt. collection, 50 s- BoogieSellRent. Waikiki 419 Nahua St. Planet Surt 926-2060 we II love your pet tor less Center Sam's Clubl Crystal BLACK upright Piano, Young 90 all $15U0.
1-242 2iWl privacy, uail uaiiman T.nn. nu PUBLIC NOTICE CHEVY, DODGE, FORD, GEO. HONDA, ISUZU, Acohido (H.UHI) 34-IZHO HOUSTON. TEXAS 743-GardenPlant Chang, wbencn, mos. ora, (H) MLWWie KAYAK -19' SEA-SKI FIRST ANNUAL HAWAII Pacif- 84 SSScal.
1 owner, 74K mi. (H), Laura Y. Lam (RA) 4384 Maiaai (across from Costco) PH: 422-5763 Shopping center $3,800,000 $2100 negotiapie. wr-rioo ir National ExDO. Mav 13-10, WPADDLE $300.
PH: 948-0558 732-1108 (H), S42VU1 (U) $447,338 annual net income ANTHURIUM PLANTS, bloom BOSS NS50 Noise Suppressor loaded, excl. cond Will aell below low book $9450. Ron, wkday 3962220eve 951-0037 FORT WORTH. TEXAS Presale autograph tickets 3 day pasa now on sale at The ing, $10each. 30 available.
9 a.m.-6 p.m., 7 days a week ZUMA 2 MAN KAYAK Shoppng center $800,000 reg $260 this week ust aa call Rob Easy Music Center Yr. 4O0-3U. rjreatest Momeni oai-iuro Werner paddles access. SAVIO REALTY, LTD. annual nei income PRIVATE Obedience Training, 85 318i sunroof, tinted windows, 593-OWW like new, $1075.
235-3094 MILILAfil A Development of Castlt Csokc Hornet Hawaii 626-1133 Indonesian and Southeast EEP, MERCURY, NISSAN, new tires. Call 422-7135 Puppies Adults. Hesuits. Guar no abusel $125 696-4357 Al Martin (R) 487-7720 AL MARTIN ASSOC. 3 MEN CANOE $1400BEST Asian Artifacts, jewerty cof 746-Jewelrv Oothlna lertnrs Textiles.
732 2409 1-weil a uuuuinj lectors Textiles. 732 2409 504-WAIKIKI 2) CASHI CASH! CASHI FOR YOUR PIANOI CALL 946-0728 OFFER. GOOD CUNU. MUSI SS 32S 4-dr, eulo, sunroof, PLYMOUTH, OLDS, PONTIAC, SUBARU, SELL PH: 737-9434 A ROLEX mens prea. diamond NOLAN RYAN PRIVATE SIGN AAA location auiet-nice 11 sacriticel (CCG-559) $5695.
Ptlueger Car Truck 676-2220 I 1 502-MOANALUA1 CONGRATULATIONS to JON Industrial dial, like new, in cox moou ING DEADLINE MAY 15. 1HE MUST sell sioj.uuu terms TOYOTA, VOLKSWAGEN Others avail. 5262243 dlr SWOISH Epiphone uuitar Greatest Moment 591 107b (L). Hawn. Prop.
9553341 85 325a great cond, new Give-Awav Winner. COCO' BMX3 FEE SIMPLE MCCULLY, FEE split level, spacious 22. Suoer location. $200,000 A ROLEX Watches NewUsed tires, low mnage. spu, Dlscw Bav 1919 Best Bi NU I UHUVt MUWU 20-W7 2560 sq.
ft. lot $419,000 $6900. 391-1H4Z Big savtnqsl Many cnoiceat 250 TO CHOOSE ALL MUST GO TODAY! comer ii ocn view Bkieslar Hawaii Rlty 395-5000 BUY SELLI 732-3808 dlr Leorge at mssoc. i i 6-3341 DEAN GUITAR WCASE, 86 628E 55K mi. Beautiful in Hawaiian Properties 955-: 731-Computers ADOBE Illustrator 5 0 in FEE SIMPLE.
Kalihi. IMX land, out, well fully eqpt Caret Scale $300. 2 flex shalts GOOD COND, $400. 737-9015 Inn on the Park BEST BUY 502-PEARL CITY (12) 7000 to 30,000 St. wwnse.
all options. $7800 395-3135 'la 150ea. Jewelers bencn 2uu. choice ocn view studio UK original sealed package $250. Leonardo Co.
735-1 its Torch $300 OBO 422 3025 DRUMMER NEEDED FOR P7T BARGAIN o) the year. Waiau (L). Hawn. Prop. 955-3341 car sales Kn: tf4o-34bj IV msg.
COUNTRY-ROCK BANO '86 325ES $7500 737-5461, 538-3632 days. KAKAAKO Prime 6000 St zone Cultured Pearl Necklace from 91 Wt. 12U.UUU (y Jonn nig Liliuokalani Gdna Studio, hi ft. AMIGA 500 IBM comp wcolor CALL RUSS 539-6258 MUZ-R. $875,000 mis 62811 Japan, 18 never used, oost gins Heal estate 023-003 836-1707 lowest pnee.
