The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)

HELP WAN tfcD MALE OR FEMALE 32 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 Tvler C'ourier-Timeft FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1986 5 GARAGE SALE 61 MISCELLANEOUS FORSALE 50 Hand Painted Porcehn Dolls w7 hand made dresses A accessories. Law away nor for Christmas. Mastercard Visa welcome. Call (214)656-2341. AVfNOlfGirS AGE FREE Price Tags-To make your gricina chore a little easier.

Call EN FITZGERALD REALTY. 597-2515 or GAYLE POPE. 561-4616. Holly CoiTnTry Club" FuTl membership at 30 discount. Call 581-8250 houWreTScoal membership 566-9433 evenings.

35 LITTLE FRIENDS DAY CARE (INFANTS-4 YEARS FIRST ASSEMBLY ACADEMY (K-5 THRU 3RD GRADE) 200 BECKHAM ST 592-4453 Mothers of North TylVTord-abie child care by dependable Mom 593-8720 Registered day care with 11 yrs of loving, caring, experience. Convenient to S. Tyler White house. Anytime Mon-Fri. 5814255 CARE FOR ELDERLY 36 Private Duty Nurses.

Medical Team Care Health Services Inc. Croviding tor your needs RN VN HHA's, Live-ins. If you are your loved one needs our services please call 592-9747-24 hr. service. "Taking Time To V-EDUCATIOHAL SCHOOLS 41 TRAINING AirlineTravel Agency Int'l Aviation Travel Arlington.

TX 76006 The Major Travel School in America. Estab. 1971 Call 1-800-492-2160 Approved TEAAccred SACS MUSIC, DANCING, DRAMATICS 42 Experienced Guild Piano Teacher 561-0636 INSTRUCTIONS 44 PIANO LESSONS 1613 Delano, near Troup highway. 597-0797. $7 for 30 minutes.

VMERCHAKDUE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 50 ALL LOANS CASH SID'S PAWN SHOP LOANS-BUY-TRADE 3500 Gladewater Hwy. 593-7979 Angleberrles This That Store. Big Sale New Whirlpool Washer Dryer, Ige. load 1 yr. warranty, $449 for pair.

New 2 3 Pee. Living rm suites, starts at $330. New carpet at low at $1 .99 sq yd, New ft Used appli Art, Nik-naks Hwy. 155 So. 9 ml.

outside of Loop, next door to Juniors Store. 825-7935. Antique Chambers cooking Range Bundy Flute ft music holder, both in fine condition. Call after 1 2 noon 592-4924 Antiques Collectibles. Old Jewel-ry, glassware turn.

Large Silver Tea Service. Thurs. 1312 Old Omen Road. APPLIANCES. New-4 UsetT Hayes Furniture Appliances.

Old Troup 561-3252. ARTS-CRAFTS" Ashbury United Meth. Church, 3201 West Northwest Loop 323. Call 593-3451 between 9-12AM Monday thru Thursday. Friday-Sat.

Oct. 25th, 9 00AM -4PM Limited Space available BELL RENTAL CO. NO CREDIT CHECK TV's start at $4.95 wkly. Rent ap- filies to ownership, all types of urniture available. 203 E.

Elm, Ph: 593-8388. BILL 4 ANN'S GIFT SHOP, Hwy 31 West, oilers new Western Shirts, Belt Buckles. Womens Blouses, glass top tables, nice used Items! BROWrTvTNYLhide-a-bed. $75. 2 chrome mags 15' lug holes.

$50. 2 Camero bucket seats. $20. Dodge 318 transmission. $35.

839-2480. BUYIBQTTTeD WATER? PurV-fv your own with Reverse Osmosis unit. 768-2862 collect. BUYING TOP PRICES paid for U.S. and Foreign coins, stamps.

Tyler Stamp Coin Co. 400 West Rusk. BUY SELL TRADE Pawn Loans up to $300 Shotguns. Rifles, Saddles. Guitars.

Need Color TV. Discount on all Jewelry. Try us before you buy. THE PAWN SHOP 322 W. FRONT 595-1020 CASH EXCHANGE 125NGLENWOOO We make loans on anything of value up to $280.

We buy sell guns, diamonds, gold, stereo equip, tools, etc. CaWfoTrTnythingof VALUE- MUST BE PRICED RIGHT Call Mark, 825-6622. Concrete culverts. 4 ft. dla.

4 ft. long $50. each. 561-2654. Copy machine Saxon yrs old.

Perfect condition. (Got larger machine) $700. 592-4912ask for Mr, or Mrs Trammel CROSS-TIES $6 50 each $5.50 over 100. Delivery available 581-0913 Decorative Sweat Shirts-fBanda-na, Concho, Applique), lay-a-way tor Christmas. 593-7820.

DlvANAND LOVESE AT, $50 both 593-0609. 113EastGold. Electrical PROTECTOR Save on Elec. bill. Call 597-3693 ENCLOSE YOU PATIO or ADD A PATIO, for a new HOT TUB from D-BAR Home Improvement on Hyw 155 2 8 miles from the loop.

561-4514. FOR SALE: ADVANCE-350 HIGH SPEED BUFFER. Used 6 months. Call 839-6423. FOR SALE: BRUNSWICK POOL TABLE.

(214)729-8714. For Sale used carpet from 3 rooms very reasonable Jacobson lawn mower $12 597-4563. Game table w7 bumper pool, 4 -added chairs, excellent condl-ion. $500.00 Call 566-2539 or 592-491 2 ask for Mr or Mrs Trammel Hand Painted Mailboxes. Unique country scenes on each galvanized steel box.

$34 postpaid. With name add $4, Order now lor Christmas. Send check or money order to; C. Geddie, P.O. Box 531 Van, Texas 75790.

SCHOOLS 41 CHILDCARE We need 1 or 2 people who are good with (he public to help us grow Outside sales position with excellent commission schedule plus bonuses. It you think you can handle low pressure sales then we want to talk to you. Apply at 106 Heritage Dr. 6E between 1 ft. 5pm.

SITUATIONS WANTED 34 Affordable housecleaning References available 597-2804 Alpha to Omega degreed accouiv tant 10 yrs. exp. in full charge bookkeeping, looking (or homework. Please call 882-4097 M-F aft. 6 Sat.

Sun. all day AN msTJRNCl experienced Ldy Desires pan time work. 581-7083 Beautiful Football Mums designed Especially for you. Small or Large orders. 581-8956 Christian lady would like toclean your home.

References available. Call 581-3738. Christian woman would like lo clean your home character references available. 566-4502 COME HOME to a Clean Ex dependable, references. Free est.

581-2097 or 561-1010 Energetic, Hardworking" Great housekeeper. Reasonable, References. Call Kathy. 597-5083. "HOU SECLEA nTnG" REASONABLE RATES CALL 595-1693 House Cleaning, put sparkle in your home with a good cleaning.

Ex per, depen rets. 825-2541. II it says "ASSEMBLY REQUIRED" call us We'll put it together. From swings, toys, lawn to porches, decks and storage oiags uait ajy-ioeu I would like to do sittino house work. Please call 593-5646 from 7am through 10pm I would tike to do sitting housework.