Owner tllM.OUU Mon. HQ many oamea. Lirapn- Mel Lum Realty 734-7088 EPIPHONE Sheraton a wNew '86 528a 5 spd, maroon, leath bdu, sen iyu. dwi-uskj ic S7W $400ofr Gino 623-1181 (L) 735-93Z3: Vdoeor Gibson '57 PAF Pickups er sunroof, turv loaoeo, KALIHI IMX-1 Fee simple 2662 Custom made wedding gown NEW LISTING! Immaculate, AST 386 SX25 color laptop. Hardcase $500.
Carl 943 21 17 excl cond $7600ofr. 261-4833 UNITED TRUCK SALES now Bicycle Sales and Services Boat Sales and Services st lot wolder nouse, gooa unused $350; used prom 660 4mb60mb, 2400 BPS modem. 87 3251 conv't. 43.000 mi dress $75; all sz 7s. 020-0001 stays open till 9 pm.
6 rates a week until 6 Dm on Sun for small warenouse. Rose Galanto (RA) 834-5446. EXPERT PIANO MOVING Prntinn-Rhinoino Storaoe cool, FEE SIMPLE studio complete with marvelous furniture! $155,0001 MLS 63371 Richard $1200 499-3012 excl. cond. (FNT338) $14,995 DIAMOND hnos.
papers, thick Granventure Really 845-5918 days. We buy late model used BUY SELL (124 C) Delivery 833 1857 PFLUEGER CARS 599-2612 504 Condos. Apts. For Sale iwiiihwi mmi Cooper (RA) 4ZZ 1ZZ3 gold Dana, .91 a. a ci.
cars. rn. Used Computer Equipment KALIHI 3 Lge. lots IMX-1 (FS) EHA (JUNUtf IS WSI ttJI 88 325, 2 57K 5 Situ- FENDER Custom Shop Strats eacn. must oen.
owo-w Computer buppiy a Hepair 39,092 st. Asking 670 Pools Spas 680 Sporting Goods 685 Water Sports 690 Yacht Sales and Services Prepayment required NO qualifyingwill carry AS for DIAMOND wedding ring now available tasy music Center the only Fender Bronze, laHtAI UUNU. 668-6379 1302 Pall Hwy. Q30-UU33 Mel Lum Heaity rj4-uqq ACURA a aDoraisa at 11. uuu COMPAQ LTE Lite 386 80MB Diamond Dealer in Hawaii 2b yrs.
ueautitut ii, spacious, encl. lanai, high ocean LIHUE (FS) industrial lots for SB 32SI CONVERTIBLE Must sell $6500000. 263-3793 504-AIEA 12 593-0999 AAAAAAA We pay the moat hard-drive, 8MB ram, $12UW mtn. view, waikiki lownnousa SPD, AIR, LEATHER, Slb.UU. sale: 13.D23, ib.ujo, lo.iev a 54.682 sf.
Karen Taniyama (R) Manufacturer buying Gold obo. 674-1802 after 6PM. tor any model Acura. FENDER Stralocaster, Amer $159,900 20 dn. 924-7512 Ph.
947-7474. 533-319 Breezy 1 bdrm wocean view. same dav casn a3 Oliver, uiamonos, riannum, al 622 5991 Solos Heaity Uorp FOR SALE: 300 SF OF RAISED VAr-MA ok. ree PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 '88 628E euto, sunrf, low mi, standard wcase, excl cond. $600.
923-5096, 578-9745 pgr. so Jewelry. PHILIP 924-92 COMPUTER FLOOHINO, CENTURY 21 LEWIS 233-7000 must see ERV6B2 $12,995 PRIME NIMIT2 FRONTAGE REDUCED REDUCED 655-Blcydes-SalesServlce $400OBO. 524-0606 DON LEGEND LS 4 DR. EXCL.
REDUCED Waipuna 3702 469 Ena Road PFLUEGER HONDA 528-7200 HANDCRAFTED TANTALUS COLONNADE 322 prkg, WD, CONDLOADEDMUSt SELL. IBM compel 286 w4 megs, Bamboo Flutes (5) luu. 3201 N. NimitZ $299,000 (L 3075 Nimitz $399,999 (L 1 75S-Machlnery Eqpt. Buy, Sell, Repair Used Bikes '88 52Be LOADED, low mi, $7600OBO.
455-811 monochrome-uua-wina-mse, Call Anytime 836-6358 $219,500. Courtesy. 486-3176 us new Havana. clean (HSP673 first $10,595 40 meg HO $395, 373-1 702 3085N.NimiU $399,999 (L) The heira have greatly re New location: 512 Atkinson. AC Generator, KAM AG 14.
50 88 Legend 4 dr, very low mi, WAIALAE SUBARU 733-7500 HOT LICKS of Peed City open CORNER. Penthouse 1 bdrm. KW 3 PH. 30KW single PH, eoot wal ooiions Kiel iinr University Cyclery. 944-9884.
Seller says sell! Spacious 32 PH. Ocean DH views, Ige. lanai, ac units, extras. Steps away from planned convention IBM PC wpnnter, good 1st Sundays 1Z-4pm wMay ueze duced these Drooerties to en 701 AirlineTravel 703 Antiques Art 705 Appliances 722 Auctions 724 Baby Items 726 Building Supplies 728 CB RadiosAccs. 729 Collectibles 731 Computers 732 Craft Fairs 734 Electronic Equipment 736 Furniture 741 Garaged Lanai 743 GardenPlants 746 JewelryClothing 755 Machinery and Equipment 760 Miscellaneous Items 761 Miscellaneous Items Wanted 763 Musical Instruments 771 Photography Services and Supplies 774 Restaurant and Bar Supplies 782 Sewing Needs 786 Stamps Coins 790 StoreOffice Equipment Pre-payment required low hrs.
$3500OBO. 456-4550 in the Highlander witn sweeping views. $145,000 (L) Fee 98 628E, 60K, blue, leather phone. $11,900 247-4922 ext in-store speciaisi iao-i uuu computer or tor sm dus 2ou; snrf, excl (CWB591) specially nriced rmlv 10.988 courage QUICK bALt. All FUJI ACE race bike, rode 2x's, 420 meg nu mco.
orr-oour available. MLS b3b33. AAAA WE PAY CASH FOR IBANEZ Georoe Benson $975. Dia-components, apeciaiized I eves iijo-ojor. PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 center.
Musi see to pewve. $790 000. (FS) Newtown Really, 4B7-72H helmet. $500tirm. 2B8 81U4 IBM 386 compatible wcolor Msrtin Uke8: barnone 9oou, properties go inrougn to ruw-paka St.
include warehouses, car lots, retail, mini-hotel, offices etc. 88 S28EA 23,000 abso ALL TYPES OF EUrl. TRUCKS. 833-2280 dlr Trinity Propertiea Ltd. 596-0889 Tenor $675.
621 5118 monitor a printer, immac. FUJIYAMA BEACH CRUISER. '89 Integra LS 5 spd, loaded. Blk. amfm cass, rimsalarm, lutely mint! Bronzitblk leather.
$6607ofr. 677-6607 504-ALA MOANA- like new. 1 month era l2a. AIR COMPRESSOR, 10 hp, $14,000. 524-2731, 926X3443 PEARL 5 pc $750.
Zildju 411 Kaiolu St Conveyed as-13 conamon $850uotx Brian ii-oft ni onerated. wair noses 8am-5pm. 924-7777 Rvmho S15U. nmDa es IBM386SX COMP170HDlape KAKAAKO-KEWALO '80 73511 greygrey, like new, $800 Call alter 6pm 988-4743 congas $350ea. Ph: 942)308 'IS INTEGRA RS.
5 ac, Great secured bkjg. Walk to shops, bus theaters. Good Mtn Bikes: Diamond Back As bkupmonitorsurge prolecls warelike new $850. 261 3676 KAAW nu, tic mm Candy Meunier (ha) 262 0690 Nationwide Rlty 698-2151 AMFM PS, PB, new ILIKAI 1411. Clean 1 bdrm, BOBCAT 7438.
EXCL. COND. PEAVEY 5150 GUITAR AMPLI 23-5ar rental or 2nd vacation home. cent 2T; Specialized stump-1 jumper 20' $250 ea 262-7751 tires. $6700otr.
239-7179 turn, mtn view (FS) LOW HRS, WrLL MAIN FIER, STILL IN BOX, WAH I Inventory Reduction Sale Price is Right. Lola Gebauer (R) 8S M3, RedBlack, loaded excl. cond. Must sell, EmpresB Heaity 523-3o TAINED. $9000.
239-8458 RANTY. $800. 1-327-9304 tvervtnina must aoi 34-4DU uotman ssuc. Road Bike: TREK 1500, 58 522-7100 $96,000 Computer Supply Repair centimeter, upgraded, like BPI SS836. Reach lorklitt, offer.
262-8744 RECORDING studio, lull range One Waterfront 1302 Pall Hwy 53tHJUJ3 '89 Legend 4 dr LS, top of the line, eqpt wall options incl Ithr a sunrf, great carprice (ENT272) onfy $12,988 PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 new. $500 Z62 7751 36 x22 4 ton, exci low nra. ot eqpt. uomtortauie worn area. Demo to CD quality 89 325 Conv't 2 to choose wht or silver (P43940) 591 -2223 $48,760.