Please call 593-5646 from 7am through 10pm Non-Smoking Seamstress. Do personal sewing, mending ironing in our home. Work guaranteed? Call 566-8818, Qualified FC Bookkeeper, Com-puter OperatorProgrammer. 11 yrs. experience.

References. Call Judy 592-2033. CHILD CARE 35 A-Bundant Creative play and pre learning by caregiver specialist. State lie. home.

Full time, days. 597-7670 Active Preschool learning environment, outdoor play 4 good nutrition ere emphasized by Mother of 2 my home. Near Rice Elementary. 581-4422 Ages 18 mb 5 yrs Oft Loop 323 S. on 155 mi $35.

or $60 two. 24 hr. 6 days 561-4402 A Non-Smoker Chrisitan Lady would like to babysit in her home, fenced yard, hot meals, pets toys. For more information Call 566-4564. "A Place for Your Joyce's Nursery.

18 mo's up. Private home, teaching skills, 20 yr exp. State Lie. Dixie. Ramey.

Christian Hertiage school transportation 593-4519 BULLARD-MIXlWHYW. Depend-able mother of two wants two children to keep. 849-7041 CHILDCARE- Day or Night In-fants Drop ins welcome. Before ater school. Orr District.

Bus pickup. 593-2392 DAYS A WEEK. INFANTS-UP. 593-4158 Christian Mom will keep children any age. anytime Transport to ft from Chapel hill Schools ft Jackson Elementary.

Good care, reasonable rates. Call 566-0602 Free pick-up from morning classes at RICE, OWENS, and ALL SAINTS. Quality care, reasonable rates, limited enrollment and part time availab.e 561-4119 Home Day Care Mother 6 yrs ex-perience. hot breakfast, lunch, snacks. 3 full time openings.

Kindergarten aft school pick-up at OrrS Ramey. Havehelper. 593-3110 I would like to do babysitting in my home 5 days a week. Old Kil-gore Hwy. 595-4365 I would like to care for only 1 infant (o to 4 mo.) M-F In my Home, ret.

Highlands. $50 wk 581-8224. Pine Spring ft Shadegrove Conv munity on Hwy 14. I will do baby sitting in my home. Call 597-4796 SCHOOLS 41 TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING LOCAL a NATIONAL J0I PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE ELIGIBLE INSTITUTION DUAAANTEE0 STUDENT LOANS AND PELL BRANTS ACCREDITED MEMBEII N.H.S.C.

CORRESPONDENT-RESIDENT TRAININU CHI: 597-6367 N. Hwy 69 Tyler, Texas SUPERIOR TRAINING SttVICfS Headquarters: Phoenix, Az, rt TRAIN FOR I A GOOD PAYING in 51 A GREAT YARD SALE Coffee table from Prisma Davis Auction. Antiques, glassware, leweiry. dolls, linens, law books, clothes, claw foot tub, apt. stove, gasdrer, turn.



DOLLS 4 TOYS 9AM 1708 BARBARA BARGAINS SaVurdaVonly. 3 families Desert Rose pottery, baby children clothes, craft supplies, fabric, desks, chests, deer head, etc. 903 Sneed Big Garage Sale. Thurs-Fri-Sat, 6-6, clothes, glassware, books, turn, tools, baby items, lots of misc. Cheap 801 E.

Locust. 593-2806 BIG GAAGTSALE SfS Refng. $100. Lots of repairable furn appli. Beta clothes, baby children, S-M women's.


all day Sat. A little bit ot eveything. Church yard sale 708 Ross'Sat-urday Sept. 12 Ross Avenue Baptist Discount Sale -2nd-weekend up to 50 off many added items, 4 families, toys, rifles, shot guns, boys clothes 3-5, lots of misc. housewares, clothes.

110 Leisure Lane. Whitehouse, Friday 8-5 30 Sat. 9-4. DISCOUNT SATkTupIo 50 off74 families, toys, rifles, shotgun, boys clothes 3-5, lots of misc. 110 Leisure Lane.

Whitehouse, Fri. Sat. 9-4 DIVORCE ALE. EverVthTng goes. Dining Set.

Sleeper sofa, Boat motor, Maytag Washer Dryer. Canon Video Camera, Canon VCR, stereo, dresser, vacuum cleaner, lamps, many Ex- iras. soi-uHA an. ouring weeK. Dr ive waysaTe7Fri "SaT only74 Families, Clothing, knick-knacks, various Items.

41 5 Hudson eightaTviTly" Parage salei THUR. FRI. SAT. 9-5. tools, antiques, cut glass chandelier, glassware, toys, clothes.

more. Circle Dr, Lindale. Follow signs on Hwy. 69. ESTATE GARAGE SALE: BerUnd Post Office in Arp, Friday Saturday, oak furniture, tools, stain glass, bed spreads and lots of other goodies.

"ESTATE SALE Collectables. Antiques, some clothing and miscellaneous. Sat. 7-7. Sun.

1-6. 1002 S. College. ESTATE SALEFriday 00. Household goods, gas and electric heaters.

Lady's golf clubs, tools. 1502 Summit corner Hillsboro and Summit off Hwy 271 Extra large 6 family sell. 1521 Don. behind TJC We've had sales before but all that stuff is gone. All new stuff for this sale.

SAT ONLY, 7-7, Rain or Shine, come get it we don't need it. Infants, kids adult items. lots more ot house, attic garage goodies. Freezer, housewares nice clothes, baby items, wicker chairs. Wedding rings, $100.

Town Counti try Park. Van Hwy. 2nd st, 5th MH on right, Fri. Sat. 12th 13th, V2 mi.

off NE Loop 323 on American Legion Rd. Ties, tractor disk, plow 600 gal. water lank, bricks, washer, push plows, chains, many small items. 593-3369. Furniture-antiques, tools, baby things, much more Sep 12-1 2V mi.

N. Loop 323 off Hwy 69. GARAGE SALE-Chiidrens Clothes 0 to 6, Ktrby Vacuum, speakers, worm drive saw, king mattress set. Honda 50, set ol Desert Rose China, many extras! No sells before 8 a.m. 414 Princeton.

GARAGE SALE-Fri. Sat. 8-5, clothing, plants, misc. 1718 ChipcoTJrive. Garage SateTTurnlture, linens 8i misc items.

Sat Sep 13th Only, 7am-5pm. 5904 Sheffield Dr (Sto-neleigh Addition) ARAtjiE SA LE- wy 31 "WesT turn right on Greenbriar Go to Greenland Blvd. right, follow signs. Fri. Sat.

GaragTeSaie Kid'sTciot he s7 Gym Pac. Typewriter, wood crafts, af-gans. much, much more. Cumberland Estates, 9141 Elm Tree Circle. Sat.

Sun only, GarageSale Large clothing; exercise L. Handed golf clubs; Thurs thru Sat, 133 Tinstey off Hwy 31 West GARAGE SALE MISC. DISHES! 1 1602 HOUSTON. FRIDAY SATURDAY GARAGE SALE-SAT. ONLY 8-8, antique dishes, (22 rifle).

mattresses. decorator Hems. 1004 W. Tenth. GARAGE SALE-Tat.