Ph: 732-7922 MAC MOUSE CLUB Macintosh Furnished 22 comes w2 prkg. 92 FUJI SAGRES 21" 18 505-Real Estate Loans packages. Competitive rales. EUROPEAN MOTOR SAI excl cond, ridden unaer ou Culec Cpnirp Rpnain! 971-8294 CARGO CONTAINERS. 20' Breathtaking oceanmountain OtO-OOOO NEW) rnuu.
miles. $199. Ph: 3MB-1U4 'SO INTEGRA GS 3 drs, auto, 4U ory a lemyoiaiau. views MLS64262 $800,000 (L), AAA BUYDOWN 2 NOTE OKIDATA OL400 LASER VIOLIN VIOLIN WANTEDI 841-5555 sunrf, spoiler, ABS, loaded 7rrcLrtpccx RATE AT NO COST TO YOUI PRINTER. 2.5 MB RAM.
SbOO KEH7SWEIL 250 KEYBOAHL) SlO.OOOofter. 48t61u3 69 32518 2 dr. lully eqpt wall options incl custom phone A alarm system, excl (CYW692) save, only $15,988 PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 CAT B77L '80 4 in 1 low hr ABC MOHTGAGfc 660-Boats Sales Service OBO, 4ZZ-3QU AUbH OfM. $2000. PIANO $500.
941-54 CAT D-6C wnpper, Ford nat P- HASEKO -l REALTY, INC HASEKO 523-1864 GOOD PEOPLE with bad 90 INTEGRA 2 dr, 5 spd. AC, cass, 5 spkrs, excellent, red, Powerbook 100. lots of soft Yamaha Clavinova 70 key AAAA IS! AND YACHT SALES r.redit at aood rates. CaH dump diesel 68, Champ 3U lift diesel '83. Make offer.
alarm. auu. rjsous. ware, 2 mg ram, new 20 meg excl. $650.
293-0044 elec. piano. 3 yrs. Good cond. $900.
539-3502; 946-5518 eve Western Mortgage 593-9022 21' Whaler 2l15a 7D1-AjniDeiravei 89 5351 bronzit, Ithr, 40K mi (P437) $22,995 591 2223 Bob EauiDment 4 CALL 941-8339 847-2602, eve 261 3214 NEED CASH? We buy mort OPEN 2-5 dailv. One Water- EUROPEAN MOTOR SALES 486 DX33, 345 MEG HD, COL Yamaha high quality keyboard 90 Integra 2 dr GS, eqpt wall options incl Ithr int (NAOMIS) looks runs. excl. onlv $9988 A A A A A A BULLETINBOARD Achilles 12' inflstable. 25 hp, gages AS.
CaH investors front 1401 Makai 2 oorm OR. $1325. 386 WPHINIhH. CLARK 8 ton forklilt, 8' length wsustain peaai, mo ota, turn $695,000 owner 593001 '90 325 $18995 mty186 Shelly Nissan l-unaing iorp. ooo-oica.
COLOR VGA, $675. 531-3015 box, manual. $490. 689-3430 forks, good cond. B33-0007 1 trailer, depth tinder, many ex-traa.
$2500 Lv msg. 677 9952 NEED TICKETSAWARU5 RUYERS WArTING 922 7888 PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 73-54JB ror more imo. Nimitz B30-U400 AUTO PILOT FOR SAILBOAT Private Party To Private Party 504-DIAMOND HEAD 2 90 LEGEND 4 dr. sedan, excl, cond (FCV2901 $12,999 Contractors Close Out! Elec, 54 40th anniversary FENDER Strat just arrived! $1849 See Ron Easy Music Center 605 Livestock Services and Supplies 610 Pets for Sale 611 Pet Shows 612 -Pet Services and Supplies 615 Poultry Services and Supplies Prepayment required 90 3251 Red Conv't. Black WITH TILLER ARM, $150.
aa aaaaaaaaaaaaa TA822 734-EItTOnlc Equipment rjimnlrv ft niumo a. HanaKwr leather. Loadedl Like new. Schuman Carriage 832-7547 LOR AN $100. 261-3648 093-uaaa tools.
Bargain prices jro-or Colony Surt studio(L) $275,000 San Souci 1 bdrm Must sell. $17,900. 923-5801 LAX from $99SFO BW Matnx 3 tower spkrs, like BOAT SUP 34', Makani Kai NO TAXES NO W2s NO 1099 Self employed OK We base income on 12 Months bank statements Fixed rates adjustables Mortoaaes available 91 Integra LS 2 dr, auto, air, stereo cass. Bunrf. Pwr pko A KAWASAKI MULE.
Ultimate BUDGET HOLIDAYS 942 2171 '90 3251 whtgray leather, only Marina Kaneohe, i95mo. new, cost $2400 sell $1350 3pc Salllt 8pkr $325 537-1680 utility vehicle for Tun Mainte San bouci studio (L Castle Surt 32(L-F A) $675,000 Tahitienne 11 (FS) $465,000 2, uuu mi immac cona loaaeo Call Neil 261-1530 more, excl inout (EES349) 771-Photographic AAA Mainland farea as low as pn. jy-aDi nnced to sell BETA VCH 2 A $45 $75. nance, inousinei a oov 1. Huge Demo Sale Now.
Prices $269. Restrictions sppiy. 1A- wppnes PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 '91 318 conv $18,995 Lynn aiib (hj t2 Ainalani Properties 593-1800 664 Tanega Travel 487-hubb. CAPTAINS COURSE START II INF trom vtyyo a up. EA.
VHS VCH $1UU. PH: 488-4801 (ECZ 103) Shelly Nis Pacitic Kawasaki 831 2010 CASH PAID for old or new BARGAIN TICKETS: 605-Uvestodc Service san 1 1 YOU TELL US WHAT 91 Integra 2 dr GS, eqpt wall options incl ASS brakes, sunrf. stereo cass, air, must Camcorder JVC GR S21 S- cameras! Nikon, Leica, uanon, ON OAHU: 966C Loader $40K; all cussroom instruction rt West Coast from $289 504-HAWAII (BIG ISLAND '92 3251: While. 5 leather, Supplies VHS C. Like new, cost $iouu, etc.
7am 9pm. 732-1 b4t air. Midwest $563 E. Coast $589 ea (dsd3341 excl $12,988 AMFM sunroot, low YOU MAKE, WE'LL BELIEVE YOU selling $IOOOobo. 737-4324 KONA COFFEE 82K.
Fee ALSO FCC EXAMINAIIUNS Discount For Early Registration Restrictions aoDlv-TA-16 PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 clean, $22.500. 523-5005 GAMEco*ckS FOR SALE. CALL 950 Loader $25K; 3 Dozer $20K; 988A Loader $20K; 18 Ion Crane $40K; 14 ton Grove Crane $22K; 215 CAT Excavator S25K. Or best ofrs ocean view, 2 bdrm. Dam MACKIE MIXER (1202) 4 MIC First Hawaiian Travel 524-3525 774-RestaurantBar Supplies 985 so.
it. Steal this deal. JOHN 239-7617, EVENINGS FINANCIAL MD ASSOCIATES INPUTS. UNUbtU, tliu. IIH 92 5251 touring wgn, 8000 mi, like new (MZB405 $28,995 91 LEGEND LS, 1 owner.
20K mi. Gold Immac. $21 ,400000. Burton Shimoda (H) 732-2035 ONE wayRT LA BOX. $225.
Ph: 235 8848 Thoroughbred Appaloosa 1-874 2598. Mon-Fh, 5pm AAA 6' Refng. deli cases, divid LUXURY MOTORS 526-2868 MIS 58257. PACIFIC MARITIME ACADEMY 537-5715 261-3268, S5661U8 tv msg, San Francisco si r'2tB. Portland Seattle MOTOROLA Mostar $300; er rounder, wbik in reiers a Roofing Eguipment; 2 each- 'S3 3251 white.
4 dr auto, 5K ml Gilding 8 yrs oio, piayeo polo tor 4 yrs. $2800. 247 7736 Call The Doc Interest rates range between 4.126 to 8.99 523-1745; 596-7995 MTX 810 portable a charger trmzers. bakerv refho display 91 NSX blackcream, 15.000 Us Vegas $245 847-6531 BUDGET (EZS096) $28,995 591-2223 ketlles, D2 oieanieia wjuwy- $500DOin. 247-BP77 cases, grill w2 burners, 4 5 $363.
Phoenix REALTY mi. Spectacular ItttMtw) LUXURY MOTORS 526-2868 or. best oner, twi-uyor EUROPEAN MOTOR SALES dr glass freezers much Houston New York Pinball machine, arcade size HIQQINS Yacht Brokerage Semi Tractor Trailers (3), '81 more eqpt. 84H1818 dlr S3 32SI white. 5 sod.
5K mi. 610-Pets for Sale $250. Car phone wcase, oai- Private investor funds avail, for Hong Kong $358 $572, Bangkok '92 Integra 2 dr, only 10,000 35 Alberg $lUk Detow manxet, 504-HAWAII KAI-PORTLOCK 3 BAR STOOLS CHROME tery a charger 5 4000 gal. mi water irucx, 225 Cat Excavator. 668-1745 6 mos old.
alarm, CD, EXCL COND. 533-3586 mortgage loans, orunewaid $2Hk, lots or eqpi. twr-urr. AAA So cute. TOY ailver-oeiae DARK GREEN VINYL TOP.
tquny runaing. i-ggp-gjrr nu, air, srereo case a niuia, (ESC271) like new, save lots, nnh $17 988 SONV Pro Loda. amp $350. HONDA BOAT MOTOR SALE Fares subiect to cnange, can for other low fares. Pacitic Ocean Travel (TA1092) FABULOUS MAUNA LUAN FEMALE POODLE PUr otU $100EA.
622 2011 Pioneer laser karaoke player SURPLUS Prices slashed! 254-1329 1 st time home buyers 3 down, 97 loan. Call now! PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 BUICK 6D-EAST $365,000 (FS) Hiahlv Uoaraded. Wow Ame CLD-V121U J5U. Sandy Brodie'a 671-2691 522-0990 ill N. King ww Digital Bench SCALES $795.