7-'til dark. 3304 Moss Glen (The Woods). Everything from trash to treasure. garageTsaTe SATURDAY on Hwy 31W. 51 miles from loop 323.

Garage Sale Sat Sep 13th. 2V? ml on Old Kilgore Hwy, clothes, furniture misc some baby items 5006 CHAD GARAGE SALE SATURDAY ONLY 8-? GARAGE SALE sleeper sofa, couch, recliner, 3-speed Chev. manu. trans, GM radiator, rifle, clothes, and misc. Hyw 64W 2 miles past loop, left on Green-briar, right on Morningside, next to last house on right.

GaragfTSale Sat. -On Winona Sand Flat Rd. Misc. many children clothes. GARAGE SALE 11 20 Carol Lane Sat Sun 8 00 a.m.


7-1 Carpet, sewing machine, clocks, books, baby items, portable travel bed, curtains, toys, many misc. Garage Sale, 238 "sT BaxTerVba by clothes, mens womens clothing, chair, car seat, table lamp, other misc. items Garage Sale, 3 Families Goodies for all ages, FRI SAT ONLY -6700 Foxcrott Garage Sale 915 Joel, all day Fri, Sept. 12, Sat. until noon.

3-wheeler. good clothes, toys, camping gear, guns, 2-wheel utility trailer, No checks please. Giant Garage Sale-Too much to Mentionl 1018 Dawson, corner of Dawson Saunders. SAT. ONLY! GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE-Frl Sat 8 to 6, 8223 Purdue.

Toys, clothes, furn, lots of misc! Glassware, furniture, etc. 206 Flefshel. Fri. Sal. 8-5.

House full of furnishings? appliances, bicycle, baby items, computer, tools, piano, lots of misc. Everything priced cheap. Fri. Sat. Sun on Hwy.

110-3 miles of Whitehouse, Huge Gara ge Sale. Assembly of God Parsonage, Whitehouse, Hwy 110 South. Firday only MISCELLANEOUS FORSALE 60 GARAGE SALE ucrttHAL OFFICE NM pteaMnt. mature indivKiual tofMpt.1 IUmg aooa phone skills, MOR-Fn. Vs.

quallticalions to RANDY'S Now Accepting Applications Part-time day night cooks counter posttona available. Musi ..5. weekends a have reliable transportation. Apply in Bffl Hair stylist Beautiful shop in na private facilities avail lor top professional x'gooddienlel. For Silo 593-4886 HAIRSTYLIST WANTED CALL 566-2 182 Help wanted tor alt shifts.

NO ex-pertence necessary. NO PHONE between 3-8, 1224 E. 5th rieip wanted Fry cook. Apply tween 2 ft 4pm Monday thru Friday. Grandma', 2410 E.

Gentry Pkwy, 592-152? HOUSEKEEPCHILO CARE Live in plus salary 581-2061. you need to LOOSE WEIGHT whv not make MONEY, too. 566-1448 Fri. ft Sat. 10-8, Sun 12-5.

Independent Tyler Optical Firm is looking for energetic pleasant Optician or frame stylist, must work well with the public good benefits, alt Inquiries st richly confidential. Write: Optical Box 7316 Tyler Texas 7571 1 Insurance Career Sates opening, Tyler area. 96 yr. old company, excellent benefits, management opportunity, No over night travel. Increasing base commission ft bonuses.

Marl training at 1250 up per week, no experience necessary Call 597-6071 for appt. KIDS IN SCHOOL? Pan-time. Short-time. Sell toys and gifts. No investment.

No collecting No delivering. 592-5806, 649-6707. Of 593-1376. LEGAL SECRETARY Law Firm seeking Exp. Legal Secretary to work for Lawyer with High Volume Bankruptcy Practice Qualifications: Type 1 00 WPM, computer prior work In Bankruptcy.

Salary open. Contact Mrs. Hampton. 597-6311. LVN Patient Care Technician needed for Day shift.

HemoOyal-Isya Unit. Excellent benefits. Experience desired but will train. EOE. Apply In person.

8-4 815 E. First St. MANAGEMENT Exp. In Managing People In Production ft be able to organize loflow through. Sales exp.

will be helpful. Must be a dependable, responsible, self starter, mature thinking individual. Opportunity for advancement in a well established 32 yr. old Tyler Co. with continuing growth.

Salary Commensurate with exp. Send resume to: Classified Box 3290, P.O. Box 2030, Tyler, Texas 75710. MATURE COUPLE to work with small groups of bird hunters on weekends at South Texas Ranch in nice home. Cooking and house cleaning by woman.

Helping with hunters and various outdoor duties by man. Must be dependable, sober, and available for 1st weekend September 21. $100 per day meals and bed. Call 592-6574. MEDICAL SECRETARY Top salary for well qualified individual.

Receptionist bookkeeper duties. Dictatyping skills preferred. Send resume to Classified Box 3296, Box 2030, Tyler, TX 75710 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST needed for group medical practice. Heavy typing, 2-3 yrs. exp.

required. Send resume with salary requirements to: Classified Box 3045, P.O. Box 2030, Tyler, TX 75710. Needed handyman full or part time, must be able to paint, wallpaper and do carpenter work. Ap- 8ly af Rodeway Inn, Corner Hwy.

9 North and Loop 323 Needed 10 life health, individu-al group benefits salesperson with group one licenses. 592-5111 Need good bookkeeper, ex perl" enced In accounts payable and computer input (perler MCAU-TO. Call 566-8666 tor interview. Need Immediate Services of Highly Exp. Self motivated Sales Person to sell remaining Tracts Repos First Class Year old MH Subdivision in Northern Smith County, All good restrictions.

Tracts 1 acre up, with com- fietitlve pricing complete owner Inancing. 10 commission! Alt Replies confidential. Send Resume to: Eastwood Estates, P.O. Box 1140, Tyler, Texas 75710. Need Sales Trainees to sell Major Medical Insurance for established agency In East Texas Area.

Call Mr. Franklin 214-597-1340. NICOLOSI'S PIZZA Is accepting applications for part time cook and kitchen help. Flexible hours available. Apply after 4:00 at 5501 S.

Broadway. No phone calls please. PART TIME FLOWER shop sales Exp only-Supply ref. Flowerama Broadway Square Mall. Part time security guard.

Apply at Rodeway Inn, Hwy. 69 North NW Loop 323 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 TRAFFIC CUSTOIR SERVICE A well established consumer products I company seeks an Administrative Ser vices Representative reporting directly to I the Vice President Operations. Excellent oral and written communica tion skills, previous experience in transportation, product sales and customer service. Light typing and CRT skills neces sary. Two to five years experience re quired; Business Marketing degree desired.

Salary commensurate with experience, generous benefit package. Please send resume and salary history to: Ctusffied Box 309SM P.O. Box 2030 Tyler, Tx. 75710 NICOLOSIS PIZZA ts accepting implications tor Delivery people Must have good car with insurance. Wa have day and evening positions open.