I In tn .100 lbs. Leoal for trade. ADORABLE HAND FED BABY Peter tractor. Tandem axle. City Mortgage 947-9414 nities.
Laura Brenda Nobles Tumteblei. Pioneer. DJ type. "1 OUTBOARDS 150hp; 100hp; 79 CENTURY 4 RUNS PARROTS; Scarlet Macaws, YOUNG SCALE CO 732-0788 (R) 395-6868 Mitsui Real Es $2ooobo; sansui $100000 very clean. 70hp: 2 ea.
65np; enp; lonp. co*ckatoos. Sun Conures, GREAT, ASKING $500. PH. 486-1897 '93 Integra LS 4 dr, only 1 1 500 nu, perfect inout, eqpt wauto plus all options (FNH965) priced lo sell PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 tate sales nawaii liu.
FREEZE MACHINE. Shakes, W'exira neeuies. oca-iuio 86 toco flatbed. 14,800 GVW 236-0071. B40-O3JU Q'g pgr.
others. 2598766; 259 8988 Msrgarrta's, Slushes. 5 Gal Owner-comotetelv remodeled. 86 Astro van. New trans 12' LIVINGSTON, CENTER $95 19" Color TV $95 506-Real Estate to Exchange AFRICAN GREY PARROT, AAALOHA ANTIQUE New Sale uapacny.
aouu. oj-iih CONSOLE 99 HP TOHAtSU. 'S3 REGAL V6, GRAND NAT RIMS. GOOD BODYTIRES, $1600. JEFF 487-8854 In daily use.
In-house mechanic HANOFED, 4 MONTHS OLD, Better Home Appis, uism 222 eno unit, uniy 2 conaoa per floor. Ocean views. Fee. $425,000. Courtesy.
395-2418 '03 Interna 2 dr GS. too of HOBART mixer. 60 qt $1500. B21-4SM3 park lot open across 2 snops 930 Maunakea Open Sundays $800. 1-329-004 tvta.
Bjj-asaa KOHALA RANCH, new, toe. line wall options, only 10.000 phase, wall attachments 27" Panasonic TV, remote, 2 1' aympic Bownder 135 HP AKC affectionate black TOY ocn view, 3-1- incl. guest $3760. 599-5252, 5950085 AM Antiques 21 Malunki-KaF WALOEN FRONT LOADER ml. looksanves (FRW5R5) save '83 RIVIERA conv't whitered interior, auto, AC, 54K ong mi.
$5800OBO, 988 9376 mere, nsn, aive, sm. gamueu. yrs $395. bony fro Logic recr cottage. Tradesell, all or pan.
504-KAILUA (4) iua. Buysell Hawnturopearv POODLE, female, 3 yrs. old, all shots. $375. Ph.
261-5694. BACK HOE, GOOD COND, lea machine 600 lbs, 30 60 excl cond, $8900. 33-1M Infinity spkrs nuu PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 By owner, shi oji-hoi Onentai-new snop flji-ww $6000OBO. ZS9-H24U mixer, sinks, grease trap, 19' Alii Kai, like new, 125 hp. Leese Option avail: 5 down.
AKC Bichon, male, 7 wks. first '93 Integra 4 dr LS, low COLLECTOR prints 2 framed WEAVER 7000LB AUTO LIFT. '85 REGAL Somerset. 6 cyl. Cold AC, no rustdents.
De-pendabte $1800 835-4240 ens, hood fan, chill trz, walk-in, giss refng, showes, more. many extras. Heady to tisn. shots, lurry little clown, mon 736-Furnlture IH Farnsworth, cerlilieo, 2uu 21 .5, super upgrades, cov prkg. 261 4677.
625A945 shedding. Stop. 531 oioo 7 5 INGERSOLL HANU, SHUr AIR COMPRESSOR. 621-4595 Kgr 54tf-ap4j, ear-i ipr on i.OBO 625-1018 520-Real Estate Announcements wauto, pwr pkg, stereo cass, air more, looksdrives new (FNH965) save thousands PFLUEGER ACURA 942-4555 nurriwri e. unic, hvo.
1 aah tnrnf.i 19 AVON. Inflatable wlrailer. AKC Dalmatians (5), 8 wks old, COLLECTOR print Charles AA COW IV a WDU0DU, wily 10" DELTA TABLE SAW, '86 PARK AVE. 2 dr sdn. V6, exd.
cond. (CEV653) $3775 Schumen Carnage 832 7547 good cond, 55 HP tvin, must Refrtgerators. delia, ice cream freezers, sandwich refrig, con chamn me uambire Dreseni, Frace, cert. 36x48. Framed neO JiJOUODO.
tail JDU( I. 6 MONTHS OLU. 5UU. sell looa 900-0Q3U 504-KAPIOLANI 2 Shots $500 to $700 621-9598 vection ovens. '93 Leaend 4 dr.
only 8500 Act Now! Free Advice! Save Riiv Sell. Trade Real Estate JDUVUUL. OO-IUIO. PH. 488-U91U 20' GLASPLY.
bridge, cuddy, AA We buvsell used beds AKC GOLDEN RETRIEVE lalenl Crt Plaza remodeled 32. fully eqpt wall options, looks drives new ext021 save 1000s ERTE Suite, Aphrodite A Investment Consultant 537-9678 '76 977L $8000. 2 Shop 3 compartment sink, Hobart disposalstootscorian coun- '97 LeSabre 2 dr. ltd wsport fully loaded. $3500 obo.