Excellent opportunity to earn good money. Apply after 4 00 at 5501 S. Broadway. No phone calls please. NOTICE TO J5B APPLICANTS-The Tyler Courter-Times-Tete- Sraph does not knowingly accept elp Wanted Ads from employers covered by the Federal Wage and Hour Law they pay less than the $3 35 hourly minimum Wage tor non-farm employment OR if they do not pay time and halt tor work in excess ot 40 hours In a workweek required by law nor wilt thta newspaper know Ingly accept ads from covered employers who discriminate In pay because ot sex or accept an ad which discriminates against fiersons 40-65 years in violation of he Act.

Contact the Wage and Hour Division Office ot the S. Department of Labor at 214-767-6294, Dallas. Texas. Now interviewing hiring quality personnel for waiting tables co*cktail waitressing. Must apply in person only, from 11-1.

Pelicans Restuarant. OPENING FOR EXPERIENCED AC REPAIR. Must be qualified to repair and maintain residential AC units. Other skills required: Plumbing electrical repairs. Apply O.

Box 5478. Tyler Tx 75712 or Call Tom 503-4904 OPHTHALMIC ASSISTANT Certification preferred. Front office experience required. Send resume to: HEATON EYE ASSOCIATES. 021 Shlloh Rd.

Suite C-100. Tyler. Tx 75703. NO PHONE CALLS PT-rONti Need solicitor to set appointments with businesses tor ins. agency.

Call Mr. Daniels 597-1340 PROFESSION ALLYRRWvTgTd- RESUMES $20.00 Includes: 5 Original on Stationary Envelopes DOTSON SERVICES 597-2653 RADIOLOGIST TECHNOGOLIST Dynamic corporation offers challenging and rewarding opportunity in Mobile MR! field, in the East isxas and n. La area. No previous MRi necessary. Corporation will train.

Excellent salary and benefits. Must be ARRT. Call Monday-Friday 9-5. Scientific Imaging Inc Csthy 203677-800. RECEPTIONIST Some bookkeeping, type 60.

Low Fee Dotson Service 597-2653 Recept. Busy otc, mature. 42 firs wk, 50 WPM. Exp req. Minimum wage.

Apply In person Mon ONLY 0-15-86 9am-5pm, 327 Houston REGIONAL SALES REP. PrestT-glous statewide assoc. High commission liberal auto allowance. Call 1(600)252-9360 For Mr. Gibbs or Natalie.

RETAIL SALES Clothing exp. helpful, $4 50 nr. Low Fee Dotson Services 597-2653 RN OR LVN needed for' private doctor's offtce. For more information Call 581-1772 ROUTE SALES PERSON Immediate opening for experienced industrial uniform rental sales person to operate from Henderson plant. Will consider other persons with heavy route sales experience.

Guranfeed commlssison. Full company benefits. Apply in person only. See Mr. Dennis Luptak.

Dickeys Industrial Services, 405 Van Side, Henderson, Texas. EOE SALESPERSON Due to excellent business we need another Salesperson at the Furniture World Gallery in Tyler, Experience in retail furniture sales helpful but will consider right person with other sales background. Strong commission with weekly draw and good company benefits. If you are interested in a permanent position with a fast growing local firm drop by for a visit with Bill Bush at 414 S. Palace.

Sales Position Holiday Marketing Inc. an E. Texas Co. is now hiring in Tyler area. We are looking tor an aggressive productive Individual to fill our Marketing Source.

Qualifications are: 1 Neat in appearance, 2. Self motivated. 3 Willingness to learn ft. work. 4.

Like to meet People. Benefits, 1 Nice office to work in, 2. No Travel, 3. No soliciting, 4. Customers turn, by 5.

$20,000 to $40,000 possible annual earnings, 6, Managers hired from within the 7. Exc. training Sirogram. You owe it to yourself Inquire about this position. It is not a )ob but a career opportunity.

Personal interview, please call 561-7238 9111 5. Sales position available in new exciting communications field. Sales exp. preferred, Self motivated, Own vehicle. Call 592-2844 for appt.

SECRETARY Non-smoker, pleasant, for doctors office. Experience preferred. Send resume to 1519 E. Front, Tyler. TX 75702 SEnRpTARY Type 80, word processing, Low Fee Dotson Services 597-2653 SMALL TRANSPORTATION CO.

Requires dispatcher tor Tyler. Texas. Exp. with warehousing and inventory helpful. Send resume and salary requirements to: DISPATCH P.O.

BOX 9409 SHEVEPORT, LA 71139-9409. SUPERVISOR Exc. opp. for an Indiviual w1 to 3 years exp. in 1 or more of the following areas: Resistance Spot Welding, Brake Presses Punch Presses.

Send resume Including salary history to: PERSONNEL MANAGER ANDERSON HICKEYCO. P.O. BOX 80 HENDERSON, TEXAS 75652 EOE Telephone Sales Help needed Please call597-9923 leave message Telephone Sales, $4 apply 120 W. Fifth Suite 101 12 til 4. THE SAN FELIPE DEL RlOCTSD Is accepting applications for the following Teaching Positions: Elementary (Pre K-5) Secondary Reading, Computer Literacy, Migrant vocational Auto Machanic and Life Science.

Interested applicants may contact Mr. Jack Mota Director of Personnel P. O. BOX 420128, DEL RIO, TEXAS 78842 512774-3521 TrTjck DRI ER Local. Casual work.

Low Fee Dot-son Services 597-2653 UNIVERSITY PARK HOSPITAL RN lor night and weekend double Shifts, Call 566-6666 Waitresses Needed. The Pink Panthur Club Hwy. 31 East. Apply In person Thur. Frl.

from 4-7pm. Top pay plus tips. WANTED: Driver-delivery person for local medical rental company. Pickup application at 4129 So. Broadway between 6-5 We need individuals with personality plus to fill this new position In our Public Relations Dept.

This position is what most people do on their weekends. Have Fun with the outdoors-camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, skiing, etc. On the Job Training, no exp. necessary. Call for an interview, 4214) 625-2120 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE 32 Kenmore, Whirlpool.

E. All makes refrigerator, washer, dryer, stove repair, 595-2628 King size waterbed suite complete. Amana side-by-side retrig wlce water dispenser, 8x12 wood frame metal stding shed (flooring shelves). Speed Queen gas dryer. Queen size water bed complete more.

639-3578 ask for Myrna LAZY B6Yr6cker $507So(a bed $400. Couch, $150. Stratolounger recliner. $100. 894-6554.

LeasePurchase plan, TV. stereo, furniture, appliances, satellites. No credit needed, service delivery Included. Al's Television Center 1700 E. Front Tyler, or 210 Broad at.

Mineoia. MOVING MUST SELL IMMEDIAT-LY. All Items like NEW! 19B4 HHP Roper tractor $1200 Modular 5 pc luxury sola, icy blue veloure, beautiful cond $1450. Luxury designer black lacquered dining table w8 velvet high back chairs (3800. 595-1997 Moving Sale Dinette Set.

record player, typewriter, sewing chine, combination washer dryer (Uke new from Sears) 8 mos. old: 40 gallon gas water heater. Like new; 593-4299 581-0681 Multiple garage sale at ''Twigs" 506 S. Vine. Antiques, accessories, clothes, dishes, chopping block, toys, doll house Kits, bric-a-brac, odds-n-ends.

unk Fri. Sat 9-5. OFFICE TurnTture USEDS NEW we have one ol the largest selections ot used furniture in Texas. Desk, file cabinets, chairs, tables, bookcases, drafting tables, show cases, office supplies, steel shelving and much, much more SAMS OFFICE FURNITURE 2318 Spur 124, Open Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5.30 Closed on Sat. PEACEFUL VALLEY ENDLESS INC.

Trading Post 401N.Boisd'Arc 592-4118 BIG NEW SHIPMENTS ARRIVING DAILY Antiques New used Bdr. sets, appl. warranty, patio sets, new recllners, dinette whutch, new matt, (water bunk) start $100. Well Worth A Trip That is: PEACEFUL VALLEY Reconditioned colortvlT Guaranteed $100. Rent to own $10.

Free Estimate on repair Pick-up 4 delivery. 593-2116. We buy tv's working or not B.TV Sales Service. Reconditioned washers, dryers, refrigerators Guaranteed delivered Ponder Appliance Repair, 115 No. Beckham.

593-3312. REMODELING 2 complete canopy beds $325, good carpet $150. nrplace doors du. siereo aau, aouDie oeo ju, and more, 581-7051 Residential Attic Fans, Commer-cial Wall Cabinet Fans Portable Blowers. GULF STATE LUMBER CO.

302 E. Line. 593-9465. Riding mowers, push mowers, tillers, small engine repairs. 300 Bascom.

Whitehouse. "sculptured nails" $20 Thur. new customers 561 -5995. SILK FLOWERS Hundreds of Stems to choose from! Discount prices! 2019 Old Henderson Hwy. 593-3896.

SOUTHERN RENTALS RENT TO OWN TV'S STEREOS APPLIANCES FURNITURE 20W. LOCUST 592-3549 Tbl cha. US Maple tbl ens. $70. washer dryer, works good.

t16S lor both Couch. 593-OSift Tyler Flea Market open every weekend Sat. 9-6 Sun. 14. at East Texas Fair Grounds off West Front.

Household Items old and new from A-Z. WEDDING at $850 will sacrifice dress, vail. slip all ror $250. Very beautiful. Call after 6.

568-4579. Will buy working or non-working washers, dryers, refrigerators. Ponder Appliance Repair. 115 No. Beckham, 593-3312.

WOODWORKING EOLHP: for sale. 10' Powermatic table saw. 4' Rockwell Joiner. 569-5611 8-5. WORK CLOTHES FOR Shirts 12 00 up, Pants $2 50 up CRESCENT LDY 31 2 FERGUSON INSTANT For Mobile Home axles, tires We remove 825-221 3 aft.

5PM 12'x20' Portable" Storage Building tor sale, double doors $1299. Delivered, 894-7297 16HP Sears Riding Mower 48'deck, good parts, $60. Utility Trailer $50! 566-3976 2 Ice machines, 1 Taylor soft serve or shake machine. Sam's Office Furnitures 593-5373 21 in. Craftsman "SelTPToeiTed Lawn Mower, exc.

cond. $135. Call 561-3603. 250 SQ, YDof dark gray, InduTtrP al gray carpet. Approx 2 yr old.

At $2 50 sq yd for carpet, Ask for Bob 597-6633. (3) TAYLOR Frozen dTTnk ma-chtne model 340. like new, $1200 each. Call 592-6771 or 561-1798. 45" SQYDS of cafpeT Sood cond, $50.

597-0753 or 92-5297. 500USED CERAMIC MOLD (214)968-8168 55GAL BARRELS BUV-SELL Surplus Discount Center 593-5281 593-2101 V. Mi Past Loop On Gladewater Hwy. TX14' PORTABLE BUILDiNG" built-in shelves and cabinets, condition. $550.

Call 561-304 or 561 -9331. GARAGE SALE 51 A big garage sate. Toddler to adult clothes, playpen. Pinto transmission. Full sz brass headboardbed Irame.

Siesta telescopic camping trailer. Bicycle misc. 2V1i mi from loop on 64 E. 5th house past Anderson Carpet. MISCELLANEOUS FORSALE 50 FURNITURE 55 Antique Walnut Desk.

Wardrobe, large silver tea service, other pieces. Thurs. 8 1312 Old Omen Road. Beautiful, large, maple dining table. 2 leaves, six chairs, excellent shape.

Paid $1300 new $600 firm 894-6248 C7m temporary Walnut Dining Room Table. 6 upholstered chairs with cane backs. $395. 561 0014. Couch.

Loveseat $125 00 Coffee table A end table to match. $25.00 561-7501 or 592-2218 Decorative REDUCED! Special on Oak Tables Chairs, Pine Hutch. Church Pew, French Cherry Parlor Set, Queen Anne Table Chairs CLASSICS. 1519 Pine Tree Longview. 10 til 5, Sunday 1 1ll 5.

Dlnnette butcher block top. 4 green vinyl chairs chrome legs, $80 Tappan Microwave oven. $75; fiold cane accent chair, $10: other urn. 561-5535 or 595-3686 ask for Joe or Lee. Good Used antiques Etc.

Bought A Sold TWICE AS MUCH. 210 mile E. of KLTV on Erwin. (Old Kilgore Hwy 597-6449 Instant Cash: WantTo buyUsed 1 pc. or houseful.

Peaceful Valley Trading Post; 592-41 18 New Bedding Sets. P7ice Full sz. $100. Peaceful Valley Trading Post. 401 N.

Bois'd arc 561-4118 NEW Chest ol Drawer Sale 5 drawer chest. $65. 4-drawer chest, $50 401 N. Bois Arc 592-4118, Peaceful Valley Trading Post NewTaTg eChi na" CbinelT Dirv nette. $800.

595-0495. New Thera-pedic King "Bed set, firm, never uncartoned, retail $829-Sell $250 595-2324. Oueen size sleeper sofa DP weight bench 839-7487 after 5 Simmons queen sizesleeper matching love seat. Polished cotton print wbeige background deep corral trim on loose pillows. $600.

Call 561-6070 Sofa Ex cell ant condition, $95 Call 566-1063 Sofa Matching Thair biege tones, good $100 for both. Liv. Rm. set. Dinette.

597-2963. Sofa. ReclinerChair, Queen bed set. call 595-1941 ext. 297 or 561-8393 aft.

5 or weekends-Solid OaktueaTveBuTret dining table4 chairs, good condition. $400. 566-3976. Why Bother With Selling It When You Can Consign It) Soon to open consignment store is interested tn TOP QUALITY used furniture and home furnishings. We will be located in a major South Tyler retail center and can assist in pricing your items.

In addition, we will merchandise your furniture or furnishings attracting buyersl AFTER The sale, we charge a percentage of the selling price-Phone 581-5377 M-F. Wood Furniture ReTtol'eefi'rT-ished. Good Work, Reasonable Rates. Call 597-6449 1 queen size sofa makes bed.2 Barcaloungers. $150 cash for all.

No checks. Ex cond. 1805 Jarrel 2EA RLY AM FtTCAN style ThaTrT $50 ea. OBO. Winchester 12 gauge shotgun Modul 120 case.