735-0008. 263-3929 custom trailer, Volvo aiesei, dressers, bookcases, etc. PUPS, shotswormed. Heady new appls, corner Venus, exd. museum 235-8056 Paradise Furniture PFLUEGER ACUHA 942-4555 517.
621-2401 compressors $1150ea. hydraulic boom truck. 7 tertops. 261-6183, 547-1448 IO. outriggers, swim step, turnkey deal updwn controls, (FS) DM Prop.
941-5546 framed. Valued at $21,000, ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY OR VETERAN. Buy a home in Ha ALL Beautiful new rattan-sofa AKC ITALIAN GREYHOUND, will take best ofr. David or Ten earjacitv $11,000. (2) 35' Hat extraa.
i2.ouu. jo-row Leilani, (FS) Remod $295. 5 no. Hv. rm.
set 1-800-735-9380 yrs, female, an snots, very waii wno dn. pymt. using VA financing. Luko Rlty 487-7966 20' No Ka Oi Cuddy Fish Mach beds, $1850ea. Misc diesel engines, Fuller trans A truck eled 32, 2 new $450,000.
596-2180, rattan dining set $495. Cush cute! $400. 839-9141 loaded, trtr 100 hrs lonp uia KOA 1940'8, unique carving. ions a covers ioo pit. pans, rjpi-ojr oayyeves AKC Pomeranian: males, 1 blk WBrr.
Secrtt. Otter. w5oau AGENTS needed. Excellent training mgmt. Thomas Won 6pc hving rm set, beautifully restored $4850.
Finance avail. Bar stools swivel arm 1 75ea 1 red sable, 7 wks, snots '7S-'84 kill ladder bucket 22' FORCE 200hp Volvo diesel, twin bed wdrawers $2uU. THE LrTTLE ADS IN CLASSIFIED DO A BIG JOB- wormed. $700 ea. Z4-0J02 Boss' on Nimitz Hwy 841-7336 trucka wsve.
body, gas (H) 93-6BUU tH MU IO. low hrs. New alum, i raiier. Desk wd stain $75. 456 5268 diesel, 28'.
From AKC Rottweiler Pups. kje. Ger AGENTS WANTED Free shipping 1-329-1938 $3200. 833 2280 BEDFull Size, Simmons MaxF man lines, exel guardtemper T. FUJII JAPANESE ANTIQUES Spring Selection Just Arrived! Tansu, Screen, Ranma, Bronze AIEA REALTY INC.
487-7977 24' niaacitv with trailer. Good DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY. pedic Regency wFrame, New ament. $750. 625-133B 79 TOYOTA Forklilt, hard cond, as iswnere is or CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING more.
Kikihana bguare. tires, 1' ton capacity $5300. AGENTS WANTED. Licensed AKC Rottweiler puppies. $600.
otter Ph. 373-4349 Linens. aoa. BEDS BEOS BEDS Tues Sal. 10 Pn.
732 nou Ph B42-1HUU BOO experience, or new. Will train. Will take airtair on price 521-9111 24' Yellow Fin. Cummins, low MSK ASSOC. IOC.
SSHIM Available Now at Shelly 1 322839; 1-324 0018. '19 PETE dump wpop, WylanoVTabora ltd litho "Whale Sinoles. Doubles. Queens. Kings cust.
trailer, recorder, rummtnn. 16 and. 46 rears. Waters signea a numoerea, AKC ROTTWEILER PUPS (5), GPS. Many extraa.
i-ohjd I land frames trom $19.95 $68,500. R4L Eqpt 1 935-4833 dlx frame. $1650. 422-7893 6 drwr dressers wmirror ..41 25 26' Glaaaoty 220 BMW LGE, EXCL GUAHDI EMrbH-MENT. 623-8647 an FCian 1 TON DUMP.
DIE 2 drawer mte stands Trailer Ph. 623-3979 SEL AUTO, CLEAN. MUST Round tables w2 chairs AKC SHELTIE Male. 8 wks old, 705-Appllances I ml tea Cottee tbl $19 50 SFLL. 833 2280 Parenta a uranoparenis New 4 draw chest (wood) 1 79 27 B.
Liner, new 50 hrs Luxury cruiser, loaded, pd $40K will Champions S5U aj-nmr. A.1 APPLIANCE BETTER HOME APPLIANUF3 AKC Wire Fox Terrier pups. Rnfrinft t1R9. ranaes 1179. aacrit $Z8K.
Todd vuu oosu '91 F350 diesel. 5 spd. dually, 12' flatbed whydraulic gate $14,600. Scott or Ernest 682 2466, 623 3180 3470 Waialee Ave. 737-3055 adorable (2 temaie a dryers $149, ACs $239.
new AIM! IK1 HAHLiAIN MUUbt 2V 1989 Baykner Ciers 460 King Cobra. Must seU. Best male), sauu ea. aoi-ooi i washers v5y, aisnwasnera, nan rannea. freezers, etc.
1127 11th Ave. 732-2606 BEDS: On wslerbd wlinens oner. 73uii AMAZONS Proven pen $1200. FrlOTtiM-Proven breeders A RND 2f30N King 842-1996 760-Miscellaneous ItcTrB $3007obo. Twm pine rrame wr PARTY HUT Pontoon Boat, aundeck.
110 hp. trailer. young pet $800up 1-966-6966 AAAA ROSS' AAAA mattress l25ooo. eoo-wu $15Kobo 247-4675. 228-4384 AAA Bargain wall coverings for AUSTRALIAN PUPPIES BEDS: queen $100.
hilt $75; Hawas largest showroom ol appliances from $99. Guaran Automatic 2 x9' FIBERGLASS RADON twm SCO. wew ceos simmia 4 rms. iyD; iwin ration hdbds $45 ee. Ph.
tee, delivery, finance, pq wo.xj Power Steerina Direct from Hawaii's only at $99 ea. pc 521-7099 air. commercial fish or dive boat. AMFM Cassette BARGAIN PRICES BED $50. EXEC.
DESK $350. BEDS used sets DBL $50 $100 STK 50001 Home Buyers Educational Seminar Join us and we'll show you how to: Enter Hawaii's Real Estate Market Own instead of renting Take advantage of LOW LOW interest rates Buy with Httte or NO money down Buy with poor credit Presented by Peter Savio Tuesday, 53 pm-Waipahu High Wednesday 54 pm-Stevenson Intermediate Thursday 55 pm-Kailua High Reserve your space by calling HALE K0A Twin 200 hp Volvo IO diesel engs. low fuU electronics, depth recorder, Ige. fish hold, APPI lANCFS LIKE NEW 2.4 Liter 155 Horsepower COUCH $150. 591-B8U8 OT dig.
pgr. 525-9404 QUt. EN tiuo lo iou; KING $80 10 $150 $55,000. Kona 1-321525 McCallistet Beds 841-4251 USED PORTABLE REFRIG $79 DRYERS From $148 APT 30- RANGES From $195 Where You Get The Best Of Us! BOWIE Fiberglass pickup slot Australian importer. Pekingese (21 Pomeranian (2) Toy Poodle (1) Chihuahua-long hair (2) Call 734-8229, dir.
S7- TOl LYCRAFT Soortfisher. Computer deskpnnter stand age box. Kids wt-velte bed $200 261-9650 twin diesel, low hrs. $85,000 A $150. Entertainmt utr 2.
1(1 offer 847-6782, BJ6-0U3 File cabinet 95B3'2 WASHERS From $150 API SI7E REFfiIGS From $148 STACK WASHERDRYER $349 AIR CONDITIONERS Cheap! CHINESE Ige 4 panel screen 40' Snort Fishma Yecht, spe- Olntna set $500; Teak bkese hand painted crane oesrgn, black. $400 625-1018 cial terms avail. S119K Call BABV PARROTS Eclectus xirxj: srereo caomw BETTER HOME APPLIANCES Terry tor details 6962022 $795; Moluccan $1200; Alex tan coffee Ible $35 395-6530 3470 Waialee Ave. 737-3U55 CLOSEOUT SALE: showcas andrine $375. 3SS-JJ 41' LOA fiberalaas motor FUTON BedCouch, eobd oak.
yecht. Mainland range Our Boston Terrier duds (3) AKC es, bar stools, display cases, book shelving 25 50 Oft inventory 2347 King St dir. rarely used, kke new. ja. Frigice mkr $300.
4 burner gas range $150. Micro $50 SS dbl sinkfaucet $50. 988 2590 nKjifHQ i NISSAN loss, your gam. Was $89,500. $700 ea.
New Zealand Champ Ph: 922-6173 or 922-4347. Now B456U15 Nne 672 6776, 288776 pgr Everything must go! bdrm. KOA; '50s 6 pc Irving rm set HOTPOINT Heavy Duty WD (AnIO REALTY. LJD. CT 38 PRE TINE CONO.
MUST SELL. $2500. 40s Koa Desk CFA Japanese bobtail kittens, chamotonshiD bloodlines, set Great cond -wu'uuu. bookcases, oesn, siereos, tv cameras, misc. 942-8767 396-9999 486-5555 matching dresser.
946 0558 1 set too many. 64-1054 671-4512 942-7701 DAVE 537-4567. how I pet quality 1-322 2644 f-.