581-0651. waIjtedI used furniture 66 Instant cash: Want to buy: Used 1 pc. or houseful. Peaceful Valley Trading Post; 592-41 1 8. Why When You Can Consign It! Soon to open consignment store is interested in TOP QUALITY used furniture and home furnishings.

We will be located in a major South Tyler retail center and can assist in pricing your Items In addition, we will merchandise your furniture or furnishings attracting buyersl AFTER the sale, we charge a percentage of the selling price. Phone 581-5377 M-F. 8 30-5pm WE PA YTop PR CES To PUs ed Furniture. BELL FURNITURE CO. 203 E.




CALL 849-3190 Bundy Flute In case. Ideal forStu-dent $1 1 5 21 4) 834-3045 aft 5. BUNOY II Tenor Sax. old, $475. or will trade.

962-4992 after 5. Conn Alto Sax wcase. good cond. lots of character. $175, Call 597-2963.

ELECTRONIC REPAIR (Musical Instruments) MUNDT MUSIC CO. services Peavey P. A. Mixers. Peavey Fender Guitar Amplifiers.

Hammond Kimball Home Church Organs. MUNDT MUSIC 515 E. Front. Tyler 597-6309. flmerson FluteTExc.

cond $150. Call 566-0591. EXCELLEN" tf'R TTl fTY 6 ft. Kawai Grand. 6 yrs.

old, like new. 593-5659. Fender Stratty white, like new 592-4271 Flute Gemeinhardt new padsT aood condition $100.00 call 11-9263 For Sate: a 1 yr. old Signet Ciarl-net $300. Call after 5PM 581-1580.

GUITAR STRINGS PRICE DRUM HEADS 20 to 50 OFF DRUM STICKS 20 OFF MUNDT MUSIC CO 515E. FRONT Tyler. 597-6309 Gulbrasen Piano used" $595 00 Mundt Music co. 515 E. Front 597-6309 KAWAI TWO MANUAL ORGAN model 0-600.

Only 6 yrs, old. $3200. St. Frances Episcopal Church. 593-8459 Pedal Steel Guitar-tDeckleyj', double neck, like new, $1,095.

Call 561-5928. VOCAL DEMOS-Recorded pro-tessionally wyour background tapes-Reasonable. 597-8456. MUSICAL GOODS WANTED 58 WANTED Artley Flule In good cond. Reasonable price.

Call 566-2897. SPORTING GOODS 60 BROWNING Cltorl over 4 under. 28' barrel modified and lull choke, exc. cond. 593-8043.

BUY-SELL-PAWN Guns, golf cluba, boats. Knives, fishing hunting equipment SID'S PAWN SHOP 3500 E. Gentry Gladewater Hwy. Cash Loans 593-7979 GAME FEEDEHSTSUPPLIES. re- 6 airs to feeders, Sporting oods.

2H-566-2391 HUNTING LEASE avail. In NE Smith County on Sabine River. Plenty of deer, squirrel, ducks, and fish. Approx 100 ac maximum 4 guns. $1000 for the season.

592-6574 for more details. LAST MINUTE DEER LEASES-1250 a Gun. (214) 548-2759. O'BRIEN Windsurfer. Sail In great ahapa.

Alao car rack. 597-5385 SAVE $400 ON HOL-LYTREE SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP. CALL 661 1030 Several Prime Leases-North, West. South, East) Reasonably priced-year round access. (214) voi-uv3 leave messagei TOWER DEER STANDS $99.00 up 849-6474 or 85i-2008 TO YOU AT OUR COST Name brand tennis shoes (K-Swiss, Nike, Kaepa, Asahl, Adidas) also have some Kaepa high lop basketball shoes, have a tew tennis rackets, and tennis attaire Including warm-ups, discount racket string also available.

Call 568-1408 and leave message. WANTED-Browntng 12GA. Auto. Full choke. 595-1243 anytime.

WANTED DEER LEASE: Calt col-lect. BUI Kee 839-4635. 1800 acres, prime Deer Turkey Hunting available at $8,000 per yr. for party of Six. Not leased last 10 yrs.

Located 37 Miles W. of Menard on Hwy to Eldorado. Call H.Napier at (214) 561-6777. Call 597-1121 to subscribe. BOATS MOTORS 61 AUTHORIZED STRVIC Factory cerlilied master mechanic on Johnson Evinrude outboard motors.

Large supply of parts in slock FLAT CREEK MARINA 849-6356 a miles So ol Chandler on FM 315 BOAT "BOAT TRAILER 185 566-3976 BOAT MOTOR REPAIR Evinrude. Johnson. Chrysler Suzuki. Dale's Marine. 592-6175 FOR SALE 9 5 EvTnrude ec cond.

$325 825-2195 Immaculate 16' Cane Cutter 1977 65 HP Evinrude wtnm tilt. Ex-traa incl Lowrance X15 A Graph Super 60 flasher, brute Hawp TM. custom cover. Duly Big Wheel Trailer S3400. Must see To appreciate 597-0047 JOHNSON OUTBOARDS Now at Dale's Marine Hwy 271 N.

592-6175 Must "Sell 20 ft'Oiastron" 21 8 Sea Fury with trailer, 150 Merc, with trim tilt. Graph locator. Sonar Depth finder, under bow berth. $5900. After 5 30 581-7169 FtANGER'375B 84 modef.lmma-Cualte.

bass and ski470 Mercury inboard out drive, gold and brown metal flake. 3 depth ftnders. 2 live wells, motor guide and trolling motor. Tournament hull Ranger Trail Trailer. Call 581-2234 or 534-0671 SKI BOATS SAIL BOATS 1980 Ski Nattque.

1978 Ski Na-tique. 1980 Hydro Stream 200hp Johnson. 13' Cyclone Sail Boat, Windsurfer Sail Boat. 839-2212. SPECIAL New 1986 16' Skeeter Champ, 40hp Yamaha, custom trailer.

TM, and batteries Only $4995 plus tax Davis Boat Sale 581 -0681 SUMMER CLEARANCE Ail 1986 ngs on sale at lowest prices of the year. 11 financing available DALE'S MARINE 592-6175 1974 15 FT. Monarch Bass Boat 40 horse Evinrude motor, trolling muiui, swivei seats, live wen. Dai-tery, anchor, Z6000 Lorance Graph, Dilly trailer, $1500. 592-4851.

19llastrbn 17 Walk-th7uTl35hp Evinrude, all skiing equipment. $4000. 581-4859 aft. 5. 1977T6 ft.

Glasstron BassBoaT60 HP Johnson motor, trolling motor, depth finder, drive on trailer tarp. $1 .995. Call 882-4772. kT 140hp Johnson, custom trailer, TM OF, $2950. 581-8070 1982Arrow Glass Ski boat.

115 motor. Excellent condition. 566-8860 $5500.00 1984 "Lowe" aluminum" fishing boat, with 15-horse Johnson motor, trailer. Anchor and rope. Being sold to settle an estate.

Both may be seen by contacting David Bothwell, 3618 Copeiand Road. Telephone AFTER 5:00 daily. 1984 17' Cheetah ski boTtT40hp OMC, AM FM cass. lots of teak-wood, drive on trailer. Low hours.

TrEERFTr75r3e7cu'-ry. loaded, clean, 593-1741 Mon-day-Frtday. 8am-Spm 2 man Bass Boat. with Little Dude trailer, new $995, 581-8644. 7Vi HP-SEA KtruTbaTcCaTr cooled, remote tank, 561-4509.

'72 Ebtide 15 ft FioerglasboaT with 70 HP Evinrude motor Trailer. $1,375. Call 581-5411. '76 16 ft. Glastron boat trailer.

'74 1 50 hp Mercury motor, ready to to to lake. $2,500. 214-592-6404 82' 17 ft Riviera Ski Boat trailer. 140 HP oil injected Suzuki. 592-0585 keep trying BUSINESS EQUIPMENT 62 Hobart 60 qt mixer, like new.

Ever Rite dough roller, 566-4254 or 581.9855 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Three door commercial refrigerator. 80 qt Blakslee Mixer. Double-stack Blodgett 1000 Pizza oven. All Excellent condition. 561-7815.

OFFICE EQUIPMENT 63 IBM PC JR. 128K. Color monitor, some software Included. S495. 581-2065 or 581-5441 SAT.

ONLY! Office Warehosue Sale Desks. Displays, etc. At t125Wilma. MACHINERY A TOOLS 64 Bulldozer Undercarriage Repair. Track Press Service Tracks.

Sprockets. Bushings. New Used Parts. Crawler Service Supply inc. Longview 214-758-0567, nights Bill Rainey 214-856-2727.

DEMO CLOSE-OtTfrMTfomatsu 5.000 lb. Forklift. 2 gas. PS. 110.450.

Ask lor Rodney. 597-9363. Hough Loader needs minoTworiT 1 yd cap J800.00 Alter 5 Call 592-1978 John Deere- New or used InduX trial Construction equip. Day 214-758-3326. night 2140839-6456 25 3'W x7'H 1M5StecTions: Modular, heavy metal, commercial, adjustable shelving bins.

Like new. Call lor pricing. 561-0570 or 561-2980. FRUITS VEGETABLES 69 WEAVERS Now Has Only ONE Location Highway 64 west. 597-2506 NURSERY 70 TEATER'S CRAPE MYRTLE FARM Cnpe Myrtles 1.75 gal buckets.

Live Oaks $2.00 gal buckets. Balded and Burlap Crape Myrtlea in all sizes $15 00 to S75.00. Fm 1799 West of Lake Holbrook, Golden Ten. 768-2744. WANTED MERCHANDISE 71 WANTED TO BUY A motor tor 74 Ford Courier.

Motor for 77 Volkswagen Rabbit, fuel injection, front boot assembly for 83 Olds Toronado, Call 597-9131 or 561-6040. viiLiynTOCK PETS STOCK SUPPLIES A good looking male Doberman, 1 yr. old. Ears Tall trim ed. Great disposition 4 good guard.

$50. 566-2257 AKC Blk. Lab Female Puppy Pick of the Litter. Dog is 3 mo. old very smart.

CALL 839-4123. AKC Chihuahua Puppies 597-8713 AKCCHOWPUPS REDS BLACKS $125.00 566-9417 AKC CHOW PUPS X-TRA FINE, cream, red. black. $150 up. Shots, wormed.

882-4549 aft. 6. AKC co*ckER SPANIELS 593-8029 592-5708 BLK 6 WKS MALES AKC Dachshund spade, gentle outside dog must have fence. $50 OBO. 2 Tabbies FREE 894-6948.

AKC, puppies. Maltese, Pekingese, Lhasa apso. Shin tzu, Westies. 593-8994 AKC Reg. Beagle Pups 8 weeks old.

Small size, make good pet or hunter. Had shots wormed. Call 858-2207 AKC Reg Chow Puppies, for sale Black Cinnamon all shots wormed. $125. 595-5785 AKC Reg.

Pomeranian puppies 9 weeks old, shots, wormed, papers, $350. 592-81 38 AKC Reg. Show quality toy Black Poodle Puppies, both parents champions, whelped 8788, wormed, 3 femalea 3 males, $300. 534-0882 after 8PM, all day weekends, have both parents, not kennel raised puppies. AKC Rottweiler pups.

Large and good disposition. World's best Juard dogs. Whelped 7-4-88. 14-56 14330 AKC Standard Poodles! Miniature Dachshunds, also Peek-a-Poo Puppies. 882-9797 BOSTON TERRIER AKC Puppies, Shots 593-8994 CHOW PUPS, excellent quality, red and cinnamon.

$100 each. 849-2327 HUGE GARAGE SALE Matching couch chair. other turn Lots of baby items; clothes; toys. A misc. 2 2 mi.

So. ot loopon Palux-yto 2023 North Dr. -follow signs. Frl, A Sat. 8-5.

Large GarageSaie7 Clothing Furniture. Friday Saturday, 6am-5pm. 1603 Northridge "Lots 61 clothes, twin beds. Kawasaki motorcycle. Friday after 4 pm.

Satur- day 7-6. 221 Parkdale Large Garage Sa.eT.Frr Sat Sun. Hwy 64 East in Chapel Hill 6-5. Follow signs. LG GARAEaleTfTirnTandsome antiques.

1106 Hagan Road -Whitehouse. LG GARAGE SALE urnit some antiques. 1106 Hagan Road Whitehouse. MANY GOOD buys-all varieties. Books, antiques, clothes.

1919 EASY St. east oft Puluxy Bam Sat. Moving sale King size waterbed, mirrored headboard, storage under. Large dresser, 7 piece living room suite. shaped sofa (queen size sleeper), glass tables brass lamps Please ph 839-61 78 Moving sale Sat.

Clothing, odds ends. Also Maytag gas clothes dryer. Ex cond. 4624 Edinburgh Dr. MOVING SAL Elfhlots of hbuse-hoid items, bedroom suit, dining table, living rm Honda motorcycle.

74 Buick. lots of odds ends. Starts Sat. 2 mi. W.

of Loop on 31 on right, Multi- Family Garage Sale Sept. 12 13th12l7 Wiima Good quality baby, children's women's clths, shoes, householld items furn. Multi-family yard sale on Dixie -Lane mi. oft 64. 3 mi of Loop 323 Clothing, doll house, etc, Sat.

Old FashTrmniaQeSaTe. Baby Items, linens, much misc. Priced Cheap 818 909 Meadow Ln. 8-5 Fri. Sat.

'Rescheduled-dueto death in family." Sat. Sun. Guns, knives, fishing equip. Insul. camper for long bed PU, 1982 Jay-co folding camper.

Oueen sz. bed, chest, household Items, much more. FM 315SO. of Chandler 9 ml. Twin Oaks Estates.

849-6949. sTfONLX i816Overbrook, household items, furniture, children adult clothes, lots more SATU DAY ON 8-5 er2 years accumulation, matching sofa chair swing set. bicycles, lots of toys cloThes and much more, follow signs to 1202 Hillcrest. Country Gardens Subdivision Whitehouse. sjpILOTyard SALE.

Sept 11-1T 13. Tools-f urn-clothing-wood crafts misc items. 1516 Powers Yard Sale-Combined 7a m7fysale Clothes, Jewelry, shoes misc. Sept. 11-13.

1016 W. 33rd Yard Sale Don't miss the bargains. 2215 W. Rosemont. off N.

Parkdale. Sat only Yard sale Lots of baby cloThes and more. 124 S. Saunders Sat. Sun.

Yard Sale Vi miles oui FT ol Edom on FM 314. Primitives, collectables, antiques. Iron beds, furniture, glass. Iron Stoneware and more. bat.

Sun Yard sale. 503 STenton. Thur, Fri. Sat. Bam-3pm.

Lots of children adult clothes. YARD SALE 8 30 AM, September 12 and 13. 2913 Roilingwood. 2 family garage sale Sat. Only.

Adult children clothing Household items. 1605 Summit! 2-Family yard sale power saw. chain saw, tools, like new vice, toys, like new Christmas gifts, household items, maternity baby clothes, hundreds of items. Thurs. -Sun.

1136 E. Lake St. 2812 DINAH LANE ESTATE SALE SATURDAY 10-5 SUNDAY 1-5 3 Families-Old Jewelry, glassware, collectibles, household items, clothing, Large Silver Tea Service. Thurs. 8 til dark.

1312 Old Omen Road. 3 family garage sale, Monday -Wed from 8 am to 4 pm across from Whitehouse Cemetary, lots of furniture, clothes lots of nick nacks. 503 E. Kelly Whitehouse. Texas 839-3436.

Turn off of Memory. 4 Families, Baby items. furrTT hshld goods, clothes, many more Items. Fri, Sat. Sun.

1307 Lamar. 5 family garage sale, clothes (baby -adult A maternity) books, curtains, pots pans lots more. Go 1 mi past loop on Hwy 271., turn left on Pine Springs Rd. Go 2 ml, house on right. Fri Sat.

501 S. BAXTER-TYLER LOTS OF EVERYTHING 9-4 8 Families. 2106 Jacksonville Rd. Brass Bed. Sewing machine.

Admiral runs like new. 1175; French coffee table, king size headboard, highchair, play pen, car seat, A clothes for men A women. A doo-dads. 6 Family garage sale, Sat. Sep 13, 8am-4pm, 206 Samuel off of Amherst.

6 Family Yard Sale-No Junk, lota of assorted items, Tandem Acres Mobile Home Park.t mi, East of Morningside Drive off E. Loop 323, Fri. A 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ANTIQUES 52 ESTATE SALES We will buy or sell your estate.

Ret. Avail. 593-5645 10-4. LArafPALESTINE ANTIQUE MALL Offering the finest In American. English A French Antiques OPEN DAILY Tues -Sat.

10 a.m. til 5 p.m. Sun. 1 to 5 p.m. Closed Monday 15 min.

from Tyler's Loop 323 On Hwy. 155 S. A Lake Palestine. FLEA MARKET 8 a m. to dark-thirty.

Saturday A Sunday the Third Weekend of Each Month For More Info. Call 825-7285 WANT TO BUY ANTIQUES 1 PIECE OR HOUSEFUL. PEACEFUL VALLEY TRADING POST, 592-4118 Want To Buy" Estate Sale's, Peaceful Valley Trading Post 592-4118or561-2131 1 Antique Chop Block, Antique Gas Pump in very good condition, Call 561-7821 or 58f-1007. 1925 MODEL PICK UP, original equipment, $4,000, 214753-1050 (Longview). 4 Poster bed mattress set, chest-of -drawers, Vanity large round mirror, CA 1920 (650.

Very good condition 894-7959 JEWELRY AND DIAMONDS 53 CASH For old coins gold silver diamonds, claaa rings, leweiry etc. 501-6616 "INSTANT CASH" Want To Buy Diamonds 592-4116 MEN'S STAINLESS 4 OOLD FtOLEX 1950 561-5103 ROLEX We buy Rolex watches. 561-9655. We buy aell gold, allver coins, old ringa, class rings dla-monda. HILLSIDE BARGAIN BARN 1037 E.

Erwln. 595-0665, alter 5pm 561-8191. CASH WE BUY PAWN GOLD-SILVER-DIAMONDS SID'S PAWN SHOP 3500 E. GLADEWATER HWY 593-7979 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES 54 Pc-ft SAL, GaS Oven, gaS DRYER, FREEZER COUCH. 593-7925 FOR SALE: Washer, refrigerator, 175 ea.

Gas dryer, $150. Call Darla 839-6759. GE Refrigerator, 14 cu. a good one, lor $100. 593-0006.

I buy refrigerators running or not. Call anytime 882-565 INSTANT CASH: WANT TO BUY: Refrlg. WashersDryers Healers. PH 592-41 1 8 or 561 -21 31 KENMORE ELECTRIC DRYER, $40. 534-1300.

Montgomery Ward Refrlg. "1985 used 3 mo $400 581-8844. REBUILT KENMORE WASHERS $75. KIRBY VACUUMS $75 UP 882-4073 Used refrigerator In good condl-llon Brown, $75. Stainless Steel 3 Compartment Sink new $05.

Call 5817687 after 5pm. WASHER DRYER FOR SALE 839-7624 WASHER DRYER FOR SALE 1200 839-7824 Wholesale to dealers. Washers dryers. Take 10 or more, 140 In stock today. Hwy 31 West 1 mile -Athens.

Dealers Choice 877-1 794 NEED A JOB? GET INTO THE BUSINESS WORLD IN AS LITTLE As 7 Months, You can train to be In the business world. 'Executive Secretary 'Private Secretary Data Processing Secretary 'Junior Accountant CLASSES START DAYS SEPT. 16 NIQHTS SEPT. 22 SPACE IS LIMITED CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION TYLER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS 561-4384 WOODGATE IV SUITE 660 Financial Aid to those who qualify, end job Placement Assistance WE TRAIN IN MONTHS. NOT YEARS COMMERCIAL GARAGE SALE PREVIOUSLY USED CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL Door units, light fixtures, bath lavatories, bowls, tanks, electrical motors, air cond.


An accredited Records Technician is needed immediately in our Medical Records Dept. Must be able to handle heavy typing coding, Apply at: DOCTORS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 1 400 W.S.W. LOOP 323 TYLER, TEXAS jf LOOP FLEA ffl MARKET Mm (Corner of Loop VfijSvi Old Kilgore Hwy) 1 1 Naw A Used Merchandise ff FAST SECRETARIAL TRAINING DAY EVENING CLASSES FULL PROGRAMS EXECUTIVE SECRETARY COMPREHENSIVE SECRETARY GENERAL SECRETARY also individual subjects available Financial Aid Available DON'T DELAY CALL TODAY TYLER co*kUERCIAL COLLEGE A Branoh of Blah Mathla Inatltuta 621 E. Parguaon 593-0166 CHALLENGING CAREER OPPORTUNITY If you like variety in your work day we are looking for you. Needed is an Optometrlc Assistant with working experience in the contact lense field.

You must be good with people. Call: Shannon at 581-1530 for appointment 1 1 Furniture Antiques yljt 1 1 Booths now available A Call Terry MM 531-9027 If COME JOIN THE jy.

The Tyler Courier-Times from Tyler, Texas (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.